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January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 476-500 of 1536

  • Eric Martindale

    01/07/2021 08:14 AM

    I am a conservative from NJ. Yes, we are law and order, but law and order has been destroyed with the theft of the election. The other side went outside of the Constitution to seize power, but now WE are being told that all of our responses have to come from within the Constitution. The mob rule event was clearly a demonstration, and ironically within the "liberal" perspective of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. It was meant to send a message that the country is absolutely and intensely divided, and there will be resolution, no healing, unless all the counts of fraud and irregularity in the election are enumerated and listed, and each with valid links to official documents and other proof, and real action is taken on the grievances. The response by the Left has been pure Orwellian, and a double-down on the position that there is "absolutely no proof". At this point, I support a complete Revolution by Christian heads of the military. See my essay

  • Kay Emrick

    01/07/2021 08:14 AM

    So sad, but totally predictable. And how did anyone break into what was supposed to be secure...boarded up stores and businesses and no extra help at the capital. They were set up.

  • David "Chris" Rethemeyer

    01/07/2021 08:14 AM

    I am filled with a mixture of emotions about the events that transpired on January 6th in Washington D.C.. It was encouraging to see support for President Trump at the rally. It was heartbreaking to see the storming of the capitol building. I pray that any true Christian believers were not part of the illegal activities. I am also praying that God will shed light on the truth of the situation. He knows and He is ultimately in control.

  • Jo AnnBurden

    01/07/2021 08:12 AM

    The bottom line is voting is the only voice Americans have. If we don’t trust it to be fair, we become frustrated. With a pandemic going on and what it has done to our livelihoods and on top of that an Illegitimate election.
    The pandering Democrats in Congress are really the drivers of this train wreck. They are very skillful in distorting the truth as pinning blame off of themselves. They planned and carried out their scheme. Tried to get rid if Trump for four years with fabrications,
    Queen Pelosi has kept her seat, The Democrats won Georgia and now control our senate. Trump has not invited the riots, our Congress has. He never had any transition never mind a peaceful one. He just had obstacles. There will be more unrest until we correct our election issues and people who fund the corruption in our government and our media.

  • Robin E Paris

    01/07/2021 08:10 AM

    What I saw yesterday broke my heart and made me sick to my stomach. I am a staunch Christian conservative Republican Trump supporter, but yesterday's events were unconscionable. Many people went to peacefully protest, but the perpetrators of the violence & storming of the Capitol and Senate floor are another breed entirely. We need to find out who they are! The truth must come out. My heart is broken for our country.

  • Donna Chambers

    01/07/2021 08:10 AM

    I do not believe this violence was commited by trump supporters- I think it was a plan to mske trump supporters look like riotous idiots. They will not play by the rules. I could be wrong . Look at the thugs.

  • Jim allen

    01/07/2021 08:10 AM

    Again, I agree with you. President Trump has done a great deal of good, but so much more would have come about if his pride had not hindered him. Also, one should not always make public the first thought that comes into their mind. Words cannot be taken back. I am waiting to see what type of people started the violence. It seems to be the behavior of those who burned cities, not Trump supporters.

  • Charles F Smith

    01/07/2021 08:08 AM

    One question I heard repeatedly on Fox was "where were the police". The police are used to big rallies and are visible throughout a rally/demonstration but were not visible during this one and were slow to respond as the building was being attacked

  • Barbara Click

    01/07/2021 08:07 AM

    Pence was asked to allow the state legislators to RECLAIM the electors ( who THE GOVERNOR “approved “, NOT THEM) and PAUSE the process for this investigation. Pence lied about that! Violence is never acceptable, you BLINDLY assumed ANTIFA etc were not involved and did not agitate! Sure seemed the bullies got through a bit too easily...
    AND EVEN WORSE, the multitudes of PEACEFUL CITIZENS gathered to be they want the facts on FRAUD heard...and Congress gave them a tin ear! BIDEN COULDNT BE CLEARED FOR SECURITY TO BE A GARBAGE MAN AT THE WHITE HOUSE...and YOU WANT TO SEE HIM AS PRESIDENT?
    We have a 2 tiered system now...and you want to play nicely nice so we can be COMMUNIST? SHAME ON YOU!
    Welcome to the Chinese version on Venezuela!
    Mike, you of all people DISAPPOINT US!

  • Sharon Mathews

    01/07/2021 08:07 AM

    I knew it was Antifa immediately! The truth will come out. I’m appalled that a woman was shot and killed. Having said that I’m equally appalled (and pissed) at republicans who couldn’t stick together for once! Lindsey Graham was right. Enough is enough! It was enough that democrats spied on Trumps campaign, railroaded Flynn, tried to impeach him for nothing, tried to disgrace Kavanaugh (who I’m deeply disappointed in) and on and on with their NON-STOP resistance. It’s enough is right. So now I sit here and am totally unsatisfied that fraud was not investigated fairly and a man who can’t find his butt with both hands and his ilk may still be inaugurated and ruin this great and beautiful country. . Yea..I’d say it’s enough!

