
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 801-825 of 1536

  • Mary Roos

    01/06/2021 11:11 PM

    I wonder how many members of Congress are being threatened. I wonder if Antifa is to blame for the violence. I wonder why Trump said something about storming the capital during the protest.

  • Beverly Walker

    01/06/2021 11:10 PM

    I'm personally done with Liberal America & voting. America won't ever be the same again. They lied, cheated & stole the election & aren't going to be held accountable no one ever allowed the evidence. DONE !!!! no more faith in our s system. May God have mercy !!!! God Bless You, Mrs. Beverly Walker

  • Karen Mannelin

    01/06/2021 11:10 PM

    My heart is heavy tonight with the invasion at the capital today. If these were indeed Republican supporters of our President, I am wondering what has happened to our quiet and lawful majority. Have some of us been pushed over the edge by the blatant hypocrisy and politically correct, radical leaning liberals in office are shoving down our throats, the undeniable theft of the 2020 election, or was it an infiltration of antifa and strongly radical liberals who were the actual culprits, wearing Trump hats and carrying flags? Will we ever know the the true and actual facts?

  • Kenneth Welsh

    01/06/2021 11:10 PM

    I have fully supported the president the last four years, but I can't support most of his behavior the last two months. I can't support his name calling and critcizing good and solid Republicans when there are times they disagree with them. I believe he cost us two Senate seats in Georgia. His public criticism of GOP leaders in the state was embarrassing and probably turned off many GOP and independent voters. I will not be supporting him in 2024. But I will push for election reform.

  • Susie

    01/06/2021 11:09 PM

    Democrats bailed out blm and antifs during the riots and burning, what makes you so sure they didn't put them at the rally? After all not one of his other rally had any violent. And if they used the domimion machines for the senate race, maybe the dem. cheated again, they just made it a little more believable. I don't know why we should even vote, we let them get away with this once (maybe twice) who's to say they won't do it over and over. After all there were no consequences. They will make America unrecognizable in two yrs. If they pack the courts how do we fix that? If they let in illegal immigrants and give them our social security. How will we get them out? How do we get our money back? It's so pathetic that we can't stop politicians from selling their votes to the highest bidder.

  • Valerie Cavness

    01/06/2021 11:09 PM

    First, I need to tell you I pray you are the person I believe you to be...I am a lifelong Arkansan so I’m putting my trust in you. I trust and pray you are truthful with us.
    I normally would condemn the actions of today but people have been driven to rash actions. We’ve amen the high road and been ignored. We have believed and trusted in a system that is betraying us. I am afraid. I am angry. I will not break windows or steal TVs to prove my point but those of us that consider ourselves rational hardworking adults are at a loss as to what we can do (besides pray) to be heard and put rational thought back into our government...BR

  • Tracy Hernandez

    01/06/2021 11:09 PM

    The only reason there is suddenly condemnation of "mostly peaceful protests" is because it finally landed at the doorstep of the Congress. Most of these people remained silent as months of rioting, looting, and murder has gone on and continues. They didn't dare offend BLM or Antifa as regular hard working Americans, the backbone of this country, lost businesses, homes, savings, and lives. But when it hits close to home, oh now they react. People are fed up with the hypocrisy, corruption and injustice. I'm aghast it got to this point but I understand why.

  • Linda Dickson

    01/06/2021 11:09 PM

    I agree with you. Prayers for our country and our leaders. The violence that occurred today is horrifying. I am a conservative and have backed President Trump, but today he lost my trust. A very sad day for the America that I love. God, please bless America. We need You, Lord. Thank you, Gov. Huckabee, for all you do.

  • Randy DuBose

    01/06/2021 11:08 PM

    Violence is never the answer. But this should be a wake-up call to DC that the conservative Americans have had enough of their incompetence and under-handedness. They have become a bunch of lying crooks, and it’s time that they are held accountable. It’s gotten ridiculous, and people are tired of it!

  • Brenda Womble

    01/06/2021 11:08 PM

    I am devastated that this can happen in the country that I have loved and supported. I still believe that the election was stolen and I also believe that the President has done all he could for us. The ones of us who stood in the gap have no recourse whatsoever. Fear, anger and frustration cause riots. I am a peacemaker but I am at the brink. Thank you Governor for all you do.

  • liliana medhurst

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    By now you would be aware that the people who invaded were Antifa l saw a post from Lin Wood verifying this

  • Judy Reeves

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    You are right. The Democrats and the media let the protesters go on and on last summer. They broke into private property and stole goods. The authorities just stood by and did nothing to stop them. Besides no mask in many instances. Some people must have just had enough. The thing I hope it was not Trump supporters doing the bad stuff today at the Capitol.

