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December 11, 2021

As promised, here’s a follow-up on what to do in response to the egregious civil rights violations of the January 6 political prisoners.

Louis Gohmert of Texas, who along with fellow member of Congress Marjorie Taylor Greene finally got to see the facility where J6 prisoners are confined, has a fine opinion piece on his website, reprinted from The Epoch Times. It dates from November 4, the day they and their congressional staffs took “the tour” and spent an hour speaking personally with these prisoners.

This piece shames the government for ignoring their repeated requests and “refusing to allow oversight of their actions, which gives every appearance of a cover-up of wrongdoing.”

“Should ideology and abuse of power continue to drive this administration’s actions,” it continues, “the Rule of Law will cease to exist...By its [lack of transparency], the Biden administration is shredding the foundations of our legal system and the rights of the people’s representatives to protect them from government abuse.”

Gohmert agrees that at least some of the people being treated this way are essentially political prisoners. And if we allow it and let this nation finish its transformation into a banana republic, there will be nowhere else for liberty-loving Americans to turn.

According to an opinion piece in the Washington Times by criminal prosecutor and former U.S. Congressman Robert L. Livingston, almost 700 people in and near the Capitol that day were arrested and charged. Eventually, most of these were released or “had their cases disposed of in varying ways.” (I would add that some of them, even though they’re no longer behind bars, are currently under house arrest and have yet to go to court.) Reps. Greene and Gohmert met with about 40 who are still languishing in a dismal Washington DC corrections facility.

Livingston is “shocked” to hear of “prospective defendants who have been arrested and deprived of their livelihoods; confined in solitary confinement with little or no reasonable access to the outside world, their families or adequate legal counsel; and denied formal charges levied against them without bail and in contravention to the right to a speedy trial.” He said that he spoke with an employee at the federal Public Defender’s Office and learned “that they were not representing any of these folks.”

So-called “civil rights defenders” such as the ACLU are nowhere to be found. “Most of these people are at worst guilty of trespass or destruction of government property,” Livingston said. But for crying out loud, charge them, arraign them, and bring them to trial with counsel of their choice.”

“This atrocity must stop, and it must stop soon.”

We also came across a story from October 28 that reprints a letter from one of the detainees, Nathaniel DeGrave, who found himself in prison after apparently walking into the Capitol Building through open doors. His plea for help paints an especially bleak picture of the lives of these political prisoners in what he calls “DC’s Gitmo.”

To stay informed with the best reporting on January 6 --- particularly the emerging evidence suggesting the FBI was making sure there WAS an “insurrection” –- we recommend keeping up with the stories in National File. Here’s the latest.

The current administration would like us to forget about these people, except as a cautionary tale of what can happen to those who step out of line. But we won’t.

We can send cards and letters to the detainees, letting them know they’re not forgotten, especially over the Christmas season when they'll be separated from their families (again). We can donate to defense funds and “adopt” families. We can send messages to our legislators, especially the ones who’ve already stepped up, including Greene, Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, and Bob Good. Most importantly, as we move into the 2022 campaign season and look ahead to 2024, we can actively campaign to defeat Democrats and support those who want to clean house at the DOJ. This clean-out MUST happen, as you'll see if you go to the FBI website and discover there's nothing about, say, Antifa, but an obsession with January 6:

Be concerned about down-ballot races, too, and work to defeat those local candidates who want to defund police, release violent prisoners without bail, and weaponize law enforcement against so-called "domestic terrorists" (Trump supporters). Some of them are funded by groups such as Justice Democrats (who brought us AOC) and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

The Capitol Building should have been secure that day, with clearly-set boundaries that protesters should have respected. But, ultimately, it is the current administration and the Department of “Justice” that is responsible for the travesty of justice we see today. Under President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, we have as disgustingly politicized a DOJ as there has ever been. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi makes it three of a kind. This coming year, we all have to work harder than we ever have to elect people who respect a uniform standard of justice, even for political adversaries.

