
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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  • J Pilsner

    01/06/2021 11:27 PM

    Dear Mike, Will someone report on the Antifa agitators who were posing as Trump supporters? The violence has all the markings of a plot, since the Democrats (and some Republicans) could use it quite conveniently to heap opprobrium on the President and distract the entire nation from the fraud. Thank you for listening.

  • Kent Johnson

    01/06/2021 11:26 PM

    I am also aghast at the violence today, although I think it was emboldened both by the weak response to the BLM riots, and by people being dismissed as whiners and sore losers when their claims of voter irregularities fell on deaf ears. You are correct that a transparent unbiased audit would have done a lot to keep this country together. Also the weak response to the BLM riots plus the positive results they brought in terms of police revising policies, statues being removed, police officers being fired, and the influence on judicial and legislative decisions gives reinforcement to people that rioting works. The reaction of the liberals to this violence vs. the BLM violence is laughable. And they will not look at their contribution to the violence by supporting the killing of unborn children.

  • Lisa A Runquist

    01/06/2021 11:26 PM

    I agree. I do not think it was actually Trump supporters who engaged in the violence, but Trump should have (and should) condemn the violence in no uncertain terms, without any reference to what anyone did wrong or how the election was stolen. He should drop that discussion at this point, and demand total accountability from anyone who engaged in nefarious deeds, especially in his name.

  • Dawn Schuster

    01/06/2021 11:25 PM

    I agree with everything you said. Time for President Trump to back off, let the process play itself out and trust the Lord to clean up our mess because we certainly haven’t been able. Such a sad day. First time in my life, 50 plus years, I wanted to leave the country. Trying to hang on but it sure is getting hard ??

  • Sandra Amerson Musselwhite

    01/06/2021 11:25 PM

    Mr Huckabee my President did nothing BUT tell the truth to us. You know that the ones breaking and going into the Capital were not MAGA REPUBLICANS. They were infiltrators who probably was hired by DemoRATS to make us look bad. I am totally disappointed with ALL who did not have my President Trumps back.

  • Mary McCormick

    01/06/2021 11:24 PM

    It wasn't Patriots that breached.

  • Tim Bashor

    01/06/2021 11:23 PM


    Certainly We can’t condone violence. But, anyone could have predicted this and worse when the People’s voice is first silenced and then robbed. Elections are, after all, a peaceful representation of a revolution allowing power to be peacefully transferred from ruling party to ruling party. When those elections are disrupted by the repression of speech and by the apparent theft of our votes, the People have little recourse especially if the judicial system and their legislative representatives choose to sit on their hands and deny the fears of the People. Congress MUST, recognize the distrust that is growing among the electorate regarding our free speech and the protection of our vote. Otherwise, I can predict much worse in the days, weeks and months to come.

  • Deborah McCallum

    01/06/2021 11:23 PM

    Never excuse for violence, but we do not know who within the group may have been antifas.
    Strange barricades were not in place at the Capitol when the rally was announced 2 weeks in advance. Why was anyone shot by the Capital Police. Rally crowds were not armed, no shots fired, mingled flag wavers. No fires, destruction of buildings, fights with police we have seen repeatedly across our Country with true violence, occupiers. Flag wavers left peacefully. SCOTUS gambled only dems would riot if the election fraud cases were heard. Americans see their liberties incl first, second amendment, right to vote and all others under seemingly political driven covid lockdowns . Religious freedom is being cancelled. Our President has been fought at every effort for 4 long years. Congress cannot work for compromise to solve the issues facing the Country. The media is an arm of the Dems and big tech has demonstrated their power to control speech. "The pot boiled over." There was documented evidence of election steals. What's left?
    Blame Trump. No, blame the leaders who have instilled violence: Maxine, Pelosi, Schumer, and the other folks in Congress & the DOJ, etc...the swamp....power thieves padding their own wallets. The Biden family dealings will be forgotten, like the Clinton Foundation self help & sale of Country and the Obamas hatred of the USA and efforts to destroy and create divisiveness.

