
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 726-750 of 1536

  • C. Hall

    01/06/2021 11:56 PM

    I believe the trouble makers were leftest plants sent in to make the President and conservatives look bad.

  • Kathi Leaf

    01/06/2021 11:55 PM

    Mike - please check out Flash Point on Victory Network - they have been identified as Antifa and BLM supporters who broke into capital. Thanks

  • omar perez

    01/06/2021 11:55 PM

    individually united we stand, collectively divided we fall.
    These political cliques with mind tricks, seem to be ruling us all.
    Changing on issues, just like the season -
    Blurred the lines of what’s called treason,
    Make laws to make criminals, and then go police them.
    Always, there’s been what they call a social class.
    All the people with money, and then all our broke ass.
    Some people with wealth, acquired with stealth.
    Blood money greasing palms, ever since the days of the wigwams.
    Those with the money make the rules, the rest are ignorant abiding fools.
    They do with us as they choose, you play their game, you’re gonna lose.
    You play your part and promptly take your cues.
    Just to be alive they say, “You gotta pay your dues.”
    But wait a minute, where does all that money go?
    You think after a while you’d see the quality of life grow.
    Instead it goes to private pockets, sending satellite rockets,
    Stealing information like some menial pick-pockets.
    They say the end justifies the means. Fill us with dreams,
    Wait ‘til you’re distracted, then cut us off at the seams.
    These fools write policies for war and other inhumane atrocities
    In the name of protection , won’t stop ‘til it all drops, like preplanned inner cities.
    They write the rules in learned dialect, to keep us confused,
    And say ignorance is what you choose and is not to be excused,
    Then show me the rules. Put it out there like a phonebook,
    Put in a language easy to understand, before you call us a crook,
    ‘Cause I seem to envision the law to be like a religion,
    Needing lawyers and judges to keep up formal tradition.
    But if they weren’t making money, would there be any decision?
    Unlike the world, where justice gets served out with precision.
    In that programming they make, we get from television.
    But in the real world the law is not a law, but an interpreted rendition,
    Spouted out by some crooked, rich-ass politician.

  • Brian Jones

    01/06/2021 11:55 PM

    This crap is coming from "all"the corrupt politicians and government officials and "We the people"have had enough of all career billionaire corrupt politicians catering to themselves. We Are in control not you politicians and we are done with you and what ever happens from here on out is on all of you!!!!

  • Bette Solomon

    01/06/2021 11:55 PM

    The President is not to blame for antifa violence. This is a Marxist coup. It is not covered in the Constitution- what laws to follow when the other side flagrantly flouts all the laws of the land. If ‘have a coup and then arrest those who are upset’ is how they play, things will get rough. We the people will not ‘ be nice’ nor should we be. Nor should this
    President be nice!!

  • Joy Swartz

    01/06/2021 11:55 PM

    It is time for the President to quietly fade into the background. He is ruining the great good he did in his 4 years by this behavior. It gives the socialists much to condemn us on......

  • Terry M.

    01/06/2021 11:54 PM

    Since the leading edge of that break-in was infiltrated by Antifa, one has to assume the infiltrators were betting they could encourage some patriot protesters to suspend their better judgment in the heat of the moment, when the crowd felt betrayed by Pence. Otherwise, I believe the human wave would only have gotten near enough and loud enough to make their beliefs clearly heard. We all know the traitorous socialist officials who are safely ensconced in chambers are even now saying the exact opposite of reality, as they know it's what gets broadcast to their brainwashed constituents, and slimily transfers all their own sins onto true patriots. They are virtue-signalling about their "sacred oaths" of office and how they are passionately "defending the Constitution" despite having colluded with our enemies, both foreign and domestic. This is sheer evil, make no mistake. They have sold their souls for personal gain and intend to auction all of us off to the highest bidder. Welcome to the HQ of the New Socialist World Order, fellow chattel.

  • Barb Anderson

    01/06/2021 11:54 PM

    It was Antifa!!!!!

