
Latest News

February 11, 2021

Die-hard Democrat leaders and other political enemies of former President Trump might want to put him on trial, but most Americans do not.

Most don’t care to watch it. According to a new Rasmussen poll, just 15 percent of likely voters –- repeat, likely voters –- planned to watch the whole impeachment “trial.” Most did say they would check in from time to time. But 32 percent said they would not watch ANY of it.

Only 31 percent thought that Trump would likely be convicted. Another 64 percent said a conviction was unlikely or definitely would not happen.

Even a majority of the “politically unaffiliated” (independents), 54 percent, said Trump SHOULD not be convicted. Among Republicans, that number is 81 percent.

And so much for President Biden’s favorite word, “unity.” According to an earlier Rasmussen poll, 57 percent of likely voters said that just having the “trial” –- yes, we’re still using quotation marks around that word here, as it’s not really a trial –- will lead to more division. (They are right.) Among Republicans, that number is 83 percent, which is even bigger than Trump’s current base of support, according to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.

This is in spite of the frenzy from the media, who are completely off their collective rocker. They’re trying desperately to whip up the Capitol Hill incident into a manifestation of widespread domestic terrorism within the Trump ranks. In particular, at CNN they are out of their freaking minds, with Anderson Cooper talking about Trump supporters “other-izing” people who aren’t like them, even making comparisons to genocidal Hutus in Rwanda who called the Tutsis “cockroaches” before killing them. I am not kidding.

Tucker Carlson mentioned this as well in the opening to his Wednesday show, also explaining how wrong the media are getting the real story of how the Capitol riot got started. They’ve lied about how the casualties occurred, too. Major unanswered questions remain, even as the Senate “tries” Trump for “inciting” it.

If the current mass hysteria were a square dance, some producer from CNN would be calling it. These people are psychotic. Someone should tell the men in the little white coats to come and take them awaaaaaaay!!!

Ironically, the “other-izing” here is being done by Anderson Cooper. To him, we are the cockroaches.

Yesterday, I mentioned that Trump’s attorneys, who have gotten some bad reviews for their arguments on Tuesday, are actually last-minute fill-ins for his previous attorneys whose law firm was bullied into dropping Trump’s case. Recall that Jonathan Turley has expressed dismay at others in his profession who try to prevent the former President from exercising his right to legal representation. It’s become difficult for Trump to hire the caliber of attorneys he needs. John Hinderaker, president of the Center of the American Experiment, spoke with Mark Steyn on FOX NEWS Wednesday evening about this.

"That was the worst opening statement I have ever heard, yesterday,” Steyn said, “and I tell you, I would’ve fired that guy [Bruce Castor] in the corridor ten minutes afterwards.”

Hinderaker did say that Trump has at times had “bad taste in lawyers.” But he said the real story is that “major law firms and high-profile lawyers don’t dare represent Donald Trump. We have seen this over and over again. He has hired top-notch law firms...and they wind up having to put out a public statement saying, ‘No, we don’t represent Donald Trump’ firm after another." He told the story of a good friend of his, a senior partner at a respected global firm, who did a “tiny” amount of “volunteer” work for Trump after the election, it got out, and “the left launched a massive attack on her law firm, and the law firm’s clients.” (!!)

They were trying to put this huge, prestigious law firm out of business because one of the partners had committed a mortal sin. She decided that, for the sake of her partners, she had no choice but to leave the firm!

He added that the governor of Michigan, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, has tried to get the lawyers who represented Trump in that state disbarred.

So, according to Hinderaker, the “two or three lawyers” who are representing Trump now “have been on the case for a week or less.” He thought the brief that they’d prepared “was not bad...perfectly adequate.”

They did have a laugh over Hinderaker’s observation that no matter how lacking Trump’s defense might be, “that lawyer is gonna win this case.” A month from now, that lawyer will say, “I won the biggest case in my life, rather easily, when the Senate voted.”

Obviously, Hinderaker is with the majority of those polled who believe Trump will not be convicted. He called it “an exercise in futility.” Of course, he said, that’s because “45 senators have already voted that they don’t think they have jurisdiction.”

He said Democrats don’t want to focus now on their own administration. “They’re obsessed with continuing to hate Donald Trump as they’ve been doing for the last four years. I find that just astonishing.”

I can imagine them watching the "trial" video over and over for the rest of their lives, remembering the good old days of Trump-hate. Of course, that much hate has repercussions. In a stunning poll from Zogby Analytics, based on a sample of 873 likely voters from around the country, 46 percent believe civil war is likely, while 43 percent believe it isn’t.

