
Latest News

July 19, 2021

Former President Trump put out a statement criticizing the way President Biden is handling convincing Americans to get vaccinated against COVID. Because of the media’s prime directive that Trump is always wrong and to blame for all bad things, this is being spun as Trump promoting the anti-vaccination movement, which he wasn’t at all (you can read his statement here for yourself):

As noted, why would Trump, who got the vaccine himself, urged Americans to take it, and rightly takes credit for getting it developed so quickly, back the anti-vaccination movement?

The big story about the lagging vaccination numbers is just how much Democrats themselves have had to do with them. Most of their arguments are based on mockery and condescension rather than facts, and that works with some people, but it’s backfiring big time at convincing people to get vaccinated. To begin with, the idea that the “vaccine hesitant” are a bunch of dumb, anti-science Trump voters is not only insulting, it’s patently false.

A Kaiser poll in May found that only 20% of those hesitant to get vaccinated were Republicans, with 19% being Republican-leaning Independents. 41% were Democrats or Democrat-leaning Independents, and 20% pure Independents or undesignated. So reluctance to get vaccinated spans the political spectrum and might even lean slightly Democrat.

And who’s to blame for that? Biden and Kamala Harris might want to check out the nearest mirror. The press pretends to forget (and Biden probably has forgotten), but Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Cuomo and other top Democrats spent much of the 2020 election campaign casting suspicions on any vaccine developed under Trump (see the media’s prime directive, above.) Harris said flat-out that she would refuse to take it. Here are a couple of strolls down Memory Lane…

That first link up above to also includes a video montage of Biden and Harris throwing shade at vaccines. Of course, that was before they got elected. Then they got the vaccines even before taking office and immediately began taking credit for them. They also began sending other mixed messages, like continuing wearing masks and social distancing even after getting vaccinated, and flip-flopping on issues like the effectiveness of facemasks.

Other attempts to force/convince people to get the jab, from threatening them with loss of rights to sending government reps to our doors to offering $1 million lottery jackpots, have also predictably backfired. The first two simply reinforce the idea that this is more about increasing government power than public health, and the third…well, when you offer someone one miiiiiillion dollars to inject something into their body, you have to expect the reaction to be, “Keep that stuff away from me!”

Incidentally, if only rightwing Republicans are unvaccinated, why is there a surge in cases in Los Angeles? Is that a hotbed of Trump supporters?

Full disclosure: I got the vaccine because having previous lung issues and having lost friends to COVID, I thought it was the best choice for me. But I wouldn’t force it on anyone else. I try to present accurate information and let people make up their own minds. And despite the media narrative, it seems that’s exactly what people are doing.

A study by MIT found that many vaccine hesitant people made decisions that were highly informed, scientifically literate and sophisticated. They examined the date carefully and arrived at the conclusion that because of their age, health status or locations, the risk wasn’t sufficient. The government could try countering that respectfully with fact-based counter-arguments, but it’s easier to assume they’re just morons and treat them as such with orders, bribes and threats of punishment.

Unfortunately, the people in charge now have played politics with this disease so much, and they’ve declared their claims to be absolute truth that may not be questioned (only to see that get reversed over and over again…here’s the latest example)…

…that they’ve flushed their credibility down the porcelain convenience. Like anything else that goes down there, once it’s gone, it’s awfully hard to retrieve.

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Comments 21-27 of 27

  • Delores Ray

    07/24/2021 10:45 AM

    I know several people, including me, that are not getting the vaccine. We have read several articles about it and we firmly believe if you had COVID, then you do not need the vaccine. My doctor continually asks me if I have gotten it and I keep saying no. He said I could take the mask off if I did, and I said I will wear the mask in his office. We never wear masks except to the doctors office. I have prayed about it, and never once have I felt compelled to get the jab. I would trust in God than man.

  • Irene Khouri

    07/24/2021 10:44 AM

    I believe some of the vaccine hesitancy has to do with the vaccine itself: new non proven Mrna technology and it's long term effects on immune systems ( potential increase in auto immune disease). Not sure if doctors pointing out these potential long term impacts are all quacks but I have not seen any conversation disputing them. The CDC, FDA, no one is even discussing long term impacts of these vaccines. Also, a vaccine is supposed to keep you from getting Covid. If it's not going to do that then why aren't we promoting other preventative drugs or protocols? Since it's all very one sided, get the vaccine or else, I think that is what is driving the hesitancy.

  • HelenC

    07/24/2021 10:44 AM

    Biden is putting unvaccinated border crossers on public transportation (planes) with people who have to prove they have been vaccinated. Why doesn’t Biden use his plane to transport these unvaccinated people or why doesn’t Biden vaccinate & quarantine them before sending them into public places.

  • Emily Lewy

    07/24/2021 10:37 AM

    Please read the following article and receive Mercola's daily emails. His work is censored as is that of the Frontline Doctors. I have a healthy family member who died within days of receiving the vaccine.

  • Sherry Glascock aka Sharon and Gary Glascock

    07/24/2021 10:29 AM

    The reason that I had the vaccination is because the Veterans Hospital called Gary and he got his shots and the President Donald J, Trump was the first to receive the vaccination. Will that convinced me to do the same. But I would not submit to the vaccination either if Biden acted as a dictator demanding it and threatening to go door to door. This administration wants American to all be communist and that will never happen America is a God fearing country even though some people are not and they are so full of hate and do not even know why they hate America. MOVE to a Communist country if you hate America so much.

    Thank you Mike for the truth you send us

  • Roberto Hernandez

    07/24/2021 10:01 AM

    Entering a business the other day, I was stopped and told I had to be vaccinated to enter, so I replied, "I'm an illegal alien and don't need no stinking vaccine shot, just ask your president". After a short pause, he looks up from my library card ID and says, "Oh that's right", as he motions me to proceed.

  • Stephen Russell

    07/24/2021 09:56 AM

    Vaccine issues:

    No Dbase used to ID those vaxxed vs unvaxxed.
    No Uniform Guidelines used
    No MDs countering Fauci on vaccines
    Seems like if Gov or Mayor has issue Mask Up again with NO Science to back up claim,
    Masks for politics.
    ID vaccine "hot spots" then nationwide & lock them down.
    Tired of these mask games day 1