
Latest News

August 30, 2021

Of all the disturbing and heartbreaking stories coming out of Afghanistan this weekend, this might be the most infuriating of all.

Two highly trusted sources, investigative reporter Lara Logan and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in an IED explosion in Afghanistan, are independently reporting that over the past few days, Americans have been turned away from entering the Kabul airport. Logan tweeted this on Saturday: “Most Americans don’t understand what’s happening in Kabul – been on this all night with no end. US citizens are fighting through enemy lines to get to the airport. When they show their blue passport to 82nd [Airborne] soldiers at the gate, many are turned away and sent back to the Taliban.”

Later, she tweeted, “All that stands between these Americans and safety/home is the US govt and military.”

President Biden had supposedly sent the 82nd Airborne to Kabul to facilitate the mass evacuation. What in blazes is going on there?

Dan Crenshaw tweeted, “America, all you need to know is this: Biden is not letting US citizens through the airport gates. It has been impossible to get anyone through for the past 24 hours. This administration has been lying about their intent to save Americans. Unforgivable.”

Also unexplainable, in a sane world with a sane Commander-in-Chief. But that’s not what we have.

Weirdly, the Biden White House is also trying to say that ISIS-K is the enemy, not so much the Taliban. One Green Beret and others in a position to know report that they’re really one and the same. I was on the same track a few days ago when I called this “a distinction without a difference.”

Bryan Preston at PJ MEDIA wrote at greater length about this.

We don’t know how many Americans are stranded in Afghanistan. Some reports have said 350, but it could be thousands more. The Biden administration says it’s evacuated “thousands,” but it never says how many of these are Americans.

The State Department, officially in charge of the evacuation effort, apparently is not helping. If soldiers are turning away Americans, it is on their order, not the Pentagon’s. Texas Rep. Ronny Johnson tweeted this on Saturday: “I am furious!! My team has been on the phone all day trying to get AMERICAN CITIZENS out. They have been just outside the airport numerous times, but the State Department WILL NOT help them.”

Congress won’t be looking into this anytime soon. Speaker Pelosi has adjourned them.

American citizens aren’t the only ones being turned away at the airport gates. As reported in THE NEW YORK TIMES, students and alumni from the American University of Afghanistan were, too. This came after about 600 of them had gathered at a safe house and boarded buses to take them, they thought, to freedom. After waiting for several hours, they were told that evacuations had been called off. An email told them to return home. (“Home”?) Because the U.S. troop deadline for evacuation is August 31, it said, the U.S. military was turning from evacuating civilians to getting its own personnel out.

Think that’s bad? Oh, it’s much worse. They're terrified for their lives now, as they also also learned the U.S. military, “following protocol,” had shared a list of their names and passport information with the Taliban who were guarding the airport checkpoints. Their identities are now known, and there's no way to evacuate.

The Taliban have already taken over the American University campus. The staff got out in time and are now safely in Doha. The president of the school says they’re committed to “ensuring all students would finish their degrees remotely.”

Well, isn’t that nice. And how are these students going to be receiving their degrees? Posthumously?

Brad Slager at has an excellent commentary on the total incompetence surrounding the withdrawal.

Reading this, though, I have to wonder: Is this level of incompetence due to Biden’s lack of cognitive faculties, leading him to be fatally singleminded and stubborn about his arbitrary pull-out date, or is he actually an all-out traitor to his country? If he were the latter, what would he be doing differently? The one other possibility is that he is so monumentally stupid that...well, I have to wonder if even Joe Biden is THAT monumentally stupid.

It gets even crazier: As Nick Arama at RedState reports, at a time when military aircraft are at such a premium that commercial jets are being called into service, President Biden approved the use of a military plane by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to fly last Monday to a nonessential diplomatic summit in Ukraine. Why the frivolous waste of a military craft when it was so badly needed for the evacuation? This makes about as much sense as anything else going on right now.

Also, recall the Marine officer who was relived of duty within hours of criticizing military leaders for the deaths of 13 service members last week? Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller had tweeted: “I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all way to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability.” In case you missed that story, here’s a review.

Scheller has given an interview with the NEW YORK POST. They also spoke to his dad, who proudly called him “a Marine’s Marine.” Here’s the link; highly recommended reading.

