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July 19, 2021

A reader wrote in to ask, “How are the Democrats/left controlling social media and news? I truly don’t understand how this is happening and would appreciate your thoughts.”

It did seem to happen almost overnight, didn’t it? It was as if all the chess pieces were in place to take over most popular methods of communication. But this has been at work in media for a long time, just as it has been on college campuses and in corporations that suddenly appear “woke,” arranged by people who want nothing less than to control us all. They plan to take down this country and establish what they want. They’re focused like a laser beam, and they’re well on their way to doing this.

It is 100 percent about power: they think that they, as the “virtuous,” the socially aware, are going to be on the winning side and get all the favors while the other half of the country, the “deplorables,” will be at their mercy. That, to them, is “justice.” The “reckoning.” And in order to stop this unraveling and repair the damage we first have to know what their mechanisms are.

Coincidentally, FOX NEWS weekend host Pete Hegseth was on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN on Sunday to talk with Mark about the imminent threat. Levin has a new book called AMERICAN MARXISM, in which he writes, “Our challenge today is just as crucial and urgent [as it was in Revolutionary days], and in many ways, more complicated. We did not ask for this confrontation, but it is here. And, in truth, like the early days of the Revolutionary War, we are losing. Unfortunately, most of the country has been caught flat-footed and remains unengaged.”

“We’ve reached the point where we’re either going to live in a free society or we’re not,” he says.

The media now are essentially the mouthpiece for the movement to take down America. It wasn’t that long ago when anyone saying that would have been ridiculed. Levin says it was created through “hybridized” or “Americanized” forms of Marxism, “tailored to our country, tailored to our system.” Look at the original mission statement of Black Lives Matter, he says, and it’s easy to see that it’s full of Marxist theory. It’s completely anti-growth and anti-capitalist, using racism as a pretext. I would add that there are other pretexts for government control, such as “climate science” and COVID-19.

Levin finds it significant that the first action Joe Biden took as President was to shut down an oil pipeline. They attacked energy, he said, because energy “provides and serves the energy of our economic system and makes everything else possible in this country. [When ] you control energy, you control the so-called environment, you control the budget, you control the constitutional system, you control EVERYTHING.”

Right now, they control most of the media –- what we call the “mainstream media” or “legacy media” –- and this control goes against a core principle upon which our nation was established. Our founders knew we had to have a free press if the people were going to govern themselves. That doesn’t mean the press in 1800 could be counted on to bring “the facts” --- far from it. But it couldn’t be censored, either.

So, what has happened to the media? Levin traces it back to education, the way journalism schools have indoctrinated their students. “Journalism has changed completely,” he says. “It’s always been liberal, but now it’s out of the closet. People you see on CNN, MSNBC, even on the big networks, would never have made it 30-40 years ago. You would have had responsible executives who would have said, ‘Okay, look. Cut it out. I know we feel this, and I know this is our way, but we’re destroying our brand as a free press.”

Levin continues: “So we do not have a free press. We have a free opinion, if you’re a leftist, but we don’t have a press. We have propaganda mills.” Much of his book is apparently spent talking about THE NEW YORK TIMES.

For generations, journalism schools have been turning out indoctrinated “reporters” set on fundamentally transforming America. Colleges used to teach them how to inform Americans –- the individuals in their own households reading their papers at the kitchen table –- but the mission has changed. Any focus on the individual is gone. It’s now on government, indoctrination, identity groups, sharing approved content, centralized control. Anyone who dares to even question the official word on such issues as the election or the virus is tagged as a destabilizer or even insurrectionist.

Ironically, it’s those in control who are the real insurrectionists, as they’re trying to take all the power, and by whatever means at their disposal.

It became easy for them control news content once they were ensconced in editorial offices in New York and Los Angeles. Add social media to the mix –- with their current ability to censor anything deemed “misinformation” and to monitor and even ban us –- and their control is virtually complete. We’ll need reform legislation or a major Supreme Court decision to change that.

Levin has a section in his book on what I spoke about above; he calls this new agenda-driven reporting “public journalism.” He says that at one time, journalists at least tried to do the right thing, but now they have an agenda. “Look who they hire as news people,” he says, after mentioning ABC’s George Stefanopoulos, who leapfrogged right from the Clinton White House to the newsroom. “Mostly Democrats, but definitely leftists,” Levin notes. Donald Trump exposed this completely, he says. But they go right on; for example, covering for Biden while working for his radical agenda.

