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August 12, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Hebrews 4:12
  • BLM, Tucker And The American Flag
  • Even Nancy Pelosi Sees It
  • The Blinders Are Off
  • Oil Production
  • Clean Up On Aisle Five


Mike Huckabee


12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

BLM, Tucker And The American Flag

By Mike Huckabee

A small group of BLM protesters gathered outside Fox News headquarters in Manhattan to make one of their typically intelligent statements. Tucker Carlton had the perfect response to them burning his photo along with the American flag:

Congratulations to BLM for making Tucker Carlson synonymous with America and the flag. I’m sure that will really hurt him and help your cause, whatever it may be at this point.

The Biggest Mistake

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve been writing for years that the biggest mistake Republicans ever made was letting leftist educrats take over America’s public schools and turn them from places of learning into political indoctrination centers (and in some places, guaranteed lifetime jobs programs for incompetent union teachers who give good, dedicated teachers a bad name.) I don’t know if it’s the brazenness of Critical Race Theory radicals or the fact that at-home Internet learning allowed parents to hear what their kids are being taught, but parents are finally be waking up to the problem and demanding reform. Deanna Fisher at the Victory Girls blog has some interesting comments on that and why we have to fix public schools, not abandon them:

If you need a few examples of how bad our education system has become at all levels, yesterday’s news brought an array of them:

Shocking leaked documents showed that some students who could soon be graduating from Baltimore City Public Schools are performing at levels up to 10 years below their age. In one test of nine students for math and reading, only two scored on a high school level. One student could only do math on a first grade level. No wonder that last May, school officials announced that even if students were failing at least one class, they would be promoted anyway. That was blamed on the 2020 pandemic. The real problem is that Baltimore has been run by Democrats for six decades.

Oregon’s Gov. Kate Brown and the other Democrats that are ruining that beautiful state have given up entirely on even pretending that their schools are competent. Brown just signed a bill suspending for five years a state requirement that students demonstrate high school-level proficiency at reading, writing and math before receiving a high school diploma.

And the leftist murder of educational standards is, of course, also taking place at institutions of “higher learning.” Latest example: San Jose State University in California wants to create an (un)honors program for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color) students who couldn’t get into a merit-based honors program because of poor grades or low SAT scores. You see, merit is bad because it’s anti-“equity.” So this program would focus on “radical, new learning spaces responsive to and inspired by the complex and intersectional diversity of our local communities and our students.” Of course, the “diversity” would not include any white students

In short: go to college and be treated with the soft bigotry of low expectations. Learn a lot of leftist buzzwords like “equity” and “intersectional” and a lot of racist “anti-racism.” But on the plus side, at least you’ll be on a scholarship, so you won’t have to go deep in debt to get an utterly useless degree like a lot of other students have.

Or you could go for a medical or STEM degree, but even those may soon be as useless as voodoo doctor training thanks to medicine and science being rapidly destroyed by Critical Race Theory, radical transgender activism, assaults on merit and the scientific method, and other fact-denying movements.

And this is why we need major educational system reform NOW. Let’s hope it’s not too late to save the next generation from both socialism and idiocracy. As for the current youngest generation, let’s hope that when reality eventually knocks the force-fed socialist nonsense out of them, it won’t hurt too much.

Even Nancy Pelosi Sees It

By Mike Huckabee

Do not let this make you overconfident, but even Nancy Pelosi apparently sees the handwriting on the wall. Inside sources claim that she’s already planning to step down as House Speaker after the 2022 elections, and she might not even run for reelection again because she has no desire to be in the minority.

Well, it could be worse. At least she wouldn’t be in the minority under a partisan monster of a Speaker like Nancy Pelosi. As for her decision to step down as Speaker after the 2022 elections, let us all hope, pray and work like the dickens to make sure she doesn’t have to make that decision because the voters will make it for her.

The Blinders Are Off

By Mike Huckabee

I think it’s finally safe to say that the blinders are off concerning the self-serving, racist, Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. After a year of watching the group spread divisiveness and lawlessness while its leaders raked in millions and shared little of it with black communities destroyed by rioting and crime, their latest approval number in that same survey sits at…2%. That’s a 92% drop from their previous net high of 24%. That’s largely because their approval among Independents has plummeted from 25% last summer to -8%.

On the plus side, CNN finally has something that makes the trajectory of its TV ratings look good in comparison.

Oil Production

By Mike Huckabee

With the average price of a gallon of gas reaching a seven-year high of $3.18 ($1 more since this time last year), President Biden is pressing OPEC to increase oil production and support the recovery.

Or – and this may be crazy, but hear me out – instead of begging OPEC to produce more oil and save us from his own stupid policies, maybe Biden could stop waging war on America’s domestic oil and gas industries, and stop banning drilling, fracking and building pipelines, so that gas prices could be affordable and we could be a net exporter of oil. You know, like we were a year ago when Trump was in office.

Clean Up On Aisle Five

By Mike Huckabee

With the recall polls tightening and the walls closing in, California Gov. Gavin Newsom decided this would be the perfect moment to reenact the “Captain Queeg Loses His Mind” scene from “The Caine Mutiny.” His political consultants will need hazmat suits to clean this up.

Also worth noting for sheer craziness: California Rep. Norma Torres expressed fears the Republicans could win if Democrats don’t turn out, “if Democrats underestimate the power of fake news, you know the power of rumors.”

Sorry to break this to you, Norma, but “Gavin Newsom is a terrible Governor” is NOT fake news or a rumor. If you live in California, you don’t even need to watch the news to know that. Or maybe you’d like to explain to California voters how the high taxes, the endless arbitrary lockdowns and strict COVID rules that politicians don’t observe, the masses of illegal immigrants and homeless people, the wildfires and power outages, the skyrocketing cost of living, the surge in crime and the “poop maps” are all just figments of their imagination.

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  • Floyd A Unger

    08/12/2021 07:24 PM

    Thank you

  • William Fuhrer

    08/12/2021 07:13 PM

    FOX NEWS in their store should have ALL LIVE MATTER merchandise