
Latest News

August 3, 2021

Rep. Ilhan Omar and some of her fellow far-far-left colleagues are pushing a bill they call the SUPPORT Act (I guess that sounded better than the HAMMOCK Act) that would give $1200 a month to people making less than $75,000 a year or heads of household making less than $112,500 a year, plus $600 per child. This would be a first step toward a national “guaranteed income.” Because paying people for doing nothing is working out so well right now.

Omar declared, "Poverty is a choice. For too long we have prioritized endless growth while millions are homeless, hungry or without healthcare. We as a nation have the ability to make sure everyone has their basic needs like food, housing and healthcare met.”

Hoo-boy, where to start? I guess with the fact that America already takes care of those who genuinely need food, housing and healthcare. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year on programs like Medicaid, Section 8 housing and SNAP food assistance. If we wanted to spend even more on those programs, maybe we could secure the border and stop letting millions of illegal immigrants suck up so much public assistance funding that could go to Americans, especially veterans. Just spit-balling here.

Second, prioritizing growth has enabled us to create the most dynamic economy in the world, one that was creating plenty of jobs and rising wages up until a Chinese virus and Democrat politicians strangled it (and somehow, Trump got blamed for that.)

I do agree with her on one thing: in some cases, poverty is a choice. Don’t get me wrong: there are plenty of people who are poor through no fault of their own. But then, there are those who make the mistake of listening to the false promises of leftist politicians who promise them things for free in exchange for their freedom. Like a subsistence wage for no work. Leftists hope you choose to stay in poverty because that keeps you dependent on government and them in power.

But one of the problems with socialist ides like this is that there is no magical forest full of money trees, so all that free stuff has to be paid for by someone else. As soon the people paying for it realize it’s not worth it to keep producing when the government is just going to take away the fruits of their labor and give it to the non-productive, then they become nonproductive, too.

And that’s when America becomes Venezuela.

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Comments 21-26 of 26

  • Diana M Mini

    08/03/2021 12:32 PM

    There are no employees to be had out there right now. If this plan goes through, more businesses will fail because no one wants to work!!!!!!!!!!!

  • David L Kruse

    08/03/2021 12:30 PM

    I fear we are facing something far worse than the zombie apocalypse. In the year of our lord 2021 we are confronted with the stupid apocalypse. Zombies were supposed to be roaming the land, but they have all starved because, there were no brains in the blue states for them to feed upon.

  • Glenn L Riggs

    08/03/2021 12:29 PM

    You are dead right on this I cannot understand how people cannot realize this. By the way love your show an your daily mail look forward to it. Go gettem Sarah

  • Laura Osborne

    08/03/2021 12:18 PM

    $1,200/month for people making less than $75,000? I guess that means that I am in poverty even though here in rural Nebraska I am making enough to pay for a mortgage, pay for the loan on a new car, buy my groceries, buy new clothes when needed, and to be able to do some fun things throughout the year. I also have enough money to buy birthday and Christmas gifts for my family. Wow - I had no idea I was in poverty! (can you sense my sarcasm?)

  • Mary Friedl

    08/03/2021 12:15 PM

    If you have Dr. Aronoff on your show again, can you please ask him this question?
    I already had COVID and fully recovered from it, so I have natural immunity to it. Why do I now have to get a vaccine that creates artificial immunity?
    I'm tired of being segregated and ostracized for not being vaccinated. I don't feel that I need artificially-created immunity to this virus when I already have natural immunity. I also have allergies to some things, which makes me hesitant to get it. No one can tell me if I will have an allergic reaction to this or not. I was told to "have your epi-pen nearby". What?!

  • Trish O'Neal

    08/03/2021 11:38 AM

    My BIBLE says if you don't work, you don't eat. In 2nd Thessalonians 3:10, "For when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat". I don't think the people who are working should have to support people who deliberately choose not to work. I have no problem with supporting our veterans, Israel or anyone that can't physically or mentally support themselves.