
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 601-625 of 1536

  • John Nagelkirk

    01/07/2021 04:19 AM

    I never condone violence, but if you poke a lion often enough, eventually it's going to bite you.

  • Gayle Linda Brosnan-Watters. PhD

    01/07/2021 04:18 AM

    I do NOT believe Trump supporters did this. People who are THERE said that busloads of what appeared to be Antifa supporters showed up and were ushered into the capitol building. This is so crooked and corrupt, it's almost impossible for those of us who are Christians to process it. Believe it, Mike. Our country is gone, as of now.

  • Joanne Simpson

    01/07/2021 04:14 AM

    Thank you for staying true! They will never investigate this; they'll just blame Trump!

  • Mack McMullan

    01/07/2021 04:12 AM

    What a moment! What a Moment! That was lost. If President Trump had the moment he finished his speech gathered as many of the police officers together and stepped down on to the grounds where the people were and then asked everyone to kneel with Him in prayer and beseech God above to move on the hearts of those in Congress and give them Wisdom on how to conduct the meeting and then not get up until word is received of the outcome. I believe God would have Ruled and Overruled in the affairs of mankind as he did with protection of our forefathers and framers of the "American Constitution". The great things of this Presidency has now been marred so greatly by a very few emotionally driven evil minded individuals and the "Dog Breath Media" it is hard for me to understand if it is possible for America to recover and not fall into the hands of the left altogether.
    Governor Sir, if you get to read this I ask that you may impart your words of wisdom that I may not fall into disbelief of America or that God is close to being finished with the America.
    Thank you Sir.
    A most sincere follower -- Mack McMullan

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/07/2021 04:11 AM

    Kevin McCarthy said on Fox News that the House chamber doors were barricaded by Democrats and Republicans alike during the violent attack! Wow! Some Democrats actually chose life! AMAZING!!! Guess it is a different story when it comes to their own lives.

    The violence was ABSOLUTELY WRONG as was ALL the other violence that occurred in 2020 during "peaceful" protests! Hopefully this incident proved to be a wakeup call for some of the DC "elite" who put their pants on one leg at a time and whose crap also stinks like everyone else's! I do hope they got the message that none of them are invincible and also were brought down a couple of rungs on the ladder!

    Now if we could only find out how many of them actually did soil their pants!!!

  • Robert Battaglia

    01/07/2021 04:11 AM

    Let’s be realistic. Whatever he said, however he said it, his statement would have drawn criticism from many.

  • Laurie Ann Lowe

    01/07/2021 04:09 AM

    I believe violence was started by others trying to get Trump protestors in trouble. ??

  • Sara Mills

    01/07/2021 04:01 AM

    Those were not Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol as far as I can see. If you look closely you will see Antifa and BLM markings and tattoos on some of these people. Trump supporters do not riot or act in violence. Name one time where this has happened? Then we have Portland,Oregon being destroyed by Antifa and BLM but being paid by George Soros and Barrack Obama along with other communists.

    No,this was George Soros’ and Barrack Obama’s organizing expertise. They are communists and are doing everything in their power to destroy our beloved country.

    We need to get on our knees and pray for a revival in this country and ask God’s forgiveness for turning our backs on Him. We need to ask Him to heal our land and come back to us. I truly believe that this may be our final warning from Almighty God but surely hope that I am wrong!

    Sara Mills

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/07/2021 04:00 AM

    The America I love so deeply DIED on January 6, 2021. Freedom has been taken away. Patriotism is no longer appreciated. Values, morals, rights, standards, and beliefs are no longer respected. Nothing - not even family, especially the elderly or babies yet to be born - is no longer cherished!

    America has become a dog-eat-dog nation of narcissistic senseless people vying for power and control!

    Such people can take my freedoms, my rights, my possessions, and my life but NO ONE ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can take my salvation. When my time on earth is through, my salvation, the LORD'S love for me, and my love for HIM will be ALL that matters.

    What I gain when I depart this life will be far greater than what I left behind! YOU can have ALL this world...give me JESUS!!! HE knows my name!!! I am guarded and protected by HIM!!!

