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January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 701-725 of 1536

  • Rebecca Tollefson

    01/07/2021 12:19 AM

    First, I believe that Antifa infiltrators are responsible for the rioting in DC today. Whether they or Patriots are responsible the violence must be stopped though nothing seems to be done about it and no one punished for it. We have suffered a fraudulent election in this country. This as I see it has nothing to do with President Trump, but with a violation of our rights under the constitution of the US which no one is doing anything about either. Americans are getting frustrated by the fact that no one will stand up for this, truly fight for this, and no one is being punished for any of these wrong doings against the people of this country.

  • Vaslav Nijinsky

    01/07/2021 12:19 AM

    Mike, do you know what a Company "false flag" op is? Think antifa thugs and goons infiltrated into protesters, and "conveniently" allowed access to Capitol building to "menace" pols, in order to discredit legit protesters outside, and POTUS by extension. Really, someone of your experience should've been skeptical, rather than swallow this psyop hook, line, and sinker.

  • KJHanover

    01/07/2021 12:19 AM

    But what do we do when the Constitution is ignored and stomped on for 4 years? Bow our heads like good little Sheeple? You are ignoring everything that's gone on suddenly.

  • Janet Allen

    01/07/2021 12:19 AM

    I felt that President Trump said what needed to be said. After all, it wasn’t the Trump supporters but Antifa that did this (according to what I’ve been hearing) and Antifa isn’t going to listen to anybody not even President Trump.

  • Chelsea Martin

    01/07/2021 12:18 AM

    Condemnation of violence is to be applauded, yes, and always strived for. But at what point does violence become the a final terrible recourse? For the past 30 years conservatives have increasingly been excommunicated from the "public square." Anyone questioning the "establishment" has been silenced, threatened, marginalized, shunted to the side. And conservatives have obeyed and prayed and sought various legal avenues for redress of their grievances. Have any grievances been addressed? Do you imagine that any of them ever will? Under actions of violence, doxxing, public harassment, intimidation, threats to one's person and job and family, and outright assault conservatives have remained peaceful and prayerful and submissive. And what has come of it? How can there be "peace" without "equal justice?" This is not about Donald J. Trump, I think. This is not even about the current election. What you are witnessing is the overflow of 30+ years of pent-up fury at a radicalized biased Media and a coterie of Political Elites that have ruled the nation in accordance with their ideological whims and desires for profit. 30+ years of pent up fury from people who are tired of being reduced to "Untermensch" by a Ruling Class that has for years served only itself. What recourse, Mr. Huckabee? Not for Mr. Trump or the fate of the election, but for the fate of average American citizen? What recourse for the individual, when 75 million people are told "shut up, don't question, go home, obey?" When the courts won't hear it? When the legislature won't hear it? When they're not even permitted by their Technocratic Overlords to speak of it themselves?

    Yes, peace is always to be strived for. But never forget that six million people peacefully walked onto German boxcars in the 1940's. 14 million people peacefully starved in The Holodomor. 55 million or more "kulaks" and "undesirables" peacefully walked into gulags and concentration camps across Soviet Russia and Communist China. Peaceful people lived and died in the thousands in Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur, Bosnia. Look at the hateful rhetoric coming from the Left! Look at the riots and violence that they've endorsed and tell me you do not see rhetorical and ideological similarities between us and any of the nations above? Tell me what recourse without equal justice? How long before 75 million "deplorables" join the ranks of the peaceful dead?

  • Mark Stromer

    01/07/2021 12:17 AM

    I believe it's a similar situation as to Pharaoh in Egypt. The light was all around him ,he refused to believe in God , his heart was hardened to his doom. This has happened to millions of people in America. God is judging the unbelievers, that love their sin. After 4 years to repent and change nothing happened, irregardless of whose the president ; they got worse, filling their life's full of lies. And electing people to constantly lie to them promising them the world. And on and on.

