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July 19, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Galatians 6:9
  • “Fight The Power” Updates
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • President Trump Criticizes Biden Over Vaccines
  • Texas Dems Update
  • Pay Attention To South Africa
  • Help The Bilbreys


Mike Huckabee


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9

“Fight The Power” Updates

By Mike Huckabee

Angry parents are scoring some victories against the left using schools to indoctrinate children. In Fairfax, Virginia, the superintendent who gutted merit-based standards and did away with the entrance exam to get into the nation’s top high school (leading to a huge drop in acceptance of Asian-American students) has resigned after two groups of parents sued for anti-Asian discrimination.

After getting a tidal wave of negative feedback, the Biden Department of Education reeled back some of its plans to impose "America's racist" history lessons and reaffirmed parents’ right to have a say in local school curricula.

And in Russell County, Virginia, the school board voted unanimously to reject the state board of education’s transgender policies that would force schools to accept whatever a student claims his/her/xir gender to be, regardless of the student’s biology. State officials claim the local board is in violation of the law. But the Founding Freedoms Law Center, which is challenging them in court, says it’s the state policies that are legally problematic and that infringe on numerous fundamental rights of parents, teachers and students.

Bottom line: fighting back against the leftist takeover of schools is working, so keep it up. To quote the late Nancy Reagan, “Just say no!”

President Trump Criticizes Biden Over Vaccines

By Mike Huckabee

Former President Trump put out a statement criticizing the way President Biden is handling convincing Americans to get vaccinated against COVID. Because of the media’s prime directive that Trump is always wrong and to blame for all bad things, this is being spun as Trump promoting the anti-vaccination movement, which he wasn’t at all (you can read his statement here for yourself):

As noted, why would Trump, who got the vaccine himself, urged Americans to take it, and rightly takes credit for getting it developed so quickly, back the anti-vaccination movement?

The big story about the lagging vaccination numbers is just how much Democrats themselves have had to do with them. Most of their arguments are based on mockery and condescension rather than facts, and that works with some people, but it’s backfiring big time at convincing people to get vaccinated. To begin with, the idea that the “vaccine hesitant” are a bunch of dumb, anti-science Trump voters is not only insulting, it’s patently false.

A Kaiser poll in May found that only 20% of those hesitant to get vaccinated were Republicans, with 19% being Republican-leaning Independents. 41% were Democrats or Democrat-leaning Independents, and 20% pure Independents or undesignated. So reluctance to get vaccinated spans the political spectrum and might even lean slightly Democrat.

And who’s to blame for that? Biden and Kamala Harris might want to check out the nearest mirror. The press pretends to forget (and Biden probably has forgotten), but Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Cuomo and other top Democrats spent much of the 2020 election campaign casting suspicions on any vaccine developed under Trump (see the media’s prime directive, above.) Harris said flat-out that she would refuse to take it. Here are a couple of strolls down Memory Lane…

That first link up above to also includes a video montage of Biden and Harris throwing shade at vaccines. Of course, that was before they got elected. Then they got the vaccines even before taking office and immediately began taking credit for them. They also began sending other mixed messages, like continuing wearing masks and social distancing even after getting vaccinated, and flip-flopping on issues like the effectiveness of facemasks.

Other attempts to force/convince people to get the jab, from threatening them with loss of rights to sending government reps to our doors to offering $1 million lottery jackpots, have also predictably backfired. The first two simply reinforce the idea that this is more about increasing government power than public health, and the third…well, when you offer someone one miiiiiillion dollars to inject something into their body, you have to expect the reaction to be, “Keep that stuff away from me!”

Incidentally, if only rightwing Republicans are unvaccinated, why is there a surge in cases in Los Angeles? Is that a hotbed of Trump supporters?

Full disclosure: I got the vaccine because having previous lung issues and having lost friends to COVID, I thought it was the best choice for me. But I wouldn’t force it on anyone else. I try to present accurate information and let people make up their own minds. And despite the media narrative, it seems that’s exactly what people are doing.

A study by MIT found that many vaccine hesitant people made decisions that were highly informed, scientifically literate and sophisticated. They examined the date carefully and arrived at the conclusion that because of their age, health status or locations, the risk wasn’t sufficient. The government could try countering that respectfully with fact-based counter-arguments, but it’s easier to assume they’re just morons and treat them as such with orders, bribes and threats of punishment.