  • Kathy Hansen

    01/07/2021 03:39 AM

    It appears Mike Pence has betrayed Trump but as they say the fat lady has not sung yet. I am trying to keep my faith in God that ultimately Trump will endure and be POTUS for the next 4 years. Trump and Pence are referenced in the bible (my friend is going to get back to me on the specifics or maybe you know Mr. Huckabee being a great Christian man). This whole thing is a huge war between good and evil-God will "kick Satan to the curb". I keep praying.

  • Ruth Egan

    01/07/2021 03:38 AM

    Yes, now is the time to demand that state legislatures "clean up their act" and fulfill their responsibilities regarding the election process especially in the swing states. This is accomplished by returning electoral votes to them. It is essential that this happen. I see that the VP role is presiding over this process. I see the "gray area" in constitutional interpretation. The reality is that affirming, protecting, and defending the Constitution is vital. It is our identity. The process seems, despite the horrible invasion, to be going well even though McConnell is not enamored with it. (Why is that?) Implementing this part of the constitution gives the proper respect to the individual citizen's vote which is equally important. May God guide them as they do this.

  • Bud. Walling

    01/07/2021 03:35 AM

    I asked our SD Governor in May to explore Trump to get a couple hundred well known Blacks who support him and conservative government to go to the churches and inner cites and TELL THE TRUTH. I can only vote. I can’t act on my advice, he didn’t.

  • Karen Hebert

    01/07/2021 03:35 AM

    I am saddened by the storming of the capital but I don’t believe it was only Trump supporters. Many are stating they saw Antifa disguised as Trump supporters. Yet we all know how they will be protected and not revealed. Why didn’t they have better security there? I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it was a set up. I’m angry at how President Trump and his supporters have been unfairly treated by the media and high tech with negativity and censorship. I’m also afraid for our country.

  • Judith Sturm

    01/07/2021 03:23 AM

    Later information showed that what happened at the Capitol was a lot more than a few frustrated patriots following Trump. I have since read that a bus load of Antifa people showed up, and it was likely they that led the charge. Unfortunately Trump's followers were initially blamed.

  • Kathy Hansen

    01/07/2021 03:18 AM


  • Elizabeth Floyd

    01/07/2021 03:09 AM

    I live close to Portland, Oregon. Recently Ted Wheeler admitted POTUS was right, after Antifa/BLM,Inc. trashed Portland for many months. Tonight I listened to someone who was at the capitol bldg when this violence occurred. She mentioned the congress people were herded in to a room and locked in for 4 hours. When they came out decided to go vote. I have no doubt they were pressured for 4 hours. I also heard several of these people storming the capitol bldg were identified by face recognition, as former Antifa/BLM, inc. who participated in other protests/riots. I have no doubt they were hired. There were also videos of the police removing the barriers to the bldg allowing people in and following after them. I suspect the Wa.D.C. mayor owns the DC police, similar to Ted Wheeler, in Portland. It looks like the police did not touch the Antifa/BLM.Inc people. Yet one Trump guy said he was maced. The Trump people had no weapons. Yet the police killed one lady, shooting her in the neck (and 2 other were killed). I wish POTUS would not have condemned VP Pence. He was doing what he thought was right. But, I wish there had been more communication between the 2 of them. There is a lot of anger, and fraud. There were also rumors that Trump's staff would be escorting him from the White House. Remember Pelosi wanted him dragged by his hair out of the WH. And years ago she never silenced Maxine Waters, or "the squad" when they swear at our president and threaten him continually. The media, and Pelosi, or any other democrat never condemns this rhetoric. In fact they add to it. And then we Mitt Romney, and Ben Sasse. Now we have all this betrayal of Congress. They blame Trump supporters for all the violence. But I think Pelosi, the DC mayor, the DC police, the media all planned this. Yes, there probably was some Trump supporter participation, but not like it was shown on the news. As always, the media silenced Trump by Twitter, Facebook. Congress not reigning in "Big Tech" also helped set this up. The Media never tells the truth regarding POTUS. I feel sad looking at the state of our country. Congress blames Trump and his supporters, but they never got the complete report, which was part of the pressure to accept the Elector Votes. A Sad Day.

