
Latest News

March 28, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • The Trojan Horse Administration
  • A new way to tax us
  • Message to Nancy Pelosi
  • A fact-finding trip to the border
  • News surge
  • A Reader Writes Back...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee



"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

Join me tonight on TBN for a terrific new episode of “Huckabee!” I’ll discuss the latest craziness out of Washington with Rep. Devin Nunes, and talk to former “Fox & Friends” host Elizabeth Hasselbeck about her beautiful new children’s book. We’ll have some much-needed laughs with “In Case You Missed It” and wild comic/ventriloquist Taylor Mason. Plus music from country star Stephanie Quayle.

The fun starts tonight at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

The Trojan Horse Administration

By Mike Huckabee

Check out this video of Larry Kudlow explaining how the $3 trillion “infrastructure bill” being pushed by President Biden and the Democrats is actually a “Trojan horse for the Green New Deal” and is stuffed full of the biggest expansion of the social/socialist welfare state since LBJ, none of which has a thing to do with rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

A new way to tax us

By Mike Huckabee

I keep pointing out that one of the oddest things about so-called “progressives” is that all their ideas have been around for up to a century and never work anyplace they’re tried. Yet they just keep trotting them back out, dusting them off and calling them “new” and “progressive.” The only really new ideas they ever come up with are the endlessly creative new ways they think up to tax us. Like our new Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s bright idea for taxing us for every mile we drive. If you voted for Biden, I’ll bet you didn’t know you were voting for that.

Message to Nancy Pelosi

By Mike Huckabee

No, the House Speaker does NOT have the power to decide who gets to represent Iowa voters. Iowa voters decide that. Are you that drunk on power, or have you been banging yourself in the head with your own gavel? Or, in refusing to accept the certified results of a fair election, are you just committing insurrection and undermining democracy?

A fact-finding trip to the border

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden seems to have far too much on his plate to bother with visiting the disaster he’s created on the border, but 18 Republican Senators made a midnight fact-finding trip to the Rio Grande Valley to see what’s going on with their own eyes. Click the link to learn what they saw, and prepare to be infuriated.

News surge

By Mike Huckabee

Saturday morning’s news contains a sudden surge of stories about shootings. They include shootings near Virginia Beach Oceanfront that left at least two people dead and eight wounded…

A Texas State Trooper fighting for his life after being shot by a suspect near Mexia…

A teenage girl dead after being shot near a high school in Henrico County, Virginia…

And seven people wounded after a shooting in a Philadelphia sports bar...

Aside from all of these stories being tragic, sad, depressing and infuriating, they will also be used as fodder to promote more gun control laws that won’t make any difference. President Biden says he’ll just go around Congress and do it by executive order.

But it’s questionable whether that will work, since any such order will immediately be challenged in court and likely run afoul of the Second Amendment. For instance, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals just put a stay on the BATF’s ban on bump stocks, ruling that they don’t turn a rifle into a machine gun, so they can’t be regulated that way.

Ultimately, the gun is just a tool, and if someone is determined to commit violence, they’ll find a way to do it, whether with a knife, a hammer or an illegally-obtained gun. Disarming and inconveniencing the law-abiding won’t deter criminals and sociopaths.

If such horrors are ever to stop, it’s going to take something that the left in America not only refuses to admit is a problem but actively works to promote, and that’s the erosion of religious faith and respect for the sanctity of life. The left mocks those who respond to such horrors with prayer, but if we had a lot more prayer and a lot more soul-searching, maybe we wouldn't have so many shootings. In a society where life is not a miracle and a precious gift from God but something disposable for our convenience, how can it be a surprise that so many people think taking a life is an act with no deep meaning or consequences? You can pass all the gun laws you want, but to stop the violence, you have to reach the perpetrators' hearts and souls, not just their arsenals.

A Reader Writes Back...

Mike, thank you for all you and your crew do to keep us in the know. Many people just wait daily to read your articles and sadly we don’t comment. But so many people believe your reporting is the only believable source of information. Please keep up the good work. And always know we are here reading and keeping up with you like a lifeline for conservatives. May God bless you and yours!

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Katmai National Park & Preserve, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-45 of 45

  • Paul Kern

    03/28/2021 02:45 PM

    It issad to see the fall of America as it becomes a Marxist banana republic. The enemy is now actively eroding the faith of many.For too long ministers have been preaching anything but the Gospel
    Priestcraft ( modern day. Pharasaism) is the foundation of many as they easily fall to CRT and lead the sheep into it.
    The Old and New Testaments speak to this day.
    The split between the states is happening before us.
    My overseas friends see the truth and their nations have already fallen.
    A spiritual cancer has erupted.
    Only God can deliver us. We each need to hear what He would have each of us do

