
Latest News

June 4, 2021

In today’s game of “Just Imagine If Trump Had Said This,” here’s President Joe Biden expounding inexplicably on why there are so many biracial couples in TV commercials…

And Biden not only believes that black people don’t know how to obtain IDs or get online, he now informs us that black entrepreneurs “don’t have lawyers. They don’t have accountants.”

To be fair, since Biden also thinks that the greatest terrorist threat to America, more than radical Islamists or Antifa, is white supremacists, maybe he just believes it’s still the 1940s.


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Comments 11-19 of 19

  • Fiorella Weaver

    06/13/2021 06:46 PM

    Governor, while we are busy laughing about Biden's idiotic statements and the message on Jill's coat, China is building the biggest navy on earth, and all the illegal invaders are being bussed/flown all over the U.S. with no ID requirements and with the obvious complicity of Homeland Security (what a joke!). When are these atrocities going to be exposed? After we've become a China-Annex?

  • Deborah Hafer

    06/13/2021 06:35 PM

    This political double standard is atrocious & nothing ever seems to be enough to stop it. I continue to pray for our country, waiting on the Lord to direct our paths. To know that Pres. Trump had so many problems solved & that in 90 days, the Washington Democrats destroyed it all. Pray for God's direction & restore the USA ????

  • Vin Godleski

    06/13/2021 05:57 PM

    Bumper sticker seen in SC re Biden:

    “I can’t see things from your point-of-view, I can’t get my head that far up my butt”

  • James R Spears

    06/13/2021 05:34 PM

    I sometimes feel as if the Democrats and President don't want equality. They keep making comments about Whites being supreme and the other groups are victims. This is wrong. We need to look at the characters instead of the color of skins. If I was in the minority group I would take offense at the President and the Democratic party. I love your newsletter because it helps me to realize that my skin color did not cause all of our society's problems.

  • Greg

    06/13/2021 01:48 PM

    Hi Mike,

    I have to say, I'm getting tired of hearing, "Just imagine if Donald Trump said this or Don Jr or Eric or anyone else named Trump." The answer is always the same, there would be hell to pay. Well, why is there not hell to pay for what democrats say and more importantly DO! They're destroying our country and we're not doing a darn thing about it and it looks like we're not going to do anything about. It appears we're just going to let them destroy America completely.

    It's time to open a giant economy size can of Whoop-ass and kick these fraudulent "leaders" out of our White House and congress.

  • larry anthony gaddy

    06/12/2021 05:21 PM

    challenge for all Christians to start placing AD before or after the year? Example 6-6-2021AD
    This will point all that see to the cross. Jesus will do the changing.

  • Irma Meoni Meoni

    06/07/2021 10:00 PM


  • Cetreda English

    06/07/2021 07:10 PM

    why is no one talking about the multi billion dollar deal that has supposedly taken place between China and Mexico. They are jointly building a marina in Puerto Penasco that will allow Chinese ships to dock 45 minutes from the Arizona border. China is building high rises there to house "workers" who will be living there. And China has apparently purchased thousands of acres to farm asparagus, which just so happens to run parallel to the US border. Does no one else see this as a security concern?

  • Cindy Collins

    06/04/2021 09:30 AM

    Biden is the saddest President of the USA we have ever had in my lifetime. He's office gives us lip service when they are spanked by their rude, inappropriate comments. They apologize every so slightly and selectively choose their words. Biden's policy reversals from what President Trump did are horrendous and the general democratic population is clueless.