
Latest News

February 8, 2023

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Comments 31-40 of 243

  • Maj. Joseph L Healy, USAF (Ret.)

    02/09/2023 03:49 PM

    Dear Gov. Mike:
    First, let me say you and your wife did a great job raising Sarah!

    Her response was excellent. She was spot-on describing our choice being between normal, factual REALITY and crazy FANTASY! We all know it, and it's good to hear a governor state the TRUTH it publicly!

    We must see effective action from Republican's and hear their specific plan to purge the deep state operatives infecting the whole Federal bureacracy, and reduce it.

    The GOP must not try to dismiss or ignore (legitimate) President Trump. He won, both times, because he said and did what normal, sane, middle class, taxpaying American's want a leader, who is looking out for all of US, to say and do. For establishment Republican's to attempt to diminish his accomplishments, insights, and unselfish goals, to further their own interests would be foolish in the extreme and put the country's recovery from the woke madness in jeopardy. Trumpism is the cure! Practice it, support it. That is why Gov. Sanders is correct in calling for a NEW generation of Republican leaders. The old guard should retire gracefully, be happy with the wealth they've accumulated, and help save the Republic or go quietly into retirement; ... I'm talking to you Sen. McConnell, Sen. Romney, Sen. Collins, Sen. Murkowski, and your fellow travelers.

    God Bless America! MAGA!

  • Teri Correll

    02/09/2023 03:24 PM

    I’m trying to view it now

  • clare mcintosh

    02/09/2023 03:17 PM

    this is what you call fascism. look it up you republicans. so let them steal your money that you put away for social security. how stupid are you.

  • Kimberly Brandimarte

    02/09/2023 03:15 PM

    Governor Sarah Sanders was wonderful! I bet your very proud.

  • Debra Daniel

    02/09/2023 02:22 PM

    This was the most Emotional truthful Speech ever given, Truth, Facts and Love for Our Country and it's People. Something we have not seen in over two years. Sara Huckabee Sanders Will lead Arkansas to become one of the Best States in America, God Bless her and I hope to see her run and WIN the highest Office in the US and she deserves it and we deserve it!! This is a Woman of Integrity, Truth, Intellect and Courage. The Tears are still flowing. Thank You Sara!!!

  • Elwood 'Michael' Salbador

    02/09/2023 01:48 PM

    Thank you Governor for the continual reminder of who we are and whose we are! Fabulous rebuttal!

  • Donna L. Graham

    02/09/2023 11:54 AM

    Wonderful speech! Everything she said, I agree with. I loved the fact that she gave God and Christianity credit for America's greatness.

  • Bud Walling

    02/09/2023 11:13 AM

    No reason to listen to Biden mumble same old lies.
    Sara knocked em dead
    She is a 10++++

  • Barbara Baughcum

    02/09/2023 11:09 AM

    I agree with everything you said. May God Bless you for speaking out my prayer is that soon it will all change. My husband and I are in our 70s and it is scary but we leave it in Gods hands for He knows what the future holds. I pray everyday for our country. Thank you again

  • Barbara Johnson

    02/09/2023 10:47 AM

    God bless America! My heart is full of hope for the future with the way Gov. Sanders has put into words and actions what I have been longing to hear. Our country is not a horrible place like some want to make people think- else no one would want to move here.
    We have compassion on our fellow man and believe in the inalienable rights God has blessed us all with. That right is right and wrong is wrong. If someone is hungry feed them, needs help, help them…needs a smile- smile! It costs you nothing to promote kindness…but its worth more than you can imagine. God bless!