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January 25, 2021

First, a surprise, as who would've thought the best video shown all weekend would be on ABC’s Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos?

Not because of Stephanopoulos, of course, but of how Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded to him after being asked the leading, litmus-test question, “This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?”

To his everlasting credit, Sen. Paul did not play along with the Leftist Inquisition, saying instead that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur,” that there was never any presentation in court of the evidence and that lawsuits were dismissed not for lack of evidence but “for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.”

Sen. Paul detailed some of the “clearly” unconstitutional ways in which laws were changed by courts and secretaries of state –- as opposed to state legislatures –- before November. He said there was still a chance that “some of these actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court.”

"...Yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.” There’s also the failure to purge voter rolls of ineligible people.

Stephanopoulos was having none of it, of course, and kept interrupting. “No election is perfect,” he said, “but there were 86 challenges filed by President Trump and his allies in court; all were dismissed.” (He apparently didn’t hear Sen. Paul just explain why they were dismissed.)

"Can’t you just say the words, that this election was not stolen?” Stephanopoulos insisted.


Sen. Paul did not cave to the pressure and left it an open question. “What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections, and 75 percent of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity...”

"Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a BIG LIE by President Trump and his supporters, who say the election was stolen,” Stephanopoulos replied in his usual role of Democrat Party shill. “Why can’t you say, ‘President Biden won a legitimate and fair election’?”

Paul called him out on this: “George, where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything...”

This went round and round, with Stephanopoulos using faulty logic to say that because the election was “certified,” it wasn’t stolen. Paul went into the specifics of what happened illegally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

"I plan on spending the next two years going around from state to state and fixing these problems,” Paul said, “and I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, ‘There’s no evidence here –- you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud!’ No, let’s have an open debate; it’s a free country.”

Stephanopoulos continued with his “These go to 11” responses (see the movie SPINAL TAP if you don’t get the reference), and was so sure there is no room for the slightest question that he even said “there are NOT two sides” to this story. Paul never backed down. “You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist,” he told Stephanpoulos. (Unintentional humor alert: Sen. Paul refers to Stephanopoulos as a journalist.) This is must-see video; the entire segment with transcript is here.

Now, to the main story: House Democrats are already trying to codify all the voting irregularities Sen. Paul was talking about into law, to essentially make it impossible to verify future elections. Everything to raise cheating to an art form is here in HR 1, “the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021,” their very first bill: nationwide mail-in ballots, unrestricted ballot harvesting, the end of voter ID, convicted criminals eligible to vote and much, much more.

I have a better name for this: “the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021.” Indeed, POPULIST PRESS describes this as “the bill that will destroy America.” We can only hope that SCOTUS will see it that way, too, as its infringement upon state legislatures is hugely, wildly, unmistakably unconstitutional.

This bill essentially requires every state to do away with their own rules for elections. No state gets to require more than the last four digits of a Social Security number, for example. Every state must accept internet-only registration, including the signature. Every state must have automatic registration to vote (“motor voter”) unless the individual specifically declines it. Every state has to allow 16-year-olds to go ahead and register to vote, though states won’t have to let them vote until they’re 18 –- so one might infer that voting at 16 is an option for states that want it. All states must allow anyone to register the same day as an election.

It goes on. In no state may a person other than a state or local election official call for voter rolls to be brought up to date, the way Tom Fitton and others have been doing in some states. In all states, everyone convicted of any crime –- yes, murder –- has the right to vote and must be so notified in writing.

All states must have a period of early voting. All states must participate in uniform absentee balloting. This is nationwide mail-in voting. Relative to that, “a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot...” other than just a signature or “similar affirmation.”

Here’s something reminiscent of Wisconsin’s recent success with all those dropboxes: A voter can “designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any compensation based on the number of ballots the person has returned...” (It says nothing about the voters receiving compensation, haha.) There is no limit on the number of voted-and-sealed ballots a “designated person” can return. What could possibly go wrong?

