
Latest News

August 25, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Nahum 1:7
  • More on "court-martialing" President Biden
  • Don't leave these Americans behind
  • America The Beautiful
  • Report: Biden has no plans to fire the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe
  • Seeking Reader Input
  • "Surrenderer-in-Chief" Biden caves to Taliban orders


Mike Huckabee


7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Nahum 1:7

More on "court-martialing" President Biden

By Mike Huckabee

No, we can't court-martial President Biden, but a reader wrote in to make it crystal clear why we need to wait for an election, anyway...

From Guy W:

Here is the problem, as I see it, with doing that, impeaching him, or charging him with treason. We’ve voted ourselves so deep into a “Progressive” government that going seven deep, you don’t get anything better, and in some cases possibly worse. All I know to do is wait for Nov. 2022 and pray that the electorate has been paying attention.

POTUS Line of succession

Joe Biden (D) POTUS

(1) Kamala Harris (D) Vice President

(2) Nancy Pelosi (D) Speaker of the House

(3) Patrick Leahy (D) President Pro Tempore

(4) Anthony Blinken (D) Secretary of State

(5) Janet Yellen (D) Secretary of the Treasury

(6) Lloyd Austin (D) Secretary of Defense

(7) Merrick Garland (D) Attorney General

Looks like we'll be waiting for 2022, and potential replacements for Pelosi and Leahy. Thanks to Guy for making the point so perfectly. Any more questions?

Don't leave these Americans behind

By Mike Huckabee

Biden appears to have capitulated completely to the Taliban and accepted the idea of being out by August 31, even if it means leaving thousands of Americans and Afghan allies behind and at the mercy of brutal Islamic terrorists. Considering the logistics, that really is more like a deadline of Friday. The only hope left for them is that he miraculously comes to his senses, or the people around him lock him in the White House basement and use his Autopen to sign an order to send in the troops.

Failing that, I am sickened at the thought that the violence that’s already started will expand exponentially into a massive bloodbath and hostage crisis. I don’t know how the people “in charge” can possibly listen to the anguished pleas of those they’re abandoning and live with themselves. Here’s an example, from a female Afghan journalist who’s changing her location every day and living in fear that she and anyone who hides her will be killed, as they are already doing to others.

And here is a quote from reporter Sara Carter on Sean Hannity’s show last night, that President Biden should be tied down and forced to listen to. She was talking about an American woman whom she’s been trying to help get out of Afghanistan, but authorities are telling her she has to leave her husband behind:

“She said…’I will not leave my husband behind. I will not leave my family behind. Maybe the President of the United States has forgotten us Americans and is leaving us behind, but I will not do that.’…That is a true American. That is someone that the President should be listening to. She is sending out a plea to the President tonight through me, saying, ‘Mr. President, please do not leave Americans behind. Do not forget us.' There are children there. They’ve had the Taliban on their tail. They have been literally running from house to house. I can’t tell you how many hundreds have been doing this. I know for a fact, speaking to former CIA officers who are in contact with me right now, there are Americans with passports that were literally turned away from the gates at the airport. And some of those that made it out…have said that they’ve gone from one hell to another.

They are pleading with the Administration: they will be executed. If you do not get them out, Americans will die. And they say the blood will be on President Biden’s hands.”

And here is a must-read article by a woman who put up with four years of a liberal friend’s constant attacks on Trump and Trump voters, only to have her “friend” blame her for the January 6th “insurrection” and cut her out of her life. She has a harsh message for all those people who thought that Trump had to be replaced with Biden at all costs: THESE are the costs you were willing to pay. As she sums it up in a meme at the end: “Biden is not responsible for the horrors in Afghanistan. All of you who voted for him are.”

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Olympic National Park, visit its website here.

Report: Biden has no plans to fire the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe

By Mike Huckabee

I’m not at all surprised at a report that President Biden has no plans for any firings of the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe.

This is a continuation of the Obama policy of never firing anyone, no matter how badly they screwed up or how many people suffered or died because of it (Benghazi, Fast & Furious, etc.) This dwarfs those disasters, but the utter lack of accountability remains the same. And why shouldn’t it, when the man on top is still insisting that “history is going to record this was the logical, rational, right decision to make,” and there was simply no way to have done it that wouldn’t have ended the same way.

Well, except maybe following Trump’s plan of removing our people, equipment and files BEFORE we removed our military support. But that’s so hard to figure out that it wouldn’t be fair to fire a national security "expert" for not seeing it.