  • Bette Mathews

    03/28/2021 02:42 PM

    Your newsletter today brought to mind one of my pet peeves...sneaky taxes not called a tax. In my opinion flood insurance is one of those very situations. You do or did own property in Florida. I’ll assume you are familiar with flood insurance. We do own a house in Florida. We also own a house in a Northeast coastal town. Neither of our houses is on the ocean. BUT it is suggested that we carry flood insurance if we want homeowners insurance. Flood insurance is a gigantic ripoff. One of our houses has had the FEMA (that is who we pay to get flood insurance) charge increase fourfold in merely 8 years. My nephew who lives in a East coast city pays FEMA over $3,000 a year currently for his flood insurance and he is a good ways in from the bay. I’ve warned him that they jump the coast up every year. I just shake my head.
    Another thought I have regards the immigrants entering at our Southern border. If the Government is able to fly people back to their country of origin if they don’t let them in, why don’t they load up these planes with the ones that are allowed in and drop them off in Washington DC with a list of “welcoming” addresses, starting with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and every Democrat politician’s address. Or escort them to all the sanctuary cities around the country!

  • Connie Berry

    03/28/2021 02:31 PM

    I turn to your website now instead of logging on to a news website. I know that I can trust you to give us the truth! It makes me physically sick to know what is going on in Washington DC now.
    I hope this country can be saved from complete destruction before it's too late! Many thanks to you and your staff.

  • Robert Byrns

    03/28/2021 02:26 PM

    We already pay tax on the basis of the number of miles we drive every time we put fuel in our vehicles. Monitoring our specific miles driven is just another way to increase the government's control over every aspect of our lives, since those doing the governing think they know what's best for us. Particularly considering how much they are alarmed about the effect our lives have on the survivability of the planet. Darwinism is the state religion, and "scientists" are the priests, who harness the power of the state to compel us all into the behavior their orthodoxy requires. We all need to pray that God will deliver us from this religious spirit.

  • Renee Kendrick

    03/28/2021 02:08 PM

    The gasoline tax is enough in paying taxes for every mile we drive. We need to call foul on Buttigieg for wanting to double tax us! Such artificial intelligence coming from the DIMS these days! They are so out-of-touch with the people of this nation.

  • Graham Jarrett

    03/28/2021 01:51 PM

    Thank you for the article today about the awful deaths through guns. Perhaps we should display a daily count of those killed by abortion in comparison to the daily count of those killed by guns. If we are really to address the tragedy of mass killings, the focus must be on those innocent lives ripped up before they even had a chance.

  • Ann Atwell

    03/28/2021 01:44 PM

    Once again I will quote Reverend Billy Graham, "guns are not the problem, the hearts of people need to change. Of course that would mean nothing to the Democrates. The majority of Democrates don't seem to have a heart for anything but their own radical agenda. Another voice from the peon section of the Democrates, Pete Butt-igieg, trying to come up with more ways to get their hands into the pockets of the American people. To reduce the nations deficit how about all members of the House and Senate including especially the Speaker donate at least $10000.00. That would reduce the deficit by over $5million. After all they are being paid a six figure salary, paid for by tax dollars. They should be forced to stop spending tax dollars on abortions here in the US and stop sending money to foreign countries to pay for abortions. They should bring the deficit down considerably.

  • Phyllis Harris

    03/28/2021 01:43 PM

    Thank you Mike Huckabee for your daily newsletters. I feel like your newsletters are the only way I'm keeping up with actual news -- even though most of the information in them is infuriating!

  • George W Trever

    03/28/2021 01:24 PM

    The mileage tax is a great way to punish rural citizens. Not only do rural drivers pay more for fuel and maintenance, it could help destroy rural America as we know it; especially paying for riding all those dirt roads. I can see some NYC folk probably do not care unless a mileage is assessed on subways and buses.

  • Joseph Trokey

    03/28/2021 12:50 PM

    The song "Taxman" by the Beatles comes quickly to mind when I see articles like this. I don't know why they need a tax when they just vote money they don't have into a bill and send it to their buddies. Also, you couldn't possibly be any more spot on about the violence happening with guns. Cars don't kill people unless a human gets in a car drunk, drugged up or otherwise inattentive and a gun won't kill anyone unless a human picks it up, loads it and pulls the trigger. When they try to enforce laws already on the books and actually keep criminals in jail for pulling the trigger and also put God, Jesus, and the family unit in proper prospective is when they will see a decline in murder. But when they say it is OK to kill a baby it put a lot of people in the mind that any other human is fair game ,too.

  • JC Holland

    03/28/2021 12:43 PM


    Everything you write about is all true, and it's all designed to destroy our country and turn it socialist.

    They control all 3 levels of government and the media. Nothing can stop anything they want to do. All these lawsuits by state AGs is just an irritating speed bump to them.

    The only real way to stop this madness and protect our religious freedoms, constitution rights, and a free America is to convince Joe Manchin to follow Vernon Jones by changing parties.

    Millions of us want to see you, Vernon, and Franklin Graham go meet with this man face to face. When a church member has gone astray, the church, meaning someone like you, are told by God to speak to this member.

    Please go talk to him.

