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July 5, 2023

The government has to have money to pay for the military, cover the cost of obligations we’ve made like Medicare and Social Security, and build roads, bridges, and airports.  We need some things government does so clearly there has to be a tax process.  But the one we have is a detriment to our economy.  What if there was a tax plan that was flat, fair, and family-friendly?  There is one.  It’s called the Fair Tax, and it would super-charge our economy, but it is terribly misunderstood and opponents say it would raise your taxes.  It wouldn’t.  It’s pretty simple, really.  You wouldn’t be taxed for your work, savings, inheritance, or good business decisions.  The Fair Tax would be collected at the point of purchase instead of the point of production.  The current tax system is essentially a penalty on what you produce.  We tax your work in the form of an income or payroll tax.  And if you work for someone else, your money is taxed before you even get it.   It’s taken out of your check before you even cash it.  Most people don’t have any idea how much they actually pay in taxes because they never see it.  And how nice of you to let the government take your money and use it all year interest free.  The Fair Tax is essentially a sales tax or more broadly a consumption tax.  You only pay when you purchase something that is new and hasn’t been taxed before. 

Presently we punish productivity and subsidize irresponsibility. If I invest in something that increases in value which means I made a smart investment, I pay capital gains taxes.  But if I invest in something that loses money, I can write that off of my taxes.  Get that?  Successful investments are punished; failed investments are rewarded.  Only the government could create something so absurd! 

What makes a strong economy?  Work, investments in businesses, savings—even putting aside money to leave for your family to get started with a house or a business.  And maybe saving enough to give to charity at one’s death.  But we tax all of that.  If you spend all your money on stupid stuff or just don’t work,  the government will help out with your medical bills and provide a check so you can stay home and play video games.  Now here’s a simple principle:  If there is a behavior you want more of, reward it; if there is a behavior you want less of, punish it.  That’s how we raise children and train dogs.  Do the trick and get the treat.  But our tax system is the opposite of that.  Punish productivity and reward irresponsibility.

The fair tax changes that by letting you keep the money you earn, invest or save.  It eliminates the income tax, capital gains tax, and the death tax.  You pay taxes when you buy something.  And it completely eliminates the IRS.  They would be disbanded.  Don’t want to pay as much tax? Don’t buy stuff. 

But you know who DOESN’T pay income tax, capital gains or inheritance tax like you do?  Prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, and gamblers.  They don’t fill out forms in April and tell the government how much they made selling crack to Hunter Biden!  So you are paying YOUR taxes and theirs.  But if we paid tax when we purchased things, the prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and gamblers would pay tax because they still buy stuff.  Sometimes lots of stuff that you can’t afford. 

The Fair Tax was created by a group of some of the most brilliant economists in the country.  They were charged with proposing the fairest and most efficient form of getting the money the government needs without creating a tax code that is so complicated even the IRS doesn’t understand it and you need accountants and lawyers just to comply with it.  With the Fair Tax, there are no tax returns.  Nothing is taken out of your check.  For most of you, for the first time in your life you’d get your entire pay check and April 15 would just be another beautiful Spring Day. 

In the coming weeks, I’ll tell you more about the Fair Tax because there are a lot of people in government who don’t want it since it takes away the power to manipulate the tax code to reward political donors and punish political enemies. I feel pretty sure I can help you understand that the system we have now needs to be thrown out and a new plan put in place that’s fair, flat, and family friendly.  And did I mention, it eliminates the IRS?

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Comments 11-20 of 74

  • Carol Carrone

    07/06/2023 08:47 AM

    This Fair Tax sounds wonderful. A flat tax is good and fair, now how are they going to get this started? I will vote FOR it...... Praise the Lord!!

  • Ken Colombraro

    07/06/2023 07:49 AM

    I have always liked this idea. This way EVERYONE pays into it whenever they purchase anything. Please help to promote this and guide the American people on how to get it implemented.

  • james cox jr

    07/06/2023 07:25 AM

    we need a flat tax

  • Timothy Ward

    07/06/2023 03:49 AM

    It's hard to fathom how
    any solid American would not be 100% on board with the "fair tax"!
    There is also the benefit of illegal aliens would pay,as would Al Sharpton!

  • Tanya Higgins

    07/05/2023 11:35 PM

    Fair tax would bring so much money to the government, especially from the rich people. They buy expensive homes, yachts, jets, cars, properties, gadjets, alcohol.... o Lord! You name it! Even if this F. T. WILL never be adapted, I had a great joy reading about it! PLEASE, brother make this Fair Tax message known to all people in this nation, especially to poor ones. They are in majority, so maybe they would vote for it.
    Next THING to get rid of - Health insurance companies, who are taking 3rd part of our paycheck. Let people to have expensive memberships in a local clinics, so DOCTORS and nurses, and hospitals will get more money fie the job they are doing. Every American should be sick and tired to support insurance companies buildings, agents, their families and vacations, their cars and their thick and fat paychecks. Make membership in the clinic or hospital be income based, and that will be Fair & Square system. Only car insurance is necessity.

  • Linda Anthony

    07/05/2023 10:37 PM

    I wrote a comment, but after submitting, a message in the email section, in red, said email is invalid.
    It also erased my comment.

  • Mark Hannah

    07/05/2023 10:27 PM

    Will the Fair Tax proposal be included within the set of Constitutional Amendments on the docket for discussion by the Convention of States?

  • Sharon Bush

    07/05/2023 10:14 PM

    A Fair Tax is anything but. In the form of a sales tax It would be based on the necessity to buy, not the necessity to earn. Income Tax is the only fair tax. The people who would be paying the most are the ones with children. I have been in the Income Tax Preparation business for over 60 years. I certainly would not like to have to pay tax on business necessities. My tax program is or $1000. The cartridges I buy for my printers are spendy and have to buy often. Other than that my needs are few.

  • David Fisher

    07/05/2023 08:22 PM

    The Fair Tax is a great concept that would ensure EVERYONE pays it. Those against it imply that you will pay the specified percentage on both new and resale purchases thereby increasing the amount of taxes paid. Also the majority of taxpayers DO NOT know how much their actual tax bill is so a significant percent on new items appears to be a lot and a tax increase.

  • Bob Machen

    07/05/2023 08:08 PM

    Not really a new concept Mike. Possibly not identical to other methods of paying our fair shares that have been talked about for years, I don't know enough about the plan you have in mind, to say for sure. What I do know is that politicians at all levels, nearly one hundred per cent of bureaucrats, and obviously all government employees that would no longer be needed, are dead set against any change in the corrupt, and very rewarding, status quo..
    Probably the closest we've come to your Fair Tax was the flat ten per cent tax on everyone, but that didn't get far either.
    Right now, today, what sounds best to me is for everyone to begin claiming the max exemptions on their W-4, (9) keeping their money in hand, and then tell Uncle Sugar to pound sand on April 15th. That might get their ear!!