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January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 676-700 of 1536

  • Jason Kneifel

    01/07/2021 12:43 AM

    Correction to my previous comment. "I knew the only date mentioned in the Constitution, article 12, was January 20th, when the president and vice president terms end at noon."

  • Joyce

    01/07/2021 12:42 AM

    The Republican party is dead. The rule of law is gone. An election was stolen. And Biden will be a fraudulent President. Hey! Congress, what about my vote? You just cancelled it, while not worrying about whether my rights and the other 70 million were violated. Why are you so intent on moving forward and not seeking the truth? This country will never be the same. What am I leaving my grandchildren and great-grandchild? I am troubled and really scared. I won't ever be able to express my voice again. Evil is so strong in this world. The party of death and darkness rules us now. Our judicial system has let us down. What rights do we have when we can't even ask if our votes were legally counted? We have no recourse. We all despise violence! Trump supporters are not violent! Without any investigation, the media rushes to condemn these people. Because of some very bad people, we are now labeled and probably a very good American veteran who fought for these very rights, got caught in the emotions and died today. Meanwhile, Antifa and BLM never get prosecuted. Evil is Good. And Good is Evil! Socialism lives. God Help us!

  • Anne turner

    01/07/2021 12:41 AM

    This incident today has set this country back in multiple ways. I was proud that conservatives were not tearing down and burning things. Can’t say that anymore. This was mob rule plain and simple. I have supported the president through thick snd thin, admittedly not liking his personality, but recognizing the good things he has done. The GOP can no longer claim moral rectitude. I know that we are going to see changes that most in the country cannot and will not stomach in the long run. This all has to do with the negating of morals and ethics in the country. The USA can no longer have pride in what we are. We are no longer a world leader. To be a world leader one must stand for something. One must be principled. We are not. May God forgive us. “God saw what the people did and was not pleased”. We are eating a lot of apples off the tree. Temptation has reared its ugly head and we have bought into it hook, line and sinker. We are a spoiled and greedy people. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, if it gets better at all. I am ashamed of the people of my country.

  • David McGillvray

    01/07/2021 12:40 AM

    The scene at the US Capitol today is disgusting. But to answer/comment on Sean Hannity's show this evening. I remember him and other FOX people saying more than once that people are getting fed up! Sean should have noticed what happens when people reach the peak of the "Fed Upping" They/we are fed up with being ignored, being told there is no evidence, being denied assistance, disenfranchised, (Is there an accounting of the cost/expense of Nancy Pelosi's refusal to extend help, failure to do her job?). Then listening to the comments of the pundits on the Hannity show, like clueless!!! I don't think that Trump supporters were responsible for the revolting actions that took place, but many of them got caught up in the excitement of the moment. (no one mentioned it, but I imagine there were children accompanying some supporters.) Sean kept asking why was there not more police, etc, there? It was a trump rally!!! Police are only needed to keep antifa rioters from getting arrested.

  • Jason Kneifel

    01/07/2021 12:40 AM

    I knew and had read that the January 6 deadline for congress to certify the elector's votes is not in the constitution. The only specific date in the constitution. And, I had read that VP Pence didn't believe he had the authority to choose between the two sets of ballots sent from 5-7 states that had contested elections. Also, I was aware that (a) Wisconsin's state legislators sent Pence a letter asking informing him that they are voting on a resolution on decertifying the electoral votes sent in to the electoral college in December, and (b) other states' legislators had sent letters asking to have 6-10 days delay so they could look at irregularities and issues with the election in their states. So, I hoped Pence could just either (postpone the meeting for the 6-10 days, to allow the states' legislatures get him final decisions on which electors' ballots/votes to count as valid. This would honor and uphold the provisions of the US Constitution and would not put Pence in the position of rejecting any ballots/himself.

