
Latest News

July 23, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Genesis 8:22
  • A Second Federal Court Protects Christian Rights In Iowa 
  • “Color Me Shocked” News
  • Facemasks Return
  • Facemask Pollution Of Our Beaches
  • Least Surprising News of the Day
  • New Poll: 58% Want Someone New


Mike Huckabee


While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22

A Second Federal Court Protects Christian Rights In Iowa

By Mike Huckabee

It would’ve been hard to imagine just a few years ago that the courts would be the best place for Christians and conservatives to turn to protect their rights, but thanks to Trump’s judicial appointments and the other branches leaping off the leftward cliff of Crazytown, they now are.

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals just became the second federal court to slap down the University of Iowa for refusing to recognize a Christian student group because it wouldn’t let an openly gay student take a leadership role. Meanwhile, the school did recognize another group that required members to affirm their support for same-sex relationships.

It’s interesting that the university accused the Christian group of violating the school’s Human Rights Policy, which bans discrimination based on “race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation [or] gender identity.”

I guess they were so obsessed with “gender identity” that they didn’t notice it also bans discrimination based on “religion.”

“Color Me Shocked” News

By Mike Huckabee

A new poll in 85 batttleground Congressional districts shows that voters give Republicans a 10-point advantage over President Biden and the Democrats when it comes to fixing the crisis on the border.

Considering Biden and the Democrats CAUSED the crisis on the border, I’m amazed that’s not a 100-point lead. Who actually thinks they’re the best people to fix what they broke? That’s like calling the Three Stooges to fix your plumbing a second time.

Facemasks Return

By Mike Huckabee

Los Angeles and New Orleans have brought back facemask requirements to prevent the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, and the Biden Administration is under pressure from some quarters to declare a universal mask mandate. They’re also getting warnings from other quarters that any such attempt will be defied and ignored.

One topic seldom brought up: how do you convince people that it’s imperative that they get vaccinated if you enact policies that suggest vaccination provides no protection? The very fact that this story quotes experts giving so many conflicting opinions, and reminds us of so many self-contradictory stances the government has taken (and not just because of new data arising), points up the real reason why so many people aren’t listening when told they must get vaccinated. The “experts” don’t seem to grasp how badly they’ve squandered their credibility, and that’s something you have to earn back. You can’t just assert it.

On that subject, here are some serious questions for the Administration. Answering them clearly might help convince Americans that they are really taking this disease as a serious public health issue and not a political football.

Facemask Pollution Of Our Beaches

By Mike Huckabee

As long as we’re discussing bringing back facemask mandates, here’s a subject that’s not getting much press: remember when liberals demanded we start drinking beverages from soggy paper straws because disposable plastic straws were destroying the environment? Those were the good old days! Guess what’s destroying the environment now. That’s right: billions of carelessly-discarded disposable facemasks.

A new study claims that COVID generates up to 7200 tons of medical waste a day, much of it disposable masks, which are now a major source of beach pollution. But liberals want even more of those, and to keep using them in perpetuity. Maybe we could divert the virus away from others in a less environmentally-destructive way by breathing through plastic straws instead.

Least Surprising News of the Day

By Mike Huckabee

The “Defund the Police” movement is getting big bucks from George Soros, the same socialist billionaire who also funds organizations that run stealth campaigns to elect radical leftist district attorneys who release and refuse to charge criminals while prosecuting cops.

So if you live in a city like Portland or Minneapolis, and you enjoy the direction your quality of life has taken lately, be sure to send George Soros a thank-you card.

New Poll: 58% Want Someone New

By Mike Huckabee

A new poll spells trouble for California Gov. Gavin Newsom. It not only shows a jump in support for recalling him, with more than enough “undecideds” to make up the narrowing gap, but it also asked, regardless of the recall outcome, would you vote to reelect Newsom in 2022 or do you want someone new? A whopping 58% said, “Someone new.”

So the good news for Californians is that even if they don’t have the good sense to remove Newsom now, it looks likely that he’ll only remain in office for less than a year. The bad news: never underestimate the ability of California voters to elect someone even further left than the last person.

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Comments 21-25 of 25

  • Patricia Huckabee

    07/23/2021 07:27 PM

    termelon festival next week

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/23/2021 07:17 PM

    Thank you

  • Sharon Smith

    07/23/2021 07:11 PM

    So now the administration is striving to put people who have a shot against those who don’t have the shot. That will unite the country…not. But why isn’t anyone focusing on the meds that will let people recover from covid? It’s all about get sick and die because we are not going to give you any of the medicines that work to keep you alive. I really miss America.

  • Jerry

    07/23/2021 06:50 PM

    The Cleveland Indians canceled native Americans canceled baseball doesn’t care because it is doing lousy. Baseball did the the Adam shitff and Joe Biden impersonation of the two showing its ignorance and is turning baseball into a failure. The teams will shift over seas to China leaving beautiful parks behind I discontinued watching mlb I say bye bye Baseball I miss the game however take your political agenda with you enjoy kneeling when the CCP Anthem is playing and also turn your back away from its flag

  • Elaine M Liming

    07/23/2021 06:41 PM

    The Californians that I know have signed in for the recall and are making sure everyone votes. I am hopeful because most Californians are reaching out to make sure people vote. It is a quiet movement and of course our newspapers don't write about it.