
Latest News

January 25, 2021

First, a surprise, as who would've thought the best video shown all weekend would be on ABC’s Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos?

Not because of Stephanopoulos, of course, but of how Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded to him after being asked the leading, litmus-test question, “This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?”

To his everlasting credit, Sen. Paul did not play along with the Leftist Inquisition, saying instead that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur,” that there was never any presentation in court of the evidence and that lawsuits were dismissed not for lack of evidence but “for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.”

Sen. Paul detailed some of the “clearly” unconstitutional ways in which laws were changed by courts and secretaries of state –- as opposed to state legislatures –- before November. He said there was still a chance that “some of these actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court.”

"...Yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.” There’s also the failure to purge voter rolls of ineligible people.

Stephanopoulos was having none of it, of course, and kept interrupting. “No election is perfect,” he said, “but there were 86 challenges filed by President Trump and his allies in court; all were dismissed.” (He apparently didn’t hear Sen. Paul just explain why they were dismissed.)

"Can’t you just say the words, that this election was not stolen?” Stephanopoulos insisted.


Sen. Paul did not cave to the pressure and left it an open question. “What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections, and 75 percent of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity...”

"Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a BIG LIE by President Trump and his supporters, who say the election was stolen,” Stephanopoulos replied in his usual role of Democrat Party shill. “Why can’t you say, ‘President Biden won a legitimate and fair election’?”

Paul called him out on this: “George, where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything...”

This went round and round, with Stephanopoulos using faulty logic to say that because the election was “certified,” it wasn’t stolen. Paul went into the specifics of what happened illegally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

"I plan on spending the next two years going around from state to state and fixing these problems,” Paul said, “and I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, ‘There’s no evidence here –- you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud!’ No, let’s have an open debate; it’s a free country.”

Stephanopoulos continued with his “These go to 11” responses (see the movie SPINAL TAP if you don’t get the reference), and was so sure there is no room for the slightest question that he even said “there are NOT two sides” to this story. Paul never backed down. “You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist,” he told Stephanpoulos. (Unintentional humor alert: Sen. Paul refers to Stephanopoulos as a journalist.) This is must-see video; the entire segment with transcript is here.

Now, to the main story: House Democrats are already trying to codify all the voting irregularities Sen. Paul was talking about into law, to essentially make it impossible to verify future elections. Everything to raise cheating to an art form is here in HR 1, “the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021,” their very first bill: nationwide mail-in ballots, unrestricted ballot harvesting, the end of voter ID, convicted criminals eligible to vote and much, much more.

I have a better name for this: “the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021.” Indeed, POPULIST PRESS describes this as “the bill that will destroy America.” We can only hope that SCOTUS will see it that way, too, as its infringement upon state legislatures is hugely, wildly, unmistakably unconstitutional.

This bill essentially requires every state to do away with their own rules for elections. No state gets to require more than the last four digits of a Social Security number, for example. Every state must accept internet-only registration, including the signature. Every state must have automatic registration to vote (“motor voter”) unless the individual specifically declines it. Every state has to allow 16-year-olds to go ahead and register to vote, though states won’t have to let them vote until they’re 18 –- so one might infer that voting at 16 is an option for states that want it. All states must allow anyone to register the same day as an election.

It goes on. In no state may a person other than a state or local election official call for voter rolls to be brought up to date, the way Tom Fitton and others have been doing in some states. In all states, everyone convicted of any crime –- yes, murder –- has the right to vote and must be so notified in writing.

All states must have a period of early voting. All states must participate in uniform absentee balloting. This is nationwide mail-in voting. Relative to that, “a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot...” other than just a signature or “similar affirmation.”

Here’s something reminiscent of Wisconsin’s recent success with all those dropboxes: A voter can “designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any compensation based on the number of ballots the person has returned...” (It says nothing about the voters receiving compensation, haha.) There is no limit on the number of voted-and-sealed ballots a “designated person” can return. What could possibly go wrong?

There’s much more, including the “roadmap” for DC statehood and what appears to be a complete congressional takeover of redistricting. They’ve thought of everything.

I’ve saved perhaps the most chilling for last: SEC. 3201 NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. This calls for the President, in consultation with various Cabinet members and agency officials, to develop over the next year a plan to deal with a number of possible occurrences, including an “influence operation” or “disinformation campaign” that could cause the “erosion of public trust” or undermine the “security and integrity of United States democratic institutions.” Gosh, isn't Twitter already doing that?