  • Joan Paup

    03/28/2021 12:28 PM

    Mike, I, along with many others am horrified at what is going on at the border..I have Family in TX. They feel Evil is creeping closer every day! Where is Help??? Sad, for honest, needy migrants who are promised Everything by Biden's Administration. Of, course, they will be expected and no doubt Democratic in all elections where they are given the Right to vote..! May God guide all the Congressmen and Senators to Stand for ID as a necessity to vote! There are SO many aweful ways this Administration is Hurting America..her children and future generations ..May God have Mercy!!

  • Floyd A Unger

    03/28/2021 12:20 PM

    Thank you

  • Anne Turner

    03/28/2021 12:12 PM

    Governor, I wish you good health and long life. We who read your newsletter depend on you for the truth. I have little confidence in other sources. Thank you for pointing out, once again, what most are missing. The cause of most of the woundings and murder is the demise of our Judeo/Christian faith and culture, with subsequent lack of respect for human life. You are quite right, if it’s okay with society to cut up little beings with arms, legs, eyes, ears, beating hearts, and brains to remove them from the womb, then why not terminate anyone else who is found to be a nuisance, or to make a statement.

  • James Mills

    03/28/2021 12:06 PM

    Dear Governor:
    Love your program on TBN and your website!
    You know what? Regarding the border issues and how the democrats welcome all the new citizens crossing the border, being accepted and welcomed, all expenses paid, granted US Citizenship and told it's all this free welfare state stuff is courtesy of the democrats, so please remember to vote for us (always vote democrat) and the USA will keep paying you forever. And you won't even have to pay taxes! Isn't America wonderful under democrat guidance! Just vote for democrats. In fact, we'll send folks around to pick up your votes and vote for you. Isn't that great? Welcome to Democrat America!
    My comment: the politicians who advocate the above policies (or any part thereof) should pay those "not illegal" (they are 'legal' by law because the government welcomes them) immigrants... all the money spent on immigrants crossing the border and being given goods and money and services for free... all the money spent should come directly out of the pockets and accounts of the people who vote for such policies... NOT out of the tax base (in other words, NOT from OUR wallets... the democrats want to make such a big deal about welcoming the immigrants crossing the border, then let the democrats PAY for all those expenses out of DEMOCRAT POCKETS! They voted for it, then they should PAY for it out of their personal accounts. President Biden could do that by signing an Executive Order! It doesn't even have to go through Congress. Just sign it, Joe... make the Blue State Governors pay for it. And Chuck and Nancy and the Squad.). That would be fair, wouldn't it? If they want it their way, then they should PAY for it out of their pockets!
    Of course, I'm realistic enough to know that will never happen. Even if senile Joe signed it into law, Congress would quickly override him... or get the Supreme Court to do it. Wouldn't it be funny if SCOTUS grew a pair and insisted that Congressmen and Senators and Governors (of "Blue" States) have to PAY all those expenses out of their personal accounts, not the government taxpayers. I think we might see Congress decide they want the wall finished and the border closed if THEY have to pay all those expenses. I think THAT would be Justice!
    God bless you , Governor! And may God guide our political leaders to do things HIS way!!!

  • steve citron

    03/28/2021 12:05 PM

    I am not christian, but of the Hebrew faith. I see with anger the scenes of shootings, and the violence of Americans, and foreign perpetrators with great horror, not only are we killing our own children, and Mothers and Fathers, but we are doing it in increasing numbers. I also see the OVER REACH of big Government and wonder if a citizen with a firearm could have at least slowed the killing by the Syrian man, and the killing of the policeman, as well as many other shootings. I advocate not MORE firearm laws, but LESS. Thank you for being our eyes and interpreters of today's political nightmare, bat also our moral compass. WE MUST STOP KILLING OUR BABIES, and OUR PEOPLE.

  • Jerry

    03/28/2021 11:48 AM

    I am continually stunned how guns, and weapons get up off the shelves that are locked with chains and gun cases that are sealed and into the hands of mentally ill people. Mentally stable people don't really have the problem the mentally ill people do for the need to murder other people, this is a phenomenal feat I can't comprehend; maybe biden can explain this to me as he is living an out of body life, he is living in a different world than I. I can't explain or understand the world he is in.

  • Gale Baker

    03/28/2021 11:38 AM

    "You can pass all the gun laws you want, but to stop the violence, you have to reach the perpetrators' hearts and souls, not just their arsenals." How true! Governor Huckabee, please don't ever stop speaking the TRUTH, no matter what! We the People need strong voices like yours to consistently speak up for us. Thank you for doing just that.

  • Dennis D Bates

    03/28/2021 11:30 AM

    I believe antifa and black lives matter should be deemed terrorist organizations ,at worst, and hate mongers, at best. Joe Biden is promoting hate and division by not calling out these groups.

  • Stephen Russell

    03/28/2021 11:19 AM

    Milage Tax issues:
    Most effect:
    Uber, Lyft, taxis, UPS, Fed Ex, services, Police? Fire, MedEvac, Emergency services,
    Will system be Uniform
    State by state
    Reduce DMV fees?
    How to monitor Milage?

    Bottom line: Less Miles driven=Less taxes owed