
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 551-575 of 1536

  • Susan Kittrell

    01/07/2021 06:51 AM

    I do not believe these were all Trump supporters. It also appears that the 4 who are dead were all supposedly Trump people. One was shot; 3 more died from complications, possibly from tear gas. Facial recognition has identified at least 3 Antifa members inside the Capitol. Before deciding that all these people are Trumpsters, we need to wait for some answers to questions we all have.

  • Klaus Christoph

    01/07/2021 06:48 AM

    I just wonder if the people who committed these violent acts are really Trump supporters. I am disappointed that President Trump did not condemn the violence more vociferously, and I am very disappointed that he accused Mike Pence of failing to have enough courage.

  • Wallace Rowan

    01/07/2021 06:47 AM


    I am very surprised and disappointed at your tone toward President Trump. Cut the man some slack! Don't you think he has had enough of the corruption and lawlessness from the left as well as shocking betrayals from within his own party? For four years he endured everything the leftist democrats and media could throw at him, as well as backstabbing from within his own cabinet and inner circle. It is despicable what he had to deal with and still try to keep this country moving forward.

    And now he has to step aside and watch as a bunch of frenzied collectivists take over and turn everything he built and strove for for this country into the madness and misery we endured for eight years under Obama.

    Half the voting populous feels robbed, dejected, dispirited, and just plain mad right now. I am among those with such depressed feelings.

    Clearly the presidential election was stolen yet those who could do something about it just stood by, wrung their hands and said well, we just need to work on doing better next time. It's too late! The Left has won and we may not be able to wrestle common sense, morality and reason back from their delusion.

    The world should be trembling right now, because it has lost its last bastion of courageous leadership in the fight against evil.

    Wallace Rowan

  • Jackie Briddon

    01/07/2021 06:45 AM

    I was shocked by the actions taken at the Capital. But do wonder if the violent people are in fact republicans. We may never know if they are part of Antifa. I still feel the election was stolen from Trump. I live in Georgia and sent letters, made phone calls to Kemp and Raffensperger. Not sure it did any good. Look forward to your newsletters. Keep them coming.

  • Julia Dunlap

    01/07/2021 06:44 AM

    The true Trump supporters do not support violence or destruction. Before condemning President Trump we should get the full story. We lived all summer long with the violence of ANTIFA and BLM with complete Democrat support and no one said a word. How many of those that stormed the Capital were agitators and leftists? I would not put it past the left to pose as Trump supporters just to disrupt the proceedings in the Congress.

  • Beth Hardy

    01/07/2021 06:42 AM

    I read this morning:
    HERE WE GO !!
    Now that rings true!

  • Linda Orf Strebbing

    01/07/2021 06:40 AM

    Not entirely convinced Antifa wasn’t mixed in with those Trump supporters

  • James Granberry

    01/07/2021 06:40 AM

    My comment is that true Trump supporters would have never acted like those doing the violence. My opinion is those doing the violence were George Soros storm troopers called ANTIA. However arrest all of those who would violently take over our institutions. With that said I will say this the fight for our freedoms and the freedoms of our children and Grand Children is just beginning. The socialist that have stolen our election process and have taken over our government and if are not stopped will take over every vestige of freedom in this once great republic if are not stopped then we are doomed as a country. As a Christian and as a Pastor I call for all who support freedom to begin to fight from your knees. For the highest power is not government it is God.

  • Ruth Hess

    01/07/2021 06:35 AM

    You should know better. Violence was started by same people that burnt down towns all summer long. As for mr pense, do your homework. He knew he had the authority and constitutional duty, but mr. pense is just another traitor. He hid behind God and I know that for that God will punish him. Msm. Has done a good job oaving the way for destruction.

  • Cindy Sartin

    01/07/2021 06:34 AM

    Its frustrating because we heard no condemnation if the violence all summer and fall....I wish they had gone to the Capitol and remained peaceful but I think some are thinking no matter what legal process we try to go through the voices arent being heard and the old establishment Republicans are already back to their old violence is acceptable...but the media is more responsible for this than trump by stifling and suppressing the voice of half the nation

  • Wayne R. Minot

    01/07/2021 06:32 AM

    What do you expect? All over they open bars lock churches are complete hypocrisy. Steal the election and laugh in your face. There is a breaking point. BLM protest and destroy cities and are not only allowed but protected To do so. The left has infuriated the right trying to get this to happen when the protests of blm started. The finally won. I don't agree with the violence but how is it the left promotes it even invites it. They should be charged with inviting a riot.