Among Republicans, the split was 49 percent likely to 40 percent unlikely. Among Democrats, the split was 45 percent likely to 44 percent unlikely. Among independents, it was 42 percent likely and 44 percent unlikely. So all groups were split somewhat similarly.

Perhaps surprisingly, whites were less likely to see civil war ahead than Hispanics and blacks. Among Hispanics, the split was 53 percent likely vs. 43 percent unlikely. Among blacks, it was 49 to 39 percent. For whites, 43 percent vs. 44 percent. Given that the margin of error is plus-or-minus 3.3 percentage points, this is essentially an even split.

There were regional differences as well. Respondents in the East were much less likely to anticipate civil war (39 percent yes, 44 percent no) than, say, those in the South (49 percent yes, 39 percent no).

People who live in large cities were much more likely to think we’ll have one than those in the suburbs. More details at the link. Obviously, all the pushing, lying, name-calling, tweet-censoring, statue-toppling, power-grabbing and boot-heel grinding by the left is having its effect. Indeed, they seem to be deliberately goading conservatives into striking back, so they'll have an excuse to crack down even more. Don't be foolish enough to take that bait.


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Comments 76-100 of 154

  • Edward Skiba

    02/11/2021 03:38 PM

    "Don't be foolish enough to take that bait." At what point do we say...enough is enough? The more we (conservatives) submit, the deeper they attempt to grind their heels. Not much different than the Holocaust. When do we start wearing the "Yellow Elephant" on our clothes (think yellow Star of David) and have our drivers licenses stamped with a big red R?

    As a clergyman and a retired military officer I believe we must stand for righteousness at some point. No, I am NOT advocating violence but I am advocating loud and lawful protestations to the outrageous demonetization the left is directing toward their fellow Americans on the right.

  • Michelle Ferrer

    02/11/2021 03:36 PM

    Well, sir, you have struck oil again. I am one of those who has better things to do than watch another round of Democrat political circus. As to the outcome, I would hope that the 45 senators will hold to their values and declare this impeachment a farce, including the Hollywood edited fantasy film. However, as we have seen from Joe Manchin and the 5 Democrat senators dressed in Republican robes, that the Jeff-Flakian syndrome is functioning quite well. So, I can't predict the outcome.

    I am of the belief that Nancy P chose this path versus the criminal lawsuit she wants to pursue because she knows she can't prove her case in a court of law, so chooses to parade in the court of public opinion. And, as we've seen from sycophantic Schiff, aka 3-time loser, he can't deliver a guilty verdict. So, she resorts to this ploy which will do nothing to bring the two sides together. But, that is not the democrat agenda. They want to further divide the Republicans so that they can more easily seize and secure more power.

    As to armed civil war, as in 1861, I don't think so. In my studies, I have concluded that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery, that was just the rallying cry and headline for talking heads. It was instead about the North usurping the political power of the South.

    Today, the rallying cry is WOKE-ISM with no central focus. It's about the Democrats grabbing power. Not that violence won't break out, it has and will continue since there's no consequence to the violent. But, the Americans of today are not the Americans of the 1860s. Those Americans were driven by a moral and civil code that doesn't exist today, and they were accustomed to the discipline of the military as opposed to the cowardly glass-smashing mobs. Met with true resistance either from the police or the locals who've had enough, the mobs crawl back into their sewer. I do see more of those "peaceful" protests continuing as Sleepy Joe wanders his way into chaos.

    Shelby Foote said that the Civil War defined us, both good and bad. Perhaps, this WOKE nonsense will remind us of who we really are. Hopefully, we will stand up for the principles the Founders bequeathed us.

    Thank you for asking for my opinion. I usually have one!

  • Rafael A Salaz

    02/11/2021 03:26 PM

    I can not understand how the Democrat Party can sanction law firms and communication companies and other things. If these companies give service to Trump or anyone who supports Trump or has any financial ties to Trump. This is expected in Communist China or North Korea and Russia . Even the Supreme Court is running scared of saying something , for what reason I don't know yet .

  • Al Gagne

    02/11/2021 03:19 PM

    Shouldn't Biden be sued to make him enforce his sworn duty to follow the Constitution and US laws and keep the border closed. He's pushing for people to enter the US illegally, a clear violation of the law. He's NOT protecting the country.