Seeking Reader Input

By Mike Huckabee

We received a message from a reader named Susan G. who said her daughter is being fired from her job with the city of Plantation, Florida, for refusing to get vaccinated. Her daughter is six weeks’ pregnant, has antibodies from having already had COVID, and wants to delay the shots until her third trimester when she believes it would be safer for her baby. What should be a happy time has put her under intense stress, and her mom asked for our help.

My staffers did a quick Internet search and couldn’t find anything online about vaccination mandates for Plantation city employees, either on the city website or in local news outlets. I know that Gov. DeSantis has been a firm opponent of vaccine mandates. The only quote we could find from Plantation Mayor Lynn Stoner was a comment about her being tired of using “the gentle hand of education and compliance,” and calling on the public to help execute enforcement of rules. But that wasn’t about city employees.

If you have any information or reliable sources of information on Plantation, Florida, city employee vaccine requirements, I’d appreciate it if you could tell us in the comments below. We’ll follow up to check out this story, and if it’s true, see if there are any medical exceptions. Thanks.


"Surrenderer-in-Chief" Biden caves to Taliban orders

By Mike Huckabee

On Tuesday, former President Trump released a powerful new video message about the complete disaster in Afghanistan that comes courtesy of the Biden administration.

The title could not be more fitting: “Surrenderer-in-Chief”

The drama in this video is no exaggeration. As Dan Bongino reported Tuesday, the information we’re receiving out of Afghanistan is getting even worse. In ten days, Kabul has fallen into chaos. Our remaining troops have already started withdrawing, I assume to make 100 percent sure we have enough time to get out before the Taliban’s deadline of August 31. After all, the Taliban are calling the shots now, and we wouldn’t dare go against their orders, would we? Biden confirmed on Tuesday that we will not be staying past that date. Golly gee, the Taliban told us they won’t let us, so...hey, what are ya gonna do?

The Taliban also announced they won't let any more Afghan nationals go to the airport. One might say that ship has sailed. It could be a bloodbath for our friends left behind.

“They [the Americans] have the opportunity, they have all the resources, they can take all the people that belong to them but we are not going to allow Afghans to leave and we will not extend the deadline,” said a Taliban spokesman. They act as though they hold all the cards, because, with Biden nominally in charge of our side, they actually do.

As for U.S. citizens, they don’t know what to do now. The Embassy issued a “last alert” for them to leave right then or be on their own, but just 30 minutes later, they recalled it, essentially saying, “Never mind!” Just use your own judgment, they said.

As we've said, when Psaki admonished Peter Doocy as “irresponsible” for saying Americans were “stranded,” she was lying. Communications from panicked Americans say they absolutely ARE STRANDED. “Our lives are in extreme danger,” said one tearful American mom in a phone message. “We get more of the news to stay put than to be told that you are gonna be evacuated. This is not comforting at all. We don’t know if we’re gonna make it out.”

Obviously, Americans and our friends in Afghanistan made the mistake of awaiting instructions and trusting the U.S.military to evacuate them safely when it was time to go. They know better now.

The Taliban have surrounded the airport and control all comings and goings. As Sean Hannity put it Tuesday night, “Biden, he just signed the death certificates of every Afghan that, in fact, has helped the U.S. in the last 20 years…” Considering that the Taliban were able to retrieve computer data from the abandoned U.S. Embassy on the identities of all the Afghans who helped us, that is no exaggeration. Those friends of ours, and their families, remaining in the country will likely be tracked down and murdered.

Biden gave a scripted press conference Monday, bizarrely focusing mostly on vaccines and infrastructure. Later, White House press secretary Jen Psaki cheerfully praised the evacuation in Kabul as “the largest airlift in U.S. history” and said she wouldn’t characterize it “as anything but a success.” It was surreal. Psaki sported such a happy smile, it seemed at times she might burst into inappropriate laughter, just as Vice President Harris so often does. Perhaps laughter is contagious around the White House.

(It occurs to me that if masking-up wouldn’t stop the spread of inappropriate laughter, it would at least hide the maddeningly inappropriate smiles.)

Murders (at least 20 are known to have been killed), beatings, gassings, stabbings (including of children), and extortion --- this is what our “success” looks like, so far.

POLITICO national security reporter Alex Ward obtained a leaked report from the State Department saying that only 4,407 American citizens had been flown out since the evacuation began on August 14. This number is dwarfed by the “low-end” estimate of 10-15,000 Americans, and possibly many thousands more, who have actually been living there.

