
Latest News

August 15, 2021

We should all give a big thanks to Sen. Ted Cruz for being awake and alert at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and saving American democracy.

After 15 mind-numbing hours of amendment votes on the Democrats’ $3.2 TRILLION spending orgy bill, Senate “Majority” Leader Chuck Schumer attempted to sneak the “For The People” Act (aka, the “Legalize Vote Fraud” Act) into the mix, in hopes that sleep-deprived Republicans wouldn’t notice and would fail to object, thereby approving it by unanimous consent. But Cruz rose and objected repeatedly, stopping Schumer in his tracks.

Cruz called the bill a “federal takeover of elections” and a “massive power grab by Democrats” that would do the opposite of its title by ensuring that the people can’t vote politicians out of office. He elaborated that it would “strike down virtually every reasonable voter integrity law in the country, including voter ID laws supported by the overwhelming majority of this country, including prohibitions on ballot harvesting, again widely supported by people in this country. It would mandate that felons be allowed to vote, and it would automatically register millions of illegal aliens to vote. It would profoundly undermine democracy in this country…”

Yes, but “for the people!”

The defeated Schumer hilariously grumbled, “Let there be no mistake about what is going on here. We have reached a point in this chamber where Republicans appear to oppose any measure — any measure, no matter how common sense — to protect voting rights and strengthen our democracy.”

That’s funny, because if you replaced the word “Republicans” with “Democrats,” that would be a perfect description of what Democrats are trying to do all over the nation to block common sense election integrity measures and to destroy them completely with the “Legalize Vote Fraud” Act.

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Comments 21-30 of 52

  • Donald Wright

    08/16/2021 11:46 AM

    Not a comment! Question is why was Ted Cruz the only Republican awake knowing that there was that kind of political crap going to happen!

  • Robert Carpenter

    08/16/2021 11:42 AM

    How much longer can the commie freak Schumer live??????????


    08/16/2021 11:17 AM

    Many thanks Senator Cruz for blocking another attempt by a liberal, socialist, progressive, leftist democratic politician to undermine the constitution of the USA by circumventing the laws involving voting on every level, if these people ever succeed in their attempts to change the nations voting laws our country will never be the same since it will enable even non citizens to vote.

  • Shirley Van Batavia

    08/16/2021 11:13 AM

    Thank you Ted Cruise for being on the ball and doing what was needed!

  • Joan Sullins

    08/16/2021 11:08 AM

    Thank you Senatir Cruz. It's time to reclaim and protect our country from those who seek to destroy it. God bless you.

  • Sendy Sopchak

    08/16/2021 10:40 AM

    Thank you, Senator Cruz!! Please keep looking out for us!!! May God bless you and keep you going!

  • Sandra Pecora

    08/16/2021 10:13 AM

    Thank you Ted Cruz -we have to stop this government take over.
    This isn't the Democratic Party it now a Marxist Socialist Party.

  • Sandra J Monen

    08/16/2021 09:52 AM

    Thank you, Senator Cruz for taking care of us. You're one of the few who still care about Americans!

  • Betty Morris

    08/16/2021 09:42 AM

    Thank you Sen. Cruz. Keep-up-the-good-fight. God bless you

  • Red Green

    08/16/2021 09:34 AM

    These marxist (aka:democrats and rinos) have no limits to what they will do to overthrow our Republic. They orchestrate and strongly encourage treason, lawlessness and the death of anyone who stands in their way. Nothing is off limits for their takeover. And they use our tax dollars to do it.
    They break any law necessary to destroy America, then accuse those that would save America of the same treachery. The media raps it up and delivers it to those who are too stupid or too lazy to investigate this erroneous, biased, and destructive propaganda. Nothing new from the left.