  • Janet May

    01/07/2021 08:05 AM

    We all knew that antifa would show up there and cause problems. It may be what Nancy & Mitch were counting on. They possibly already had their speeches already written. I think wish that all the evidence that Lin Wood talks about would go on and be exposed. The stuff Mary Fanning has. I trust God's timing though. He knows the proper timing. Somehow the identification of the antifa guys needs to get out on tv and social media. God's will be done.

  • Ron Watkins

    01/07/2021 08:05 AM

    The Capitol is the people's house, the fact that on a few windows and minor damage occurred, as compared to Minneapolis, which was totally destroyed, Kenosha burned to the ground, Portland being occupied by Anarchists, how many murders Last summer?and now as we're forced to watch as our businesses are closed down, while elite socialist flaunt the mask mandates,then Pelosi steals the Speaker job by bringing in a quarantined covid person to vote for her,and this one tops it all as Emanuel Cleaver opens the new Congress with a prayer to all Gods whoever they might be,then to make sure he was being gender neutral, concludes with Amen and Awomen...ENOUGH!

  • Sheila Alverson

    01/07/2021 08:04 AM

    Something smells fishy. Were these attackers really Pro-Trump. Something tells me they were not. We are not like the left so out of thousands of people this gang attacks????

  • Frances Bellinger

    01/07/2021 08:03 AM

    It is wrong but did anyone think that Antifa might have been involved with this protest, They can blend in in any group!

  • Shirley

    01/07/2021 08:03 AM

    I don’t believe those few protesters were from the marchers that met yesterday. I feel they were implanted in with the peaceful marchers to cause trouble. Exactly what they did to make us look bad on TV. Also so the Democrats can make a big deal of it. It’s just very sad that a woman lost her life in their demonstration. Keep praying for our country, Christians

  • Guenther Nieder

    01/07/2021 08:02 AM

    No excuse for this kind of violence, but where is the condemnation of this summer? Where are the leaders on the liberal side condemning the actions from the summer? Where are the leaders on the Republican side fighting for what is right? We are but little peons in the grand scope of things in the United States of America, are elected officials do not care anymore about us. They just want to make sure that their wallets are filled, their kids are taken care of, and the rest of us will get the scraps. If they showed some kind of action helping us Americans I truly believe things would be different.

  • Rhonda Stoneburner

    01/07/2021 08:02 AM

    Sad day for us Americans. I feel the Antifa was organ and bus load came to stop what Ted Cruz started. Republicans coward down . Now we will suffer by Democrats like zoos said, when bad leader in charge his people Christians will suffer. So disappointed and DC belong to people we have rights to be there. Police was being controlled by Democrats mayor and they treated patriots wrong compared to routers in cities this summer. God must be coming soon to let this happen steal from us.

  • Connie Cato

    01/07/2021 08:01 AM

    Are you sure the people breaking in were Trump supporters? The black helmet person on Victory channel looked like Antifa.

  • Sandra Mahan

    01/07/2021 08:01 AM

    Do you really think Trump supporters were responsible for the violence? What is amazing to me is Antifa alerted that they would be there and for some reason there was not enough security! The left has paid people to riot this summer. Why wouldn’t they do it now just to make President Trump look crazy. There is a reason there was not enough security. Trump Supporters are not violent. The election system must be investigated or there will never be rest. If there was no fraud then why can’t we investigate? Because there was fraud.

  • Chris Lyssy

    01/07/2021 08:00 AM

    The violence at the Capitol today was obviously perpetrated by ANTIFA and the left to make Trump supporters look bad and to achieve the finalization of the biggest fraud ever on this country. The Republican Party elected officials have FAILED it’s supporters at every turn during this SHAM of an election. I NO LONGER CONSIDER MYSELF A REPUBLICAN, but an American patriot! There will be a NEW PARTY formed as a result of this atrocity!

  • Glória Prosper

    01/07/2021 07:59 AM

    Respectfully, I do not agree that our president’s remarks “should have been stronger”. He was appropriately appalled and attempting to calm the inflamed situation.

  • Michael Graebner

    01/07/2021 07:59 AM

    It is difficult to watch our republic die. I have heard it was antifa who posed as Trump supporters who started the trouble.

  • Me Pat

    01/07/2021 07:58 AM

    It seems to me that the constitution has been ignored by government officials and courts throughout this debacle and has been dragged out now by politicians as an excuse to cover their failures to uphold constitutional rights in the past. This is nothing but sanctimonious, self righteous protest. Get honest!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/07/2021 07:57 AM

    This reminds me of the fight against Slavery when the Democrats allowed their Slave Catchers to commit kidnapping property destruction and murder with impunity but Abolitionists were jailed beaten and killed.
    And where was the Church? The real ones took their shotguns off the wall and fought and the establishment church cringed to the Democrat and condemned the fighters. Some things never change. No wonder after the Slave fight so many abandoned the established churches. Deja Vu.

  • Jim Engbrock

    01/07/2021 07:56 AM

    The violence was deplorable! That being said, I know how the rally people feel. I am at a loss of feelings concerning ANY federal elections until Congress makes change to the election procedures to prevent the cheating that the Democrats have been doing for years. I am appalled that there is no relief for this. Surely half the country will not accept Joe Biden as president, I won't and I don't know anyone in my circle of family and friends who will.