The number given by the White House yesterday was 21,600 people flown out from Monday to Tuesday. If that sounds impressive, keep in mind that this is not the number of American citizens but the total number of evacuees, period. We might never know WHO those people are who made it onto the planes, perhaps instead of Americans, their interpreters and other Afghan helpers. At this writing, officials still refuse to give an accounting of American citizens.

But on Monday, reporters received assurance from Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, that “we are actually overperforming in terms of evacuation numbers.”

Even President Obama’s former ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, said on FACE THE NATION Sunday that Biden’s actions in that country have emboldened violent Islamists and created “a global crisis.” Specifically, he’s concerned about what the narrative of the Taliban defeating the “Great Satan” is going to do to rile up radicals in Pakistan, which is a nuclear power with 220 million people. Watch him here.

“What’s happening in Afghanistan won’t stay in Afghanistan,” he said. “It will be felt around the world.”

The NEW YORK POST ran a scathing (but mercifully brief) editorial on August 21, saying this chaotic withdrawal shows a “disengaged, befuddled President.”

Since their editorial appeared, conditions have deteriorated so much that even many on the left have joined in that opinion. And this still isn’t as bad as it’s going to get.

Of course, Biden has tried to shift blame to former President Trump, but this is all on him. In case you missed Margot Cleveland’s excellent piece on the 16th, I’ll link to that here.

Cleveland points out a number of very effective Trump policies that Biden simply trashed once he got into office. Everything regarding Afghanistan was ultimately his call. Even if it’s in our country’s best interest to withdraw, the horribly failed execution of the withdrawal is his fault. Shame on him for trying to weasel out and blame others.

Watching President Biden and his team, the question more and more are asking is this: If these people were to deliberately set out to ruin America’s place in the world, to destroy America domestically and internationally, from within and without, what would they do differently? What would they NEED to do differently? I know, I can’t think of anything, either.

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Comments 31-40 of 64

  • Donna Crawford

    08/25/2021 03:33 PM

    Idk about Plantation, Florida but pregnant woman should NOT take the vaccination. It can cause blood clots which in turn causes miscarriage or stillbirth. A breastfed baby died because of widespread blood clots after the mother received the vaccination. Americas Frontline Doctors are telling the truth, although they are being shutdown and silenced. I worked as an RN for over 30 years but I no longer trust the medical community because they are bowing to the government. It’s all about money, power and control.

  • Cherise Miller

    08/25/2021 03:17 PM

    If nothing can be found on this issue, why doesn't the daughter ask the Mayor of Plantation, FL face-to-face? Also, I would go farther and ask the city attorney or the governor's office. She may be afraid of losing her job, but perhaps she could get a friend to ask these people.

  • Vernon Thompson

    08/25/2021 03:06 PM

    The following letter was written to my NV Congressional Representatives elected to represent me. The letter is a brief assessment of their performance which you will discover is Unacceptable.

    Am I under the illusion that any of them will read the letter and respond? No! They haven’t responded to any of my previous questions yet!

    I ask that you read my assessment of their performance then take the time to look at the performance of the people who represent you. My guess is that unless you are a far-left Progressive some of you will have problems with how you have been represented. Unless we start finding people that share our values the country we once knew will no longer exist. If the current Congressional leadership under Pelosi and Schumer is able to pass the massive $3.5T Tax and Spend Boondoggle, pass HR-1 to create a one-party country, and eliminate the Filibuster our only protection against total tyranny, I guarantee you will not like the result. At that point the damage will be done with no opportunity to retreat!

    Hopefully each of you will take the time to read my letter and then act to change the direction of the country that is clearly on the wrong track and suffering from inept and incompetent leadership.

    Bill Thompson

    August 25, 2021
    The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto
    U.S. Senate
    204 Russell Senate Office Building
    DC 20510 The Honorable Jacky Rosen
    U.S. Senate
    144 Russell Senate Office Building
    DC 20510