  • Stevie G Yancey

    01/07/2021 06:30 AM

    Mr. Governor , the main problem here is the lawlessness of congress and the demonrat party ! They're trying to overthrow our country and constitution ! Are you going to stand with the traitors and let it happen ! They started this and it's up to every patriot to stand for freedom ! The constitution gives us the people to throw them out when they refuse to follow the law ! Why aren't a bunch of them in jail ? Because politicians don't think the law applies to them ! Biden and harris not only supported , funded and backed these riots to destroy our country , courts aren't even trying them so ! Options are up , we the people are not becoming there slaves ! Maybe you need to rethink your opinion since you're lining up with the swamp creature traitor congress !

  • Carl Cobena

    01/07/2021 06:30 AM

    The violent individuals are not Trump supporters. These folks were there to make the peaceful protest a travesty.

  • Ronda Shallow

    01/07/2021 06:29 AM

    I am shocked how Democraps keep getting away with so so much CRIME!
    This is what needs to end. This is why we have civil unrest. The swamp is so deep and so wide, it may never get cleared........

  • Walter Brannen

    01/07/2021 06:26 AM

    I don't understand why the big deal at the capital. The fraud took place in the states. Protest on the state level. However the people who destoyed our electoral process don't understand peaceful protests.

  • Donna Merolle

    01/07/2021 06:23 AM

    Governor: The rioters were antifa people bussed in the night before. There is a post on FB that a former FBI agent on the ground at the Capitol texted and confirmed that at least one bus load of antifa thugs infiltrated the peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops. Another post said the first person to break a window at the Capitol was wearing a US flag shirt which he tossed into the bushes and people in dark clothing urged the crowd to push forward and were chanting antifa chants. This has to be investigated.

  • Richard A. Geldhof

    01/07/2021 06:23 AM

    Can't have law and order when both parties disrespect the laws drafted under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Hell has broken out against Congress because those who don't love each other try to change them to suit their own petty differences against the President. That hatred for President Trump started the day he accepted the challenge to run for President. Where were you? I know too many skeletons in hidden closets to be exposed. Didn't want to be beaten like Trump for four years? His anger boiled over, too. When media censored President Trump there was no Freedom of the Press in America. Where was your shame? They became the third party of bigotry and fake news leading to hatred for rule of laws. They twisted hearsay and produced fake evidence flaunting the division within both parties at the expense of the public. Censorship is UnAmerican and shows disregard and disrespect for his office and rule of laws. No president should call people who don't agree disgusting names. Shame on him. Censorship is demanded by dictator communistic behavior. Congress produced nothing but contempt for Trump and leveled their anger at the President and disrespected his office. Freedom of true speech is dead and buried beneath the slimy rubble of distrust. No longer are they the neutral party to report truthful news. All hope goes out the window and they thrive only on their own fake fodder stories. They twist their flawed narratives and cause destruction of freedom of speech.

    What don't you understand about law and order - it can't exist when justice is thrown out the window and current laws broken on whims of the House that Trump was the enemy. Shame started when Pelosi stood behind the President and tore up her copy of State of the Union address on National TV. Shame is watching mindless Democrats fall in line behind Pelosi's ranting one by one cause they are clueless to the false witness of facts - turning blind eyes against truth for sake of the Pelosi expediency. My anger boiled over when I saw the same rioters trash, smash and break into the Capitol and sit in Pelosi's chair.

    Well the whole disgusting scene is what happens when disrespect for law and order is allowed to fester and run rampant. Did you notice how all the dark coats rushed ahead of people walking towards the Capitol - the lawless rioters bent on lawlessness. Maybe its a wake up call for everyone - SHOCK. Time to start acting like real Americans instead of mindless lawbreakers as if Covid restrictions and Russia's hacking of the government weren't enough - again possible election fraud on Tuesday - poll watchers not allowed to watch for 1.5 hours. Shame.

  • Joyce Chamberlain

    01/07/2021 06:21 AM

    Thank you so much for your commitment to bringing clarity to these days. I agree, that this is just as wrong as what we saw all summer. These actions yesterday ensured that no one was going to vote at not allowing the electoral votes to go thru. Our forefathers ensured that our country could run, however, there are many that are for changing the world. I believe that President Trump has been a great president. He really should watch the way Ronald Reagan conducted himself. Trump needs to stop with the "its not fair" speech. Get to work to win the people back. I own a small diner in Florida. I understand politics. We can turn this around, but it's going to take work. Also, Trump junior did not help to call this Trump's GOP. It belongs to the people, not one man. We do not want a dictator, no matter what side they are on.