  • Douglas Noel

    02/11/2021 03:14 PM

    I am not watching this travesty at all. The Democrats wasted four years when they could have been working with the Trump administration to benefit the country and now they are continuing the same. Jesus said we should focus on helping our neighbor. I have many people that I was a church elder for and others that I act as that on their behalf and this is much more important. I trust the Lord has this well in hand. He always has the solution to every problem well in advance of the problem's arising. He will never neglect or forsake us.

    Although America seems to be walking away from God, He will never walk away from us. Sometimes we have lessons we need to learn and that is not instigated by God but by our own foolhardiness and stiffneckedness.

    The Democrats and our Leaders need to be held accountable to their own regulations. What they are doing now is further cementing the Republican Party as MAGA and increasing divisiveness. We need to daily pray for President Trump, the country, and each other. The hypocrites will reap what they sow. I know of no Christian that believes Pelosi is truly a Christian and certainly not a Roman Catholic with her stance on abortion et al. It is simply an attempt to manipulate others to accept and accede to her views. Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived, God is not mocked." Woe to those that do so. God bless.

  • Ken Lawyer

    02/11/2021 03:13 PM

    In what has happened over the past 12 years, I don't understand how anyone could honestly say that the impeachment won't happen. The Democrats have pulled off one masquerade after another with their Eyes Wide Shut while the Republicans have joined Limu Emu on the beach volleyball commercial burying their heads in the sand. Nowadays anything is possible.

  • Sidney Patin

    02/11/2021 03:10 PM

    Impeachment Trial? It is not a "trial" - it is the very definition of a kangaroo court by any meaning of the term.. It is nothing but an unconstitutional process by the Democrats at best, and outright fraud and insurrection on the part of the Democrats at worst. It is nothing but fraud and sedition by the Democrats against our rightful President Trump. I am not watching the fraudulent proceedings. I won't even call it a trial because it is not a trial.

  • Pedro D Tandoc Jr

    02/11/2021 03:10 PM

    We do not watch any of these crazy stunts by the Democrats to show their power and waste our hard-earned money. The country should wake up. People who voted all these bastards in are probably just like them in mentality.

  • Carol Ross

    02/11/2021 03:08 PM

    I certainly enjoy your newsletter. In fact, that is where I get all my political news. I don’t bother with the mainstream media or even Fox News anymore. Have there been any polls on how the current culture has effected the news media as far as viewership? Thanks once again for your time and effort to keep us informed

  • Kathy M. Upton

    02/11/2021 03:07 PM should add that maybe "they" know Trump won the election and he really IS the rightful POTUS and that's how they justify to themselves carrying on this sham of a "trial" since he wouldn't be a former president. Still, without the Chief Justice presiding it's a sham.

  • Chelsea Martin

    02/11/2021 03:06 PM

    I am in no way advocating violence against anyone or anything, or cheering on a Civil War.

    But an honest question - if the legal justice system remains ruthlessly two-tiered, a radical Leftist "Twitter demagogue" is permitted to dominate the entirety of the "public square" by Big Tech, the corrupt judiciary and the media are permitted to decide who may exercise their rights and when, and the jackboots on the Left are allowed to commit acts of physical assault, intimidation and mob-violence at will with virtually zero consequence...what recourse does the nation have but war?

    In response to "the pushing, lying, name-calling, tweet-censoring, statue-toppling, power-grabbing and boot-heel grinding by the left" we can...what? Lay down and take it forever, until all dissenting opinions are thoroughly silenced and the populace is compliant to the Left's ideological diktat? Shrug and allow physical assault? Allow a mob to scream until we are forced from our jobs if we dare speak out? Allow our property to be vandalized if we display "racist, insurrectionist symbols of hateful wrong-think?" Sit passively while our rights to assemble and speak freely to be stripped away, all the while hoping some GOP Senator will stand up and give a pro forma speech on how "this is wrong?"

    It only takes one generation for "Mao's Cultural Revolution 2.0" to topple America, you know. Then, as the Leftist media is calling for, comes the "reeducation and deprogramming" camps and the Reality Czars.

    I mean I suppose we could hire attorneys to defend our Constitutional rights and liberti--- oh, wait. "Major law firms and high-profile lawyers don’t dare represent Donald Trump" and it certainly seems that minor law firms and regular lawyers, increasingly, don't dare represent conservatives of any kind. And even if they do, what court in the land (especially after Joe gets done "restructuring" them) would dare find against the "pushing, lying, name-calling, tweet-censoring, statue-toppling, power-grabbing and boot-heel grinding" being done? Not to mention it's hard to "hire" anyone when one has been driven from their job.

