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August 20, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Genesis 1:1
  • Narrative Shattered, Burned, Ashes Scattered
  • Quorum Achieved
  • Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Weapons Fell Into The Hands Of The Taliban
  • What Do Other Nations Think Of Our Afghanistan Pullout?
  • Pelosi Tries An End Run
  • What CNN Thinks


Mike Huckabee


10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Genesis 1:1

Narrative Shattered, Burned, Ashes Scattered

By Mike Huckabee

Friday morning, Reuters released an investigative report into the violence in the Capitol on January 6th, and it obliterates all the tearful tall tales from the left about the giant Trump-led conspiracy to overthrow the government. It was more like the story of the dog that chased cars and didn’t know what to do with one when he caught it.

According to officials quoted in the Reuters report, the FBI “at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump." It has also “so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence.” Up to 95% of the cases are “one-offs” (i.e., someone saw the door open and wandered in.) Maybe five percent involved organized groups like Oath Keepers or Proud Boys who allegedly had planned to break in, but “they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”

This is why most of the charges have been things like “conspiracy” instead of really serious counts like racketeering or insurrection: because there’s no evidence of any broader plot than that they talked in advance about their plans to trespass.

It kind of throws a monkey wrench into all the Democrat histrionics about it being the biggest threat to the federal government since the Civil War. Say what you will about the over-matched and out-gunned Confederates, but at least they didn’t show up at Gettysburg unarmed, wearing T-shirts and Viking helmets and shooting nothing but selfies.

Quorum Achieved

By Mike Huckabee

One of the stupidest and most futile political stunts of all time, the Texas House Democrats who ran away to DC to block passage of an election integrity law and spread COVID, has ended the way anyone with a brain always knew it would: enough of them have given up and gone home that there’s now a quorum to pass the bill in the heavily GOP legislature.

On the bright side, if they intended to spread COVID, they did accomplish that.

And in a somewhat related story: after hearing for months that Georgia’s new election integrity law was “Jim Crow on steroids” and would suppress the minority vote, new data shows that 95% of eligible voters over 18 are now registered, giving Georgia one of the highest voter registration rates of any state.

And for those crediting the high registration rate to Stacey Abrams, sorry: it’s actually mostly due to the automatic DMV voter registration system that Georgia’s had since 2016.

Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Weapons Fell Into The Hands Of The Taliban

By Mike Huckabee

Not only did the Biden Administration allow the nation and the people of Afghanistan to fall under the brutal reign of the Taliban, they also allowed billions of dollars’ worth of US military technology to fall into their hands. We’re now starting to get a rough estimate of just how bad the damage is.

Thanks to our incompetent leaders, US taxpayers have just provided the Taliban and their terrorist allies with countless advanced weapons, including M-16 rifles and M-4 carbines, intelligence-gathering equipment, night-vision devices that will be a real “game-changer” to help them attack us and our allies in the dark, more than 2,000 armored vehicles and as many as 40 aircraft. These include U.S. Black Hawk helicopters and A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft.

The Administration is considering launching air strikes to destroy the equipment before the Taliban can use it. But they haven’t decided yet, out of concern that it might provoke the Taliban to attack Americans. However, the Taliban now knows they’re considering bombing the equipment, which will give them more time to move it. So once again, brilliant strategery, guys.

Outraged Republican Senators are demanding a full accounting of the equipment loss from the Defense Department. The only bright side is that without maintenance and support, our enemies probably won’t be able to fly our aircraft for long (as the Afghan forces learned, thanks to Biden), but all the other weapons and technology could be a serious and long-lasting threat to America and the world. Just add that to the “Biden legacy.”

But does the Biden State Department have a shocking plan to recoup some of that lost tax money? When asked if a Politico story was true that Americans trapped in Afghanistan are being charged $2,000 each, and Afghan refugees even more, if they want to get on a plane and escape Taliban rule, the State Department responded with a mouthful of bureaucratic double-talk.

This should be a simple “yes or no” question. And if the answer is “yes,” then it should be “NO!” Are even the simplest questions with the most obvious answers beyond these people?

What Do Other Nations Think Of Our Afghanistan Pullout?

By Mike Huckabee

Say, remember how we were told we had to replace Trump with Biden so that other nations would love and respect us? Here’s how that’s going:

Our British allies, outraged at not being told that Biden had unilaterally decided on his disastrous Afghan pullout, leaving British citizens in the middle of the crisis, are talking about forming stronger bonds with other nations such as Japan because they can no longer count on the US. British paratroopers are also bravely leaving the Kabul airport to try to rescue British citizens, while the US dithers about saving Americans and Afghan allies.