  • Gwen McClain

    01/07/2021 12:38 AM

    I don’t think you have all your ducks in a row. Everything I see points to antifa

  • Mimi

    01/07/2021 12:37 AM

    Dear Mr. Huckabee, I often thank God for you and your ministry. My mother watches your show on Saturdays and it is a beautiful witness to her. It is all the more appreciated because she is on lockdown and quite lonely, as are many senior citizens.
    I agree with pretty much everything I have read that you have written and that I've heard you say. This time I differ somewhat in that I do not find President Trump's response tepid. We are all devastated and heartbroken by what happened today. Given how much prayer, fasting & intercession went into the election and continued until today, it was shocking, to say the least. I think that now, more than ever, we need to support this president. He clearly does not support violence. Only peaceful protests are acceptable. This spun out of control so quickly. I highly suspect malign actors were on site to incite violence, but have no way of proving this. I do believe the election fraud was prolific. So many prayed so very much for VP Pence & can appreciate the high pressure situation he was in. I would describe our state as more heartbroken than aghast. God be with you, Mr. Huckabee. Your life in service to Him is recognized and I, for one, am extremely grateful for your beautiful witness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Kathy Blackwelder

    01/07/2021 12:36 AM

    Too much hatred out there on all sides. Some Conservatives that claim to be Christians decided that it was okay to bash the President of the United States rather than pray for him because of his personality and, at times, distasteful comments so they didn't vote for "him." Some Conservatives that claim to be Christians treated the President as if he was our Savior, which he was not - obviously. He did a lot of good and worked super hard to turn America around. He did his best but evil, for now, took over. Wise people would vote for the direction they want their country to go over someone's personality but that didn't happen. And now, here we are. As much as I love history I don't know about that whatever it is that Pence was suppose to use his position to challenge the electoral votes with and I don't think most of the people that are now (Christians again) deciding to hate him do either and yet they and call him a traitor and a it's his fault. Where is our responsibility in this? God hears the prayers of the righteous not the haters. Well, now maybe people will turn to God and cry out to Him and evaluate their own hearts before God because we've lost our country and we need Him big time. Good thing He's long-suffering. We haven't lost Him. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He hasn't changed. I am as sick as I have ever been and I am concerned for my kids and grandkids. They will not have the freedoms and love of country that I've had. I pray that God will take care of His own. To quote my friend, "The baby in the manger that we worshipped last month is still the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." God is after His creation to turn to Him and now maybe more will. That lost man that ended his prayer with Amen and Awomen prayed to a Hindu god and invited him into our country. We cannot have that. I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds the future as the saying goes. It's not a time to get lazy and go hide. We have to pray like never before. President Trump needs our prayers as does Vice President Pence. Already the Dems are calling out Christians by name like Marco Rubio I think it was and they mocked his faith. Jesus help us. We need You. Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Their time will come but so will ours. We must be united. I pray it will happen. Thank you Mr. Huckabee. God bless your family. Love your daughter! :-) <3

  • Margot Mitchell

    01/07/2021 12:36 AM

    I appreciate your clear sensible clarity. It's a sad day for sure. Yet we will overcome, yet bruised and a little worse for wear. Very betrayed by those thugs, two wrongs do not make a right.

  • Pene Horton

    01/07/2021 12:35 AM

    Antifa posing as Trump supporters?

  • Candace Rogers

    01/07/2021 12:34 AM

    I do not agree with the violence but I wonder what modern day politicians/ law makers would say to the American Revolutionists, if they had lived back then

  • Harold Campbell

    01/07/2021 12:34 AM

    Good evening,

    How long has it been sense you have read the declaration of independence? I keep hearing "The Constitution says" but there are 3 documents of freedom. The constitution , the declaration of independence, and the bill of rights.

    Look at the declaration of independence, are the accusations of the king ,almost the same as some might see congress as a group? Seeing as they see themselves as leaders instead of representatives.

    Now I'm not necessarily condoning the actions today the difference between what happ r nd today and what happened over the summer is ... today it was against the government.... over the summer it was toward people and their homes and businesses.