  • Jacob Close

    01/06/2021 11:22 PM

    I doubt the truth will ever be told, but this feel like a leftist, orchestrated, subversive attempt to block the objected electoral votes from being debated. BLM has tried to accuse MAGA supporters of infiltrating their “peaceful protests” and inciting violence, now we’re hearing and seeing tweets and posts identifying ANTIFA activists, dressed in Red, White, and Blue leading the charge in the capital today. I wonder where they got that idea?

    I will say I am very disappointed in President Trump slandering Vice President Pence today. I still hope the proceedings take place to debate the validity of the 2020 election, but it’s not because I want to see Trump in office, I just want transparency and the restoration of faith in our election process for future generations. I’d much rather see Trump sidelined at this point and see a true leader like VP Pence at the helm. Just a nice thought at this point...

  • Tina Wilson

    01/06/2021 11:22 PM

    As we all know, Mike, this was a very sad day for our nation. I think President Trump should have taken charge more and handled things a little better in a more Presidential way, but I also think that as long as we have an angry mainstream media that teaches the viewers who watch them to hate President Trump every night, it's going to take us quite a while to have our land healed. We all need to get down on our knees and start talking to God including the mainstream media!

  • Sylvia Williams

    01/06/2021 11:22 PM

    What happened at the Capitol today was TERRIBLE. It was antifa or terrorists that breached the building, then were joined by some Trump supporters.
    It was TERRIBLE that some of our States allowed FRAUD during the presidential election, and EVEN WORSE, nothing was done about it, either by state authorities, by any of the federal authorities, senators or representatives, or by the courts. Millions came to Washington DC today saying that we are fed up. I am sick of the Republicans who are supposed to be conservative going right along with the Democrats. I am proud of the House of Representatives and Senators who are standing up and refusing to accept the cheating that went on, but from the looks of things, it’s not going to help. Republicans will be vilified Democrats by what happened today although they were ok with the rioting all summer. I never thought I’d see the day when wrong is right in America. God help us!

  • Sallie Dixon

    01/06/2021 11:21 PM

    Dear Governor,

    Bottom line, no one, no where is going to address 70 million peoples concerns. The Swamp has managed to not be drained. They are thick as thieves and so much stuff on each other that not one will do the right thing by the American people, EVER. We are stuff with these crooks unit God Almighty as had enough. No wonder Trey Gowdy got out of that self serving DC crowd.
    I will no longer be reading your news as it only serves to be upsetting and of no real value.
    Totally disgusted.

  • Jennifer Richey

    01/06/2021 11:21 PM

    Thank you for levity

  • Susan Hice

    01/06/2021 11:19 PM

    Out President just lost my vote for the 2024 election. He is such a talented man snd has done so many good things for the nation, but his fatal flaw is now shining in neon lights. His pride has gone before his fall and it makes me incredibly sad. I don’t know how he can salvage himself after today’s awful events. ??

  • Sara Lindbloom

    01/06/2021 11:18 PM

    The injustice of the election is such a slap in the face and their hypocrisy!! As a Christian, I am trying very hard to focus on the solution—God, but this is a true test. Prayers and revival is desperately needed!

  • Elizabeth Brody

    01/06/2021 11:18 PM

    I read and saw photos of Antifa mixing in with Trump supporters and it was them that caused the violence and stormed the Capital. They wanted Trump supporters to be blamed.

  • Luc Vu

    01/06/2021 11:18 PM

    I'm told that Antifa & BLM posed as Trump supporters to do violence . I couldn't post these photos in here. They make everything to blame on President Trump and his supporters.

  • Douglas Weise

    01/06/2021 11:16 PM

    Let's be sure to identify those "Trump supporters" responsible before casting blanket condemnation on over 70+ million honest voters.

  • Andrew Balsitis

    01/06/2021 11:16 PM

    Where do you place blame if life is lost? The person who yells fire in a crowded building when there is a fire, or the person who set the fire.

    There are two opposing objectives. The violence by the left was to establish fear and cause destruction. There was no perceived just cause. The violence today was the result of the anger and frustration that has been building for four years because of the left’s unjust cause.