There’s much more, including the “roadmap” for DC statehood and what appears to be a complete congressional takeover of redistricting. They’ve thought of everything.

I’ve saved perhaps the most chilling for last: SEC. 3201 NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. This calls for the President, in consultation with various Cabinet members and agency officials, to develop over the next year a plan to deal with a number of possible occurrences, including an “influence operation” or “disinformation campaign” that could cause the “erosion of public trust” or undermine the “security and integrity of United States democratic institutions.” Gosh, isn't Twitter already doing that?

I don't see how this gets a thumbs-up from the Supreme Court, but if it does, we’re finished. Why, depending on what the President and his advisers decided, Sen. Paul might not be allowed to question an election at all. And when George Stephanopoulos asked him if it was stolen, he might have to answer, “No, sir, it was perfectly secure and honest.” For the good of the democracy, you know.


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Comments 26-50 of 114

  • Michael

    01/25/2021 06:55 PM

    It has been only six days since that illigitimate corrupt fraud Biden took up residency in the White House. He and his Socialist-Marxist party are hell bent to utterly destroy our Republic and democracy. If HR1 is passed and it probably will with the majority of corrupt crooks in the House and Senate. And RINO'S will continue being the cowardous traitors they are. One other person, a veteran mentioned that the bullet box is an option when all other avenues have been exhausted and domestic enemies want POWER and total CONTROL over the people. At this point it appears more likely that a Civil War is on the horizon. And the minute the Socialist-Marxist within our borders want to seize our guns and destroy the 2nd Amendment, wake up Patriots, as a decision will have to decide to br yaken over or fight to save our Republic from evil forces!!!

  • Barbara Warnock

    01/25/2021 06:30 PM

    So glad Sen. Paul didn’t back down...The democrats are haters...I don’t know when they began to hate so much but it has taken over their party....Blessings for Sarah running...

  • Dogen Tyg

    01/25/2021 06:23 PM

    From what I'm seeing if this new law is passed - we need to join with the Democrats to insure that 'every vote' is counted.
    From all of the actions I have seen - it appears to me that the smart crowd is ours. So it goes without saying that we should be able to play the game - they established - better and more directly.
    I've never in my life thought any good came from cheating - but if a lesson is needed - it seems to be now, and maybe for the next three / four Federal elections to come. If they find they cannot win - maybe, just maybe they'll get legal. If the system is 'on the net' it is attachable by anyone who knows how - to set an app that will allow for votes to be added (say three for every two detected - all for the same party listing - down the line) - IF any irregularities are seen during the systems operations might lead those on the other team to 'go overboard' and expose their actions. Plus wouldn't it be a challenge to count 3.5 million more votes than residents?

  • Carol Mathews

    01/25/2021 06:22 PM

    Wish Sara was running for governer of GA. Sure could use a good one.

  • Carol Mathews

    01/25/2021 06:16 PM

    This doesn't surprise me and yes it is chilling. WE needed someone with enough devil in him to go up against all the President Trump did have to endure. The Republicans or independents,who ever, are going to have to figure out the ways to beat them at their own game. With such lax rules, voting only becomes a joke but it is still the only way we have to get presidental change so maybe 2 can play the game. With such lax rules and oversight, my cat could vote. He has an ID of more than 4 numbers, would not need a signature or picture ID and he is more human than any dem ever thought to be. On his medical records and insurance plan, he is known as Sandy Mathews, with an address and phone number listed and a plan ID. With no varification, who would know the difference?