  • Geraldine Osborne

    01/07/2021 03:05 AM

    Sir, please do not jump to quickly saying this is Trump supporters. They are antifa members that were wearing MAGA hats. Remember we can not trust anything or anybody right now.

  • Ann Morris

    01/07/2021 03:02 AM

    I really like you Governor Huckabee. We do not support violence. Unfortunately Republicans and Democrats have failed us. I for one will never ever vote republican or democrat again. Micky Mouse would have done better in this regard. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HOODWINKED BY BOTH PARTIES. How do you know Trump supporters breached the capitol? Pictures are worth a thousand words. That kook in animal skins and the guy with the tattoo were ANTIFA. President Trump said enough and his followers went home when he asked them to. We lost America today because those we sent to represent us failed to respect WE THE “REAL” PEOPLE THAT PAY TAXES AND THE SALARIES OF EVERY PERSON IN GOVERNMENT. These politicians just gave America to Communist China. So don't preach to us about doing the right thing.


    01/07/2021 02:58 AM

    Every newscast I watched was full of the same comments. "They should have been prepared". And "Why were they not prepared?" And on and on about how DC was caught by surprise and should have been ready to deal with the mob. I say Bull Crap! They held back because the mob was what they wanted. This fell right into the Democrats hands. The mob action was right out of the George Soros handbook. Our Nacht der lantern Messer.

  • Audrey C. Waters

    01/07/2021 02:58 AM

    We as Americans are sick of Congress passing stupid laws that benefit other countries and give us $600! Trump was our last hope. Now the Democrats cheated in the election. WE ARE ALL FED UP. We are scared for our country and our constitution being changed by these radical kooks in Congress who are getting money in secret deals for themselves like Joe Biden. Pray for our Country and you run for President, PLEASE!

  • john eckenrod

    01/07/2021 02:57 AM

    Mike, the horrifying Dem violence wasn't "just this summer". It continues to this day in many of "their" cities.
    Also, many Dem leaders called for just that... the "get in their faces" Brigade of that party. Worse, yet, Dems and the media (all one satchel of dark money and misery) pretended for months that "these are just peaceful demonstrations". They pronounced this day after day, week after week - "AS WE WERE WATCHING" the horror on television.
    Keep up the good work, we all need as much light as possible in these very dark times.


  • Dee Beyl

    01/07/2021 02:55 AM

    I completely agree that all rioters must be held accountable, but I don’t believe that a thorough investigation has been made to determine if these rioters were actually Trump followers. Isn’t it possible that these were Antifa and Black lives Matter dressed as Trump supporters?

  • Marylyn Hawkins

    01/07/2021 02:53 AM

    It is pretty obvious to most of us that the storming of the capitol was a setup... those people were waved in to the area to get in... i will bet the Dems paid them to interupt the proceedings today hoping it would stop them... and guess what it worked... our country is lost.

  • Robin Gonsalves

    01/07/2021 02:53 AM

    "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots."
    Our constitution, our rebulic and the American dream is being stolen right infront of us and a few stood up!
    Now they know the sleeping giant is not only awake but pissed off as well!
    The men and women in blue stood by and did nothing while antifa and BLM destroyed cities for what?
    And now they go after the people who stood by them when they were being persecuted!
    I'm sorry but the LEO's of America need to take a stand...stand and fight with patriots or be enslaved on your knees.
    Look what happened to kyle Rittenhouse the only one jailed for defending his life while antifa and blm beat people burned and pillaged cities and they shot at him.
    Our leaders failed us! To many men and women gave their lives for our freedom.
    We owe them this much to keep it!
    Our duty as citizens of this great country is to use our second amendment to take back our country!

  • Jeff Patterson

    01/07/2021 02:51 AM

    Half of the voters in this Country have been belittled, cheated and view what is taking place as a "Coup-de-tat by Fraud"
    Storming the Capital is wrong. It is evidence of the frustration of Patriots concern over the widespread fraud and NO desire to even investigate by those entrusted to do so.