    I fear the Left is going to force a war. They are going to push their mob-rule, ramp up the violence (likely while wearing MAGA hats), and pursue the forced assimilation into their every ideology in every section of the public square until the only choice left is going to be either: "Shut up and comply or surrender yourself and your children and walk on to that boxcar for transportation to a deprogramming's for your own good. Don't worry, it'll be great! They'll play episodes of Sesame Street there, and you'll finally 'be educated' on how terrible a person you really are!" or "Molon Labe."

    Go listen to the account of Gulbahar Haitiwaji and then tell me what your response will be. If anyone is stupid enough to think "but that could NEVER happen here" I'd advise them to go pick up a damned history book. Preferably before those are rewritten, too.

  • Karen poland

    02/11/2021 03:05 PM

    Thank you for being a voice of reason and a shining star in the midst this of this season of chaos and hypocrisy in this nation!! I would welcome some articles on the 1776 initiative and the 1619 initiative - the impact of these two movements on our children- the socialist nature of our history books- and the impact that monopoly will upon how these events happening now will be recorded for the ages. I recently came across a textbook that portrayed George Floyd as a innocent man maliciously killed by law enforcement. Nothing was shared about his prior convictions, his warrant, or that he was strung out on meth. As always praying for you and your daughter may she prevail and be a shining light for Arkansas!! God bless!!

  • Bill Domenico

    02/11/2021 03:05 PM

    Pls send up a prayer for my mom who passed on Sunday one month shy of 104. I had her watching the Huckabee show every Saturday night while she was still coherent. Thank you

  • Dave Taverner

    02/11/2021 03:04 PM

    I watched some of the trial the first day when they were trying to say it was unconstitutional. Personally I liked Trumps lawyers but they were a bit unorganized in their delivery. Of course this entire trial is a joke and nothing more than revenge on the part of the democrats. They have spread their hatred for Trump with help from the fake news media over the entire country and unfortunately brainwashed half the citizens into believing Trump was evil and a dictator. That would be laughable if it was not so serious for our country.
    We are being taken over by not only the leftist socialists but more seriously by the thugs from the NWO and they intend to take down our country brick by brick until there is nothing left of a decent citizen. Then they just march in and take over and the leftist will be going “that’s not what we wanted”. Oops, too late leftists. I pray those of us on the right will find a pathway to rid our country of these evil and hate filled people and un brainwash the rest who remain.

  • Traci DeBlaay

    02/11/2021 03:04 PM

    People have fought for years to be different. I live in a Country setting. I have adult children that live in big cities. I have friends who live in huge houses. And yes we’re all proud of our choices. But my choices do not aline with my children or my friends But we love one another. We respect each other. It’s OK to have differences. That’s America. We have a right to choose, a right to speak, a right to affiliate with those like minded. But we respect others opinions and choices
    All of that has been thrown out the window in the Past (6-7 years). It’s is sad to see people choosing sides like the old Hayfield and McCoys feud. All the disrespect for each other by calling names. (Deplorable, racist, homophobic, etc). Lack of respect for our People in political office, police, the American Constitution, rules of law, etc
    The job of the President is to keep All Americans safe. Keeping our Boarders safe. Knowing who comes and goes. The Pandemic is being used as a something to hide behind to allow fear within every person. Where is the leadership calming people with hope and direction. Jobs are so important for Americans. To be able to work and provide for our own families. We had a lot of stability with the job market in 2020. It tumbled because of the shut down of the pandemic. It tumbled as family business closed/burned/looted durning these unnecessary riots. Most will not come back.
    I am sad at the State of my Country “ United States of America”. I will always Stand for my Country. There are other countries that people can go to that will fit others choices. I choose to LOVE the Land and promise of America. To have freedoms and safety.