    The Honorable Steven Horsford
    U.S. House of Representatives
    1330 Longworth House Office Building
    DC 20515
    Dear Nevada Congress Members:
    Re: A Performance Review
    Everyone deserves feedback on their performance and my Representatives are no exception. Normally that is done on an individual basis but I am making an exception in your case. I recognize you are members of different committees, have different travels and public appearances but on the really important things that mean the most to me and millions of American citizens, there is little to no difference.
    Prior to the 2020 Election, Speaker Pelosi dangled to promise of COVID Relief. She withheld that bill until after the election in order to hurt the President. Sadly the only ones hurt were the American people who were already hurting in the wake of the Pandemic. In December, after Biden was safely elected, the Speaker revealed the $900B “COVID Relief Bill. It was done in such a manner that those voting to approve the bill did not have time to read it. A closer examination of the bill reveals it was the Porkulus Bill with COVID Relief as an afterthought. This appears to in keeping with a longstanding Congressional tradition of loading bills up with garbage that could not stand the light of day on its own!
    Now the question! It seems that blindly voting for a bill that you have not read or debated at all is reckless, careless, irresponsible, and a violation of your Oath of Office. What say you? And you wonder why the approval rating of Congress is rapidly approaching that of Used Car Salesmen! You are a part of the problem not the solution!

    In January, with a new President and a new Congress, the Speaker introduced a $1.9T Stimulus and COVID Relief Bill. It is amazing how much we hear about the wonders of COVID Relief and information about when the “Free Money Truck” will visit my neighborhood to try to buy votes! The problem is that in keeping with Congressional tradition only 9% of this massive bill is COVID Relief. What we don’t hear is how proud we should be that the bill has bailed out States and Cities that mismanaged their budgets and let Public Sector Pensions get out of control before the Pandemic. Where are the folks bragging about Black Farmer Reparations? Where is the rationale for the other Billions of misdirected and wasteful spending? Tell us about the tax burden we will all feel in order to pay for this extravagance and waste!
    I have had many people work for me over the years and have written many appraisals. I consider these two examples of voting alone as Unsatisfactory Performance. It is a shame that we have to wait until the next election to reward you. If it were within my power I would have slashed the Personnel and Operation Budgets of the Executive and Legislative Branches by 10%. I would also make the promise of an additional 5% cut for every similar bill passed. If there were just some consequences, maybe that would make you more responsible!
    Unlike most of your constituents, I try to keep track of how my elected representatives perform and how their conduct aligns with my personal beliefs and values. I use the same criteria that I used to appraise my subordinate managers. Critical thinking and sound judgement are high on the list. I also looked for folks that could do good research, adopt a position, and capable of defending that position with facts and logic. This is where I see each of you falling short.
    There are plenty more examples of opportunity to exhibit what you stand for. Will you use good judgement or continue to go-along-to-get along to get reelected? There are more massive irresponsible spending bills on the horizon. The one that is most disturbing is HR-1 that each of you has told us how wonderful it is. Really? The For the People Act looks more like the Make Cheating Easy Act. The NV 2020 election should be an illustration. The Democrat controlled Legislature at the direction of the National created AB4 which looks like HR-1 Lite. Universal Mail-In Balloting where ballots are sent to anyone still on the Voter Rolls coupled with uncontrolled Ballot Harvesting is an open invitation for fraud. When you have Counties with more Registered Voters than eligible voters there is a problem – in Clark County alone over 200K ballots in the Primary and 90K ballots returned as undeliverable. Did we have fraud? Sure! Happens in every election! How much? We don’t know and may never know despite Affidavits of Maladministration being filed.
    The real question about HR-1 is about the Federal takeover of elections. How does universal Mail-In Balloting and Universal Ballot Harvesting with no Voter ID required and other provisions ensure vote integrity? Please explain in simple terms anyone can understand! It appears that this bill is designed to place Power and Control in the hands of Democrats. We do not need a one party country!
    I read all of your Op-Eds, your pleas for campaign donations, all of your “hey look at me” emails, Facebook posts and then I attempt to separate fact from fiction. From time to time your correspondence has generated questions in my mind that I have written each of you. I never seem to get answers! You are either unwilling, incapable, or I am not important enough to deserve an answer. And you want my vote?!!! I am not sure who you folks really represent! A donor? An ideology? What?
    Is my assessment wrong? Are my perceptions in error? I want to give you the opportunity to correct me. Next time you are in town let’s schedule s sit down meeting where you can look me in the eye and convince me that you deserve my support and vote in the next election. Maybe if the is time we could discuss some of your positions that I have previously questioned.
    I look forward to your response
    Vernon Bill Thompson
    5839 Gushing Spring Ave.
    Las Vegas, 89131

    P.S. Next time a bill is scheduled to be passed without being read, someone insert Term Limits!
    Maybe you could also remove Congressional Immunity for the lies and slander taking place behind the walls of Congress!