    The media, with their disrespect and contempt for our elected president have fueled the fires of strife. Liberal social media has ignored and suppressed conservative values and voices. Politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and most of the democratic party have acted as if they are the ruling class with their liberal agenda. And now our "fair" election, the only voice us “commoners” have, has possibly been compromised.

    As I see it, this isn't as much about President Trump as it is about so many Americans feeling helpless and without a voice. The hatred for conservative values by the left have revealed their true selves through their hatred for Donald Trump. This unjust hatred doesn’t stop at President Trump. It extends out to all who elected him and feel he is a good president.

    If the election validity wasn't in question. If the media demonstrated unbiased and fair reporting. If social media allowed true freedom of speech. If everyone who doesn't like Trump at least showed integrity and respect for those who elected him to office. And if the elected officials acted with the integrity and dignity their position in office represents, then I doubt there would be protesting in DC.

    As America is being set ablaze, who do we blame and hold responsible? Those who set the fire or those who simply revealed it. I am not for violence, but I am afraid it's only going to get worse until our leaders are willing to step up and focus on "fire prevention".

  • Janice Brizius

    01/06/2021 11:14 PM

    Because I was traveling all day in a car, i did not see any of the actual "Happenings" and only heard my daughters 'version of it when they picked me up to take me the rest of the way back to home. I was horrified, but wanting to hear your version--So glad to find it here first thing upon arriving home.In the car,my daughters both had discussed that we need more moral leadership in our everyday world. I wanted to say,"We have Mike Huckabee!",( but indeed not enough folks hear you) Oh ,that it could have been you who won the presidency four years ago! For your sake, i know it is better that you did not,but for our country, it is sad that you did not.Thank you for your leadership and counsel Soo where do we go from here?! ! !

  • Nancy Sanders

    01/06/2021 11:14 PM

    Today's events felt like a punch in the stomach. Thousands were peaceful...but the actions of a few, whatever their motives, were reprehensible. We thank you so much for your commentary on the news, and your Christian perspective on it is especially valuable to our family. I read my kids your stories often. Ever since we first heard of your escapades cooking a squirrel in a popcorn popper during your college years, you have been a family favorite...and you had our vote! Please do not be discouraged in well doing...

  • Floy Swanagan

    01/06/2021 11:14 PM

    Once the government has transferred into total Democratic control, 2021 will make 2020 look like a holiday. My comfort comes by knowing that it is God that is truly in charge. Thank you for all you do to help keep conservative values in focus.

  • Ray Tanyer

    01/06/2021 11:12 PM

    Violence is not the answer, but what do we do when the courts and those elected to office will not stand up to the evil that's been done. Edmond Burke
    said all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing and nothing seems to be the rule in DC. Just let the Dem's do whatever they want with no consequences? Tell me what we can do.

  • Theresa Benedetto

    01/06/2021 11:12 PM

    Spent the day crying when I finally realized how deep the steal went. There was nothing any of us could do about it short of massive violence and military action. General Flynn said it was a viable option. President Trump chose not to heed that advise—his decision to make. I’m afraid of how radical this can become. Will they eventually take everything from us—or land, personal property, retirement income? Will there be food storages in America? Will Medicare respond in time to save our lives. What’s to become of us? I am truly afraid for my families safety. Will our passports be revoked? Will they take over all beaches and state parks? Our entire lives are upside down. So low that they had the balls to cheat in Georgia run offs knowing everything in advance. The libs have won. Now we can all watch as they dismantle America inch by inch. Mourning the loss of our freedom of speech. I’m in shocked and frightened out of my wits. Pray. Please pray.

  • Linda Hebert

    01/06/2021 11:12 PM

    Aghast isn't even close! If McCarthy and Rosen think that they can stand up and publicly condemn the violence and then go back to their holes and carry on as usual, they are wrong! America voted for President Trump because he was and is not part of the government clowns that purport to be leaders. It isn't over by a long shot! Even if corrupt Joey O' Biden and Company are voted into office! America will revolt! I for one will be with them! Twelve years of the CCP Obama gang bludgeoning our country while and the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and DNI do nothing means civil war!