I don't see how this gets a thumbs-up from the Supreme Court, but if it does, we’re finished. Why, depending on what the President and his advisers decided, Sen. Paul might not be allowed to question an election at all. And when George Stephanopoulos asked him if it was stolen, he might have to answer, “No, sir, it was perfectly secure and honest.” For the good of the democracy, you know.


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Democrats run to the Right

Comments 51-75 of 114

  • Gerry Landers

    01/25/2021 03:52 PM

    I’m exhausted from all the horrors I see in this new administration and it’s not even been one week!!
    Disgusting how they are determined to ruin our elections and disregard the Constitution and states rights! No rule of law, only rule by edict, no questions allowed!
    Isn’t this what a dictatorship is??

  • Jim Dick

    01/25/2021 03:43 PM

    Senator Paul clearly told Stephanopoulos that no court reviewed any evidence of election fraud, yet Stephanopoulos continued to interrupt the Senator to hammer home his own ill-conceived view(s).
    Kudos to Senator Paul.

  • Jacqueline Stidham

    01/25/2021 03:33 PM

    Looks to me like the Dems just handed Senator Paul a step by step plan or map to guide him on his investigation. They are so brazen. They did the same thing with Russiagate. Accusing Trump of everything they, the Dems, had already done. I wish the Senator the best and am willing to assist!

  • Donald Greenwood

    01/25/2021 03:28 PM

    Supporting both Senator Rand Paul and Sarah Huckabee Sanders for standing up for America it’s Constitution and it’s cherished founding father ideals and inherent God given rights

  • Duke Mecartney

    01/25/2021 03:27 PM

    What can we do to get more viable rational conservative candidates like your daughter? What can we do to enforce the constitution and force elected officials to comply with their sworn duty to the constitution?

  • Floyd Unger

    01/25/2021 03:26 PM

    Amazing! Horrible? Who would have ever thought that this could happen in America ????

  • Frank Braun

    01/25/2021 03:25 PM

    This is outrageous!

    Nonetheless, He who IS King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming again and all will be made right and EVERY knee will bend and every head bow before Him and at last we will have a perfect government for men and women that at last are made perfect ourselves. No more sin or even sinful desires. Please do come quickly Lord Jesus!

  • Alice Gottschall

    01/25/2021 03:23 PM

    Best news I've heard in a while-Sarah Sanders for Governor!! Woot! Worst news-the Dems are acting in their completely predictable way, and I have little faith the Repubs will push back enough, and don't much trust the Supreme Court either.

  • Rebecca Fara

    01/25/2021 03:14 PM

    All I can say is, I unwittingly ventured onto a blue forum (The Hill) and commented on the billion $$ suit against Rudy by Dominion. I commented, “You go Rudy!” I was immediately attacked like chum in shark infested waters. I was called stupid (that was the nicest adjective) among some other choice words. I responded by questioning the hate and vicious attacks on my character and all I got was more vitriol. These leftists are out of control. They don’t want CONversation...they want to bully us off any speech platform. It worked! It’s getting really bad. Come, Lord Jesus!!

  • Robert E Walton SR

    01/25/2021 03:13 PM

    Mike I am a retired member of the United States Armed Forces and also a student of history. Our history teaches us that there are four boxes to maintain liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box and the bullet box. Americans are sometimes easily deceived but the birthright of every person born in the United States of America is FREEDOM. If comrade Biden and his CCP democrats think they can bind freedom loving Americans to a marxist government by passing unconstitutional laws they are fools, When all the other boxes fail, liberty loving people will resort the the last defense, the bullet box. As a military person I have seen the horror of War. I hate war but the God given individual right of liberty is worth defending. It is a sad and unacceptable situation in our country that people who swore to support and defend our Constitution have committed treason and felonies in a lust for power and hatred of the greatest President since George Washington. They have sowed the wind and they will reap the whirlwind. Hopefully the reaping will not be violence. however God does not lie and the seed planted is the crop reaped.

  • Chery Holtman

    01/25/2021 03:11 PM

    I keep getting an error message #521, whenever I try to go to one of the links you provide. The latest is the 17 companies that don't discriminate against conservatives. Are others being able to access these links?

