
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 526-550 of 1536

  • Al Caldwell

    01/07/2021 07:28 AM

    At least we're protesting the government itself, not burning and looting private business and citizens!! Think about that for a moment. I'm not saying violence is right, but remember, our forefathers founded our country on just that.

  • Debbie Duff

    01/07/2021 07:26 AM

    While I totally agree with you, it's like the guy who threw the second punch. For 6 months or more we have watched the Left/Democrats destroy cities, neighborhoods and small businesses. People are fed up. I also condemn the violence that happened in our capitol, I understand why it happened and I also wonder about the motive of those who did it. I do not believe that it was all "Trump supporters." I know there were 10's of thousands of peaceful demonstrators there too! I thank you for your clam, measured presentation and I greatly appreciate your morning and evening editions! Hold to the truth! Trusting the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and praying for our country and it's leaders!

  • Michael Manoogian

    01/07/2021 07:26 AM

    Violence needs to be condemned. Unfortunately, we have witnessed 4 years of violence from both sides, much of it unchallenged. We had thousands of protests, some that turned to violence, including an attack on the White House, on the Senate Kavanaugh hearings, multiple court houses and government buildings, cities, incitement by a few elected officials, all serving to normalize political violence. We as a people cannot accept this. Yes the election was problematic but we have the institutional protocols to peacefully pursue remedies. From the standpoint of the President, he was leaving office with the wind at his back until yesterday when he scuttled it on the rocks. Maybe the right solution is for the rest of our government to rally around a new commitment to work together to solve the people's problems and end the political rancor between the parties. I could only wish that the Senate leaders could embrace their 50-50 party balance to share power rather than use a tie-breaker to dominate the other. It would be such a good example for everyone.

  • Paula Hines

    01/07/2021 07:25 AM

    Thank you! I have always been a Huckabee supporter because you voice what I believe in a completely succinct and polite way. I agree there’s been awful fraud and I completely agree that what happened yesterday was awful. However, I really would love to think that what happened yesterday would not have led our representatives to back down from what is right (objecting). Why isn’t ANTIFA being mentioned? Yes, the poor woman who was killed inside the building (where she shouldn’t have been). But wasn’t it ANTIFA who broke the window? I’m so upset that Trump and his supporters, even though they were stupid, are being blamed yet so many people are silent about ANTIFA.

    I follow the news on News Max and America First now. Totally given up on Fox. I’ve not given up on God though. Somehow it is getting turned into “We need to come together now so Republicans should let Democrats lead and Republicans should fall in line with what Democrats want. That’s only going to happen with the ones who don’t care about the god of Abraham.

    Again, thanks so much for your voice

  • Jack macdonald

    01/07/2021 07:25 AM

    I submitted my comments before reading the comments by others. I was gratified to see that so many had seen thru the Antifa ruse. Proof again that true wisdom lies with the common man and not the alleged thinkers.

  • Carolyn Brannon

    01/07/2021 07:25 AM

    Actions like yesterday undo all the good we have done and destroy the Republican Party. I was heartbroken. Wish we could know the truth about who the leaders of the rush on the Capital were. Trumps comment of our much loved Vice President was disgraceful and hateful. Pence has stood by the President and us. I look forward to hearing truth from your newsletters if you can find it.

  • Linda Meyer

    01/07/2021 07:24 AM

    Why are you aghast? People are fed up with the leftist socialists that are going to rip this country apart. And I don’t believe it was Trump supporters that caused the violence. I think Antifa and BLM infiltrated the supporters.
    So of course, the republicans are giving up the fight. I just hope our President exposes all of the corruption in Washington. Maybe he’ll be more successful now that people will really see what’s going on when the left takes over.

  • Ruby LeBlanc

    01/07/2021 07:23 AM

    I believe Trump supporters were hijacked by violent protesters, most likely paid rioters, as per their style. Looked like the same ones who had been in Portland and Seattle. Antifa thugs?

  • Risa Loudermilk

    01/07/2021 07:17 AM

    I didn’t see all the melee. Truly not interested in the vitriol. I have two ??. 1) How/why did the capital police remove the barricades? 2) could this be a false flag to distract from the stealing of the election? Now the MSM will play this over and over so we “forget” what happened in the election.