To top it off, on Wednesday, Britain’s Parliament condemned Biden’s withdrawal debacle as “catastrophic” and “shameful,” not just a mistake but an avoidable mistake, and officially voted to hold Biden in contempt.

But hey: no mean tweets! Apparently, that’s all that matters to some people.

Pelosi Tries An End Run

By Mike Huckabee

With the Democrats’ attempt to federalize and legalize vote fraud stalled for the moment, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying an end-run with a new bill that would do pretty much the same thing. Like the misleadingly named “For The People Act” that would actually make it impossible for the people to trust the results of elections ever again, this bill has a similarly benign title: the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, or H.R. 4.

Pelosi is trying to sell it in typical fashion by heaping on piles of incendiary false accusations about basic election integrity laws being a racist conspiracy to deny minorities the right to vote (in fact, even under the new laws, it is easier for any LEGAL voter to vote – LEGALLY – than ever before, with greater access to ballots, more places to vote and longer early voting periods. They only suppress vote fraud, which I strongly suspect is her real beef with them.)

H.R. 4 attempts to pull off the neat trick of reinstating parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 that the Supreme Court has already struck down as unconstitutional. So I guess she’s taking a cue from President Biden in acting as if Supreme Court rulings were merely suggestions.

Pelosi’s overheated rhetoric against basic election integrity laws that are approved by large majorities of Americans, including blacks, is so cartoonishly over-the-top, it suggests panic and desperation. But then, if my party had done as much damage to America and the world in only seven months as hers had, I guess I’d be panicking over the next election, too. Especially if it's an honest election.

What CNN Thinks

By Mike Huckabee

How badly has President Biden failed in his handling of Afghanistan? This should give you an idea:

Reporter Clarissa Ward is in Kabul. She describes it as an “absolute mess” and the Administration's handling of the aftermath as “horrible” and “unacceptable,” and said, “Biden no longer gets credit simply for not being Donald Trump.” As for his claim that the pullout wasn’t a failure, she snapped, “If this isn’t failure, what does failure look like exactly?”

Oh, and in case you didn’t know, Clarissa Ward is the chief international correspondent for CNN! Yes, that’s what CNN is saying about Biden now!

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Comments 21-30 of 32

  • dave allen

    08/20/2021 07:03 PM

    wow. hell HAS frozen over. Biden's fiasco has forced even CNN to do real journalism, to actually report facts. too bad it took this much human suffering to do it. :-( too bad they abandoned journalism so long ago. otherwise we, and Afghanistan, and the world would not be in such a mess. wonder if they'll ever own up to their disgusting efforts to make Biden their savior. will they maybe realize this is what happens when propaganda replaces journalism?

  • Vernon Thompson

    08/20/2021 06:58 PM

    Dear Nevada Congress Members:
    Re: A Performance Review
    Everyone deserves feedback on their performance and my Representatives are no exception. Normally that is done on an individual basis but I am making an exception in your case. I recognize you are members of different committees, have different travels and public appearances but on the really important things that mean the most to me and millions of American citizens, there is little to no difference.
    Prior to the 2020 Election, Speaker Pelosi dangled to promise of COVID Relief. She withheld that bill until after the election in order to hurt the President. Sadly the only ones hurt were the American people who were already hurting in the wake of the Pandemic. In December, after Biden was safely elected, the Speaker revealed the $900B “COVID Relief Bill. It was done in such a manner that those voting to approve the bill did not have time to read it. A closer examination of the bill reveals it was the Porkulus Bill with COVID Relief as an afterthought. This appears to in keeping with a longstanding Congressional tradition of loading bills up with garbage that could not stand the light of day on its own!
    Now the question! It seems that blindly voting for a bill that you have not read or debated at all is reckless, careless, irresponsible, and a violation of your Oath of Office. What say you? And you wonder why the approval rating of Congress is rapidly approaching that of Used Car Salesmen!

