
Latest News

January 14, 2021

True to their word, several House Democrats have introduced a resolution to pass a Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electoral College and elect the President by national popular vote. Because unlike in previous times, New York, Montana, Minnesota, Alabama and Texas are all exactly the same now.


The chances of this passing are pretty slim, since it would require a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress, then ratification by three-fourths of the states (38 out of 50, or however many states there are after the Democrats get through transforming America.) I would hope that there aren’t that many states that would willingly give away their say over who becomes President to a handful of highly populated states like California, New York, Texas and Florida.

But I did want you to be aware of this, and also share their argument for why the Electoral College is obsolete. I think you’ll find it to be one of the funniest things you’ll hear all day:

“The development of mass media and the Internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world.”

I don’t think this is a very good time to claim that we can depend on the Internet to provide a free and nonpartisan flow of information about politics. Ask all the Biden voters who somehow never heard about Hunter’s laptop. Or the millions of former Parler users.


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Comments 26-42 of 42

  • Tom Henslee

    01/14/2021 09:01 PM

    Just spend a couple of hundred dollars on tickets and send them back to where they came from.

  • Kim Barr

    01/14/2021 08:47 PM

    They live in constant fear. It is their genome. I will not pray for them. I detest the sons and daughters of Satan.

  • Michael C Willmann

    01/14/2021 08:38 PM

    The main unforeseen challenge to the Electoral College system was the manifestation of our two party system. However, the emergence of modern political parties has not made the Electoral College obsolete, as it still promotes important values. It reinforces the founding principle that the U.S. is a confederated republic and not a consolidated national government. Anybody that has studied the reasoning behind why things are the way they are would know this.

  • Erik Ohrnberger

    01/14/2021 08:33 PM

    Should this pass and be adopted, everyone other than New York City and California can stop bothering with voting in presidential elections. Your votes won't matter.

    Democrats so worried about 'voter disenfranchisement'?
    Sure doesn't seem that way when they are disenfranchising the presidential voters of 48 states.

  • Richard Cornelius

    01/14/2021 08:29 PM

    Entirely NOT TRUE

  • William B Nielson

    01/14/2021 07:35 PM

    The electoral college offers a purpose to our voting. I agree, we don't want New York and California deciding our futures.

  • Sharon Cole

    01/14/2021 07:18 PM

    Sick of their control! How about we just take the coasts and their cities and just send them off to be their own country? The rest of us can live good, moral lives and raise our families to grow into responsible, moral, giving citizens! Ashamed of what the mass media and dems are turning our country into. Also not very happy with alot of the republican politicians who are buying the lies!

  • George Tyler

    01/14/2021 07:16 PM

    keep it the way it is.

  • Jay Powelson

    01/14/2021 07:15 PM

    Here in Wyoming, we would have no say in the process. We have very little anyway, all of the major cities have more people than we do in the whole state.

  • Bill Blake

    01/14/2021 07:12 PM

    Your last sentence in the article says a ton Governor. The biggest problem we have it that "We the People" are uninformed. I'm in the process of coordinating the building of a web site that will change all that by collecting the "will of the people", via yes/no selection buttons on every piece of legislation put before Congress, then next to peoples will, adding how their Representatives and Senators voted on the same legislation. The result would be a very transparent method of knowing who in Congress is actually representing their constituents and who is more likely be paid off to vote against the peoples' will. I'm looking for a highly skilled web developer if you know of anyone patriotic enough to lend a hand. God bless you sir!

  • Lisa McGuire

    01/14/2021 07:06 PM

    The democrats are going to be the ruination of our great nation. Biden cheated on this last election and everyone knows it. He can go ahead and play president but he’ll pay for it in the end when he stands before God!!!

  • David S Naden

    01/14/2021 06:56 PM

    Total BULLSHIT on the part of democRATS. If the Electoral College is to be relevant moving forward, here is MY suggestion. As there is one vote for each Hose member (435), each electoral vote shall be awarded to the candidate who wins the popular vote in each congressional district. As there is one vote for each Senator (100), those Electoral College votes would be awarded to the candidate who wins the popular vote in each state. For the 3 Electoral College votes in Washington DC, the same rules would apply. This is the only equitable way for the Electoral College to work, and remain relevant in a time when there is a move to eliminate the Electoral College...

  • Jeffrey F McDowell

    01/14/2021 06:36 PM

    When the Electoral College is attacked it usually is due to one party or the other is frightened that they will be unable to get enough electoral votes to win again. If it is eliminated a great injustice will be done to many states.
    A number of states have a lower population level than others.
    So they lose their equality status with larger states or those with high populations. Connecticut, New Hampshire, for example, Wyoming, and others. While it is true that regardless of how the general vote goes, it is the college that actually elects the President. In some cases in previous times, an electorate was no required to follow the vote of the population of their state.
    The public voting system is in a great deal of disarray. There should be a standard set of rules for all fifty states to follow on how to tabulate, secure, transport, and store the ballots. It would require all fifty states to agree to the system but it would definitely stabilize the system and increase the trust of the public. It would also guarantee the accuracy of the count.

  • Pauline Hulse

    01/14/2021 06:34 PM

    No electoral college is a very bad idea.


    01/14/2021 06:25 PM

    this should never even gotten started and should never pass This is only to help democrats stay in power and dictate to the rest of us I am against this change

  • Weasler

    01/14/2021 06:13 PM

    The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.

  • Ken Lawyer

    01/14/2021 01:51 PM

    For the last 4 years and before, we have heard only what the MSM and Fox News wants us to hear. Those in politics tell us their slanted opinions and somehow through all of this we are supposed to be informed citizens and make what they call an educated decision. Then, those of us who are considered conservatives are expected to vote Republican when those in the GOP expound on all of the evidence that they say should convict those who are breaking constitutional laws. Yet, those who have been elected to represent the people never take any of these supposed law breakers to court after their continued lamented claims of wrongdoing! Also, TV hosts and contributors share their opinions when most of them have no merit or past experience that is creditable enough for me to believe their opinion is any better than mine. I have learned more about what our constitution is unable to do (mainly not adjudicate or arrest lawbreakers who are Democrats) or what the Republican Party representatives are unwilling to do either out of fear of retribution or exposure of their own wrong doing!! It appears to me that some good old fashion attention getting from "The People" needs to occur by forming a new party that will eliminate the GOP and then straighten out those who don't love this country by giving them a map of directions to those countries of "sharing" such as China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Finland, and Sweden. Historically, these kinds of actions have occurred with those who are willing to follow the original constitution. It's time!!!