  • C Douglas Stram

    01/25/2021 06:09 PM

    Would you listen to a scientist who was Co-Founder of Greenpeace? (Part of my network)
    In all humility, I know of no one who can hold a candle to my God-given abilities in electric utilities (Gov. regulated monopolies) and energy. I have an e-mail from a political Democrat, in the dark blue State of Connecticut under Governor Pinocchio, who asked why I sent him certain (truthful) information, knowing what Party (D) he is with. My response will be that I've tried to help him understand a fact (re: energy policy) that he will not learn from the biased media. I've not been successful getting any e-mail to you over the past 4 years --- praying I will have an opportunity to talk with you (203) 746-0223 (All-American Energy Co Inc.) God Bless, Doug Stram, President

  • Ed Thompson

    01/25/2021 06:04 PM

    God Bless Sarah,and we, my wife and I, wish and pray for her success. What happened with the presidential election “could” happen to her but now, enough has been revealed to everyone that those types of deceptive practices should not be able to be put in place— hope! Pray!! Everyone knows “their” audacity towards her but we are praying— hoping!!— if anything starts looking rotten it will be stopped before it gets worse. She will make a great political person with a great background including what she has learned from her own Pap! Ha! Looking forward to seeing her again! Dad has to be as proud as anyone could be. God Bless you all.

  • Sandra S Butler

    01/25/2021 06:04 PM

    Re: conservative-friendly companies, I read that H.E.B. is NOT and has withdrawn support. I suppose this would include pulling Goya products off the shelves but have not been able to find out where they are available now. (I divorced H.E.B.; Kroger, here I come!) Also, I have wondered whether you still have Marriott at the top of your go-to places, now that they have defected. Thank you, Sandra

  • Donna Lee Lounsbury

    01/25/2021 06:04 PM

    I was impressed how Ron Paul handled George. It's about time someone standup to him and the press.

  • Valerie Spiegle

    01/25/2021 06:00 PM

    Our focus should be on the Truth and Fact that Christ Jesus is coming back soon! Each and every person must seek God's forgiveness through His Son, Jesus, now!
    Please God save us from our selves. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

  • Helen M. Bohm

    01/25/2021 05:48 PM

    What can we do? I wrote an e-Mail to my State Representative and am waiting for a reply. If our votes don't count, we are lost. I plan on writing to our local newspaper, but it does seem that the Democratic Party has thought of every which way to take our vote from us. It is scary!!!

  • Margaret Collins

    01/25/2021 05:43 PM


  • Winnie Witt

    01/25/2021 05:22 PM

    I don't always read your newsletters, because I don't have time to login to my laptop every day, BUT, I'm VERY GLAD I logged in today...(God led me to it) I'm so glad I got to read about Senator Paul, and about the "DEMOCRATS BILL HR1. IT's just unbelievable (almost) They want to make SURE they NEVER lose another election. They managed to get to all the crooked judges this time, so NONE of them would hear anything President Trump was saying about the stolen election. But they want to make sure from now on. SO.....I'm directing everyone I know to be sure and read your newsletter about this. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ask all your followers to join the CONVENTION of STATES RIGHT AWAY!!! This is so very important that we get MORE states ratified. We have 15 now, but we need 34, so we have a ways to go. I think if EVERY conservative news outlet WOULD TELL the readers, and listeners, how important this is, it would help get people off their duffs to do something. PEOPLE HAD BETTER BE GETTING SCARED....GOD IS IN CONTROL, but I don't believe He expects us to just say GOD HELP US, when He gave us a perfectly good mind, and hopefully enough sense to DO WHATEVER WE CAN OURSELVES. SO, PLEASE, PLEAS ASK YOUR READERS TO GO TO COS.COM, and sign up and get busy.

  • Grant Dowdy

    01/25/2021 04:59 PM

    I would love to have suitcases of ballots and be given hours to see how many I could run! I bet that number could be enough to give Biden a majority. Where was the water main break? Another lie!Has anybody addressed how individuals changed laws for voting that was not legal except for pandemic? Do individual make voting law for each state or legislators? Is it scary that a presidential candidate was spied upon by the fbi and cia? No court allowed cases to be heard as far as I could hear! And that seemed to be thrown out by democratic majorities in swing states! And the Supreme Court didn’t want to hear any of these cases? What has our country become?