    Shouldn't lawfullness start at the top seeing how the people is supposed to make the laws, and send a rep to declare it?

  • Donna Phillips

    01/07/2021 12:31 AM

    So, Mike, you are just as bad as the fake news. You don't know all of the happenings of today, but you blame it on Trump supporters. If you look at the photos, you can clearly see it was Antifa, the same ones that were in Portland. You were around when Pence was, so you know all about the Deep State. I don't see how anyone could NOT have been in the Deep State if they had been in politics for over twenty years. You are a huge disappointment.

  • Kathryn L. Nutefall

    01/07/2021 12:31 AM

    I was shocked at what happened today at the U.S. Capitol Building. I think some of the more aggressive "protesters" were not true Trump supporters. They wanted to cause trouble and give President Trump's supporters a bad name. If the police felt they had to shoot at that woman, couldn't they have done so w/o killing her? That was shocking! In my opinion, this past summer, all the destruction the left democrats caused, BLM, and antifa, President Trump should have done something to stop them. "Peaceful protests my a**!! Peoples' businesses, livelihoods were completely destroyed, fires burned down buildings, cars destroyed, people killed (?). The president should have done something to protect our citizens and country from these crazed lunatics that got away with anything they wanted to do. The media was a part of it too. Is this America - the country I love? The country that my Dad served in the army for WWll and the Korean War? AND, everyone knows the 2020 election was a fraud. This has to stop. We don't want to become another Venezuela or Cuba. We do not want a socialist nation. I pray daily for God to intervene and save our beloved country. President Donald Trump is one of the very best presidents we have ever had the blessing to have served our nation. He did what he said would do, he accomplished so much. Unfortunately, people who watch only the fake news never heard of all he did. In the Bible it says, Those who bless Israel, I will bless." Not a correct quote, but you get the meaning. President Trump has been a dear friend to Israel, and accomplished peace treaties that former presidents couldn't. After 8 years of destruction by Obama, President Trump did his best to correct and reset our country. Now, if Biden/Harris, or I should say Harris, are in office, our country will be set back again. With so much influence from China, and thanks to the Bidens, our country is in for very evil things. Mr. Huckabee, I admire you and trust you. I know you also pray for our country and leaders. Now it is in God's Hands. He is a mighty God and bigger than this whole mess. I, along with millions of others, will now wait upon the Lord and see what He will do.

  • James Wheless

    01/07/2021 12:29 AM

    My America died in November 2020. When voting machine programmers control who wins elections and not the voters, it is over. You could see from a mile away what was going to happen in Georgia. And it did. RIP freedom. It was good while it lasted.


    01/07/2021 12:28 AM

    We have never seen any violence out of all of the tens of thousands that have been at his rallies....really not normal conduct for conservatives at all. Maybe I watch too much news but I think there were a lot of people there that were not Trump supporters. We have seen across the country Antifa and Black Lives Matter involved in cities everywhere. I remember reading that China was sending thousands of guns to Antifa and they knew this because many were caught at ports of entry and airports. Antifa I understand is Facist and BLM is not really about Black Lives anymore,,,,they admit they are trained Marxist. Every where we see violence we are also seeing these two groups. In fact I did see where that a great big sign BLM was put on a church door or gate in DC tU Tuesday. I hope those that broke in are charged and investigated..Would love to know who they are connected not believe they were Trump supporters. May have been a few frustrated supporters....but those people did not act like any conservative gathering I have ever seen in person or on TV. God Bless America and protect her from the enemy inside the gate and in the halls of congress and soon the President's office.

