
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 576-600 of 1536

  • Carol Masteller

    01/07/2021 05:55 AM

    Did you see those rioters? They didn’t look like any R’s I have ever seen! Sorry, Gov., those were antifa disguised as R’s. IMHO

  • Ray Mckinley Crook

    01/07/2021 05:53 AM

    I agree that violence is not the answer. But I do not understand unless cheating is going on that we can not have voter ID. We have it for many things. Here in NC we voted for it and the Governor Cooper vetoed it. What is the problem? I am 74 and a Veteran and my wife is also. I love my country and to be honest I cannot accept Biden and Harris for they do not stand for what I would accept as Christian and American standard for leaders of our Nation. My wife and I are saved Christians and feel we are in days of sorrow according to God's word. We pray for our nation regularly but understand God's Will will be done. God Bless you Governor Huckabee.

  • Lerma Buschman

    01/07/2021 05:53 AM

    Not all Americans can keep calm about the frustrations on the cheating in this election. For them enough is enough.
    on the other hand, the Dems should stop treating the Conservatives as second class citizens. In a way they should realize that the other party
    cannot be always be quiet.
    This is not President Trump's fault . the american people is fed up.

  • treasure smith

    01/07/2021 05:48 AM


  • Paul Hoskins

    01/07/2021 05:47 AM

    The violence that we saw today was everything that the far left wanted! As you see the people leaving you'll notice the peaceful way they all left. There were a handful of "antifa" type folks imported to start the violence and chaos. They expected the crowd to carry on...but to their surprise it didn't catch on! Not a burning police car anywhere(and you'd expect the MSM would show it!)! It was a setup from the beginning...and we feel for it!

  • Donna Marie King

    01/07/2021 05:44 AM

    This battle is not a political one. This battle is against the powers of darkness. Gathered here are people who choose not to stand down. Let's not side with the Accuser. This battle is going to be won. We humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord. He will lift us up. Over a million gathered to demonstrate not to accept a fraudulent election and support the Constitution. Let's sing praise to our God through the Lord's Prayer. Let sing Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art! Our only hope to win this war is through our God. He is warring for us and we will, through the praise and adoration of our King Jesus Christ, win this battle(Psalm 149-150.) Through our God we shall do valiantly, it is He who shall tread down the enemy. It is not flesh and blood war but Principalities, Powers, Rulers and wickedness in high places. Let's change our focus from helping the Accuser and thank Him. In so doing we will watch the salvation of our God. Let's sing!

  • Marisa Owen

    01/07/2021 05:40 AM

    I totally agree. My heart is grieved. We have to understand that we are fighting a very different war here and we have to figure out how to navigate what we do to keep it from being twisted or usurped. I’m praying for you and our country.

  • HonestImp

    01/07/2021 05:35 AM

    This was less violent than we’ve had to watch for the past 7-8 months. Never heard Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer, Shift condemning them. You know this looks even more like we are in for more communist China tactics!
    I will no longer support Cotton, Hill or Asa.

  • Marvin Goodwin

    01/07/2021 05:35 AM

    Are you sure all these people are Trump's supporter? not some other group

  • Annette Burke

    01/07/2021 05:34 AM

    Of course what occurred at the Capital was a disgrace to put it mildly. I am amazed but not surprised that almost everyone blames Trump without so much as an investigation into the melee to determine exactly who was responsible. I have read numerous sources now that say antifa thugs infiltrated the Trump people and are responsible for inciting.The same people, especially on the right, that have come out ready to hang Trump from the nearest tree were quite silent on the violence, rioting, looting, burning, assaulting, murders that occurred by antifa and blm this past year. The fear of their corruption being exposed is quite palpable now. I didn't hear one person ask why the capital police shot an unarmed woman to death. No one seems to care. The mood is just get rid of Trump. I acknowledge his imperfections but I do feel he had the country's best interest at heart and was sabotaged on a daily basis not only from the left, the media but also from the right and probably most of those advising him. Just as with the Covington boys, no one seems to care about the truth. There is now no where to turn for justice. Not one segment of society is standing up saying wait, investigate, learn the truth. Courts, legislatures, congress, the senate, etc., all abdicated their responsibilities. The country is now in the hands of evil and we are headed full steam into destruction. When the fact that 200,000 + votes here in PA more then voters were cast is now accepted as legitimate there can no longer be a representative republic. I am disgusted by so many but more saddened and frightened for the future. It's not a good feeling. I am 76 now and feel this great experiment in freedom known as America is now lost.

  • Bobby Long

    01/07/2021 05:34 AM

    What I saw yesterday happens in countries around the world, not here . I voted for Trump and do believe that there was problems in counting votes, but what happened at the capitol is wrong. This just does away with all the good that has been the last 4 years. We are better than this, what happened is just what the left want.

  • William Seale

    01/07/2021 05:27 AM

    You are absolutely correct on this matter, Governor.

    We will have to live with a demented idiot for a President for a year or two followed by Kamala once Biden steps down.
    Our only hope is to utterly defeat them in the 2022 Mid-terms and then defeat Kamala in 2024.
    But our Election Process Must be repaired before that can happen!

