
Latest News

June 25, 2021

Good evening! My Evening Edition for today contains the following:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Kamala Finally Visits The Border
  • Planned Parenthood Branches Out
  • Wokeness Infects The Military Too
  • "The Most Incompetent Approach Yet"
  • Partisan Brian Stelter's Ratings Are Down And So Are His Book Sales
  • Infrastructure Details


Mike Huckabee


“in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:6


Kamala Finally Visits The Border

By Mike Huckabee

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris finally arrived at the border, landing in El Paso, Texas, over 90 days after she was put in charge of cleaning up President Biden’s crisis. Unfortunately, she’s visiting a city that’s 800-1,000 miles away from the worst area of the border crisis, but at least she’s finally closer to it than Washington, DC. Click the link for a video of her trying to explain why it took her so long (she had to go to Guatemala to identify the “root cause” of the border surge. Actually, that is something she could have done without even leaving the White House.)

Also at the link, since you probably won't see it on mainstream media: check out the photos of the Latino protesters who greeted her with pro-Trump signs. I wonder if she looked at that and thought, “Why did we even bother to open the border if they’re just going to vote Republican?!”

Planned Parenthood Branches Out

By Mike Huckabee

Planned Parenthood seems to be branching out to find new ways to offend common decency in addition to their wholesale abortion business.

Wokeness Infects The Military Too

By Mike Huckabee

Our current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, had a point when he told Congress that just because he’s read Mao, Marx and Lenin, that doesn’t make him a communist. However, if any of our previous JCS Chairmen read those books, I assume it was so they could better understand how the enemy thinks. They weren’t actually trying to institute Marxist-derived racial class divisions into our military. Mao's Little Red Book should be a research tool, not a how-to guide.

Sadly, this “woke” cancer in our military is not limited just to him, as you can see here:

Ironically, and frighteningly, I cannot imagine the heirs of Chairman Mao and Vladimir Lenin who are in charge of China and Russia today allowing this Marxist-derived garbage to undermine their military readiness the way it is ours.

"The Most Incompetent Approach Yet"

By Mike Huckabee

The chairman of the Washington, DC, police union called President Biden’s proposal to fix the crime waves in blue cities by targeting gun sales “the most incompetent approach yet.”

In the President’s defense, I think the chairman was only talking about approaches to this particular issue. I’m sure Biden has other policies that are far more incompetent.

Partisan Brian Stelter's Ratings Are Down And So Are His Book Sales

By Mike Huckabee

CNN’s vociferously partisan anchor Brian Stelter needed Trump more than he realized. Since January, Stelter’s ratings have plummeted 72%. Now, more bad news for him:

Despite a big publicity push all over CNN, C-SPAN and MSNBC, his new book is selling like week-old halibut. In its first week, it sold only 1,738 copies, which ranked him at #4,007 on Amazon’s sales chart, even behind children’s books. Or should I say, “behind other children’s books”?

I’m afraid this might not be the end of the bad news for him. His book is an attack on conservative news outlets, and it’s called “Hoax.” With that title, I suspect most buyers thought it was going to be a memoir about his career at CNN, and they’ll soon be demanding refunds.

Infrastructure Details

By Mike Huckabee

Thursday, President Biden announced that he and a bipartisan group of Senators had agreed on a compromise infrastructure bill. Here’s a list of what’s in it.

Well, to be accurate, that’s a list of the things that are in it that address “core infrastructure,” a.k.a. anything that most people would actually consider to be infrastructure; things like roads, bridges, airports, ports, waterways and the power grid. That accounts for $578 billion worth of spending out of a $1.2 trillion bill.

Needless to say, many Republicans were not happy at the news, and Biden’s later announcement that he wouldn’t sign the bipartisan bill unless he also got all the massive partisan spending he wants in a reconciliation bill had the GOP compromisers looking as if they got played.

Now, brace yourself for some Washington math: The stripped-down, compromise “infrastructure” bill spends $578 billion on infrastructure, but it’s a $1.2 trillion bill. Even so, leftists like Bernie Sanders and AOC are already attacking it for not spending nearly enough money that we don’t have (AOC also thinks it's racist because not enough minorities were part of the bargaining, but that’s another story.) They also want to get it into “reconciliation” so they can add two other pet government-expanding, multi-trillion dollar bills to it, then pass it in the Senate with just 51 votes. Because, clearly, passing $6 trillion worth of largely new spending and government programs is what simple 51-vote “budget reconciliation” rules were intended to cover. Let's hope the Senate Parliamentarian is not in a coma.

Biden said he believes Congressional Democrats will eventually support the compromise. He said, “My party is divided. But my party’s also rational. If they can’t get every single thing they want, but all that they have in the bill before them is good, are they going to vote ‘no’? I don’t think so.”

I think they'll vote for it, then try to pass all the rest of it by hook or by crook. I also think that if he believes the Democrats in Congress are rational, then his brain may be compromised. The same may be true of any Republicans who think they can compromise with the current Democrat leaders. I believe in compromise to achieve what’s necessary for America, too. But it’s not unreasonable to limit your compromising on an “infrastructure bill” to demanding that it only spend money on actual infrastructure.

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Comments 21-23 of 23

  • Paul Mull

    06/25/2021 08:17 PM

    Gen Milley was questioned by Congress about CRT and the "wokeness" being pushed on today's military. He mentioned it was no different than being exposed to the writings of Marx and Mao. However teaching history in military colleges is way different that indoctrinating the force in an ideology who's theory goes against the Constitution. We took an oath to defend the US Constitution, not tear it down.

    I recall how bank tellers are taught to spot counterfeit bills. They don't study every type of counterfeit. Instead they study, fell and work with real money so much, that what isn't real simply becomes obvious. Perhaps our military leaders should be teaching and pushing the principles of our Constitution to the forces, so that woke theories that don't align with it are rejected.

    Lt Col, USAF Retired


    06/25/2021 08:12 PM

    Please NOTE the way Harris is dressed .............. for being on STAGE pretending to be somebody
    and the way
    Maria Bartiroma was dressed for actual review of the BOARDER CRISIS

  • ken moore

    06/25/2021 07:53 PM

    Kamala Visits The Border
    the body arrived all other senses were elsewhere a waste of my tax money she and dc have that working well