
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 626-650 of 1536

  • Jessie Teddlie

    01/07/2021 02:48 AM

    My prayers go to the family of the woman killed in D.C. no matter who shot the fatal bullet! I prayed none of this would happen, but truly cannot say I was shocked as citizens have watched this type of happenings for over a year with little consequences beyond blaming police or saying “defund police!” That lawlessness has hurt and angered so many for so long!

    Frustrations mount – around the 2020 election, state-level mismanagement of COVID and vaccines, crippling lockdowns, governors who are hypocritical and incompetent, mayors who permit lawlessness, city councils that cut police, Speaker who holds stimulus until she thinks a new president is elected, billions going to foreign countries while businesses close, tech giants blocking everyday people and making millions, confusion on what to do and not do daily with virus or school kids, lies about hospitals in some places, and everyday citizens are NOT supposed to break under all of that?

    There are still media outlets and members of Congress saying there was no fraud even with whistleblowers willing to testify under oath and the continuous repeating of “no fraud” is adding to the stress levels! How can anyone over the age of 8 say that when there are examples like Pennsylvania where the state legislatures (not federal or Trump) say there was problems in their state? They even wrote a letter asking that there be an investigation! The serious allegations in the letter about hundreds of thousands of ballots have been counted that cannot be connected with a voter needs to silence those saying no fraud! The more the people say “no fraud” instead of saying we are going to investigate this, the more stressed regular citizens become!

  • Vicki Grammer

    01/07/2021 02:47 AM

    I agree with you Mr. Huckabee. The President should have condemned loudly the actions of those who vandalized the capital building today. There is no excuse for this type of conduct. I am also very disappointed in the actions of our congressmen and women today. They chose to take the easy way out instead of standing strong for the right. It would seem that VP Pence would have thoroughly investigated his options before today instead of acting as though he had no option. They all caved. Looks to me like we need a totally different crew in there!

  • Emmy B. Purainer

    01/07/2021 02:38 AM

    Mike, I am so upset about the electoral vote counting today and that Mike Pence did not fulfill the President's request. He caved in as so many others, including Lindsey Graham. President Trump did all he could to get people in Georgia to vote yesterday. It seems that election was rigged also. Of course people are upset. Cannot trust our elections, cannot trust our news sources, cannot trust our representatives. The only one we could trust was Trump and now he has been ousted. People need some hope. Everything looks so dark right now. I live in Seattle. What a mess Seattle is! I feel so sorry for President Trump and his family. He would give his life for this country, I really believe. And I pray that all this turmoil and stress doesn't shorten his life.

  • Mike Smith

    01/07/2021 02:34 AM

    Yes, the actions of the few were wrong.
    After the denials, the fraud and the lies concerning the election, and before that the past 8 months of real rioting and looting, which followed over 3 more years of mistreatment, emotions have been on overload.

    Our career politicians witnessed the events on their own home turf for once, which has a lot to do with their reactions. For decades these career politicians have passed the buck and reneged on their duties.

    While I denounce in the strongest terms what happened, I can't honestly say that I condemn it.

    I worry that no lessons were learned and it will be only the beginning.

  • Carol Jolin

    01/07/2021 02:33 AM

    I have supported - and donated to - President Trump. But the violence today is abhorrent! His inability to put himself second and our country first is tearing us apart! We are looking no better than the socialists who want to control us. God Help Us All!!! PRAY!!

  • Cie

    01/07/2021 02:31 AM

    I just now read about the woman reported to be a military veteran and "a Trump supporter," who died in this attack on the Washington, D.C., building today, January 6th, 2021. Her husband didn't know much about her being involved with this horrid, violent invasion, and he was not WITH her in D.C., which is NOT how most genuine, actual, real CONSERVATIVES petitioning the government, in protest or in support rallies, beHAVE : separating regarding attending events like these as married couples, in MY observations. All this further amplifies my suspicions and truly reeks of REAL, (though symbolic,) stench, (to MY nostrils,) of conspiracy. (((WE AMERICANS HAVE COMMON SENSE INSTINCTS about these things most of the time, such as how we all doubt the things they claimed regarding JFK's killing.))) I've read and learned in recent months or years actually, that many Young (Antifa-like) People are recruited by communists -- -- modern, 2021, real communists who HAVE infiltrated, and DO still infiltrate, many arenas of our nation's Law and Order, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA COMPANIES, our politics, real estate and business ownerships, "Education's" propagandas currently in full swing, et cetera. These naive young people are paid by them, by covert means, to travel all over the country and pretend to be sincere "activists," to serve goals or objectives of communists among us -- who absolutely, positively MUST HORRIBLY disrupt our nation, (((our beautiful, Free America,))) and absolutely MUST utterly DIVIDE us to cause us to HATE one another, or ELSE they will NOT BE ABLE-!! to finish taking COMPLETE CONTROL over our local, state and federal governments, AND, over our elections, using corrupt, FORENSICALLY PROVEN TO BE FRADULENT AND CONNECTED ONLINE which VIOLATES ALL OUR LAWS, vote-"counting" (HAAA!) machines. During the 1930s, Churchill and others raised their voices of WARNING and of loud ALARM about Nazi EVILS taking control and POWER at that time. And Churchill and the others were "debunked," and THEIR reports and words of Warning were labelled "baseless," TOO! THINK, People : just use that thing between your ears and above your NECK, as my Dad used to tell me and my siblings all the time. Just THINK.

