
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 501-525 of 1536

  • Dean Phillips

    01/07/2021 07:56 AM

    Excellent thoughts. BLM peaceful protest-? In Washington mob I see little difference.

  • John Samples

    01/07/2021 07:56 AM

    First, I do not condone violence but this has been building up for a long time. If there was no fraud then the Democrats should have been more than willing to have the results examined. After 4 years of a bogus "collusion" investigation people are tired of the hypocrisy.

  • Caryn Patterson

    01/07/2021 07:54 AM

    Do you believe that the Trump supporters broke windows, carried shields, and fought the police and broke in to the capitol? I’m want to know.

  • Tammy Shaver

    01/07/2021 07:54 AM

    Do you think that there were others, like antifa, who were behind this? I have not seen true patriots become violent in any of the situations over the past year. I can understand the peaceful protest and it seems the excitement got the best of them when they entered the building. But I don’t understand the violence.

  • James P. Garriss Sr

    01/07/2021 07:52 AM

    People that I know who were at the rally and reported that there were busloads of antifa thugs, many wearing Trump gear or US flags, who infiltrated the rally and were causing the problems to make Trump supporters look bad. Why hasn't anyone picked up on this? They also reported that the rally was very peaceful and that when they headed for the capitol after the rally, the problems at the capitol were already in progress, again caused by antifa. The news film I saw showed them in typical antifa black dress, black helmets, and masks. Let's put the blame where it belongs and get the FBI, DOJ, and DHS working to destroy antifa.

  • Ronald &Phyllis Murdock

    01/07/2021 07:51 AM

    Two questions for you Governor , ( 1 ) Could it be that the protesters on Wednesday had learned from democrats and the media how to win ? Rioting, looting, obvious voter fraud with the main stream media's head turned the other way resulted in Joe Biden winning and democrats essentially gaining control of the Senate. ( 2 ) What would a " Boston Tea Party " look like in today's world ? I think it would look a lot like people amassing where the representative government has failed , and there seems to be no way to right the ship. I don't think tea is as valuable a commodity as it was in the 1700's so it wouldn't do any good to throw any in the harbor and other than the actions taken Wednesday, I don't know what can be done to drain this swamp. I personally wouldn't do what these protesters did, but their actions has some merit.

  • Richard Hines

    01/07/2021 07:51 AM

    The events at the Capitol certainly weren't sanctioned by President Trump's MAGA supporters. If there is an investigation, Antifa and BLM were leading the violent actions but the Trump supporters became caught up in the tangential activity. From the time Trump announced his candidacy through his entire presidency, he was attacked relentlessly. Yes, he should have been more condemning. But, that being said, he was a patriot and always had the backs of Americans. We owe him credit for that.

  • Beverly Ruthven

    01/07/2021 07:51 AM

    I agree.

  • Debbie Argo

    01/07/2021 07:50 AM

    Thank you Mr Mike for saying this! Felt so sorry for Pence. But so glad we have you speaking out for Conservative Christians. One reason Trump is so popular is he is the first President in a long time that listened to people and considered what they want! I don't always like what he says but I sure like what he has accomplished and done for the people of this country. I live in GA and there is very little trust in our election system among Conservatives. Sad day in America.

  • Becky Aheren

    01/07/2021 07:50 AM

    You sound like the left saying Trump should denounce them stronger. It would make no difference, just like he has denounced white supremists, and they still say he did not. If he denounces them, as he has, it should be enough. Because more will make no difference as we have seen in the past. He can never do enough for the biased media. I thought you were different, am I wrong? It was not us, the Trump supporters that broke into congress, it was Antifa. on film 5 buses of Antifa were bussed in by 3 police cars. I hate to be a conspiracy theorists, but it looks like a set up by the left, and it worked, now they are blaming Trump, when he was just part of a peaceful protest. Even has people, that for him change before the evidence comes out. the news "Trump supporters breach congress" Even when its debunked, they will still push that.