  • Gillyanne Baker

    01/07/2021 05:26 AM

    JESUS CHRIST. Your comments remind me of the REAL JESUS CHRIST and the GOP's eternal, ever-popular concept of "Turning The Other Cheek". The Socialists have gone about defaming Trump (and his family) in every way possible, they've encouraged the assassination of Trump and all his great policies and supporters, and NOW....NOW they want TRUMP to "circumcize himself" and defame the rights of his patriotic supporters to gather and protest Communism and Election Fraud, all so that the Socialists/Communists can have "peace" while they go about SCREWING this country, bedding down with our enemies, and destroying America completely. I'll say it again, only with a different connotation using appropriate exclamation points this time. "JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • Timothy Broman

    01/07/2021 05:15 AM

    Violence must be condemned.
    Sin is sin, and I'm afraid the people of the United States will be and may already be paying for winking an eye at evil and and condoning sin.
    Many people "on the right" speak volumes of our individual "freedoms" and "justice," our "inalienable rights" guaranteed in the Constitution, but not much is heard about "repentance from sin" and the "righteousness obtained through faith," "obedience to the TRUTH."
    The Scripture that comes to mind is, "Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatever ye sow, that shall ye also reap."
    May God have mercy on us!

  • Ruth Tiedemann

    01/07/2021 05:11 AM

    Why is anyone surprised at ANTIFA/BLM infiltrating a peaceful demonstration for the express purpose of creating violence? It’s their MO and they’ve been doing it for months with very little opposition. That was and still is 100% predictable. The only way to stop it is to arrest, try and convict their leaders and anyone participating and that’s not going to happen.

  • Mario A. Valadez

    01/07/2021 05:02 AM

    Mr. Huckabee, when is the Republican Party going to stop cowing to the Democrats? Oh!, how correct you are that the republican party is the party of law and order. So where does that leave the Democratic Party? The Democrats are the party of what? The democrats have supported ANITIFA and BLM while republicans just standby doing nothing. Cowing to that overused old song of being called a racist. While churches, statues of American heroes, government buildings and places of employment are attacked and burned to the ground. Why would anyone not expect far rightwing groups would not take the opportunity to counter the scandalous far leftwing behavior with their own misguided approach. As an American of Mexican ancestry, I will not vote for another republican candidate until they demonstrate some backbone. I support President Trump but I no longer support the Republican Party.

  • Fran Chupp

    01/07/2021 05:02 AM

    I love the verses you send me daily, and I trust your faith in God. I was distressed by what I saw as a lack of support for Pres. Trump, but I trust your judgment.

  • Vicki Kuhl

    01/07/2021 04:59 AM

    I wish I was there. I wouldnt have joined the violence, but I would have been one more body in the mass of figures representing the unjust actions of the election. I don't believe a word of what the media says anymore, there WAS FRAUD IN THE ELECTION. If I were like Biden was during the protesters rampage in Portland, I would say what happened yesterday was just an "idea!" Antifa is just an idea, just as yesterday was just an idea. Talk about double standards!

  • Clyde Terrell

    01/07/2021 04:42 AM

    Everyone will have opinions about why this happened, and I point at 3 contributors; none of them Trump:
    1. The Media, both mainstream and conservative for neither one giving all the facts or reporting on things that matter.
    2. The Judicial system, particularly the Supreme Court who could have headed this all off. And from the time of Hillary's crimes, there has not been equal justice for all.
    3. Whatever and whoever caused the "anomalies" and "irregularities" in both the November and January runoff elections

    An investigation has been mandated by the situation and all the facts need to be laid out so that everyone can see what went on.

  • Kim Spack

    01/07/2021 04:36 AM

    While violence isn’t the answer, however more people believe Antifa infiltrated and it was mostly them in the Capitol, I am so disappointed to hear you sound as weak on this as so many of the Republican Senators and Representatives AND I am stunned Pence turned his back on what is clearly fraud. You all have failed the people. Republican Party is essentially finished. I expected more from you ??

  • Harriet B. Arrasmith

    01/07/2021 04:34 AM

    Mike, my son was there and saw the trouble start to take place when a very organized group of individuals in black body armor started instigating violence within the Trump supporters. It is sad that a few of those supporters took the bait. My son said that 99 percent of those at the rally were very law abiding decent people who came to support their president. God bless and have mercy on us all.

  • Elaine Delawder

    01/07/2021 04:29 AM

    I don't believe it was Trump supporters, it was blm and antifa making everyone believe it was Trump supporters, it was a setup

  • Wayne Rowe

    01/07/2021 04:27 AM

    This unfortunately is about in my opinion the complete failure of the federal government not solely Trump's actions. The protest would never happened if action had been taken to respond to all the negative about the election. Unfortunately I believe that the runoff in Georgia was just an exercise in confirming the takeover of the government by the Democratic party. Biden now has his biggest challenge as heal this nation. Unfortunately that will not be in his plate but turning country upside down and on the verge of depression or civil war will be. I wish I could be a political analyst because my challenge would be to ensure the government understood their actions in regards to The People. Washington is made up of a den if thieves and liars that after being elected don't give a hoot about the normal citizen.

  • Lee Hartman

    01/07/2021 04:24 AM

    The left has normalized violence and destruction for 4 years. I think a few anarchists are the center of the violence today. Our justice system and Congress has failed America.

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/07/2021 04:21 AM

    It is extremely sad that an innocent life was lost during the rampage! Prayers go up for her family!

    It is just as sad that the DC police were not adequately prepared for such a highly-decisive day in the nation's capital! That's what happens when police are defunded! DCs mayor and police chief should be removed from their positions immediately!