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Comments 31-40 of 63

  • Ron Cochran

    12/11/2021 08:32 PM

    The Jan 6 commission is not a official court of law. The committee is not going to hear a single testimony from those in that jail.
    The slow walking of charges is inexcusable. The procecutor's have charged, had arrainments, cut deals and sentenced certain people involved.
    Those that organized, lead, and had high profile images. Where quickly expedited though the court system. Giving the justice department the image they were moving swiftly. To punish the guilty.
    This makes me question those individuals integrity. I also question thier charges and sentences.
    Who funded thier defense fees? Who retained those attorneys for those individual's? Why were they processed so quickly? Why are the groups for them; not assisting those, they mislead Into the capital with council and defense on lesser charges. Than those that lead.
    Makes me question the motives of thier organizations and those that funded them.
    It just don't smell right. Reeks of treachery and deceit.

  • Gloria Jean Bryant

    12/11/2021 08:18 PM

    Can we request Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingram start talking about the injustice being done to the Jan.6th prisoners. Maybe their names could be announced every night. We have to do more than send cards. I have been praying for these people for months. This is an example of Nazi Germany! We have to help these people now!!

  • Clay Barrett

    12/11/2021 07:54 PM

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't someone sue the government over this treatment and abuse of civil rights. Don't tell tell me terrorist at Abu grabe(?) Have more rights than American citizens. It's an absolute disgrace to the democratic party and to the American justice system, which is apparently political now. We should all be ashamed.

  • Grace

    12/11/2021 07:34 PM

    We need to get these anri Americans out of office. These people should not be detained. Why are people breaking into department stores and trashing them and stealing merchandise and nothing is being done. What has happened to our country. We must stop these un- American horrible people before our beautiful country is turned into a 3rd world communist country. God please help us.

  • Lisa Peterson

    12/11/2021 07:22 PM

    Dear Governor,
    Thank you for bringing light to our political prisoners/fellow citizens. However, I have little hope that we can have a fair and unfraudelant election unless we fix 2020 elections first, no matter who we vote for. I don't remember which Marxist said this, but what we saw before our eyes a year ago is that, it matters not who votes, but who is counting the votes that counts. So, my question is: how can make sure that the ones counting the votes are honorable; how can we make sure the Republican poll watchers are going to have access to the counting process, and how can we make sure that the powers that are already there will do something about it so that we don't have political prisoners incarcerated for just wanting their concerns to be taken seriously in the first place?

  • Jo Cluck

    12/11/2021 06:53 PM

    Governor, I'm a true Trump follower and have been since he started to campaign. I have contributed when I was able but now it's a constant stream to give, give, give if you want to be included. Well, sorry, but I have my granddaughter to support and I don't have an extra dime to contribute. I criticize all of the disgusting lies coming from Biden and his entire incompetent cabinet members and staff. I do this on Twitter and FB but that's all I can do plus my home flies the Let's Go Brandon flag, etc. So what do you suggest I do to support the cause? I will not support GOP Party as they are obviously the people who want money, money, money and that I do not have. I don't trust the Rinos in the party anyway. We have to save this country. Tell me what I can do to support that, please.

  • Pastor Vincent Iorio

    12/11/2021 06:46 PM

    After reading your email yesterday I created a Facebook post urging people to visit the Patriot Freedom Project website. I was immediately censured by Facebook for “sharing too much false information.” Apparently, I hit a truth nerve?

  • Floyd A Unger

    12/11/2021 06:38 PM

    Thank you. This is something that could have and should have been prevented. It truly does appear that the LEFT, Nancy Pelosi wanted and intended this to happen.

  • Sherry Glascock aka Sharon and Gary Glascock

    12/11/2021 06:18 PM

    The Capital Building is a Building that belongs to the American People and the Jan 6 was not brought on by Trump people and that has been proven over and over since Jan 6, There was another group that wanted it to look that way for political reasons, look to the Lefts like AOC, Harris, and Biden so they could stand in glory. Biden could have had these people released but just like he has done in Afghanistan he has done Nothing and they are being killed while he makes a big show for all to see at Mr Bob Dole funeral. I know Mr, Dole is not in favor of Biden's actions but was to sick to contact anyone about his feelings. My heart went out to Mrs. Dole and Daughter Robin.

  • Emily yeatts

    12/11/2021 05:54 PM

    And they released prisoners from Gitmo