Although we praise Scheller to the skies for having the courage to do what even Biden’s generals couldn’t do but should have, we do have one small quibble with something he said, relating to the age of his superiors. “The baby boomer’s turn is over,” he told the POST. “I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”

Speaking as a baby boomer, I would say that most Americans my age are appalled at what is transpiring and want to “bring it,” too. Much of my readership, including many veterans, would be considered part of the “baby boomer” generation, and we are just as horrified as he is and also demand accountability. I would not be surprised if some of those officials, say, from the State Department, giving orders behind the scenes are closer to his age.

That said, Scheller, who received a Combat V for Valor and a Bronze Star, has exhibited perhaps an even rarer form of bravery by standing up to his superiors when such action was badly needed. He’s a hero for daring to say that the U.S. should never have abandoned the strategic Bagram Air Base. Some of his fellow officers, even though they were supportive, have urged him to take his video down. But over 30,000, some of whom served under him, have liked and commented on it.

Saturday, Michael Goodwin in THE NEW YORK POST asked the question, “What if Biden and his administration really are every bit as bad as they look?

Finally, in her grief, the mother of one of the Marines killed at the airport checkpoint has spoken out. We’ll just let her tell you in her own words what she thinks of the current Commander-in-Chief.

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Comments 21-30 of 36

  • Stephen Russell

    09/05/2021 09:06 AM

    Why turn them away with valid passports?
    Gonna cost 2024 Big time.
    Give reason for all why to turn away

  • Amelia Little

    09/01/2021 05:35 PM

    It gets so confusing--the Pentagon is behind this. No, it's the State Department. Well, whoever it is, I'll bet my bottom dollar, the rank and file military is acting on the orders of SOMEONE--it's not like they would get in a huddle and say, "hey, guys!! What we're gonna do is just not rescue anyone." Two times I think just this week I read that the Kabul Airport was shut down, no one come near, leave, there was some sort of danger there. It didn't say what, like, was there a threat to bomb it? Or that taliban had taken it over? Just that people were to leave, don't come. Don't know how to verify that. I had heard there were still thousands (not a particular number) of Americans still there, but it could be less?

    But, bottom line, whether it was the State Department or the Pentagon--isn't biden the big boss of both those entities? Do they just up and act on their own or taking orders from biden, or telling biden of their plans so he could okay them or say no? I think I had read (can't remember the situation) where biden allegedly quoted HST by saying "the buck stops here."

  • John B, Greene

    09/01/2021 05:28 PM


  • Patsy Garner

    09/01/2021 02:57 PM

    I think the 1 giving the orders from behind the scenes has a purpose in or with Afghanistan. I dont know what it is but I feel we're being set up for something & we must pray like never before. This is entirely too chaotic & there are no reports of Harris, Pelosi or anyone else appalled by the situation. Pelosi should be worried about the effect it all has on the 2022 elections but she simply left town after refusing to allow the names of the 13 dead military to be read aloud! There are prophets who have dreamed of capitols on fire & other chaos. This awful mess with so many lives lost is being used to keep us from seeing something else. Pray we have a nation to fight for cause Im afraid the battle will come to us soon.
    It feels like a huge game! We,the people, are always the last to know whats really on. As heartless as our pres & vpres are I cant help but wonder. They dont act like they're concerned or accountable to anyone much less God. Pray!

  • Larry Ellis

    09/01/2021 01:09 AM

    Comment nothing!

    I demand that all of us who can see. Anyone with half a brain and one eye can see that America has been taken over. This government is not our government. We do not need to obey them. We need to gather together and take it back. I'm old school. A VietNam vet. I'm not giving up. Never!!! I'll not bow on my knees to any man, except, the GODMAN, Jesus Christ. If it's allowed for me to be executed, I'll not kneel down. Kill me face to face. Look into my eyes. Jesus and one is a majority. Here am I! We were made to be a blessing to the world and we were until the enemy took over and we fell asleep. No matter who is President, He or She can only do what he or she is told to do. They are put into office for the masses to point fingers at and criticize, not that they are inocent. Keeping the masses barking up the wrong tree. Ropes were made for more than tieing things down.
    Larry Ellis
    Larry Ellis.


    08/31/2021 05:37 PM


  • Red Green

    08/31/2021 11:05 AM

    I truly believe Arvid Moe hit the nail on the head. The left will always create an"emergency or a crisis" in order to break the law and advance their treasonous agenda. The hundreds of thousands of "covid" deaths, the border catastrophe, leaving our citizens and our allies in Afganistan to be decimated is nothing more than collateral damage to them. A means to and end.
    Destroy America and the rest will fall! Money, power and world domination is their goal!

  • Gary Stilwell

    08/31/2021 10:18 AM

    This is Bengazi chapter two--state dept.??? who the hell are they to be making these decisions????