  • cathey bowlin

    01/07/2021 12:16 AM

    It's truly a total double standard. Although breeching the white house was wrong- they shot someone.. Police were told to stand down as BLM burned and looted businesses' but with a nonviolent breech- they shot someone. And of course it's all the President's fault. I can't believe there are so many ignorant people who voted for Biden , I will forever believe this election was stolen and rigged as most Trump supporters will.. BLM is a hate group and the media has embraced them as the protested the death of a hyped up George Floyd. They made a martyr out of a thug.

  • Trish warmack

    01/07/2021 12:14 AM

    Please review Flash Point on The Victory Channel and give us your opinion. Eyewitnesses gave differing accounts of who the “supporters” were.

  • Jo Anne Roberts

    01/07/2021 12:13 AM

    first I didn't like what some of the protestors did, but I can understand their frustration I disagree with you on President Trump response to it. It was a sincere statement on condemning it and it was at the right tone and he is right the election was stolen by cheating by the socialist democrats side and he is right to say Pence did not have the courage to stand up for what is right. He caved. Even Jesus got angry and over turned the money changers tables in the temple. once this country is turned over to the socialist democrat there will be no coming back to a free society. No election will ever be fair again because once they have the power they will not let it go. They cheated to win the Presidential election, they cheated to win the Senator runoff race and they will keep on cheating to stay in power if you and others like you let them get away with it. You know this to be true but you don't want to admit it. There will never be another Republican like Trump who will stand up to both Socialist Democrat and Republican for the American people like he does. No country that has turned socialist has ever turned back to capitalism. The Republican party in congress is weak. They talk a good talk but never walk the walk. President Trump talk the talk and walk the walk regardless of what people think of him. I am proud he is my President. You also know that Biden will never be President no longer then they can get him swear in then Harris and the democrat party will have him declared not fit to be President. I will never recognize Biden or Harris as any thing other then cheaters. Congress is a joke, the justice department is a joke and when Biden/Harris get in, the President office will be a joke. We can't trust congress, we can't trust the FBI, we can't trust the justice department, we can't trust the supreme court and we can't trust the media. Sad. God is the only one we can trust and he is the only one who can help us now and I pray that he will.

  • Carl Raine

    01/07/2021 12:11 AM

    There are reports that Antifa bussed in people dressed in MAGA hats, and they are the ones who caused the violence.
    Is there any truth to that?

  • Loretta Hastings

    01/07/2021 12:10 AM

    I agree...there should be no toleration of violence and it is a disgrace that any conservative should participate in any such demonstration.

  • Bonnie Rodgers

    01/07/2021 12:10 AM

    It’s a shame that the election was stolen. It’s a same that a person died today but also I saw video looks like some of those trump supporters are BLM and Antifa hired to make Trump supporters look like thugs. The media which you can’t trust , Republicans you can’t trust . People are pissec off and rightly so since even the courts won’t do anything. If our government doesn’t do the tight thing an investigate the fraud we will no longer have a free America. I can’t stand by a let my freedoms be taken away as they are starting to do that with masks and lockdowns etc.
    I know in the end God has a plan but I don’t think he wants us to sit on the sideline either.

  • Melissa Stair

    01/07/2021 12:08 AM

    Trump supporters or a group of those who cause violence dressed up in disguise looking like Trump supporters to blend in and then do harm, thus putting the blame on Trump supporters? Sounds a bit like how satan (lower case on purpose) works, doesn't it?

  • Watts D. Matter

    01/07/2021 12:08 AM

    Dear Governor,
    I sent you a “WDJB”
    post this evening about how today’s events all “add up”.
    I would only add to that, IMHO President Trump should have taken heed per president-elect Biden’s suggestion and addressed the nation from the Oval Office. It had been said of Teddy Rosevelt, that when shook your hand. He meant it! I doubt he would have been a fan of Twitter as the preeminent means of communication to the populace during his stay in the White House.