  • Gillyanne Baker

    01/07/2021 07:50 AM

    "As one who has seen, heard, studied, agonized over & fought against every sick scenario of this farce-like political "disaster" over the last 12 years against the onslaught of Socialism/Communism, I now have some additional thoughts:

    It seems that most people have now relegated themselves to rocking and moaning over what America has now irretrievably lost, and have settled in apathy to merely closing their individual Effort Books with a sigh, finally uttering their own personal feeble, yet pious, versions of "God Help Us". As I recall, in the Bible (who knows how TRUE that book ever was), apparently it was believed that GOD healed the sick and deformed in Judea and Jerusalem at the moment of Christ's death but let Pontius Pilate and his soldiers go free, yet tweaked the raining streets of Egypt into streets of blood and caused the death of every Egyptian household's first born son. That was over 2000 years ago, and nobody has any documented or verified proof of so much as an interventionary "Peep From Above" since then. Still, people are wondering somehow if HE has anything "creative" in mind for America's recent demise as the former Shining Land on the Hill of Hope and Freedom for All Mankind. It would do well for everyone to recall Mankind's 2,000 year old history since God's last "intervention", and I fear once again it was man's doing that got us here, and it will fall to man's doing to get us out of here.

    Unfortunately -- and as I've said many times regarding "possible" Divine intervention -- I wouldn't hold my breath.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/07/2021 07:48 AM

    As a going away present can President Trump declare that according to the Constitution churches. synagogues and mosques provide essential services

  • Deb Rogner

    01/07/2021 07:44 AM

    I look forward every day for you newsletters. Bible verses tend to meet your needs at the moment. I read every word. I love you and your daughter.

    Re: the violence in the capital. I watched on my ipad so the picture wasn’t large.
    I was shocked and didn’t know what group it was. As I realized it may be MAGA supporters, I was hoping for no destruction. It was loud, knowing those rooms echo so well. I loved our many visits to D.C. But you could tell by the faces, they were angry. it almost looked like a lady was trying to “reel” in her husband. if it was “our” side, I was hoping for the best. I believe President Trump thought they would listen to his first tweet. I loved it.

    For an instant, I felt a bit of “we are giving it back to them”. (That certainly isn’t turning the other cheek). “Be gentle as doves, and crafty as snakes.”

    Did the President call up National guard? I hope when he realizes the seriousness, he responded as fair as he would to each side. We know there are problem people on both sides. Have you seen him not fair?

    I want to read your daughter’s book. I know it is inspiring to work for someone who can get things done! At this point I believe as you said, V.P. Pence was following his belief of the interpretation of the constitution. And the Jewish, Democrat attorney is my favorite. Gentle, wise, and truthful (if I know it correctly).

    i don’t know if I want to follow live coverage. Your newsletters, I trust.
    We are to be thankful in everything, and with prayer, make petitions.

    Didn’t know exactly what you wanted in reply. Most of my thoughts, I guess.

    I love Donald Trump for what he has accomplished for us.


  • Anne Rizzi

    01/07/2021 07:44 AM

    I have a very strong thought that Antifa was behind this. I feel that Antifa disguised themselves and blended into the crowd of Trump supporters, and very cleverly riled up some of the people, and started the violence. And maybe some weak-minded Trump supporters followed, or maybe the Antifa members continued to let others think they were Trump supporters.

  • Melody Gaspard

    01/07/2021 07:38 AM

    I’m absolutely in shock about what happened at the Capital yesterday- and heartbroken that someone lost their life. Have we still not learned that violence doesn’t solve anything - and usually makes an already bad situation much worse? My prayers for the family of the woman who was killed, and anyone else who was injured. And though I am greatly disappointed in the results of the day - I am devastated by the behavior of those who turned a peaceful gathering into something violent - and I expect brought harm in more ways than they know. God is still on the throne - and calling out to Him is the hope of America. The only hope.

  • Kim Yochum

    01/07/2021 07:37 AM

    It was not patriots causing trouble. It was Antifa posing as patriots. It was also staged in Capitol (not patriots) breaking in. Watched most videos out there and there were dirty cops letting antifa in. I am sad that you people think patriots did this. There is proof that the ones breaking windows to get in were antifa. Shamed at all of you. Not watching or listening to any of you anymore. Done! Do your research!!!! Shameful blaming Trump supporters.

