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August 27, 2021

Our prediction that President Biden would come out in his late-day press briefing on Thursday and blame everyone but himself turned out to be, sadly, correct.

If you didn’t see it, imagine at the podium the weakest, most feeble, most pathetic excuse for a Commander-in-Chief you can dredge out of the recesses of your mind, and then somehow dial it back even weaker. The real thing was worse than that.

Think I’m exaggerating? The British news organization DAILY MAIL was merciless.

Yes, Biden did blame Trump, again: “I bear responsibility for, fundamentally, all that’s happened of late. But [editorial note: there’s always a “but”] here’s the deal: You know –- I wish that one day, you say these things –- you know as well as I do that [the] former President made a deal with the Taliban that we would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. In return, the commitment was made, and that was a year before.”

Biden keeps going back to that, when it’s clear to all of us watching that he didn’t have to follow that timetable at all. HE’S our Commander-in-Chief; it's not the head of the Taliban. WE’RE the superpower, not them. WE say when we leave. And President Trump certainly would not have conformed to some arbitrary deadline it if it meant leaving Americans and friends behind. Until now, I’ve always tried to conduct myself with enough class to avoid telling the President of the United States to shut his yap, but Biden is making that extremely difficult for me now.

Here’s the carefully-considered plan President Trump had for leaving Afghanistan that Biden scrapped, simply because it was a remnant of Trump’s administration. Kash Patel, Trump’s chief of staff at the Pentagon, wrote about it for the NEW YORK POST last week, and WESTERN JOURNAL summarizes it here. Highly recommended reading.

Biden acknowledged during Thursday’s briefing that Americans would be left behind after August 31. Jen Psaki said later that we would “need to coordinate with the Taliban to get those people to the airport and out of the airport.” That's like "coordinating" with an alligator to help you cross the river.

Katie Pavlich has a good commentary on how Biden & Co. are talking about getting those Americans out who are still there after the deadline.

Actually, Biden didn’t blame Trump for EVERYTHING. He blamed his generals for the (incredibly stupid) decision to leave Bagram Air Base before the evacuation. The generals gave him bad advice, so what could he do?

Perhaps most shockingly of all (and I would think criminal), Biden didn’t deny reports that the Taliban were given a helpful list of Americans stranded in the region. To, uh, help them get to the airport? Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Clearly, Joe Biden is not fit to lead. The problem is, those around him don’t seem fit to lead, either, and somebody has to. That vacuum of leadership at the top might be the main thing keeping Biden in the Oval Office right now. Last night on Shannon Bream’s FOX NEWS show, Democrat strategist Kevin Walling, when confronted by Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s call for Biden’s resignation, said that “this President absolutely has the will to lead,” pointing out that “this weighs heavily on the President’s heart” because he had a son who served in combat. He “has the will to finish this mission out in the next five days.”

Ah, so Biden is still planning to wrap this up in five days? Apparently so.

Walling continued: “Any calls for any kind of resignation or impeachment of him or his team, really, uh, are a distraction from this core mission that he is set to accomplish, uh, in these next couple of days. No one in the wake of 9/11 called for George W. resign. This is just party politics, when we need to focus on the mission, supporting the troops on the ground, paying tribute to those lives lost, and supporting this effort in the waning days in Afghanistan.”

Well, if anyone knows about party politics, it’s a Democrat strategist. Okay, Mr. Walling, let’s all focus on the mission now that it’s been botched, support the troops now that they face new and unnecessary dangers, pay tribute to the lives that Biden needlessly put in harm’s way and got killed, and support this effort to dig out of the deep quicksand we’re in, thanks to our feeble-brained Commander-in-Chief.

Also, it doesn’t exactly instill confidence in our President when he reveals he’s been “instructed” to call on reporters from a list his helpful aides have given him. Not kidding.

You might be able to tell that I and my research team have completely had it with the “leadership” of this administration –- on many fronts, not just this one –- and we have plenty of company. Thanks to Joe Biden and the people who put him in office, America has lost lives, experienced humiliation around the world, shocked and dismayed our allies, seriously risked our own national security, and now faces critical decisions on how to move forward from this.

Starting off our round-up is Spencer Brown, writing for TOWNHALL, who said, “[Biden’s] failure to successfully or safely bring the United States out of Afghanistan is squarely the fault of President Biden.”

Paula Bolyard at PJ MEDIA said he “stumbled badly...sounding more defeated and confused than resolute.” The quotes she included really show how incoherent he was at times. She noted the bizarre way in which he linked the loss of his son Beau (who did serve in Iraq but who died of brain cancer) to this situation. It WAS strange.

“Sadly,” she wrote, “we have a Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t seem fully able to grasp the gravity of the situation and the enormity of the disaster he’s wrought.”

Nick Arama at was unsparing in his description of this slow-motion train derailment.

Earlier in the afternoon, before Biden’s briefing, he had this excellent assessment.

Donald Trump, Jr.’s, tweet after the briefing shows what the world is seeing right now: profound weakness.