  • Floy Swanagan

    01/25/2021 03:07 PM

    Sarah will make a great governor and I will pray for her daily. Unfortunately, I haven't funds to donate as my SSA is all the income that I have. I will also pray for Rand Paul and all those working to keep our country free. It helps keep one sane by remembering that God is in charge. Thank you for everything that you do to keep the truth available to those of us that love the Constitution and the USA.


    01/25/2021 03:05 PM

    Congratulations on Sarah's decision to run for the Governor of Arkansas!
    I have every confidence that she will win. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  • Marcia Branca

    01/25/2021 03:04 PM

    I LOVED Sarahs video and love both of you for doing our LORDS great work.
    I live in Ohio but thought it important to donate to Sarah so I did.

  • Carl "T" Smith

    01/25/2021 03:02 PM

    The Socialist, aka Progressives, Leftist already CONTROL Academia, 90% of the Media and who knows how deep the Tentacles of Communism, aka the CCP. What could possibly go wrong with our REPUBLIC? The really sad story is Lenin's Useful Idiots believe they will escape the bullet to the back of the head when they step out of line. I believe it's called DISAPPEARING.

  • Thomas Day

    01/25/2021 03:01 PM

    Recently subscribed and really enjoying your daily updates and the morning scripture. Thanks so much! I really appreciate the summary of Sen. Paul’s standing up for an investigation of the election. Have stopped watching the Sunday shows (so much journalism ??). How can I reach Sen. Paul to thank him for standing up to Stephanopolis?

  • Denise Skjerven

    01/25/2021 02:59 PM

    This is SO VERY DISTURBING!! We will no longer have a fair election from here on out if these measures go through. It used to be an HONORABLE RIGHT to be able to vote. Now, the whole entire system is getting shredded and open to all kinds of dishonesty and fraud....which will lead to having no reason to vote because it doesn't matter; the 'elitists in power' will only choose their own selected leadership to win every time. The cards are ALWAYS in their favor and we don't have a damn thing to say about it. I really feel for my children, and grandchildren and others to come as they will not experience the America we had for the last 70-80 years.

  • Phil Spampinato

    01/25/2021 02:58 PM

    If this HR1 is passed there will be no democracy left to defend. What bitter logic-denying sheep.

  • Lisa Schultz

    01/25/2021 02:56 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,
    My prayers are with your wonderful daughter, Sarah, and hopefully, more people like her to run for higher positive like governorship.
    However, what are the chances of ever seeing a fair election after what took place in 2020? Where the Dems told us ahead of time how they would commit fraud (one of Biden's gaffe), spineless Republicans allowing it to happen, and courts unwilling to hear any evidence? Would love to see Sarah running and winning, but how when the extensive and comprehensive fraud company is shown to be quite effective?

  • David Brandt

    01/25/2021 02:55 PM

    Governor, my assessment of HR-1 is directly in line with yours and my opinion is that whatever needs to be done to stop its passage, must be done. 40 years ago even the Democrats would have rejected this but sadly, yesterday's reasonable and responsible Democrats are now raging far-left socialists whose thirst for power far outweighs their concern for our Nation and its future or, given their efforts, lack thereof.

  • Emily Rogers

    01/25/2021 02:54 PM

    I say, "Thank God! for Sen. Paul's pursuit of this crucial issue!" Why in the world wouldn't every single sensible, everyday American want election questions researched and clarified? I can't even understand an objection to investigating these issues so we can be confident of election results now and in the future. I pray that other legislators join Sen. Paul's brave forthrightness without being militant about it. Let's lay out the entire truth.

  • Louise DeVall

    01/25/2021 02:52 PM

    I love the interview Rand Paul was great. And we are also so very happy that Sara is going to be Arkansas Governor after next election. I don't do on line donations. but if they send me one in the mail I will. Awesome news God Bless you and your beautiful family

  • Patricia kent

    01/25/2021 02:51 PM

    Oh dear Lord! This is snowballing out of control. Abd I thought our forefathers had such balances built in. But now they are being destroyed right before our eyes. I am sick about this.

  • Jeff Bell

    01/25/2021 02:50 PM

    If the Democrats' really wanted to prove there was no voter fraud they would investigate the election. But they know about the election fraud. Only the press would keep thinking nothing was wrong.

  • Marian Lan

    01/25/2021 02:45 PM

    He is not one of my most admired but this was EPIC and I congratulate him for his opinion and tenacity. God bless??