  • Michael Yaksh Jr

    01/07/2021 12:07 AM

    I agree Mike, this was horrific. I, with you condemned the violence of the left this past year. They all excuses it, saying they had a right to fit l do it. They were wrong. Today is no different. Those that did this were wrong. No excuse. I hope and pray it's discovered that it was the left doing this trying to make the Republicans look bad. If it was indeed Republicans I condemn them just as I did BLM and Antifa. It was inexcusable. Two wrongs don't make a right. President Trump does need to condemn strongly those that stormed the Capital building.

  • Christina Alpe

    01/07/2021 12:05 AM

    I read several accounts where it was reported that the FBI identified Antifa masquerading as Trump supporters actually led the storm into the capitol and incited the violence. Is this true? I don’t know what to believe. If it is true I doubt the media will make any effort to bring it to light.

  • Kathleen Long

    01/07/2021 12:05 AM

    I totally agree. I am aghast at this! Are we sure they were Trump supporters, though, and not paid to be violent and act like Trump supporters?

  • Bob DeCamp

    01/07/2021 12:04 AM

    As I understand the DC protest, it was a relative few who "stormed" the capitol, most were peaceful. I am thinking that some Antifa infiltrators, dressed as Trump supporters, very possibly were stirring the pot, so to speak. In any case, it seems that these violent participants took lessons from Antifa and BLM radicals.

  • Kathy Obert

    01/07/2021 12:03 AM

    Lots of antifa people mixed in with Trump supporters and I am hearing from many who were there that it was antifa causing the issues. I suggest you do better research before you comment next time.

  • Pam Fancil

    01/07/2021 12:02 AM

    There’s no way we’ll ever prove it, but those who stormed the Federal building were plants in today’s Trump rally. Trump supporters just would not act in that way with that many following a preplanned attack. Those people were paid agitators! I just hope and pray some investigative reporters can ferret out that deception and clear our party’s good name!!

  • David Greene

    01/06/2021 11:59 PM

    What we conservatives should be calling attention to, is that the "Trump supporters doing the attacking, were in fact members of Antifa in disguise as MAGA supporters! We one the conservative right will only use violence to protect ourselves FROM violent leftists!
    Prayers for the family of the woman shot and killed!

  • Eleanor Allert

    01/06/2021 11:58 PM

    As they say in France, "domage!" It is a terrible development and makes him look very foolish. It also makes evangelical Christians look foolish. How many are apologizing for falsely prophesying that Trump would be a two-term president? I'm getting the backlash from people in my family who are in the Democrat camp. May the Lord forgive us for being too political and not trusting Him rather than man!

  • Mike Peckham

    01/06/2021 11:57 PM

    Trump’s decision to hold a rally in DC during the day when the electoral college results were to be certified or debated was foolish and will forever mar his legacy. We were counting on him to keep MAGA alive...since the election he has been the worst of Trump in overdrive. In the end, his re-election was doomed more by his inability to be presidential than fraud. If he had been Reagan-like combined with his drive and ability to get things done...he would still be president today. You don’t alienate the establishment and treat people as badly as he did and expect to survive. I agree that the left’s hypocrisy is evident in their tolerance and actual encouragement of the riots and violence of last year. I believe that their tolerance for lawlessness has created an atmosphere where violence has little consequence and may have been as inciting as Trump’s rally.

  • Stacie Molina

    01/06/2021 11:57 PM

    I respectfully disagree...many photographs proving it was Antifa impersonating Trump supporters

  • Charlotte Brees

    01/06/2021 11:57 PM

    There is no way I will ever believe that the peaceful protesters started that awful riot. The same people who burned our cities & destroyed businesses this past summer are the same people who infiltrated the peaceful protesters & started the rioting, broke windows in the Capital building, & are responsible for the injuries & death during the riot. I feel so sorry for President Trump. He's had to endure horrible attacks for the past 4 years & the left has ruined the last few days of his GREAT presidential term. President Trump is the greatest president during my 78 year lifetime, & he has done more for this country & US citizens than any man in recent history. I hope the left & all those awful democrat socialists realize that we republicans love our country & we will not lie down an accept this stolen democrat election & the democrat/socialist/anti-American "laws" that the Biden-Harris-Pelosi regime plans on forcing down our throats. God bless the United States of America!