  • Gwyn Guess

    01/07/2021 12:28 AM

    Things like this are not what they seem, Mike. Think about this:
    The "breakin" by "angry Trump supporters" took place JUST BEFORE Congress was set to hear statements about the fraud that took place in the theft of Trump's voters. Interesting timing, isn't it?
    Next, please think about how Good at False Flags the Chi coms and the radicals are at setting people up. I think this was one of those moments and it makes good sense, especially if you look at the timing of the thing. Please take a look at the reasoning of Jon Rappaport's assessment of this on his blog site:

  • David Humphries

    01/07/2021 12:28 AM

    Vice President Pence is a man of integrity. I support his decision. I don't support extremists who think that violence is the answer. There were Senators and Representatives who were prepared to challenge the legality of the election within the rules of the Constitution and I support them. There were a number of GOP congressmen and women who were willing to ignore the concerns of their constituents and accept the outcome. I don't support them. Finally, I think you are a good and fair man, Mr. Huckabee, and I support you and your show. God bless.

  • Jeffrey Buttke

    01/07/2021 12:27 AM

    I cannot support senseless violence. I realize that God is still in control.
    I realize that millions of US citizens have had more than they can take regarding the unbelievably fraudulent election which I believe to be the "final act" of the coup de'tat that's been carefully planned.
    I also saw the evidence of BLM and Antifa involvement in the attack on the Capital as well as video that seems to show Capital Police opening a gate and waving in at least part of the mob.
    I truly believe we've all just seen a ploy to defame the character of Trump and his supporters.
    Social media giants have taken down the remarks made by the President, not allowing him any further reaction to the violent events.
    Mike Pence -- the jury is still out. I have believed him to be a strong Christian and strong Trump supporter. I honestly, now, do not know where he stands. It may become clearer in the next few days.
    I continue to pray for peace, I will not limit God's power to do as He has promised. Humanly speaking, I really expect (not condone) violence, whomever is awarded the election.

  • Jeannie MacAdams

    01/07/2021 12:23 AM

    ANY Trump supporter dragging around an American flag on the floor as does the lowlife captured pm tape? Don't think so!

  • Shirley Pyle

    01/07/2021 12:22 AM

    Are we totally sure that the violence was from Trump supporters? Doesn’t sound like it and photos seem to give proof that they weren’t?

  • Glenda Hart

    01/07/2021 12:20 AM

    You sound like you believe these are actually trumpers rather than a planned riot by a liberal faction to slam trump and us trumpers. I believe this was a liberal plan to derail the objections to the election and have people like you jump ship. Trump needs to have more information before he comes out and blames us. I think you and media have been played.

  • Debbie Morrow

    01/07/2021 12:20 AM

    All Mike Pence was asked to do today was to send the certifications back to the three states that had asked him to do that, so they could take 10 days to re evaluate their certification, because of all of the evidence they had seen in recent days and weeks, that proved voter and election fraud. That was not asking him to overturn the certification, but to let the state legislators of those three states have a few more days to look at their certification. How could that be interpreted in any way as not upholding the constitution? It doesn’t matter what Donald Trump does...he is always wrong according to the Washington establishment. Obviously you are one of the establishment. Why are you ragging on him for his tweet to stop the violence. Who made your opinion about how forceful he should have been, important? The 80,000,000 of us that voted for him and KNOW that the overwhelming volume of evidence shows he had this election stolen from him, and we had the election stolen from us. Why the heck shouldn’t we be upset. There is no one in the swamp who will do anything about it. And now I believe you are part of that swamp. I sure never thought that before, but your input today has changed my mind. Everything hidden in darkness is being revealed!!!
    God is putting sunlight on evil, evil people, and evil belief systems. The word of 2020 and 2021 is EXPOSURE!

  • Marianne Gregory

    01/07/2021 12:20 AM


    I was so sad to see the violence disrupt what I saw as the first open, civil discourse about the election issues in the house. I am no fan of Pelosi, but was heartened to see her allow alternating arguments for and against the objections, with discipline held in the chamber. It felt like the real, civil discussion we had in the old days. So sad that the violence disrupted it. Seems to me those of us making the case for fraud were the ones hurt by the violence....those who wanted to sweep it under the rug got their distraction. Thank you for your leadership and daily commentary, love reading your newsletters!

  • Lana K. Tinsley

    01/07/2021 12:20 AM

    This was Antifa.