Finally, I might have saved the best for last. Stephen Kruiser at PJ MEDIA says it all with his headline: “America is now actually the mess Dems pretended it was under Trump.” He tells us that he started writing it a few weeks ago as just a general commentary, before the evacuation of Afghanistan went bad. This new horror took his original point to the tenth power.

You know, there aren’t many ideas from California that I give a thumbs-up, too, but in this situation, there’s one I dearly wish we could adopt (but we can’t): “recall election.” Do it over and get it right this time!

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Comments 21-30 of 44

  • Rev. Carol J. Juliano

    08/27/2021 03:29 PM

    In today's press briefing I saw that the airlift passengers to the USA are being given Covid shots upon entry. But, the hundreds of thousands crossing the border with Covid are being transported to the Red states with no regard of their spreading the virus. I've heard no one comment on that fact.

  • William Hakes

    08/27/2021 03:16 PM

    The events of the disorganized and haphazard evacuation from Afghanistan has been devastating. Thank you, Governor, for articulating this tragedy so well which has ended yesterday with the loss of 13 US service personnel and 90 Afghans. God help this nation which seems to have lost its moral compass.


    08/27/2021 02:37 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Thank you, as always, for your precise and insightful reporting-with great humor sometimes thrown in to relieve the stress.
    What I find incredible (just one of many things) is WHO is pulling the strings of this pitiful excuse for a leader who needs permission on who and in what order to take press questions!
    I'm praying that after we rescue our fellow Americans, interpreters and Afghanis that there will be a national outcry for his impeachment.
    I've looked at the succession list and even though it's depressing we've got to start somewhere.
    Thank you,
    Sandy G.Hill

  • Melinda Smith

    08/27/2021 02:32 PM

    Sadly we learned nothing from Obama who only wanted the title, perks and parties and none of the responsibilities. Biden as VP was inept at best and was ushered in by a group of like minded democrats to the highest office. An office that now has been tarnished, disgraced and crippled. A few mean tweets kept us safe. A few incompetent democrats destroyed our safety. We deserve better and should demand it. To all those who serve and sacrifice, our gratitude is unending. Proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran.

  • James S Branum

    08/27/2021 02:31 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly with you desire for a recall election for President in this particular case. Apparently, the framers of the Constitution could not have foreseen the hostile takeover off the Presidency that occurred last November.

  • Carol MacMillan Godsey

    08/27/2021 02:30 PM

    Damn straight, Mike! We're not being led - we're being bled by this buffoon. May God have mercy and save this great land!

  • Mike Horst

    08/27/2021 02:18 PM

    Mike I love your commentary. I must tell you that I have never seen a worse "POTUS" in my lifetime which goes back to August 1951. 70 years for those doing the math. A lot of water under the bridge since then. The worst part is that Biden has only been in office 7 months. The guy is a walking, talking geriatric HORROR story. I just want to wake up from this nightmare! Get rid of this clown! I mean yesterday! The scary part is then we have Kamala Harris, Nancy Polosi and MORE who are as bad or worse in position of succession behind Biden. The definition of insanity is continueing to elect these Leftist, Power Crazy, Couldn't Care Less about anybody or anything Democrats and expecting a different result! I'm trying to think of a quick cure. Wouldn't be pretty or legal. Lets start with 2022 elections and fighting them "tooth & nail" until then. We all need to get on our knees and pray profusely day and night that God will put a wrench in the Democrats HORROR machine until we can vote them out of office. We have seen the Supreme Court blow up their open borders policy this week and a few others. Thank Goodness President Trump loaded up the Federal Courts with as many conservates as he could. It might be our only salvation.

  • Linda Gib

    08/27/2021 02:17 PM

    I am not sure I have the right words or an understanding of the process, but definitely do not understand how Biden and his bunch of outlaws are still at the helm. We have been thoroughly embarrassed not to mention the lives lost in the Afghanistan debacle and probably more to be lost!!
    God Help Us!!!

  • OLGYRENE Underwoid

    08/27/2021 02:11 PM

    It has been obvious from the start that this prevaricating, plagiarizing senile old man was not fit to be the commander in chief & president of the USA, so the fact he is bungling the draw down of our involvement in Afghanistan is no surprise. The terrible thing is that the current V.P. And everyone else who is in line to replace this bumbling ignoramus is not a bit better in any way!!

  • Dr. Lyn Teare

    08/27/2021 01:56 PM

    Mike - EVERYONE who is a true patriot must ask WHY is devastation totally aligned with Democratic incompetence? How can Democrats sleep at night? Political power in the hands of Democrats is (has), destroyed America in just seven months! Yes, we know the best cause of action is to vote them out. However, unless illegal, fraudulent voting misdemeanors are properly dealt with now, democracy will be lost forever. What of America then? Unless the mislead and misguided see the light, darkness will prevail. Voting integrity is the heartbeat of American democracy. An integral, honest, trustworthy voting system is essentially the key to America's future, and it's ethical and moral code of conduct. How can this be achieved? It has to be achieved 'by the people and for the people', not by politicians and for politicians.