
Latest News

March 6, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Bad News Democrats
  • Walgreens v San Francisco
  • 10 Signs
  • Canceled For Warning About Cancel Culture
  • More On March 4
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee



Bad News Democrats

By Mike Huckabee

Despite your best efforts to tar, silence, cancel and destroy him, former President Trump is simply NOT going away. His new Save America super PAC is up and running, and he’s been endorsing a number of Republicans through it. 

He also just issued a scathing statement blasting President Biden for causing a new wave of illegal immigration on our Southern border with his “disastrous” policies. He’s bringing criminals and COVID-positive migrants into the US while blocking federal authorities from deporting criminal aliens who were already arrested.

But before Democrats launch a counter-attack on Trump, they should know that he’s hardly alone in recognizing what an absolute disaster Biden’s reversal of all of Trump’s border security measures has been. Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar warned that we are weeks if not days away from a full-blown crisis on the Texas border.

An Arizona sheriff warns that Biden’s halt to finishing the remaining gaps in the border wall has created wide open spaces for drug cartels. He said five or six groups a day are now coming through and blames it on politics. He told Fox News, "This administration owns this decision. And what it’s doing is, is forcing us back to 2019, when we had the largest, what I call, crime scene in the country to include the largest humanitarian situation going on."

Even the Washington Post admits that the White House is rushing to accommodate a surge of migrants, “with few signs of plans to contain it.” Maybe that’s because causing a new surge of migrants who will be accommodated but not contained IS the Biden immigration plan.

The New York Post reminds us of precisely what those successful Trump border policies were and how Biden has created this mess by ripping them up.

There’s also an Associated Press story being widely reprinted, with the misleading headline, “In Biden’s Early Days, Signs of Trump-Era Problems at Border.”

No, those aren’t “Trump-era problems.” Those are Obama-era problems that Trump inherited and fixed (remember that Arizona sheriff who said it was like 2019.) It would be more accurate to say, “Signs of Obama-era Problems that Biden has Stupidly Brought Back.”

Walgreens v San Francisco

By Mike Huckabee

Walgreen’s is closing 10 stores in the San Francisco area because California’s politicians made it a misdemeanor to steal anything worth less than $950 and the city’s far-left D.A. is refusing to prosecute shoplifters. So stores like Walgreen’s are being ransacked by both professional thieves and homeless people.

On the plus side, you’ll still be able to buy plenty of drugs in the parks.

Meanwhile, it’s no wonder California District Attorneys go so easy on thieves...

10 Signs

By Mike Huckabee

Kyle Becker at Trending Politics lists 10 (only 10?) signs that Joe Biden is the “missing” President, a cardboard figurehead who seldom answers a question, visits a crisis spot or even pokes his head out of the White House. As Becker points out, many Americans are not only already missing President Trump, they’re missing the feeling of having a President at all.

The more of I see of Biden in (or is he even in?) office, the more I’m convinced that poet William Hughes Mearns was psychic and writing about Biden when he wrote this in 1899:

"Yesterday, upon the stair,

I met a man who wasn't there!

He wasn't there again today,

Oh how I wish he'd go away!"

Canceled For Warning About Cancel Culture

By Mike Huckabee

Our latest outrageous story of someone being canceled for warning about cancel culture canceling people comes from Shelby County, Tennessee, of all places. I’d have hoped school officials there had more sense than they do in places like San Francisco, but they disappointed me by suspending high school principal Barton Thorne for saying something “triggering” to students. Here are his shocking words:

"I want you to understand the problem that's going to face you and your generation if there is no longer a marketplace, a free exchange of ideas." He went on to give them a completely accurate and unbiased history of attempts to suppress free thought, such as McCarthyism, and warned them that while nothing he was saying was controversial now, if someone came into power who didn’t like it, they could use today’s same “cancel culture” rationale to silence him for voicing these inoffensive truths.

He didn’t realize that there already was a group of people in power who would punish him for telling students inoffensive truths. He’s now suing the school district. At the link, Glenn Beck has more of what he said (everyone in America should hear his words, by the way) and an interview with his attorney.

More on March 4

By Mike Huckabee

March 4th passed with no hordes of wild-eyed, armed Trump supporters attempting to take over Washington. But instead of letting the National Guard troops go home and swallow some Pepto-Bismol, Democrats want the Pentagon to extend their stay until May, inciting further Internet-gathered “intelligence” (there’s got to be a better term for that) that an assault may be coming on some other future date, like April 1st. Yes, I’d say that April Fools' Day is the most likely date.

Liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald has been one of the few honest enough to see this manipulative political theater for what it is.

At that link, he gives us a recap of all the hysterical claims they’ve made, how they’ve eventually been proven false and collapsed, and how every date that they predicted would bring an armed insurrectionist attack did not. He aptly compares them to cult leaders who, when their predicted apocalypse fails to materialize, just move the date a little further into the future.