  • Judith Rettich

    01/07/2021 02:16 AM

    This was clearly antifa with the cooperation of the capital police. I'm surprised that this was not immediately the discussion. As it turns out, facial recognition software has proved that two of the leaders were antifa. The Marxist Dems are diabolically Evil and it was immediately obvious to me, that this was planned to discredit the real event, that over 250,000 people traveled from all over the country to publically denounce the "Steal"... This is one of the saddist days of my life...and I'm 74 and I've had a lot of losses... but the loss of our Republic is the most crushing to my Spirit... God seems to take a lot of holidays when Marxists decide to take over.

  • Betty Bryant

    01/07/2021 02:11 AM

    I can't help but feel like we are being forced to accept this turn to socialism the way the German people were forced to accept Hitler's Nazism. We cannot just lay down and let our country be destroyed. I believe what happened at the Capitol was planned by the left to make the Trump people look bad. If the Democrats were so sure of a Biden victory, what harm would there have been in allowing an investigation of the voting process?


    01/07/2021 02:11 AM

    My heart grieves for the loss of life for the young lady who went to Washington to support her President. Life is so precious. I cannot fathom this loss for her family.


    01/07/2021 02:11 AM

    I watched this unfold on television and saw the folks that went into the windows and they looked a lot like those folks from Portland riots... that Mythical ANTIFA.
    watch the vidio all those folks in black with helmets were not Trump supporters but they were probably some of the folks who demanded the hotels be closed.....

  • Marcia Mackey

    01/07/2021 02:06 AM

    ANTIFA and BLM planned this uprising. Look at the clothes they wore, Big backpacks with ropes, pipe bombs . They infiltrated the rally wearing MAGA hats. I am sick of Trump and his devoted followers being blamed for left-wing riots. WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT! Left has been threatening anyone protesting e.g. MO senator and his wife and newborn baby.

  • Karen

    01/07/2021 02:02 AM

    There was massive voter fraud in both elections. But we really saw it in the Presidential election in all the swing states. What makes Trump supporters angry is that Trump filed how many lawsuits with the supreme court and state courts and most all of them wouldn’t even look at the cases. I also think most of the protesters at the capital were Antifa. Most Trump supporters are not violent. It’s funny democrats did not say anything all summer about the Destruction, violence, looting, burning of towns and cities and hurting people. It was all ok with them, till the shoes on the other foot. I am totally against all that happened on both sides but Government officials can’t pick and choose who can do what.

  • Judith Stall

    01/07/2021 02:01 AM

    As a God-honoring conservative, and therefore, a Republican, I believe God wants us to stand up for Him and what He wants for us to do: love others and forgive others, as God has forgiven us. To do that when we are protesting in peace against those who do not love God or they prefer to satisfy a culture of hate, we should carry a sign that says: God loves you and so do we; He wants truth and so do we. If our protesters want violence, too, they shouldn't be allowed to protest.

  • Joseph Orsini

    01/07/2021 01:58 AM

    I think Trump did get robbed in the election, but his overzealous efforts have cause such a universal negative reaction to his supporters' [and friendly Antifa/BLM folks] riot on the Capitol that his political future is over.

  • MGFA

    01/07/2021 01:56 AM

    I voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020. I was disappointed that he lost in November and there were many reports of election fraud. My initial reaction was that the fraud should be uncovered and I still feel that way. But after a few weeks I could see that the Intelligence Community and the Press were aligned and realized that fighting further was in vain. The events of the last 2 weeks and now today in the Capital have been upsetting.
    I further believe that the Democrats chose Biden because they believed that they could manipulate him, and that he would be more appealing to middle America and this proved to be correct.
    There is plenty of blame to go around as to how things went so wrong. When the press and our politicians made excuses for the BLM and Antifa protestors(rioters) in several states and cities, the public lost all confidence in the system. This has led to the so called silent majority to grow more and more vocal. If rioters were not brought to justice then lawlessness becomes the norm.
    President Trump did not cause this. He was pulled deeper and deeper into this by the outrageous, and criminal activity infecting every aspect of our society since the 1st few months of 2020. The Covid Virus also helped to get us here.
    The fight for the elections should have stopped in early December. The elections in Georgia and the Rallies this week increased the rhetoric to get us to the events of today. The rally speech at the White House wound up some people to a point that they lost control. I cannot agree with what they did and I cannot support the fight for overturning the elections.
    People should just remember that a handful of bad actors got this group to attack the Capital. Most people in the crowd we dressed casually and wearing their MAGA hats. The ones who arrived with Helmets and Camoflauge are the cowards who caused this.
    We will not know for days or weeks what really happened today. I Support the US Constitution and our Government. I pray for peace.
    I follow the news. I have no use for Twitter or Facebook. They are both enemies of the people as far as I am concerned. The news media just reports what the lazy reporters see on facebook and twitter.
    I read your newsletters daily, as they give me a more centered view and go into some depth. Thanks for what you do.