  • Linda Crane

    01/07/2021 07:17 AM

    Don’t you know the Democrats are laughing at Republicans. It turned out just as they wanted. A well-organized peaceful Trump support rally was all they needed to get what they wanted, and they seized the opportunity. A few infiltrated rotten apples, planned and paid for by the Democrats, quickly spoiled the whole barrel. Coupled with the biased news media a fire was lit. Then take a few scared Republicans, and wham, the Constitution was completely ignored. Also ignored was the fraudulent election and broken laws. I watched most of the “mob attack” led by the rotten apples. I also watched the remarks made by a few Republicans who let a crisis influence their thinking. Those few who were so concerned about their reelection results, and, trust me, I lost faith in them as patriots, those whom I felt would uphold the law of the land. One of those is Senator Cassidy, who will never get my vote again, and I intend to tell him. Many people lost faith in their elected officials when they let an incidence, bad as it was, scare the wits out of them and let laws of the land fly out the window. Yes, mistakes may have been made by Trump supporters, but we will never know just who they were, because the news media will lay it all on President Trump. If you look at what the Democrats and the news media has done for four years, such as removing his Twitter remarks asking people to go home, I tell you this Nation is like a snowball heading for hell in a down hill slide. What can they do to this Nation in 4 years is incomprehensible (a new word in our vocabulary). What’s more, what can the people do about it. We cannot expect our elected and trusted officials to uphold the laws of the land. I am disappointed to the stage of emotional and nausea. Thank you, Governor Huckabee, for allowing me to project my feelings and those of many others. I hope this is published.

  • Al Valiquet

    01/07/2021 07:16 AM

    I have to disagree with you. There is a lot of evidence that shows Antifa posing as Trump supporters storming the Capital. Everything that comes from the Democrat Party is full of lies, deception and destruction. This election was stolen with collusion of foreign Countries. This massive election fraud is a treasonous act that undermines our Democracy, violates our Constitution and destroys our Republic! May God help us!

  • Mike Dahlheim

    01/07/2021 07:13 AM

    Facts are coming out that the original incursion was Antifa. Pelosi's daughter's husband in fact. Presumably, the shots fired were from Fed\govt agents. They are the wrong, and sad the lady has died. Police showed the way to the incursion, leading Antifa. This was planned by the deep state to pin the violence so unlike the Trump supporters, on the Trump supporters. This was a conspiracy to denigrate the movement. I'll give you that once the Antifa incursion began, younger Trump supporters followed along, like duped to believing this was the "program". Frustrations are high with the biggest fraud in American history. As Rodney would say, "We can't get no respect."

  • Jack macdonald

    01/07/2021 07:12 AM

    Wow! How fast Fox News and the rest of the vultures turned on the person who was devoted to preserving the nation. Reminds me a lot of Judas. The communist's have a superior game plan with the aid of not just a corrupt press, but actual traitorist behavior. They and social media have severally undetermined this republic. Antifa won the day yesterday and by sabotaging the gathering they were able to dupe public opinion with the help of witless talking heads. I had respected Bret Hume until I listening to him yesterday. He did an impersonation of Chris Wallace or Geraldo Rivera. Too bad people are so anxious to jump on the bandwagon. Shallow minds. Fox is referring to the rioters as Trump supporters while failing to recognize the sabotage by the fascists. Take a breath and examine the tactics used by the rioters and you will find Remarkable similarities. Ignorance on full display!

  • Herman “Woody” Wood

    01/07/2021 07:12 AM

    I suspect those who broke in and committed violent actions were not Republicans at all. Just thugs who probably stole MAGA hats and things to make it look like they were Trump supporters. I don’t think the media handled it well, and just amplified the very bad situation. And security at the capital building was seriously lacking.

  • Aline Dupont

    01/07/2021 07:12 AM

    President Trump now you must introduce Marshall law.... and put all the traitors in Jail. That is within your power. God bless America. I lost respect for Pence.......the coward

  • Laura Burton

    01/07/2021 07:11 AM

    This is not what Trump supporters do. We are appalled that true Trump supporters would do such a thing. Arrest everyone they have a picture of that did any damage to our capital. These must have been imposters.

  • Joan Black

    01/07/2021 07:08 AM

    I totally agree with you. Trump has let his personal ambitions cloud his judgement to tte detriment of his party and the country. I am embarrassed and broken-hearted that he encouraged his followers to the point that a 14 year veteran was shot and died as a result. He has her blood on his hands as far as I’m concerned. I voted for Trump in both elections. But I feel he has ruined his chances of ever running again. I pray that a godly man or woman will step up to lead our country. If he’d focused more on supporting the two senatorial candidates in Georgia instead of always bringing his own angst at losing the election to the forefront, they might have won, and been better able to bring about needed changes in our future elections. God will be his judge.

  • Jae McFerron

    01/07/2021 07:08 AM

    Dear Governor,
    I believe what we saw yesterday, the violence within the Capitol, was the work of Antifa..