He also nails the real point of all this baseless slander against 75 million Trump supporters, painting everyday working Americans who don’t support far-left policies as “domestic terrorists,” writing, “The more you can demonize your opponents as something monstrous, the more political power you can acquire.”

Or as I often like to quote H.L. Mencken, who noted the same trick around 100 years earlier, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the public alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety from an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

I feel, however, that as a conservative and a Trump supporter, I should come clean with Democrats. Yes, we are planning a mass takeover of the government, but not armed and not in March or April of 2021. In November of 2022, we plan to storm the polls in massive numbers and overthrow the current tyrannical government by voting every one of you out of office. You may consider that insurrection, but it's not. It's something you seem to despise even more. It's the Constitution.

"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

Join me tonight on TBN for a terrific new episode of “Huckabee!” My newsmaker guest will be South Dakota Governor, CPAC star and possible 2024 Presidential contender, Kristi Noem. You’ll meet a Huck’s Hero who’s bringing a sparkle to the lives of special needs kids. Comedian Thor Ramsey will give us a sneak peek at his debut movie, “Church People.” You’ll be amazed by magician Frederic Da Silva, acclaimed as the world’s best mentalist. I’ll have a special segment on the “canceling” of Dr. Seuss that you’ll want to share with everyone you know. And we’ll top it all off with music from country superstar Lee Brice.

It airs tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

A Reader Writes Back...

Governor Huckabee, I read your newsletter daily. I find it very informative and very helpful in my discussions with others to be able to defend Mr. Trump and his policies as opposed to this present government.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-33 of 33

  • Jason Jackson

    03/06/2021 09:38 PM

    Breaking News: Pelosi orders more national guard to the Capitol as former governor Mike Huckabee calls for armed insurrection. ;)

  • William Schlumpf

    03/06/2021 09:17 PM

    The videos floating around the internet about March 4 and the earlier insurrection act claims back in january, the q-anon stuff, whatever that is , and the like, remind me of the British counterintelligence operations conducted by MI6 to mislead the Germans. The question of who stands to gain would lead to a number of bad actors both here and abroad. May even extend to the claims about the dominion voting machines. I don't know but hard to believe anything anymore without hard facts and transparency. Hopefully the courts will cooperate in providing that transparency we so desperately need.

    As far as the article quoting David Shor, excellent insight into the mind of the left and the transformation taking place at the grass roots. Recent Hispanic immigrants are indeed gravitating to the Republicans in a big way and blacks are fed up with the mistreatment they have received in return for their loyalty to the democratic party. Both groups saw and remember the palpable improvements in prosperity across the board before the wuhan labvirus hit and the politicians used it as an excuse to wreck the economy and citizens' lives. As for old white liberals with their eyes glued to msnbc and CNN, their brains have already been liquefied. Its too late for them. But for the younger generation, a massive transformation of the electorate is taking place and that's why libs are apoplectic when they should be resting on their laurels.

  • JJ

    03/06/2021 09:16 PM

    When will Pelosi mandate Governor Cuomo's leadership skills training to the all the board rooms, school boards, military staffs and all the business centers in the country maybe Hollywood could make a documentary on how to conduct social and business affairs while in the office. Harvey can direct the documentary and they can use Bill Clinton and the deceased clips of Epstein and how he built his organized sex empire to help narrate even bring miss Ford and let us know how it is to be abused I am sure she can't remember however she can make something up please don't use the supreme court justice he already has dishonored himself by foregoing the Constitution.

  • JJ

    03/06/2021 08:36 PM

    Mike the country has to know Biden is using the same tactics the Mayor of Minneapolis and the Governor of Minnesota used to retreat the police from its headquarters and let rioter rob and burn the building down and put police cars on fire. Biden is pulling the Border Patrol away from the Border and letting the Mexican Cartels run its drugs, human trafficking, weapons, sex abuse, unabated into the country while biden sleeps while biden wonders where he is and what he is Dr. Jill better remind him he is the commander in Chief. Now native Americans you should cancel the chief part of what biden is he is disgracing the noun Chief the noun that honors the leader.

  • Jerry

    03/06/2021 08:17 PM

    Biden begging god to be willing to manage the southern border even thou he willingly murders babies with abortion. Satin is in control of Biden his handlers the pagans are using the office to destroy the country

  • Fred Martin

    03/06/2021 08:12 PM

    Always awesome!

    Thank you for providing real, accurate news.

    I always look forward to each of your morning and evening editions. Especially like the changes of having the Bible verse first and the great America The Beautiful!

    Thank you,


  • Jerry

    03/06/2021 08:09 PM

    Biden looked like a complete fool when he said to pelosi I will do whatever you want Nanc pelosi laughed in his face and the network pulled the plug he can’t find anyone dummer than him for his cabinet picks the Biden voters can really be proud of this weenie I hope they expand Florida and Texas borders so people can move to America

  • Debbie Mosley

    03/06/2021 08:07 PM

    Send liberals to deserted island. Play a survivor type game and the one who wins gets to be president of said island.