
Latest News

June 4, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Friday Night Funny
  • Texas leads
  • More wisdom from Chris Cuomo
  • Scary
  • From Our “Punch Back Twice As Hard” Desk
  • Troubling Report On Pornography
  • 2020 Vote Audit Update
  • A Reader Writes...


Mike Huckabee


“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 5:3 KJV


Friday Night Funny

By Mike Huckabee

Check out this hilarious video from The Babylon Bee. It shows two groups of comedy writers, the conservative comedy writers despairing that they can only think of two jokes, and the liberal comedy writers celebrating all the awards they'll win for repeating one joke over and over. Also thanks to the Bee for the shout-out to me and my writers!

Texas leads 

By Mike Huckabee

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced that Texas will take an unusual step to deal with the Biden-caused border crisis that President Biden refuses to deal with.

Since Biden has opened the border and tied the hands of federal border authorities, Abbott announced that everyone who comes across the border illegally will be arrested and charged with aggravated trespassing under Texas law, which brings six months to a year in jail. He said, “We’re going to step up and secure the border.”

It’s nice to know that someone is willing to do the government’s most basic job of protecting the national borders. Heaven knows Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t going to do it, since today marks 72 days since Biden put her in charge of his border crisis and she’s yet to even visit the border.

The good news: he also just put her in charge of getting the Democrats “For The People Act,” or as I more accurately call it, the “Legalize Vote Fraud Act,” passed through Congress. If she’s as diligent at that as she is at dealing with the border, they’ll both be out of office before she even looks at it.

More wisdom from Chris Cuomo

By Mike Huckabee

CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the man who put the quotation marks around the word “journalist,” came out with another pearl of wisdom, comparing Republican efforts to pass voter ID laws to the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, one of the deadliest race-based attacks in US history. Cuomo called today’s election integrity laws “equally unholy and un-American.”

Except I doubt that a majority of black Americans approved of the Tulsa Race Massacre, but they do approve of voter ID laws. Also, if asking someone to show an ID is equivalent to murdering black people, how many black people has CNN murdered by requiring them to show an ID before letting them enter CNN’s headquarters?


By Mike Huckabee

Ashville, North Carolina’s liberal city council was under pressure from protesters to cut the police budget in half. Instead, they cut it by just 3% last September. And it’s already showing results: so far, 84 cops have left, and the police are so understaffed that they just released a list of crimes that they’ll no longer respond to. They include fraud, scams, identity theft, theft from a vehicle, simple assaults and most thefts of property worth under $1000.

I hope the citizens feel safer knowing that no cops are going to show up at their doors, even if they call them.

From Our “Punch Back Twice As Hard” Desk

By Mike Huckabee

The Job Creators’ Network, a group of conservative Atlanta-based small business owners, is suing Major League Baseball and the players’ union for $100 million in damages due to lost revenues plus $1 billion in punitive damages for moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest the state’s new election integrity law.

In a statement, the plaintiffs said, “MLB robbed the small businesses of Atlanta—many of them minority-owned—of $100 million, we want the game back where it belongs. This was a knee-jerk, hypocritical and illegal reaction to misinformation about Georgia’s new voting law…”

Ironically, one of the defenses mentioned at the link is that a study of previous All-Star Games showed that the net economic impact on the host city was "essentially statistically zero." If the people running the MLB these days want to fight the lawsuit on grounds that they’re worthless, it might not be hard to find 12 jurors who’ll agree.

Meanwhile, in response to news of Coca-Cola’s overbearing internal race training/propaganda and its attacks on Georgia’s voter integrity law, commissioners in Surry County, North Carolina, voted to ban Coke product vending machines from all county buildings.

County Commissioner Eddie Harris said the response has been mostly positive, adding, “The left wing in America, they defund, they boycott, they cancel, they tear down statues — all sorts of egregious actions. And the expectation from them is the opposing political side will cower in the corner. And we’re supposed to accept that, and it’s supposed to be okay. And it’s not okay.”

Besides, as a fellow Southerner, I assure you they can get by just fine on RC Cola.

Troubling Report On Pornography

By Mike Huckabee

Along with all the other obvious truths that have stood for centuries that liberals deny (logic, the scientific method, men and women are different, you can’t change your sex, countries need borders, children need two parents, crime explodes when there are no police, etc.) add this one: a UNICEF report can’t seem to find any evidence that it’s harmful for children to view pornography.

2020 Vote Audit Update

By Mike Huckabee

The audit of the 2020 ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona, has been under assault from the left from day one. Long before it began, they were trying every legal method to stop it. When that failed, they’ve been constantly denigrating the people conducting it to further the narrative that it’s biased, incompetent, illegitimate, etc., so that anything that it finds will be automatically dismissed by the media.

But that didn’t stop a delegation of Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers from coming to take a tour and see for themselves how it was being conducted.

Despite all the media badmouthing, they seemed impressed enough that they say they will call for a similar audit to be conducted of the ballots in Pennsylvania.

Read the story at the link for a recounting of some of the stunning alleged irregularities witnessed by Republican poll watchers in a state that Biden won by only 80,555 votes. And there are rising calls for audits in other states.

The Democrats who are fighting so hard to block this should have realized that nothing makes people want to see something like telling them they’re not allowed to see it. Of course, if the vote is really completely accurate, as they insist it is, all they had to do was call for a transparent, bipartisan audit right after the election and all of this never would have happened. They also wouldn’t have had to tar me on social media when I suggested it way back then.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Dear Gov. Huckabee:

You urged, "“Three cheers for parliamentary procedure!”

I second the motion!

Especially when it's used to save us all from ignorant socialist disaster.

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • larry anthony gaddy

    06/05/2021 06:05 AM

    Those that have 2 coats let them give 1 to those that have none. What does this mean? We are all God's children or are we? God seeks a pure heart, don't be deceived. Even satin comes as an angel of light.

  • Anne Turner

    06/05/2021 01:35 AM

    I really don’t think you can be tarred. You seem confident and secure in your belief system. The tar would just fall off. The negativity thrown at you is so trashy it should just go directly to the dump. You have put on the armor of God.

  • Karen L. Willoughby

    06/05/2021 12:40 AM

    Gov. Huckabee -- I will be covering for Baptist Press an event you're speaking at on June 13 in Nashville, the Southern Baptist evangelists' Sunday morning service. Please would you share with me a copy of your prepared remarks to make sure I quote you correctly? And please would you give me a two- (or more) sentence quote to explain why you chose to speak on the scripture you used? If you would provide me with these two things Saturday evening, June 12, I won't have to bother you after the service AND I'll write a much more complete article. I would be very grateful for your accommodation, and I promise to not share the info with anyone. Thank you so much for your consideration of this request.

    Karen L. Willoughby
    for Baptist Press --

  • Paul Kern

    06/04/2021 11:34 PM

    An old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times!" Is happening now. I am waiting for "the shot heard around the world" Will it start here or the next Irani inspired attack on Israel?