
Latest News

June 15, 2021

Today’s MUST-READ (and share): Fox News reports that Yeonmi Park came to America at age 13 as a defector from North Korea and was able to attend Ivy League Columbia University. Her verdict: the anti-American brainwashing there is worse than in North Korea.

She knew something was wrong on day one when she said at orientation that she liked the novels of Jane Austen and the instructor scolded her that writers of classic literature were racists and bigots and “had a colonial mindset.” She said the anti-American propaganda was like what she grew up with in North Korea. She was also attacked for not getting people’s “preferred pronouns” right when she was trying to speak in her third language.

Park, who had seen people die of starvation in front of her eyes, knows what real oppression is. But she said the Columbia students kept saying how oppressed they were and how much injustice they’d seen when they had no clue how great they had it. She said, "It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization…Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

After a lot of arguments, she finally “learned how to just shut up,” maintain a high GPA and graduate. It’s tragic that she had to flee a totalitarian communist state seeking freedom, only to discover that our college campuses have become totalitarian communist states.

This story comes on the heels of another about a mom who survived Mao’s cultural revolution blasting her kids’ school for its “Critical Race Theory” brainwashing that’s eerily similar to China.

When refugees from communist states with no freedom can’t even tell the difference between our schools and the places they fled, it’s time for a “purge.” Not a communist-style purge, but a purge of the school officials who have turned America’s education system into indoctrination camps to brainwash kids into hating their own country.

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  • Jacquelyn Etchison

    06/15/2021 07:30 PM

    This is a scary time, but we can’t be victorious if we don’t stand against these outrageous changes. Thank you for keeping us informed. Our local Republican Women’s group is reading, “We Will Not Be Silenced.” I enjoyed seeing Dr Lutzer on your show.

  • Louis Zachman

    06/15/2021 06:22 PM

    I can appreciate all the work you do exposing the garbage in our congress - in our schools - and even in our military. But when do our elected leaders DO SOMETHING about. Enough with the letter writing- enough with the finger pointing.....DO SOMETHING TO HELP US

  • John Medovitch

    06/15/2021 06:00 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for magnifying Yeonmi’s voice: as it should be blasted in Joe Biden’s face along with the majority of our universities.
    I grew up on the Westside of the Iron Curtain and lived there during the reunification of Germany and met (ossies as the W. Germans called them) the deprived and unfortunate people from the Eastern Block. In the early 70’s I watched (TVnews) almost nightly people dying trying to flee to the West.
    You should try to get her on your TV show

  • Rocky L Harding

    06/15/2021 05:47 PM

    I only hope it is not too late. Can you reprint or tell me what newsletter you had the article about CRT Dipsticks printing out a list of big corps (ie Coca Cola, McDonalds, etc.) that had to sign and say they sympathized or agreed with CRT? I think I need to write some letters.

    Thank you!

    Rocky Harding

  • Anne Barber

    06/15/2021 05:36 PM

    Thanks Governor Huckabee, I saw her on Fox with you and Hannity. She was an inspiration and I do wish she could go on the road educating the public about what Communism is really like. America's eyes do need to be opened!

  • Duke Mecartney

    06/15/2021 05:28 PM

    The critical race theory advocates and gender confused teachers and school officials need to be purged and bared from any school might should be charged with child abuse

  • Zella James

    06/15/2021 05:00 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing this story! God bless you!!! I retired from teaching in 2018 and have been so grateful, but broken-hearted at the same time. When I taught, I tried to point out the discrepancies and cause the students to think for themselves. I taught special ed. classes and when the school district put my students in inclusion, within the general education classroom, much of what I wanted to teach them was taken away. I loved the times when I had them in my room, out of general education! History books have been changed. Christianity is barely mentioned in 7th grade history. Children don't know that the Christian Crusades were in response to the Muslims attacking and killing them. GOD HELP AMERICA!!! I'm on a prayer line that prays every night with revival in America always included, as well as, our "leaders" and God leading President Trump!!!

  • Eddye Jackson

    06/15/2021 05:00 PM

    Drain the swamp in our universities along with the government! Marxist teaching in universities should not receive funding. Stop paying tuitions to these schools and remove your children from this brainwashing cult!
    ???????? For ????????

  • Jo Ellen Christensen

    06/15/2021 04:12 PM

    Sad but unfortunately true of most schools today. Our children are being
    taught to hate our country and each other. There was a time when teachers actually taught children subjects they needed to prosper as adults. Today
    political correctness is much more important than math and science.

  • Kathy Campbell

    06/15/2021 03:55 PM

    Awesome podcast (2 hours) with Dr. Jordan Peterson interviewing Ms. Park.