
Latest News

July 16, 2021

First, a reader comment about our Fulton County story...

From Michael:

I would like to ask if this could be forwarded to some groups I am in. I am a Georgia voter. Fulton County is the most crooked county in Georgia, and that has been true for a long time. I would like to publicize this as far as I could.


Yes, by all means! Here is the link to that report again.

Since the shock of what we saw at State Farm Arena on Election Night 2020, we’ve been getting an increasingly clear picture of what was likely going on. Fulton County officials have been as uncooperative and non-transparent as it gets, and it’s hard to believe they’d behave this way if they didn’t have something to hide.

Since Tucker Carlson reported on the duplicate ballot scans Wednesday night, there’s been an all-out war declared to try to get him off the air at FOX NEWS. This is an organized effort called #TuckerIsKillingUs, featuring a video montage suggesting that his advice, particularly on the virus and medical issues, is irresponsible and will get people killed.

Author and communications expert Scott Adams, the creator of the “Dilbert” cartoon strip, said Thursday in his “Coffee With Scott Adams” podcast that if significant fraud in the Trump-Biden race can be proved, “Trump’s your next President.” (That doesn’t mean he would be rightfully installed as President before 2024, but it does mean he’d win the next election if he chose to run.) No wonder leftists are pulling out all the stops to keep auditors from seeing everything.

“If Tucker’s reporting holds up,” he said, “Trump’s your next President, because it will be too delicious to keep him out of office.” The danger they saw in a Trump first term –- meaning the danger to the system they have in place –- would be “on steroids” in a second term, he said, because Trump wouldn’t have to worry about getting re-elected. “I don’t think Republicans would be able to resist letting a rabid dog into the house with their enemies. I feel like, if the pit bull wants to kill somebody, and you need somebody killed --- figuratively speaking, not actually killing people --- I feel like it’s gonna be too hard to resist.”

He said that, in general, people make decisions based on how they feel, not primarily on policy. “How would you feel,” he asked, “if you believed that the election was fraudulent, and even if it didn’t change the final outcome, they tried really hard [to cheat for Biden]?”

“That’ll get you to the election, won’t it?”

A story in RedState supports his view. In special elections in Georgia, Alabama and Wisconsin, Republicans “overperformed” compared to the 2020 election. And it was in Georgia, a state currently under the magnifying glass for its conduct in 2020, that we saw this the most. Republicans came out in force in a suburban Atlanta district that had seen the GOP vote share dip to an all-time low just under a year ago. (I won’t speculate on how accurate that vote count was.) Voters swung 22 points back to the GOP.

The Democrats were so taken aback that “Fair Fight,” the organization headed by failed gubernatorial candidate and “voting rights” activist Stacey Abrams, tweeted this: “Tonight, Georgia Republicans won a Republican district, just like Georgia Democrats will continue to win our Democratic state. The election was an opportunity for us to protect voters in the midst of unprecedented attacks on the freedom to vote across the country.”

They also tweeted this nugget of racism: “While the Georgia GOP’s spin factory kicks into high gear, they continue running scared from the voters of color across the state who defeated them last November and again in January.”

Of course, she was referring to the proposed voting law in her own state of Georgia. Polls show that most people, of all colors, are for such safeguards as photo IDs for voters. But the Democrat leadership is desperate to stop any attempts to keep elections honest, so they’re manufacturing the necessary outrage. Here’s a great opinion piece on that, also from RedState.

Georgia's Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger is seeing the writing on the wall for Fulton County, and on Thursday he called for the firing of top elections officials there. He says that elections director Richard Barron and voter registration chief Ralph Jones have got to go.

“Every time we think we’ve reached the peak of Fulton County’s election mismanagement issues, more comes to light,” he told THE EPOCH TIMES. You’d think that line would have come from Tucker Carlson or perhaps us, but no, it came from the Georgia secretary of state.

Still, though, his office is trying to maintain that fraud did not occur. Carter Jones said that double-counting is not evidence of fraud. “Fulton is so poor at handling the actual process that if they had actually tried to rig the election, they would have bungled it and we would have found out,” he said.

Jones is the one who was in charge of monitoring issues real-time on Election Day. His handwritten notes contain words such as “chaos,” “confusion,” and “a massive chain of custody problem.” Why would chain of custody be important except to safeguard against cheating?

He cited many more problems. THE EPOCH TIMES has all the shocking details here in a “premium” story, well worth signing up for.

Truly, Election Night was an absolute horror show in Fulton County, Georgia. If what happened there affected just their own local races, one could argue that they deserve what they get if they can’t manage their elections better than that. But, through cheating or incompetence or (most likely) a combination of both, they played an important role in inflicting the Biden administration on the whole country.

And, yes, I’d say that’s a firing offense.

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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • Miguel Arsuaga

    07/16/2021 11:40 AM

    I hope in all this auditing that someone is looking at the Nov'20 senate race. Perdue fell less than 15K votes short, out of 4.6 million votes cast, in getting 50% and winning outright. THERE IS WHERE THE JIGGERING OCCURRED. Take that seat back and install the rightful winner. Then Camela's vote won't count.

  • instig8r

    07/16/2021 11:25 AM

    "...inflicting the Biden administration on the whole country."


  • Mary Alice Phillips

    07/16/2021 11:21 AM

    It is SAD there are so many dishonest people in politics,,cheating the way the DEMS did in the 2020 election ...they lied on TRUMP for can they sleep at night ???

  • Paul Poole

    07/16/2021 11:06 AM

    Unfortunately, I don't see the Republicans winning much of anything! It will take a bloody revolution to take the country is a scam, a scam that will get the Marxist Communist Dems into power and keep them there.

  • Cam Politics

    07/16/2021 10:59 AM

    Just an FYI: everything in a Web address from “utm” onward is tracking information about YOU. Don’t let Big Tech track you to the world. Delete the utm and everything that comes afterwards, before you posted a web address like this:

  • Sherry Glascock aka Sharon

    07/16/2021 10:54 AM

    I am so sick of the cheating and illegal voting but the biggest questions is why these people who are doing this are not arrested. Democrats are doing this and get off free but if a Republican does the same they would be sent to jail so fast your head would swim right off your shoulders. Mike keep up the good work sending out the truth.

  • Marty A Jones

    07/16/2021 10:22 AM

    The Leftists always say there is no fraud until fraud is found, then it changes to its so minimal that it had no effect. One fraudulent vote is too many and should never be overlooked. No matter what the final number of fraud cases found, the individuals responsible should face some real time in prison and lose their right to vote forever.