  • Jennifer Prom

    08/25/2021 02:56 PM

    This is in response to Susan G. from Plantation, FL:
    1) Susan's daughter absolutely SHOULD NOT get the vaccine, no matter what!! At her current stage of pregnancy, getting the vaccine increases her probability of miscarriage by a stunning 80%! (There is a website out there that validates this statistic, I just can't find it at the moment.) Her life and the life of her unborn baby absolutely comes first.
    2) Susan's daughter should have already retained an attorney, because her being fired for refusing the vaccine is against the law. She should let them fire her and take her case to court. And she should also file a civil suit against the city.
    3) Obviously, I do not know Susan's daughter's personal situation or circumstances, but there are so many places that are currently hiring, I have no doubt that she would be able to get another job somewhere else, where the vaccine is not mandated:
    4) You may not like or agree with Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, and you may buy into the false narrative that he is too "far right" or a "white supremacist", but he is consistently genuine in his deep and strong faith in God, and our Savior Jesus. And he works very hard every single day to preserve and protect our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and bodily autonomy. Here is the link to vaccine exemption paperwork:
    Perhaps if Susan's daughter really wants to keep her job with the city, she could use one of these forms for a temporary exemption.

    I'd also just like to say that my husband served 30+ years in the Air Force and Air Nat'l Guard, did several deployments, including two in support of the Afghanistan war, and my daughter is currently an Air Force reservist who also spent 4 months at Bahgram Air Base 3 years ago. And for what? I am so angry and disgusted at the failure of this administration, but more than that, I am incredibly sad and heartbroken for the people of Afghanistan who helped us, and for the Americans left behind to face certain death. I am praying daily for all of them and know that besides donating money to help with any possible evacuation efforts (Nazarene Fund - Glenn Beck) all any of us can do is pray. You keep talking about the elections coming up in 2022 Governor, but I do not believe they will be any different than 2020. The fraud and cheating was plainly obvious, and there have been no consequences, so why should we expect 2022 to be any different? The fix is in, and the only thing that will save us and our wonderful, beautiful country is if we turn back to God.

    Thank you for all that you do Governor! Keep up the great work and may God Bless you and your family!
    Sincerely, Jennifer P., Lakeland, FL

  • Brenda Fitzpatrick

    08/25/2021 02:55 PM

    My son, 16 year military veteran with two tours in Middle East working in Intelligence, states that the events in Afghanistan unfolded as was intended by those in power in U.S. with all the military equipment going to the enemy otherwise military protocol would have demanded equipment and sensitive materials be blown up or burned but never left for the enemy forces. Watch for China to get all of it. The Biden folks have a cozy relationship with China.

  • Dave Smith

    08/25/2021 02:55 PM

    Guess the Berlin Airlift has already been forgotten.

  • Joyce F Birch

    08/25/2021 02:53 PM

    Impeachment is the word for today & and everyday for Biden & all those involved with this disastrous Afghan withdrawal. I hope the Republicans get a back-bone & follow through with impeaching ALL!!
    How's the vetting process going for the evacuees & how is the border crisis vetting going? COVID all around us too!
    China, Russia, Iran, & others, waiting for Aug. 31 then what?
    I don't believe we are in a safe place & this could bring us back into a war of some kind, I pray NOT!
    Biden always ends his speeches with God Bless Our Troops (which is always fitting), but never says "GOD BLESS AMERICA." I guess he doesn't care about the USA! But he kneels with the soccer team!

  • Jean Reynolds

    08/25/2021 02:50 PM

    I cannot believe our government is turning their backs on not only the Afgan people but to our own Americans!!!!! I cry and pray often that the Lord will open up and swallow all those who have turned their back. Where is our humanity? Praying for wisdom and understanding.

  • Sarah Unfried

    08/25/2021 02:50 PM

    I am a therapist who works in my town’s elementary school with autistic children. Per the CT governor’s executive order, I will lose my job on September 27 for not being vaccinated. I have pre-existing health conditions, I have done my homework, I do not give informed consent, I cannot find a doctor brave enough to give me a medical exemption. Religious exemptions were outlawed last year and so I will lose my job. How is this possible??

  • Beverly Nolan

    08/25/2021 02:49 PM

    I am horrified at the actions, and inaction, of our current dumpster fire administration. I was proud to donate to the Nazarene fund to evacuate Christians from the certain death sentence they face in Afghanistan. My worry now is that, since our president advises our enemies of the exact dates he will implement his next disaster, there is a crucial date hanging out there and it is November of 2022. Are Russia, China and Iran going to let us get there unscathed? Are they really going to give us the chance to elect another Trump like administration that will hold their feet to the fire again? I pray daily for the safety and security of our country.