  • elizabeth a pinkocze

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    Today should be remembered by every American citizen as the day the democrat party succeeded in stamping out Lady Liberty's torch of freedom and shredded our Constitution. We will never recover, as a nation, from this. The left has been tearing us apart and it seems no one from the right has done anything to stop it. I am heartbroken and sad beyond words at what just happened and no one stood up for us, only a very few. Maybe it's time to place the blame where it belongs. Squarely on the shoulders of the democrats and their socialist ideas and their corrupt means of achieving what they want. They are beyond vile and hateful. They hate this country, they hate Christians, they hate God, they hate guns, they hate the bible, they hate white people, they hate racists, they hate Jews, they hate Catholics. They love abortion, lawlessness, anything that gets them what they want. One party government. We have officially become one the largest socialist communist run countries taken over in a bloodless coup in the history of the world. They have used Covid as a means to close schools, churches, businesses, put people out of work and on the streets with pleasure. The suffering of the people means nothing to them. it's what we deserve. There were two levels of justice in this country, one for them and one for the rest of us deplorables. Today, there is only one; the one the democrats say it is. They have all gotten away with everything and are laughing at us while they gleefully collect millions. I am heartbroken for my country and my fellow Americans. I can assure them of one thing in my old age, if one BLM comes to tell me this is their house, ask for my guns, tell me how to live, they will regret crossing my doorway. That's a promise. God Help Us. He is all we have left.

  • Grace Shannon

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    Sorry, but the constitution is no longer followed by the demented democrats, something they threw away some time ago, so NO. Those on the right are tired of being pushed, stomped on, harassed, shoved, and being told HOW to think and just what they CAN AND CAN NOT DO BY THE LEFT! You can only take so much, you can only be pushed so far, until you stand up for yourself and say enough is enough. I DO NOT condone violence. But it is pretty sad when the violence is suddenly being once again a way to silence the right.

  • Dorothy L Breshears

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    It a little early to blame all Trump supporters? I have heard that there were antifa in the group. Any one can were wear a hat and carry a flag. Violence is wrong but we need all the facts. Did they rally have to shoot the woman Why not just arrested her.

  • Ruth Spiering

    01/06/2021 11:07 PM

    I'm so sad for our dear President Trump. We know he's typical New York--my dad was tough too--had to be to survive. We feel the Lord has saved him since Pence and the other Christian members of his cabinet talk about their own faith with him. But New York toughness dies hard and we all need to keep praying for him in his now sense of failure. Christian brothers/friends of his--be kind and supportive to this tender-hearted man, please. He's having some learning lessons here.

  • Leo Draegert

    01/06/2021 11:05 PM

    Being house bound I watched a lot of coverage of the protest! The media was as far left as they could get, and was implying things right and left. The footage I was allowed to watch showed me that the media was trying to provoke the protesters every chance they got by asking questions then cutting the person off when they did not like what they said.
    You know the type Mike! Those who don't want the truth to be shared. The protesters were there to support Trump yes, but also call to order the justice system or lack of it. When you are convicted before you go to court is not the way this country should be run. Those swap monsters are not representing the people of this land when they write their own benefits pay checks, and take lobby money. Then to see people buckle when they are called out is so sick. I no longer have faith in the vote nor the so called law and order system when Democrats get away with fraud, and people in the know are not allowed to have a day in court telling what they saw, and was required to take part in. This country has turned into a guilty or else land. No matter if you are or not. Yes maybe Trump should have called to stop to rally, but how can the feeling of the people be brought to light. The Democrat deep state controllers will not allow that to happen all they want to do is bash someone that was trying to turn this country around. I could go on, but what is the point. Looks like the talk is all talk, and no one wants to walk the walk to correct what is going on.

  • Wanda Schulcz

    01/06/2021 11:04 PM

    Our country needs prayer more than ever. Hoping and praying that truth will prevail.

  • Edgar Doleman

    01/06/2021 11:04 PM

    We need to ask ourselves why are we always in a reactive mode, almost never in an offensive or at least preemptive mode. Given the history of conservative rallies, both Trump and Tea Party, they have been almost invariably peaceful and orderly except when outside agitators have tried to discredit or attack the rally. Another question is why was the response by the Capitol Police to an very predictable contingency so weak and ineffective?

  • Kenneth Nicholson

    01/06/2021 11:03 PM

    The violence is wrong. Peaceful protest is good. The accusations need to be heard and proven or disproved. There needs to be an investigation, but the FBI can't be trusted. The DOJ drag their feet. The people are losing confidence in their government. The media doesn't help. We are in trouble!

  • Irmgard Fearnley

    01/06/2021 11:03 PM

    Some people came with ropes and wore elbow and knee pads they came there with an issue in mind like antifa infiltrating the crowds and running with it

  • Micheal Dunkin

    01/06/2021 11:03 PM

    This may have been our generation's Boston Tea Party.

  • Linda Ogden

    01/06/2021 11:03 PM

    While I have only been following you for a short while, sadly I feel it is time to unsubscribe.
    May God Bless you and your family,
    and Bless President Trump and his family.

  • Kathie Sears

    01/06/2021 11:02 PM

    I do no agree with the actions taken to enter the Capital. I do however think we have the right to a peaceful demonstration. Is there actual proof that those who willfully and violently attacked the Capital were actually Trump supporters who came to peacefully support our President. I am angry! I am angry about the attack today. I am angry about the rioting, robbing and burning of business that took place this summer. I am angry that we that feel the election was fraudulent are being labeled as malcontents, ignorant and stupid. Most of all, I am angry because no one will listen.

  • Dian Sims

    01/06/2021 11:02 PM

    I was so comforted encouraged by your one hour special tonight on TBN