  • Doug Adams

    01/06/2021 11:53 PM

    I've never seen or heard of such a perfect storm of fraud and stupidity as has occurred this election cycle. Everything that could go wrong (except for the House) has. I was hoping that the facts would at least have been exposed today in Congress. We couldn't get it to happen. I don't believe the idiots who stormed the capitol are Trump supporters, but it's time to throw in the towel for now. Trump's amazing accomplishments are getting lost in the chaos, he's ruining any chance of a comeback, and all conservatives are paying the price.
    I'm glad my hope doesn't rest in people, but in Christ. I think everything that's happening is biblical. Makes me hope that Jesus is coming back four years sooner than He would have if Biden had lost.

  • George Scott

    01/06/2021 11:53 PM

    I agree that the violence today was way out of line. I do wonder if there were outsiders from the left that infiltrated a peaceful process.

    I also wonder why the violence this spring and summer was never an issue. Seems like a double standard.

    President Trump needs to go on national TV and try to calm the situation down without more discussion of the fraudulent election, and go out with dignity. There is another election in 4 years. However we have to watch closely that our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, religion and right to protect our homes families are not taken from us by the radical left.
    Thank you Governor for all that you do.

  • Ganeen White

    01/06/2021 11:52 PM

    My thoughts are that the slurs against the Vice President dropped president Trump to an adolescent level. I’ve supported his agenda and applauded his accomplishments of promises kept, but attacks on his loyal VP cost him respect and gained nothing. I’m very sad we find our country in this place however, I do believe our election processes must be examined and the state officials held accountable at every level. We need trust reestablished. I pray that investigation continues and you continue to report any valid evidence that exists. I’d also like to know if those who crashed the capital were really Trump supporters.

  • Kate Farrell

    01/06/2021 11:51 PM

    Mr. Huckabee, I have great respect for you and your daughter and I thank you for all that you do! I realize you posted this on the same day of the breach but so much has come to light. An FBI agent on site acknowledged that at least 1 busload of Antifa folks arrived on a bus and infiltrated the MAGA group. In fact, photographic evidence provided by L Lyn Wood shows Antifa folks being directed where to enter the capital building by police ahead of MAGA supporters arriving. The fellow sitting in Pelosi chair with his fist up is unincumbered and actually has a cameraman above taking what looks to be a publicity shot, MAGA supporters back up police, and yet the night prior DC police assaulted with pepper spray MAGA people after a MAGA female was punched in the face and bleeding by an Antifa female. CRAZY! Now there is documented proof that a US Dept Of State 25 year employee most recently working in the embassy in Rome has confessed to changing significant votes from Trump to Biden costing Trump the election, and all of the voter fraud and half of America doesn't see it and the media are criminally complicit in ignoring it. And L Lyn Wood indicates Pence had an agreement from the very beginning with Rosenstein believing that Trump would fail early in his presidency that he might take over the presidency proving himself to be a liar, fraud and a deceiver! Trump trusted him and so then did we. And now the Democrats which would more than likely get a hefty hand up from traitor Pence want to impeach our president. God help us, that we have brought ourselves to this place. And in spite of it all, MAGA supporters are the salt of the earth. It has become too much to ask to experience our God given rights and freedoms. To breathe freely, to work and support our families, to shop and support our local businesses. Covid is not the problem, it is the excuse to control and manipulate a free people. Hydroxychoroqine was outlawed for Covid and how many people died for lack of it, until now it is good.... Our government aside from President Trump has failed us. I am blown away at the number of representatives, justices, government employees there are in the swamp owned by China. I don't know how you do it dealing with such depravity around you but God bless you for being the light in their midst. All of this to say, MAGA came to peacefully and enthusiastically support our President who has done so much for us. Incredibly few inside the system have his back. MAGA did not come from all over the country to do harm, they came to support the President from election injustice and to be recognized. The president said you're going to come with me, perhaps that was a mistake, but no harm was meant, he was inviting folks who love him to come and watch the process with him. Antifa with the help of the police and with evil intent arrived first. I don't know if it was Antifa or the police who shot the beautiful young woman, a 14 year veteran of the Air Force, but I am confident it was not a MAGA supporter. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share with you as a very middle American person how disenfranchised we feel to be lied to and cheated of our votes. We recognize our insignificance to the political elite...Funny that it takes a billionaire, albeit with a heart of gold, and a love for his country to make the people who will listen, want to jump on board with him. And of the man himself, I would venture to say he is not a lover of money at all, rather, he has an appreciation for the good it can accomplish. And there you have it, my heartfelt response to any insinuation that he might have had any expectation of what turned up today in the people's house, and to make clear that MAGA supporters had no intention of harm as Antifa did, and, in fact, are being used as scapegoats, unsuccessfully I pray...May God continue to bless and protect you and all whom you love, in Jesus name??