  • Connie Carlisle Carlson

    02/11/2021 03:01 PM

    It sickens me to no end as to what is going and how the Left is doing all that they are doing just because they are so obsessed/self consumed for ONE individual of whom they hate with such an intensity like no other - so deep, so intense, etc., - of which I truly think it has changed the brain chemistry (neurotransmitters) and have made them mentally ill, seriously! This is NOT normal behaviour at all. This is what happens when the Lord has been taken out of everything and this country has lost One Nation Under God, plus they have totally dishonoured the Oath of which they took have made a mockery of it and also the US Constitution of which, by their Oath, to protect and DEFEND - quite the opposite. Yet, they are NOT held accountable for any of this. One would think that the SCOTUS would intervene given that Roberts has declined to preside over this and it is TOTALLY against the Constitution and not even legal - this falls under the scope of duties and responsibilities of the 3rd branch of government to keep the other two in check, the SCOTUS, but NOTHING. Crickets. And there is no authority of which hold the SCOTUS accountable for FAILURE to uphold the Constitution and laws in doing their jobs - without prejudice, political, etc. Our country has truly become lost - no ethics, no integrity, no duty, no honour, and all else.....devoid of any morals and moral courage, too. And yet, we THE PEOPLE, are the fodder in all of this......

  • Kathy M. Upton

    02/11/2021 03:01 PM

    I actually tried watching the impeachment sham on NBC today and only got into it a few minutes before my blood pressure skyrocketed! Why should Eric Swalwell get away with photoshopping a tweet or Raskin editing out "peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard" from (the true, duly elected) PRESIDENT Trump's rally speech. I decided to give it another chance but didn't get far along into F. Chuck Todd's commentary about what well laid-out arguments the Democrats had for Trump's climate of inflammatory rhetoric. What are WE THE PEOPLE going to do about this travesty overtaking our country? The biggest problem I think America has is the House, the Senate and the imposter in the White House are leading us down the road to full-fledged socialism. In a routine medical appointment yesterday the nurse asked if I were depressed, etc....I said "yes, I'm depressed---ever since the night of November 3rd into the wee hours of November 4th when vote counting shut down and the shenanigans began!"

  • Kurt

    02/11/2021 02:57 PM

    It seems that the national socialist party will be the only party giving the rest of us permission to enjoy our unalienable rights. The last time that happened was under a guy named Adolph and didn’t work out too well

  • John Maggetti

    02/11/2021 02:54 PM

    I haven't watched the Democrat portion of the trial at all because I've already seen more than 4 years of that "trial" show. I'd rather watch reruns of My Mother the Car, one of worst TV shows that I can recall. I waited through 8 years of Obama's presidency and remember that there wasn't the collective total of overt hatred for him that I have seen in any one of the 208 months that President Trump was in office. First... 2022. Then... 2024! I, and millions like me, WILL NOT BE CANCELLED by a fanatical minority of lunatics.
    JM, Retired public school math teacher

  • Nancy P Reed

    02/11/2021 02:53 PM

    Visiting my son in ABQ. Pulled to a red light. Car next to me beeped and showed a MAGA hat (saw my Trump Pence bumper sticker). I gave him a thumbs and gave a sign of the cross...we both shook our heads. Won't listen to that BS on my Sirius...bunch of lying idiots....and who were the creeps who broke in on 1/6? I wld bet my bottom dollar they were NOT r people.

  • Deborah Streetman

    02/11/2021 02:53 PM

    I love the Huckabee family. Smart and quick witted! Sarah is awesome. I’m in grief, our country is not free. I now live in fear of my own government. Nancy is a clown, she is not interested in helping our citizens, just the power she has to take my freedoms.

  • Gerald Connally

    02/11/2021 02:52 PM

    I will not climb quietly onto their freight cars. You offer no future, what do I have to fear?

  • Judith Gottsch

    02/11/2021 02:50 PM

    It seems like a magician's trick, to get you very involved in what the right hand is doing, (impeachment, pandemic, etc.) while doing something they don't want you to see with their left hand!!!

  • Pamela S Tracy

    02/11/2021 02:50 PM

    Mike, if the Democrats hadn't spent Trump's entire presidency trying to "get him", hadn't at been the
    author of the Russia hoax, Americans might pay more attention to this sham of a trial. But, for most of us it is same song, different day. It is such an abuse of power and a waste of time and money, knowing the outcome will be the same as the last "impeachment" trial. Not to mention we are smart enough to know that even on the most basic level, it's unconstitutional!!!

    Pretty much, we are just fed up with all the shenanigans!! Remember the definition of insanity??? That is how Democrats seem to me.

  • Cyndy Weaver

    02/11/2021 02:49 PM

    Something to think about...I have yet to hear or see 1 strong, Bible believing Christian represented in the Democratic left-winged party or any of their activist I wrong?..that alone speaks volumes..Btw, I love your new America the Beautiful addition ????????