Unfortunately, the people in charge now have played politics with this disease so much, and they’ve declared their claims to be absolute truth that may not be questioned (only to see that get reversed over and over again…here’s the latest example)…

…that they’ve flushed their credibility down the porcelain convenience. Like anything else that goes down there, once it’s gone, it’s awfully hard to retrieve.

Texas Dems Update

By Mike Huckabee

Five of those Texas House Democrats who fled to DC to prevent a quorum for an election integrity bill have now tested positive for COVID-19, after tweeting photos of themselves on their plane with no facemasks, as is required for everyone else, and meeting with top Democrat officials, including the Vice President. But then, they obviously believe rules are for the little people.

Stephen L. Miller had some fun on Twitter with these fugitive super-spreaders by turning the Dems’ own hyperbolic rhetoric against them:

While we’re all enjoying their hypocrisy on everything from mask mandates to opposing the filibuster for the Senate but not for themselves to claiming they’re standing up for Texas citizens while shirking their jobs and costing Texas citizens over $40,000 a day, they might have actually done one real service to America. They’ve inspired Sen. Lindsay Graham to follow their example.

Graham says he’s been inspired by them to decide that if the Democrats try to force through a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure bill” on a reconciliation vote that does nothing to rebuild infrastructure but that fuels inflation, funds a leftist wish list and opens the floodgates of illegal immigration, Republicans will simply leave and deny the Senate a quorum.

Hey, Democrats are praising the Texans, so they must be fine with it, right? Besides, denying the Democrats a quorum might be the only way to stop it, since some Republican Senators are lining up to be rolled.

Pay Attention To South Africa

By Mike Huckabee

I know Americans usually don’t care much about the internal problems of other countries, but what’s happening in South Africa right now is both a tragedy and a cautionary tale we’d do well to heed.

Sunday would have been the late Nelson Mandela’s birthday, but his dream of a peaceful, multi-racial South Africa has crumbled, with the nation torn by riots, looting, rising radical political parties, racial demonization of whites, staggering unemployment and the jailing of the former President. One woman ruefully tweeted that an entire shopping mall had been looted with the only thing untouched being the bookstore.

And why should this spreading implosion of South Africa be of concern to Americans? Because, as this article from Revolver News explains in depth, it was the first nation built on the concepts of Critical Race Theory, and this is where it’s sadly led.

Help The Bilbreys

By Mike Huckabee

If you saw “Huckabee” on TBN over the weekend, or watched the live stream concert from our theater on, then you know the terrible difficulties that our good friend Keith Bilbrey and his wife Emy Jo have endured. They lost their beloved son Mark in a tragic car accident during a storm three years ago. Then recently, Emy Jo was still recuperating from debilitating surgery when their historic home caught on fire. They barely escaped, but their house burned to the ground, along with all their possessions and a lifetime of memories and memorabilia.

The many people who love Keith, Emy Jo and their family are rallying to help them get back on their feet. If you’ve been entertained over the years by Keith, on “Huckabee,” “Larry’s Country Diner,” the Grand Ole Opry or any of his many radio and TV appearances, I hope you can spare a few dollars to help. A GoFundMe page has been set up, and any amount is greatly appreciated.

For more political news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 28

  • Stephen Russell

    07/20/2021 10:55 AM

    TX Dems:
    Cut stipeds alone
    Cut staffing at home office

  • Stephen Russell

    07/20/2021 10:54 AM

    Fight the Power: Cuts X all lines: Federal, City, County, Business, alone nationwide

  • amos kalicharan

    07/20/2021 10:41 AM

    I am seeing that Jeannie C Riley has started to franchise her 'Harper Valley PTA' throughout the country by starting in NY

  • Beth Mitchell

    07/20/2021 01:03 AM

    Kudos to Senator L. Graham! I liked his statement!! Thank you for the Bible Verse and all the work you do to keep us informed of what is actually happening! News I can trust.