  • Floyd Kimmel

    01/07/2021 01:55 AM

    I'm sorry but if blame for the everything has to be dropped in the laps of our leaders local state and federal They allowed riots and violence to escalate by ignoring the problem and playing the race card over and over putting blame on police and of course Trump. Then their solution is to defund the police then comes covid19 lockdowns and peoples lives being somewhat controlled and of course who's the blame for all the deaths once again Trump, then we come to voter fraud and stolen election did it happen I think it did reputable evidence surfaced and mounted quickly but no one wanted to listen not even our own DOJ and judges it was all lies conspiracy theories complied and fabricated by none other then Trump. Now a riot in DC on 1/6/21 who to blame Trump. Democrat and Republicans need to do a heavy soul search and ask is Trump really to blame did we somehow help to divide the country because we as good little politicians chose to not work for the people but instead put are 100% effort in thinking only of ourselves idolizing the almighty dollar reaching for the golden ring of power bowing to who or what looked and sounded good at the time. So how do we fix the problem could try by working as a whole government instead of divided selfish children who act like bullies when crossed take responsibility for your actions take a stand to fix others actions remember the twilight zone episode "The obsolete man" will if you do then its only fitting to say America will be the obsolete country we will have no useful purpose as a country.

  • Mark A Petersen

    01/07/2021 01:43 AM

    When is it time for war? How do we defend the Constitution? How long do we sit and let people abuse the Constitution while remaining non-violent? Who is going to fix things for us?

  • Patricia J Morgan

    01/07/2021 01:41 AM

    It was Antifa that broke in disguised as Trump supporters! Pictures prove this.

  • Daniel M Stalling

    01/07/2021 01:39 AM


    I watched President Trump's speech and thought that it encouraged people to be peaceful in it's protest. I think it was clear that there were provocaturs in the crowd egging them on to go into the building. I've read President Trumps Tweet and thought it appropriate. I have not found his video condemning the events. So, I don't know what he said, but violence and invasion of the Capital Building? It should have never gone that far. But, it should have said NO TO THIS KIND OF VIOLENCE AND MAYHEM! in no uncertain words. DMS

  • Robert Ganz

    01/07/2021 01:37 AM

    I agree that this was totally wrong, just as all the rioting and looting and burning and injuring cops was wrong FOR MONTHS by the minions of the left. The Dems and the main stream media (but I also repeat myself) did not condemn those riots until they realized it might hurt the election. I do believe that the states that changed election rules without doing it through their legislatures were going against the constitution. I also wonder if there might have been some Antifa or BLM members who might have infiltrated the Trump supporters to incite them to make them look bad.

  • Joyce Tabb

    01/07/2021 01:32 AM

    I think Trump was wrong on this but I know everyone is putting all the blame on him. Pelosi, Schumer and the majority of the Democrats are just as much to blame as Trump. I condemn violence no matter what side it is.

  • Charles W Sigars

    01/07/2021 01:27 AM

    Isn't it jumping to conclusions that the miscreants are actually Trump supporters? Could they be false flag plants by BLM/Antifa?

    Oh. and I do not recall ever hearing the Left condemn the violence by BLM/Antifa for these past several years, so excuse me if I don't get the vapors over Conservatives not condemning some "violence" strongly enough.

  • Daniel Callaway

    01/07/2021 01:21 AM

    President Trump had nothing to do with all this violence! Trump supporters say they saw another group causing all the trouble. What do you expect to happen when no one in our government seems to to care about the security of our election procedure except Trump Supporters? Our election process needs to be standardized across our nation for federal elections. State elections could varycas eachvstate sees fit, but federal elections need to be standardized. The Dominion software needs to be banned for use in the USA.

  • jim record

    01/07/2021 01:21 AM

    americans are all unhappy between politics and the pandemic. They all feel they are being used by political left and right and the agenda is not for the people of America, but get them into power.

  • Paul Kern

    01/07/2021 01:20 AM

    What was left outis the fact that Antifa infiltated the protest and caused the riot, resulting in the death of a young girl.
    Need to do real research.
    I agree with many who say the cold civil war has now turned hot.
    The Republican Party is now on life support.
    Many don't accept that you have ro fight fire with fire.
    Colonial ministers were very Biblical and led many soldiers in the War. That kind of leadership is no longer . Half the churches now support Marxism
    Now becoming a banana republic. Harrus will go full speed and overturn everything as soon she replaces Joe