
Latest News

August 5, 2021

I wish we’d had this new information from the NEW YORK POST in time for yesterday's update on the flood of COVID-infected “noncitizens” –- illegals –- at the Texas border. (That story: the DOJ sued and obtained a temporary injunction against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s order that curbed the federal government’s transportation of migrants from the border into Texas and beyond.) But here it is.

Nearly 7,000 immigrants who tested positive for COVID-19 --- out of the ones who WERE tested --- have passed through McAllen, Texas, including more than 1,500 in just the past seven days.

It wasn’t a big announcement, just one that was folded into a statement from the City of McAllen, population 140,000, announcing the construction of emergency shelters to help them cope with the overwhelming numbers of immigrants. On Monday, the buses Gov. Abbott is trying to stop were running constantly, dropping off passengers at a downtown Catholic charity every 30 minutes throughout the day. McAllen has declared a state of disaster.

According to this story, July marked the highest number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the US-Mexico border in more than 20 years.

On Wednesday afternoon, a crash occurred about 50 miles north of McAllen on a remote Texas highway when a van carrying 25 people (!) --- but designed to carry no more than 15 --- turned over on a curve, killing 11 people and injuring at least a dozen others.

Migrants continue to pour in, as Gov. Abbot has been ordered not to interfere, at least for now. After the temporary halt to his order, a spokesperson for his office said, “The governor’s Executive Order attempts to prevent the Biden administration from spreading COVID-19 into Texas and protect the health and safety of Texans.” The next hearing is scheduled for August 13.

Abbott’s spokesperson also said this: “The Biden administration has knowingly --- and willingly --- released COVID-19 positive migrants into Texas communities, risking the potential exposure and infection of Texas residents.”

And this brings us to what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Wednesday to President Biden, which is absolutely what needed to be said. Watch and learn; this is EXACTLY the way all Republicans need to fight back against the politics-driven idiocy being inflicted on our country right now by those in power. It makes no sense to talk about lockdowns when you’re allowing COVID-infected “noncitizens” to stream into the country as Biden is.

Biden had admonished Govs. DeSantis and Abbott for not doing “the right thing” to fight COVID. “Look, we need leadership from everyone,” he said. “If some governors aren’t willing to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, they should allow businesses and universities who want to do the right thing to be able to do it.” Rational people are more at risk from busting a gut laughing at lines like this from Biden than they are from the coronavirus. I wonder how many infected people crossed into America at our southern border while Biden was giving his little speech.

DeSantis’ stand-up-and-cheer response to President Biden: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”

DeSantis also appeared briefly on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE with Laura Ingraham Wednesday to talk about personal decisions regarding COVID, particularly regarding parents on issues that affect their kids, such as mask-wearing in school. He pointed out that last year, school districts in Florida that didn’t institute compulsory mask-wearing had lower rates of infection than those that did.

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Comments 11-20 of 36

  • Joan Johnson

    08/06/2021 09:07 AM

    Morning, I think if I were governor of one of these border states, I'd bus all these illegals to Washington D.C.

  • Gary G Coates

    08/06/2021 08:03 AM

    I have a question about those 7,000 that tested positive for covid. How many of those illegal's ended up in the hospital and died? From the way the talk that all should have because the covid is that deadly for for us that are born here.

  • Wilburn Lee

    08/05/2021 09:58 PM

    W lee at Sallisaw ok,
    I don't know you personally but a church friend I grew up with (Brazes Tyler of Texarkana) told me you are a genuine truly good man. J hope you continue.

  • Judy Nurkkala

    08/05/2021 08:18 PM

    Visitors coming to our country have to show evidence of vaccination. Citizens returning to America have to show evidence. We all are mandated to be vaccinated. But illegal immigrants can just come in and bring Covid with them?!! Seems to me there is a problem here ... I don't think we can wait until 2022 to do something about it. We might not have a country by then.

  • Bennie C Davis Jr

    08/05/2021 07:16 PM

    I don't understand, we have a President that is always talking about "you need to get your Covid vaccine" but he is steadily letting thousands of illegal immigrants come across the border without a care in the world. Now the US has 7,000 immigrants that have Covid and if they hadn't been stopped and checked they would've been in one of many cities across the country. Mr. President your the one that's infecting this country by allowing my illegal immigrants into our country. If you would have left the current border policy in place then this country wouldn't be in this situation. Your administration has literally screwed up this country in the last 7 months than any other administration that has been in the White House. Personally, I will be so glad when you leave, but it will take years for this country to recover due to the things you have done to it.

  • Sid Larson

    08/05/2021 07:07 PM

    Why aren't we talking more about the 2020 elections? Every democrat or for that matter, every republican that is supporting Biden that is up for reelection needs to be voted out of office. That includes everyone from the school board on up. Let's start the movement now!

  • Michael

    08/05/2021 06:51 PM

    Yep, I don't want to hear one word about Covid from the lying lips of China Joe and his cronie Democrats, when they intentionally allow ILLEGAL aliens come across the border. And in addition the crooked Communist Dems intentionally transport the illegals with Covid, hepatitis, tuberculosis and other diseases all over the country and target red states. So how many constitutional violations is it going to take for the cowardly Republicans to file impeachment charges against China Joe and for all these red states to get off their butts and actually become aggressive in fighting the Dems with their nation destroying agenda? Or are they going to do nothing as usual and continue being an appeasing doormat for the evil Demonrats? In the end it will have to be We the People armed and ready because no politician, no Supreme Court justices, no current branches of the military or anyone else will do nothing and one day we will be a communist nation and the old USA gone because no one on the Republican side of Congress, no one on the courts thought our Republic was worth saving!!! Sounds like gloom and doom, but wake up because all that is going on daily is allowed go on with no consequences,no action, no nothing !!

  • Ed Thompson

    08/05/2021 05:56 PM

    The current dysfunctional group of people who are in charge of America must have a death wish for most of us. There’s absolutely no excuse for what they are doing at our southern border. Wonder where the virus is coming from now? Look south!

  • Pamela Meyners

    08/05/2021 05:42 PM

    Re: 7,000 border crossers test positive in McAllen, Tx.
    I have no words for this that would be printable! Bottom line.....I am incredibly angry that this has happened, AND CONTINUES to happen!!! Especially when we have a continuing Pandemic here that we are trying to get a handle on! What the HELL.? This is insanity, and I am sick of being a door mat!

  • Carl Wolf

    08/05/2021 05:36 PM

    Why worry about any variant when you let the untested in and ship them around the country. Total disregard for citizens. Give me the finger Jimmy oops I mean Joe, wait till midterms.