  • Paul Kern

    07/20/2021 12:51 AM

    I was pleased at seeing how ordinary citizens are fighting back. Virginian is now a blue state with a governor in blackface
    They followed the "Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrates " Formalized by ministers in Luther's. Every authority has certain responsibilities. Parents first is their kids. For us it goes to the lowest elected/ appointed authorities be and up. Our highest authorities on state and federal level are mostly corrupt now
    Our Founding Fathers used this as one support of their rebelling against the "God- king" George when he finally went too far
    It is now in the hands of commoners like us to retake our land and cleanse all institutions
    Obama 2.0 being put in place and needs to be rolled back.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/20/2021 12:46 AM

    WAKE UP AMERICA, Nelson Mandela, like MLK wanted PEACE. They both Dreamed of PEACE. But instead, like democrats run down filthy,rat, roach infested, unsafe high crime sanctuary cities they, LIKE US HERE( Minneapolis Kenosha Chicago Portland NY),experience riots,looting,rising radical parties( democrat Antifa&BLM), racial demonization of whites& jailing (jan6 trespassing). THIS was built on CRT! IF you don’t know history, like 1944 Auschwitz or what’s happening in South Africa, WE ARE BOUND TO REPEAT IT. STOP the MINORITY America! Put on your backbone, Call, Write Email Visit Bombard your representative&DEMAND they STAND AGAINST snuffing out our Beacon of light,our United States of America ????. Get& Stay involved to protect support defend ????.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/20/2021 12:31 AM

    Texas Dems update. 40,000.00 a day. Texas, STAND Texas TALL & Call, Write Email Visit Bombard your representative&DEMAND they EACH, out of their own accounts, their pocketbooks PAY BACK WITH INTEREST EVERY LAST PENNY! Double standard hypocrisy is ENOUGH already! IF you or I walked out of OUR JOB, we’d BE FIRED! WHY are they employed? WHY are they in our government? FIRE THEM, get the money back & REPLACE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/20/2021 12:25 AM

    Criticize Biden. I don’t care WHAT ??????????????runs out of a Democrat mouth. IF you pay attention, really pay attention&listen, NOT JUST HEAR, BUT listen, the ????Democrates have spewed, continue to spew is SO transparent it’s ????! THEY DEFLECT&DENY, It’s What democrats DO! They take credit for what President Trump did in RECORD TIME! They Continue after vaccination, WEAR pathogen filthy unhealthy masks& FOR WHAT? Theater. America, WE ARE NOT SHEEP, WE ARE NOT Blind,deaf&dumb! Democrats haven’t had AN honest day in office! No surprise, former obama& BIDEN didn’t either. It’s the ??democrat standard operating procedure! FIRE! RECALL! Vote OUT IN PERSON democrats all across America! Or IMPEACH the traitors!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/20/2021 12:15 AM

    FIGHT the POWER. America, Bravo for SPEAKING OUT, STANDING UP, SOUNDING OFF&FIGHTING FOR YOUR CHILDREN! STOP “FORCED” indoctrination, teaching HOW TO hate, hate America, our imperfect YET, ONLY beacon of Light democrats want to SNUFF OUT! ?And reaffirmed the “RIGHT” to have A SAY?? ( in the curriculum). Democrats are UNASHAMED UNAPOLOGETIC about raping your rights! Just snatch them out of your hands while fighting FOR transgender BIOLOGICAL MALES INTO your little girls, your nieces, your grandchildren’s, YOUR Locker Room, Bath Room! How about TESTING this in the WH, the Capitol, ALL democrat mayors,governors Senators FIRST! Transgender Biological MEN IN ALL YOUR Womens locker rooms bathrooms for 6(SIX) MONTHS & let America know Waters,Warren,Rice,Hillary,lightfoot, Pelosi that works out for you? LEAD, yeah, right, by Example.

  • Mike Spears

    07/19/2021 11:01 PM

    Gov Huckabee: With regard to the Vax/Anti-Vax concern, Some questions/comments:
    1) If the current administration is truly concerned about the spread of Covid 19, why are they ignoring it with illegal aliens crossing the SW border? Why are they resettling them all over the USA when they are Covid 19 positive? And if they're not presenting a consistent message about Covid 19 containment, then how can they expect the American public to trust them or take them seriously.
    2) Why are they not more open about explaining/giving guidance about the issues such as vaccine side-effects? Why don't they openly acknowledge that the vaccines are not yet fully approved by the CDC? I mean, how do you try to force people to take experimental drugs? What is the process/timetable for full CDC approvals? I think people need to know this stuff.
    3) Finally, this administration seems to be going gangbusters to fully implement an Authoritarian Regime. I wonder if they are using the vaccine issues to push their authoritarianism? Would guess that they are looking for any and all opportunities to ramrod their "authority."
    The Bottom LIne: If all of the above is true, then how do they expect people to trust them? So far, after 6 months, everything they do is counterproductive to to gaining the trust of "We the People." Of course, they may not care, at all about winning our trust. Just sayin.