  • Patrica Williams

    01/25/2021 04:53 PM

    Thank you Gov Mike for all you do to speak truth when some people seem to not be interested! I am very appreciative of Senator Rand Paul also speaking truth! I am a Christian and I KNOW God will take care of the America He founded!!??????????

  • Jo Cluck

    01/25/2021 04:45 PM

    Thank you for having this on as I do not watch any of the MSM networks if I can avoid it. Rand Paul came off very well in handling Georgie boy! Sorry our SCOTUS was so blind and put the person in the WH . Pray God will chase Satan out and bring back our President Trump and his policies or feel we are doomed. Thankful for the announcement Sarah made today. My prayers are with her. Until we are allowed to work again, money will be at a premium for my own family so contributions will be in the form of support by word of mouth. No need to ask my Washington State congressional people for help. Both Democrat senators who have sucked the well dry and a RINO representative of Newhouse . All need to be replaced and SOON!!! God bless you and thank you for your stalwart support for the love of our country.

  • Thomas H Holmes

    01/25/2021 04:39 PM

    a wise and respected man (my father) once told me that "you get what you tolerate". Too many of us are not willing to stand up and push back for this baloney.
    Thanks for your support.

  • Michelle Grevert

    01/25/2021 04:34 PM

    Please check into a Project Veritas video regarding elections in Michigan with regard to “buying” votes! Our elections are a sacred right, and to ignore what happens is criminal! I praise President Trump for his courageous tenacity in standing up for Americans! This issue must be resolved! Facts shown to the public!

  • Glenn Barnhart

    01/25/2021 04:26 PM

    Reading this article in addition to the changes Biden has made in his first few days are destroying our country. We must stand up and fight as smart and as hard as we can to save our nation. I hope we can figure a way to stop this. Thanks!

  • Bill Mills

    01/25/2021 04:23 PM

    I believe that there is enough evidence to warrant the questioning of the win by Biden. If Biden was an honorable man, he would have requested an audit to ensure the legitimacy of his "victory". My personal feelings are that President Trump actually won the election. I just wish that we had more decent senators like Senator Paul. People who have the intestinal fortitude to go against the grain and demand answers to politically tough questions. I fear if we don't get to the bottom of this election integrity issue, we could very well end up with a one party system. (Welcome to "1984". Pelosi is already wanting to constrain discussion in the House by limiting words that can be used.) Finally, congratulations to your daughter for running for governor of Arkansas. We need more people with her integrity, love of country, and smarts in government. I figured she would run someday for office, I was just hoping she would run for congress, so all of us could benefit.

  • Robert Spahn

    01/25/2021 04:19 PM

    Rand Paul's comments and your remarks sum it up well.
    If the Supreme Court fails to do its constitutional job again, I would join in you in fear for our country, at least short term. Beyond that, I fear that it will be sorted out by those who will not give up freedom easily.

  • Lewis Cleveland

    01/25/2021 04:17 PM

    Hi Gov. Huckabee, one thing I say, Im soo proud of Sarah for running for Governor in Arkansas. And also Im proudmof Paul Rand bold truth against hateful, lying media. We need America back. Thank you so much for showing me all of thisl God bless you and fsmily

  • Mark Goodrich

    01/25/2021 04:10 PM

    If we can't stop it I say we will have to play by their rules, and do exactly as they do. Start voting twice, having Ronald Regan vote, turnabout is fair play. I would like nothing better than to beat those left wing wastes of skin at their own game.

  • Dan Kloppenborg

    01/25/2021 04:06 PM

    2 Comments:1. Look at Mr Bezos and the election for unions @ Amazon - He is strongly saying ONLY in person balloting - if he gets it for his company why not for US.
    2. We need picture IDs to get in government buildings, get our drivers license, open a bank account, get medical procedures, cash a check, get on a plane - why not voting? A month ago Rush had a list of 20+ items an ID was needed!

  • Phu Nguyen

    01/25/2021 03:53 PM

    I'll support any Republican BUT NOT RINOs