  • Vicki Ryan

    01/06/2021 11:51 PM

    This could have been prevented if the democrats would have allowed forensic people to examine the ballots and voting machines. If democrats didn't have anything to hide, they should have allowed that to happen. The right knew how to get Donald Trump fired up so he would do things that would make him look bad. If the truth would have been told, none of this would have happened. But now the media can blame Trump for it.

  • Larry

    01/06/2021 11:50 PM

    Shortly after the incident was broke up, it appears it was antifa, and blm. Posing as Trumps supporters were the blame. BUT,The media is running ramped. On fake accusations and statements. This also prove to me that Pence, is a traitor.

  • Ronald D Osterman

    01/06/2021 11:49 PM

    So sad that a young woman, an Air Force veteran, had to become a victim of this whole debacle. Had there been an investigation into the fraud this whole event in Washington may not have happened and this woman would still be alive.
    I am sure I will not be alone in withholding my vote in future elections, knowing full well that my vote won't matter. Confidence in fair elections is gone in this country. We are no better than other socialist countries like Venezuela. That is the direction we are headed.

  • Thomas Saneford

    01/06/2021 11:49 PM

    Governor, It is sad that this happened in our capitol. Also everything that happened in multiple cities across America this past summer. What has happened to our constitutional republic, we the people are truly tired of all the violence from both the left and the right. As you have said, if we don’t like what’s happening, we have the power to vote for change, of course now we will have to wait a couple years. I am afraid that the next 2 years will be pure hell for the middle class, I did my part in the election to no avail, sad but true. Until the DOJ and the AG decide what to do, no charges will ever be filed against all those involved with voter fraud and the Biden crime family. Thanks

  • Tim Zahn

    01/06/2021 11:49 PM

    People's backs are up against the wall and are taking out their frustrations as wrong as they might be thru violent acts as seen today in Washington. They are frustrated at courts and judges, including our own Supreme Court for not wanting to even hear the evidence of voter fraud. They are frustrated over loosing their jobs and their businesses being closed plus wearing masks and practicing social distancing while the elected politicians keep getting their big pay checks and do as they please. Nancy Pelosi with her millions in her bank account seems more interested in gender identification than the problems of her own district and the people she represents. They have had enough and this, in my humble opinion, is just the prelude of what might be coming from angry, frustrated people who refuse to have our democracy turned into a socialistic nation. The total trust in our government has been lost and those today in government turned into a class of elite and corrupt politicians. All while indoctrinating students in public schools and higher learning institutions towards socialism which has been going on in schools for several years and preparing students for a socialistic nation which is what we are becoming NOW.
    The pot is boiling and God help us with it's out come as seen thru the eyes of this "Old Guy".

  • Gary L Vanderbilt

    01/06/2021 11:47 PM

    Like a lot of other things we have seen, covered in great detail, by our national media. A free gift of live coverage of Trump "supporters", committing acts of violence and destruction on the Capital Building! Did anyone bother to check "Who" let these people in, and "Who" were these people?
    Isn't there a question kinda like, "Who put the Uhaul trucks with pallets of bricks and premade protest signs at the Riots last year"! Would anyone think, this might not have been, maybe not, Trump supporters! Surly not! Pictures are there, identify these people and get back with the truth!