And now, as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki openly admitted, we’ve got the White House colluding with Big Tech to thwart the spread of “misinformation.” “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others” if you provide misinformation, she said. Really? Would that by any chance include the “misinformation” that COVID-19 might have come from a Chinese lab? That was misinformation, until it wasn’t.

The good news: most people no longer trust the media. That trust has eroded for decades, and now its level is downright pitiful, especially for TV news. In case you didn’t see it, here’s a poll we reported on yesterday. The media are distrusted only slightly less than Congress!

Still, to function as a republic, we must have sources for real information, not phony narratives. Reform of education is the long-term solution, but for now, just as we need to pull kids out of bad schools, we must also turn to uncensored alternative media, and the sooner the better.

Recommended reading:


BREAKING THE NEWS: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, by Alex Marlow (editor-in-chief of BREITBART NEWS)

SLANTED: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism, by Sharyl Attkisson

THE SMEAR: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote




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Comments 21-30 of 33

  • Kenneth Stinson

    07/19/2021 06:04 PM

    God Bless you, Mike Huckabee! I supported you in your run for the presidency and I support your effort now to save our country. I also support Sarah’s run for Governor. We watch your show every Saturday evening. We are reading Mark Levin’s book now, every page is a vital wake up call. Thank you from our entire family.

  • Marvin Stedel

    07/19/2021 04:48 PM

    The sheep worries his whole life about the wolf only to be eaten by the shepherd. That’s the problem the government has lied to us and people are believing it. Most of us were taught obey your teacher trust our leaders. They don’t want people to think for themselves. If we all think alike there isn’t much thinking going on. God help Us. People running to get the jab. Ask them do you know what’s in it. Standard answer NO. Can’t believe it.

  • Ann Zimmerman

    07/19/2021 04:36 PM

    You’re doing a great job. I am grateful for you and others, thank God for all those fighting to expose the truth so that we can see the need to rise up and fight to save our ourselves and freedom.
    I happened to catch you interview Chuck Norris’s mom, that was nice. Brings back some needed perspective when you see goodness and normality together in harmony like that.

  • karl strickland

    07/19/2021 04:36 PM

    Thank you so much for your response to - How are the left-wing media controlling the news? I enjoy your newsletter very much.
    Again, thank you!

  • Dick Algire

    07/19/2021 04:28 PM

    This quote from David Rockefeller tells us all we need to know about the media:

    "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." ~ David Rockefeller Bilderberger Meeting 1991

  • Jeanice R Crowley

    07/19/2021 04:28 PM

    As always, Governor, you do a wonderful job of keeping us, your readers and followers, on the right track.

    The move to No News has not just happened in journalism schools. I spent my career in Telecommunications, starting in 1984. At that time we had federal laws that restricted how many and of what kind of public media any person/corporation could own. The intention was to prevent only one voice being heard. During the Clinton White House years, those laws were changed dramatically. If you look at who owns each of the media corporations, you will see that all of our "lamestream" media in the US is owned by just a couple of people who share the same agenda.

  • Joseph Healy

    07/19/2021 02:57 PM

    Dear Gov. Mike:
    The leftist indoctrination has been going on, for decades, not only in journalism schools but teacher colleges whose grads then spread it in the public schools. That's the reason there are too many people (especially under the age of 40) receptive to Marxist / socialist ideology today. We have to stop and reverse that indoctrination (and it's not just CRT) and re-educate the 19 - 40 year old's about the Founders and Framers historic, unique, good, optimistic, thinking and intentions.

  • Tom Neill

    07/19/2021 02:55 PM

    I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s watching CBS with my parents. I came home in the early/mid 70’s when I got out of the Navy my dad was no longer watching CBS. He was fed up with the bias slant being spewed by Dan Rather.

  • Patricia J Burke

    07/19/2021 02:37 PM

    Most if not all of the "journalists" graduate from college. Colleges have been a hot-bed for liberal thinking even when I was in college in the '50s. However, the advent of Donald Trump as President made it all far more real. The press hated him and all he stood for. Why? Because he aimed to drain the swamp. The swamp is what is running our country while figure heads make all the noise. He wanted to put a stop to that. Swamps hold creepy, crawly things; things that are vile, ugly and slimy. They hide under water and weeds. Our current "president" is so obviously being used because of his cognitive impairment. I think what makes me angriest of all is that his wife is not only accepting it, she is encouraging it. What kind of a wife uses her husband for her own gain. I believe that is what "Dr. Jill" is doing. She loves the spot light and is indulging in self-aggrandizement. All I can say is, "Ugh." I pray Jesus will come soon, soon, soon.

  • Ann Shields

    07/19/2021 02:28 PM

    When will America hold China accountable?