    In January, with a new President and a new Congress, the Speaker introduced a $1.9T Stimulus and COVID Relief Bill. It is amazing how much we hear about the wonders of COVID Relief and information about when the “Free Money Truck” will visit my neighborhood to try to buy votes! The problem is that in keeping with Congressional tradition only 9% of this massive bill is COVID Relief. What we don’t hear is how proud we should be that the bill has bailed out States and Cities that mismanaged their budgets and let Public Sector Pensions get out of control before the Pandemic. Where are the folks bragging about Black Farmer Reparations? Where is the rationale for the other Billions of misdirected and wasteful spending?
    I have had many people work for me over the years and have written many appraisals. I consider these two examples of voting alone as Unsatisfactory Performance. It is a shame that we have to wait until the next election to reward you. If it were within my power I would have slashed the Personnel and Operation Budgets of the Executive and Legislative Branches by 10%. I would also make the promise of an additional 5% cut for every similar bill passed. Maybe that would make you more responsible if there were just some consequences!
    Unlike most of your constituents, I try to keep track of how my elected representatives perform and how their conduct aligns with my personal beliefs and values. I use the same criteria that I used to appraise my subordinate managers. Critical thinking and sound judgement are high on the list. I also looked for folks that could do good research, adopt a position, and capable of defending that position with facts and logic. This is where I see each of you falling short.
    There are plenty more examples of opportunity to exhibit what you stand for. Will you use good judgement or continue to go-along-to-get along to get reelected? There are more massive irresponsible spending bills on the horizon. The one that is most disturbing is HR-1 that each of you has told us how wonderful it is. Really? The For the People Act looks more like the Make Cheating Easy Act. The NV 2020 election should be an illustration. The Democrat controlled Legislature at the direction of the National created AB4 which looks like HR-1 Lite. Universal Mail-In Balloting where ballots are sent to anyone still on the Voter Rolls coupled with uncontrolled Ballot Harvesting is an open invitation for fraud. When you have Counties with more Registered Voters than eligible voters there is a problem – over 200K ballots in the Primary and 90K ballots returned as undeliverable. Did we have fraud? Sure happens in every election! How much? We don’t know and may never know despite Affidavits of Maladministration being filed.
    The real question about HR-1 is about the Federal takeover of elections. How does universal Mail-In Balloting and Universal Ballot Harvesting with no Voter ID required and other provisions ensure vote integrity?
    I read all of your Op-Eds, your pleas for campaign donations, all of your “hey look at me” emails, Facebook posts and attempt to separate fact from fiction. From time to time your correspondence has generated questions in my mind that I have written each of you. I never seem to get answers! You are either unwilling, incapable, or I am not important enough to deserve an answer. And you want my vote?!!!
    Is my assessment wrong? Are my perceptions in error? I want to give you the opportunity to correct me. Next time you are in town let’s schedule s sit down meeting where you can look me in the eye and convince me that you deserve my support and vote in the next election. Maybe if there is time we could discuss some of your positions that I have previously questioned.
    I look forward to your response

  • James Drury Jr.

    08/20/2021 06:56 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Paul Kern

    08/20/2021 06:48 PM

    A week of high drama. I read elsewhere that one of the democrats gas resigned? True?
    Also the feds planning to airlift up to 30,000 Afghanis here. If left to the NGOs it likely means more terrorists brought. History has shown that most of them do poor vetting. Minneapolis got thousands during Clinton's rule. That is why it is a center for fundamentalist Muslims and ripe territory for new jihadists.

  • Joyce F Birch

    08/20/2021 06:37 PM

    Thank you Governor. Only you & your staff could provide the news with an honest opinion & in words we all can understands & relate to.
    All I can say, I saw & heard Biden's address today & I could of vomited. An outright lier!! Of course he had to bring up Trump's name. Everything word was twisted like snake wrapped around a tree branch.

  • Mike Tracy

    08/20/2021 06:28 PM

    Anyone who watched the events of Jan 6th unfold could easily see that this was not an organized effort to seize the capitol building or take hostages or anything as violent. Undoubtedly, some small groups of radicals attended with the intent to breach the capitol with their protests. The crowd had assembled on the capitol steps even before Trump had finished his speech. As things intensified, some agitators were egging people on and confronting the capitol police. These were primarily the radicals. The response of the police was to start flash bangs and mace and other violent reactions trying to break up the crowd of men, women, and even some children. A stampede caused panic and anger reactions against the police and a mob mentality took over. Angry citizens reacted by entering the capitol building and wandered around without a plan or a clue what to do once inside. So, they took selfies and texted friends and relatives back home. Look at me inside the capitol building! These were ordinary people who got caught up in a riot and mob reaction not an insurrection. I doubt that they even thought about the chance they would be arrested and prosecuted as domestic terrorists or insurgents.

  • PAUL Schaber

    08/20/2021 06:19 PM



  • Bernice Serbin

    08/20/2021 05:59 PM

    Your Bible verse for this edition needs to be re-checked by somebody who has some basic knowledge of scripture references. It definitely is not Genesis 1:1 as stated. My King James version says it is Psalms 46:10

    Genesis 1:1 is "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

  • Jeanne Gardner

    08/20/2021 05:58 PM

    As I was reading about the equipment left behind in Afghanistan, my mind went back to when Biden was Vice-President and how he loves to put things "on steroids." Could this be "Fast and Furious on steroids?"

  • Terri LaBeau

    08/20/2021 05:34 PM

    My heart is broken for Afghanistan. My heart is broken for U.S. My heart is broken for Cuba and Haiti. All i do is pray all day. Dear Lord Jesus come!