  • Sandra Lou Beatty

    01/07/2021 07:36 AM

    Multiple photos from previous Antifa and/or BLM riots have shown these same actors as we see in the House chamber. These are Antifa thugs and hired actors. Who funded these people, and what is being done to identify and arrest the TRUE rioters? I'm so sick of this MSM bias and the Democrat machine. I am also sick of cowering Republicans. I see my path forward as contributing to US Term Limits, Convention of States, and other organizations to rein in these Congress-PEOPLE. Our country is under attack. If push comes to shove, I will fight in the streets.

  • Michelle Mitchell

    01/07/2021 07:34 AM

    Are we sure they were Trump supporters? Not dressed up Antifa and BLM people?

  • Ms. Ann Mills

    01/07/2021 07:34 AM

    The rioting and violence at the Capitol yesterday was planned and instigated by the radical groups, with Trump supporters apparently following along. Many supporters, from what I could see, remained on the steps. You can't tell me that those Trump supporters did this all of a sudden. Trump's rallies have been peaceful; supporters haven't ripped down statues or burned or looted. Trump is being blamed for everything that has gone wrong in this country, but in my view, Trump has been a breath of fresh air in this stagnant and corrupt government of ours. He has challenged the status quo and opened many eyes, mine included, to the corruption. Could he have toned down his manner of speaking sometimes, yes, but that is what kept people involved rather than falling back into apathy. I believe if Mike Pence had shown any concern for the millions of Americans who believe wholeheartedly that the election was stolen, and at least had it looked into, it would have helped put it to rest. But he didn't, he fell into the usual status quo and blew us all off. People are now abandoning President Trump, blaming him for it all. I disagree and am terribly saddened and terrified for our country. We are going down the slippery slope into Socialism and I don't know any way to stop it. My country is gone and I cry.

  • Mike Blevins

    01/07/2021 07:34 AM

    Dear Mr Huckabee.
    I was saded to see what happen
    So much has happen over last year. With the virus and everything. But i believe a match was lit and is not going out. People are mad and upset
    You cant help but to see election was rigged against the president.
    And over 75 millon people k ow it.
    And no one will investigate it
    Im just a small simple man
    But i believe this whole election
    Was design couple years ago to turn out just this way

  • Jill cain

    01/07/2021 07:32 AM

    I’m asking if violence is to be denounced why doesn’t the Left denounce it. Why do they allow Antifa and BLM rule? I was there in DC. Everyone was peaceful until a band decided to break into the Capital. Facial recognition shows that some of them were Antifa and BLM. That city was totally boarded on waiting and expecting violence from Antifa. Isn’t that allowing and even encouraging it? They know nothing will happen to them. Not one cop would shoot them. But an unarmed , veteran is a target for the cops?

  • Karen Miller

    01/07/2021 07:32 AM

    The people who stormed the Capitol were a very small group compared to all the patriots who showed up to march. Perhaps some have been bullied by lockdowns, and tyrannical government "mandates" beyond their point of tolerance, though it is no excuse. That being said, it was as if Congress didn't even acknowledge the vast numbers who came and why they were there, or took it seriously. We march, they ignore us. We vote, they steal the elections. What can we do now?

  • Jerry

    01/07/2021 07:30 AM

    Today the country goes on life support as I believe our country is going to change the highly regarded Supreme Court (use to be) will probably be diluted to a communist anti Constitutional Bench, the energy sector over time is going to change (i have seen gas prices rise 25 Cents a gallon), Our Freedoms already have been eroded as to what is open and what is closed That America is only the beginning The ride as an American has been tough at times however the ride may be over the Government in the near future will tell when where and how you will do business while Communist and Socialist countries welcome the US to its world lets all be Globalists no more America First.

  • Carole S Neuenhoff

    01/07/2021 07:30 AM

    I could have cried when I saw them enter the Capitol. Didn't they know the harm they were doing to the conservative cause? We don't do that, but there they were. I will say they didn't look like rioters--more like tourists. They didn't seem to be in a rush. Should never have happened.

  • Angel C Quintos

    01/07/2021 07:29 AM

    Was it really the Republican who did the rioting? Was there an investigation?