  • Jill Tunge

    01/07/2021 07:05 AM

    In light of yesterday’s riots on the Capital grounds/building...
    After four years of Democrats and the media not accepting President Trump’s election, and doing every dirty thing in their playbook to try and take him out, are you surprised at yesterday’s riots?? Remember the day after his inauguration when millions of women in pink vagina hats paraded around DC and mocked him and his supporters? It was a disgusting, vulgar movement that started a chain reaction of the media, Hollywood, social media platforms, the FBI, the CIA, and whole Democrat party all trying to get rid of him, humiliating him, calling his supporters names,etc etc. This has been a relentless “machine” of some of the worst people in our country, with one common goal. How he lasted through these last four years, is truly amazing! I have no doubt others in his place would have thrown in the towel! I’m just an average middle class American Patriot, who loves this country. A wife, mother, and grandmother. My husband and I have supported President Trump from the beginning because we believed the Swamp in DC no longer cares about the people in this country! They only care about money and power! Their greed knows no limits! We didn’t vote for President Trump because we thought he was a perfect guy, but because we wanted someone who wasn’t a career politician. Someone who had business sense for our economy, and willing to look at the problems with a new set of eyes, and someone who was willing to really listen to the people. After this election, with all of the fraud that was committed and swept under the rug again, by the Swamp, I no longer have any confidence in our election process. I might not even bother to vote again, but I definitely will be leaving the GOP and registering as an Independent. I will be a voter without a Party for the first time in my life. Many like me will be doing the same. Maybe someday there will enough courageous Patriots to form a new Party. One that will truly be for the People, and not for their bank accounts, fancy homes, and not run by the biggest Hypocrites in our country! What happened yesterday at the Capital should not have been a surprise. It was sad, it was wrong, but it was not a surprise. People are angry, hurting, disappointed in our leaders, and treated like they don’t matter. This country will never be united again. It will limp along, and people will try to get by again, until another courageous person steps up to fight for her people again. For now, I have my bowl of popcorn and glass of wine ready to watch the next “sh-t show”!

  • Nancy Black Krupp

    01/07/2021 07:02 AM

    Has this horrible event resulted in our being under complete control of far left-wing puppet masters whose agenda we won’t like and cannot fight? Biden is senile and Harris is shallow, not a serious, trustworthy person. How bad can it be?

    BTW, the root cause of our current dilemma is the Chinese failure to control its virus. Not a shot was fired, and look at where we are.

  • William Stone

    01/07/2021 06:59 AM

    Sir: Having served in Law Enforcement for almost 30 years I can state that what we saw yesterday was NOT the fault of the President. What we saw was the reaction of middle class Americans who had finally had enough:
    Enough of the upside down world of BLM and ANTIFA rioting, looting, and destroying our heritage without repercussions.
    Enough of "the resistance movement" that has dogged our President from the day he was nominated.
    Enough of the Establishment running and ruining our Country.
    The Courts are designated in the Constitution as the referees to elections. The Courts refused to hear the evidence that had been garnered. They refused the 74 million who voted for Trump a hearing on the issues. Certainly the anecdotal evidence that has been displayed is more than enough to warrant a full hearing. Even that was denied. So, the courts, the pressure valve to release pent up grievances, failed in their duty. They turned a blind eye, and Middle Class America exploded.
    Respectfully Submitted

  • Lauren

    01/07/2021 06:56 AM

    I am a person that is always honest. I want to remember the positive.
    Please list - and add new- all of President Trumps accomplishments.

  • Billy Logue

    01/07/2021 06:56 AM

    As I witnessed what happened yesterday I have to ask myself where is my trust. If it is only in Government or my party I’m afraid I am in for a lot of disappointment. I believe that there is a God that knows everything and that same God knows what the truth is about everything, including who truly won the election of 2020. I am disappointed that Donald Trump didn’t win another term. I personally believe he did a great job and accomplished so mush for the USA & the World. But the Bible tells me that God puts people in power for his purpose not mine or yours. The Bible also tells me to follow the laws I am in subjection to. So I am going to do my best to speak up for what I believe is right but I will let God put into power who he wants to for whatever reason he wants.

  • JAN H Manz RN

    01/07/2021 06:55 AM

    I am very saddened by the events of the last few days. Trump lost a lot of his supporters yesterday by the few who stormed the capital. The gathering in Washington backfired and has tarnished the great accomplishments of President Trump. I am dismayed that we have a liberal/socialist control pf Government that are of a depraved mindset. These two candidates elected in GA are a great example of this depravity. I think our decline as a constitutional nation has hit the accelerator. God's judgment is raining down on us for shaking our fists in God's face. The LORD loved Israel but He judged them or gave them over to their disobedience and depravity. Christian persecution will increase and I feel saddened that my children and grandchildren will not live in the same America that I did. We will not recognize the country that these democrats have planned for us. Dear God please forgive us. Have mercy on your children.

  • Linda Hopf

    01/07/2021 06:55 AM

    I am so overwhelmed that I have no words.