  • Jeanette Mouton Yunker

    01/07/2021 06:20 AM

    I absolutely condemn the violence; I demand that those who breached the Capital be identified and that there affiliation be reported. Of course, that will not happen because the left will not allow the American people to know that there were people inserted in to the PEACEFUL demonstration for the very purpose of inciting violence. I do believe that the election was wrought with fraud. The courts had an obligation to hear the case and review all the evidence but chose not to do so. I believe this is wrong and purpose, yet one more example of corruption. I, for one, will never have confidence in any election going forward. I fear what our country will become, what will be left for my children, grandchildren and eventually great-grandchildren. The last 5 years have been a very sad, corrupt time in our history.

  • Cheryl mariner

    01/07/2021 06:12 AM

    No idea what the media expected. He said don’t do it, no violence. The people are fed up with the corruption. Civil war would not surprise me.

  • Mickey Raulerson

    01/07/2021 06:10 AM

    Ask the left and right what they can do to make this right they done it for 6 months they tore many cities we went peaceful but it is wrong for the right to do it but the left can continue to destroy cities they fill like there back up in corner. They want defund police they need them they want you say Awoman instead Amen they want to take your freedom. Until Unity and both sides work together this is just the end times and Devil is working hard. Stop stealing Elections make it right show it was legit show the American People and none of this would of happen. Two wrongs don't make it right people are mad sad and scared They want to be heard. God Help Us All

  • Violet ODell

    01/07/2021 06:09 AM

    Planned by the far left. Not enough police there even though they made a big deal about protecting the Capital, but a camera around every corner. They are not Trump people. Time after time all year violence in our country but no call for order by any Democrat, until they can blame Trump. Do not be fooled, it made up by the left to blame Trump and Republican politician that play the blame game are a traitor and have their agenda in mind.

  • Edward Grosscup

    01/07/2021 06:05 AM

    Let's get the blame game out of the way first. What happened yesterday in D.C is not Trump doing at all. He has the constitution right to contest this election.
    Who fought is it?
    Yours, and other rebulican leader's who has not gotten out there during this protest to talk to the people.
    So what caused this?
    Is the blatant disregard to hear the voice of the people, let's face it brother. The Justice system didn't want to hear Trump case and the people voice state legislature didn't want to hear the voice of the people politicians on the hill didn't want to hear the voice of the people and people got angered that there constitutional rights are being taken away. Then you have the defund the police movement along with we are coming for your guns statement which got people unnerved, you can tell that about how many guns and ammunition was sold. Then you have media rubing salt in an open wound and democrats like Pelosi Schumeron net work t.v inciting all the people that voted rebulican.
    You and other rebulican leadership failed to keep the party cool headed, are we not called to be keepers of the truth this not Trump doing he just spoke the truth and the people responded

  • Nancy Aronson

    01/07/2021 06:00 AM

    I mourn for the days when our country was a mostly peaceful place, when everyone’s opinion was at least tolerated, when there was not a climate of combative sides.

  • Gerald Ferguson

    01/07/2021 06:00 AM

    My faith is in Christ, but today I’m still disappointed in man.
    I know it is hard to accept defeat when one has been done so unfairly; however, immature faith, lack of true faith, or getting caught up between loyalty to a leader can cloud making the right decisions.
    Was Trump and the legally voting nation wronged? I absolutely believe so. Was it one that should be attempted to expose? Absolutely. But, when God closes door after door, His children must accept His will and come to the realization that He has something eternally better in mind...even if we earthly aren’t happy about, but embrace His will.
    SCOTUS should have given ear to the voice of those who had no voice. Their frustration spilled out into extremely unacceptable violence which was a powder keg growing more volatile with every speech President Trump made.
    I pray that President Trump really does have Christ in his heart, and doesn’t go into a very dark place and not come out of it, physically and spiritually.
    By the way, I’m convinced far-left troublemakers were involved Wednesday, but they were not alone to blame.

    I always thought America wasn’t mentioned in Revelation because of the loss of might due to the rapture of His children. In the last several months, I’ve come to believe it’s because we imploded from within before we got to the rapture.??
    I SO apologize for the length of this comment, Sir!