
Latest News

January 10, 2021

Yesterday, Google removed the Parler app from its Google Play store, and Apple is threatening to do it and might have by the time you read this. They’re demanding that Parler impose the same kind of monitoring of speech that Twitter, Facebook and Google’s YouTube do, to “protect” us from the tiny segment of far-right users who might be using the sites to incite violence and spread misinformation, as they define it. There are also countless legitimate users on Parler, including me:

A reminder: These tech giants have allowed leftist groups such as Antifa and BLM to use their sites to organize protests that turned into riots, they allow violent rhetoric and death threats aimed at conservatives, and they’ve even turned a blind eye to Iran posting “death to America” rhetoric. But they ban the US President and those who support him.

Congressional Republicans made a big mistake in not reining in their partisan monopolistic practices when they had the chance. That won’t happen now, but I expect to see a flood of lawsuits following this, along with product boycotts and a mass exodus of millions of users. But where will they go if these leftist corporations abuse their power to strangle or force censorship onto alternative sites?

I asked our pop culture expert, Pat Reeder, for some tips on that. Here’s what he wrote back…

“I’m far from a tech expert, but I’ve been working via computer since before there was an Internet, so I’ve picked up a few tips.

First of all, why are you still paying premium prices to Apple? It’s not as if Steve Jobs still runs the place. They appear to be putting far more thought, time and energy into censorship, leftist virtue-signaling and kissing China’s rump than into R&D and consumer satisfaction these days. Here’s an example of how they’re doing lately, and it’s only one of countless such videos on YouTube (just search for ‘Apple sucks.’)

Currently, Parler’s app for cell phones is available at only by clicking on icons that take you to the Google or Apple app stores. But there’s nothing stopping them from offering it for direct download, which I suspect is coming very soon. Here’s an article about how that works with apps that Apple decides you shouldn’t be allowed to have:

As for the Android version that’s been banned from the Google Play Store, if you don’t have it already, try here:

If you scroll down, you’ll also find the app for MeWe, a free speech alternative to Facebook. But I’d suggest you do it quickly. (Another is

If that doesn’t work, try here

And there are others, if you look hard. Remember, you can always subscribe to Parler and use it through your tablet, laptop or desktop by signing up at, which I hope you’ll be accessing through a browser that protects your privacy (NOT Google Chrome!) Here’s some information comparing some top choices. Firefox is rated #1, as long as you go into the Settings and disable the functions that send information back to its parent, Mozilla.

Worse comes to worse, conservatives can abandon these social media sites entirely and go back to independent blog sites and web pages, which prevailed before the big Facebook/Twitter takeover. Or just hang out at, where you get real news, brilliant writing and a comments section.

Remember, it’s called ‘free speech’ because no matter how hard some people try to cage it, it will always find a way to escape.

UPDATE! Well, Mozilla just went full-on social justice censorship warrior, so skip over Firefox and move down the browser list. Still laughing that their link on the words “amplify factual voices” goes to an article from the New York Times.

While we’re on the subject, were you aware that one reason Chromebook laptops are so cheap is that they don’t have internal memory? Everything you search for (on Google Chrome, of course), write or store is placed in a cloud memory owned by Google. Why not just send Google your tax forms, or go on vacation with your front door open?

And remember that is the free speech alternative to Google-owned YouTube.

UPDATE:  Amazon has said it is removing Parler from it's service effective today.

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Comments 76-100 of 111

  • Connie Jackson

    01/10/2021 10:26 AM

    I wish to subscribe to your website

  • Kelly Magrann

    01/10/2021 10:25 AM

    Thank you!

  • Maura Robertson

    01/10/2021 10:25 AM

    Stop censorship

  • Missy Bingenheimer

    01/10/2021 10:25 AM

    Thank you for your service
    God Bless you

  • Rick Longway

    01/10/2021 10:25 AM

    Thanks for the info.

  • EJL

    01/10/2021 10:25 AM

    Keep going!

  • Jacqueline Wallace

    01/10/2021 10:24 AM

    Thank you for continuing to fight and support truth and righteousness.

  • Linda Kidwell

    01/10/2021 10:23 AM

    Fight for Parler

  • Jillian Ross

    01/10/2021 10:23 AM


  • Colleen

    01/10/2021 10:23 AM

    Waiting on the declassification. Thank you.

  • Frankie Otis

    01/10/2021 10:22 AM

    So if Mozilla, Edge, and Chrome are all censoring, what is next? Duck is just a search engine or is it a full browser now? What about email?

  • Jonell stringer

    01/10/2021 10:22 AM

    Add me

  • Crystal Whitten

    01/10/2021 10:22 AM


  • Mara Dominguez

    01/10/2021 10:21 AM

    Thank you for continuing to provide accurate news and info to all of us that feel we have no where else to go...

  • Steven Lissner

    01/10/2021 10:21 AM

    Hi from London UK

  • Carmella Swaim

    01/10/2021 10:20 AM

    Mr Huckabee we are with you!

  • Janet Baker

    01/10/2021 10:20 AM

    Keep on fighting! Praying for you

  • Sheri Baltzer

    01/10/2021 10:20 AM

    Newsletter signup

  • Jean Wahl

    01/10/2021 10:17 AM

    Please add me to your list. Love you and your daughter!

  • debby helfrich

    01/10/2021 10:17 AM

    we need to act fast they are trying to shut everything down on us

  • Amy Park

    01/10/2021 10:16 AM

    Thank you! Huge fan of yours and your daughter!

  • Thomas Brock

    01/10/2021 10:16 AM

    I,m for President Trump fully.

  • Deborah Weik

    01/10/2021 10:16 AM

    Thank you so much!

  • Suzie Wilson

    01/10/2021 10:16 AM

    I was removed from Twitter for being a Trump supporter. I had 11 to 12 thousand followers before the purge began. Then without notice or warning I was gone. They want to punish people that are conservative. What next? Higher taxes? More audits?

  • John Blackwell

    01/10/2021 10:15 AM

    ???????????????? for ????????!