  • Yvonne Carson

    01/06/2021 11:47 PM

    President Trump wrote twice to stop the violence, and then he said it in a speech, on camera. What else is he supposed to do!!?? BLM and Antifa looted, murdered, destroyed our cities, set fires, barricaded in police, and have gone to the homes of law-abiding Congressmen for months and years, and nobody says ANYTHING in condemnation of what they do in their "peaceful protests" that are anything but. I believe Antifa was infiltrating the Trump supporters today, because they were not in evidence, contrary to form. Also, people of this nation have been pushed to the very edge of frustration by a treasonous, stolen election, corruption in the deep state, lockdowns and isolation imposed by edict, and loss of businesses by violence and by economic shutdown, and can't even go to churches or family gatherings----is it really any wonder that tempers flare after all this--they don't feel represented and the media are maddening in their lack of truthfulness and in false, hateful anti-reporting, and corruption is running rampant all over our liberties and our republic. People are responsible for what they do. This isn't President Trump's fault---WHY is HE always blamed for everything!?. We have a rule of law and a Constitution---that is what should be followed at this point. That is what the President said, and he is the last one I feel like blaming right now. The Left is not upholding or respecting him---they are jumping all over a chance (once again) to "impeach" him. They are over-reacting to make it look like all manner of force is necessary against protestors (but only of one type). This is a mess, but when are the correct people going to be scolded and acknowledged for their part in this game of taking away people's freedom and sense of freedom? And a treasonous coup d'etat.

  • David James

    01/06/2021 11:46 PM

    I know that some Trump supporters, well almost all of us are at the boiling point. The ones that broke into the Capital building were egged on I believe by some antifa members dressed up as Trump supporters. I feel at times at we need to fight back like that and then something tells me to chill out. We need to fight back just like the dems fight but we need to do it thoughtfully and logically. Think a few steps ahead of the dems. I have a feeling that President Trump is playing chess with the dems but they are playing checkers if that makes sense. He is a few steps ahead of them plus GOD will fight for us also but we just need to have Faith in him and President Trump.

  • Michael Salisbury

    01/06/2021 11:45 PM

    As a nation, if our government commits tyranny, we have a right to revolt! Our political leaders in our great nation have no qualms to lie. Some do a lot more lying than they do speaking the truth. They make promises they quickly break after getting elected. They lust for power! Many do not care one thing about the people who elected them! All they care about is that you re-elect them to do nothing. They act like kings but they are not kings! So how do you propose we revolt? Do we stage a peaceful revolt? If we were to revolt we would be tabbed for insurrection with the riot police and possibly the full force of the military coming down on us. I am so happy I am in my latter years of life. I would hate to be a newborn in our nation right now. What has transpired in our nation in my lifetime makes me sick, literally breaks my heart. This is no longer the wonderful nation I grew up in. When I was young, both political parties worked together for the good of our nation. You could leave your house unlocked or keys in the car without worry of your goods being stolen! No police officers were at any of the schools I attended and you would see a rifle in the window in the cab of a pickup truck on a rack and think nothing of it! I thank God for birthing me in this great nation! I myself will be praying for revival all across our nation. We are definitely ripe for revival. We desperately need a move of God to right the ship!

  • Dave Lassegues

    01/06/2021 11:44 PM

    We have been conquered. The Chaldeans and Babalonians have won. This nation will never (in my lifetime) be the same. We have allowed chicanery, fraud, and blatant misjustice to rule the day. It is not enough to say we'll cure the problem. No, it will never be cured unless justice....true justice has its way and those who perpetrated the fraud, etc., are prosecuted. Now this will never be done. Not only will the election crimes go unpunished but the last 4 years of treasonous and seditionist acts will be swept under the rug. We who are Christian, conservative, and Republican are going to suffer persecution as never before in our once Christian land. Christians failed to step up vote letting the corrupt process proceed uninhibited. And now we will pay the price.

  • Thien Nguyen

    01/06/2021 11:44 PM

    Please check the facts. Antifa had infiltrated the group and created mayhem.

  • Dianna Silence

    01/06/2021 11:43 PM

    The question I ask is what do you do when an enemy country pays people to create acts of terrorism on your soil and pays politicians to interfer with laws and change the very foundation of a country? The government and legal system is then corrupt. I'm not sure how you defend yourself peaceful against your enemy then.

  • Joan Allen

    01/06/2021 11:43 PM

    The left is making a list . And perhaps you are understandably circumspect by distancing yourself from Trump . He denounced the violence . He certainly doesnt benefit in any way from it .