  • Jim Harvey

    08/30/2021 11:01 PM

    Due to the laws in the United States, I CANNOT express my opinion on what should happen to President Biden, Vice President Kamalah Harris, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But I CAN ASSURE YOU that I am NOT ALONE in the opinion I hold.

  • Claire Elaine McCoy, Ph. D.

    08/30/2021 10:01 PM

    August 30, 2021
    Claire Elaine McCoy, Ph.D.

    Today is the day that historians may say is the beginning of the Post American Era. Celebrations are occurring in China, North Korea, Russia and Iran—and in the Davos led hidden power chambers of the international technocrat emperors.

    Today, the best trained fighting men and women with the best weapons and the bravest hearts were ordered to turn their backs on American citizens and comrades in arms who had in many cases saved their lives. Men to whom they had given their word, and looked in the eye and said, “We have your back.” You can trust America. We will be there for you and your families. Honor. Blood, tears, and honor. Americans have long sacrificed their lives for those at home and those in need around the world.

    Not only were these warriors ordered to leave the battlefield and leave Americans behind enemy lines where they would be tortured, killed, and flaunted as hostages, but the many allies who had come to support the USA after 9/11, and to combat terrorism were betrayed as well. The United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, and others begged Washington to give them more time to rescue their own citizens trapped in a living hell because of Washington’s arbitrary determination of a deadline. They needed the American military presence to continue their extraction operations. While our Marines and soldiers were ordered not to leave the airport, these other countries were sending out teams and bringing as many of their people in as fast as they could.
    These countries might forgive us many things, but they can never forgive forcing them to abandon their people who were there in good faith.

    Inept bumbling or brilliant strategy? $80 + billion in top equipment not to mention the airbase left intact for the highest bidder to acquire from the Taliban. Blackhawks, drones, intelligence systems to be reverse engineered. China will move on Taiwan, Russian on several former satellites. The Chinese and Russian embassies remained open through this fiasco televised in great detail for all the world. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

    Many blame Biden who must share in the responsibility to the extent he is capable, but his handlers must share also, as well as the architect of policy of this White House. I might even go further to include the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who had he chosen to do so could have addressed the many irregularities in the presidential election. The Court’s lack of action permitted the Biden Administration to exist. Then the responsibility carries once more to the world stage.

    But we, most of us, are still America despite these attempts to destroy who we are. I watched the Marines lift babies and little girls handed up by their families over the razor wire to safety. A life anywhere would be better for the little girls than a short future as Taliban slaves. I watched them playfully give water to children and make them smile in the midst of the heat, fear-ridden masses, and chaos. I don’t know how they could keep from reaching out to so many more little ones.

    I was so heartened by the many individual tales of America’s veterans, Marines, Special Forces, others who formed extraction teams and actually went to Afghanistan. Many we shall never know, and I hope there were many, many more. Some had support of other veterans and citizens. One veteran put expenses on his credit card and went. Samaritan’s Purse and a group working with Glenn Beck helped countless Christians and 80 missionary families escape to other countries. Beck raised $22 million or more in two days from everyday Americans who wanted to correct this travesty wrought by our government. Twenty private jets were moving people until the US State department intervened and pressured other countries not to let the aircraft land. Not to allow the Afghan refugees. Muslims who have converted to Christianity are burned alive. Our State Department wanted to quash these individual efforts more than it wanted to prevent such atrocities. One Special Forces group brought in American citizens from around Kabul in the middle of the night to the airport and were told they would have to go back and find cars to drive them in again past the Taliban guards. Now, the State Department is telling these brave warriors to stand down, to stop saving people within their power to rescue.

    Such decisions and orders are not incompetence nor ineptness nor ignorance of
    military strategy. Abandon the people, leave the equipment, desert your allies. This is a plan for destruction spawned by pure evil. It is a plan for the destruction of the United States of America, a constitutional home for freedom created by and for her people.

    America’s core must remain strong. This episode in history is not who we are or who we choose to be. Our fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers fought for this constitutional representative republic. It is ours to keep or to lose. It will be a long, rough road to regain our identity and our self-esteem. We cannot let this technocratic group of power brokers succeed at shaming us and suppressing individuality, creativity, and a love of freedom that has always characterized Americans.
    Our unique strength is in our heart and our honor.

    Perhaps like our oppressed Cuban neighbors whose cry is “Viva Cuba Libre,” we should shout, “Viva America Libre!” or if you prefer, “Long Live American Freedom.”