
Latest News

October 22, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - John 16:33
  • 7 things hidden in the $3.5 trillion bill
  • Terrible accident
  • Your tuition dollars at work
  • The car shortage
  • Approved pronouns
  • Remember Andrew McCabe
  • Interesting
  • Weekend starter


Mike Huckabee


7 things hidden in the $3.5 trillion bill

By Mike Huckabee

Since the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending orgy bill is nearly 2500 pages long, most people, including those pushing it hardest, have never read it. In fact, most polls showing a majority of Americans support it also show that a majority don’t really know what’s in it. I’ve linked to several articles exposing the hidden poison pills, or the 42 worst. But I know some of you are busy people with limited time, so here’s a handy link to share.

It’s just the 7 worst, most blood-boiling items hidden in the $3.5 trillion bill.

Terrible accident

By Mike Huckabee

Police in New Mexico are investigating after Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun that was supposed to be loaded with blanks on the set of the upcoming movie “Rust,” and some sort of projectile came out of it, striking two people. Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed, and director Joel Souza was seriously wounded. Witnesses said Baldwin was seen in tears after the fatal accident. There is an early, unconfirmed report that a single live round was left in the gun, but prop guns are supposed to be built so that they can’t even hold a real bullet.

I’ve seen some comments from the right attacking Baldwin and blaming him. I understand why many conservatives don’t like him; he’s very outspoken about his liberal politics and spent years viciously mocking Trump on “SNL.” But I would urge you to remember that this appears to be a tragic accident. An innocent woman has died, her family is grieving, another man is hospitalized, and I’m sure Alec Baldwin feels tremendous guilt and sadness, even though there is no evidence that he had anything to do with the prop gun being dangerous. This is a time to put humanity first and pray for everyone involved, not for turning a terrible tragedy into a political gotcha game.

Your tuition dollars at work

By Mike Huckabee

Guerilla filmmaker Ami Horowitz went to UC-Berkeley posing as a fundraiser for the Taliban and asking students for donations to create a safe haven for America’s enemies and to train Taliban fighters to use the weapons the US left behind to strike back against America. The majority of students he talked to thought this was a great idea and wanted to give him money.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the new kinder, gentler Taliban 2.0 that we can deal with, according to the White House, reportedly hunted down and beheaded Mahjabin Hakimi, one of the best players on the Afghan national girls’ volleyball team. Grisly photos of her decapitated body were posted on social media.

Other female athletes who were unable to flee are reportedly in hiding and fear for their lives amid the Taliban’s crackdown on women and girls whom they deem guilty of un-Islamic conduct.

How long do you think any of the outspoken, liberated, dress-any-way-they-want-to female students at UC-Berkeley who are willing to fund the Taliban would survive if they had to live in Afghanistan under the Taliban?

The car shortage

By Mike Huckabee

Got a good, reliable car? You might want to hang onto it because cars may be the next thing that’s in short supply.

Approved pronouns

By Mike Huckabee

here are some pronouns approved by Western Carolina University, where I sincerely hope you aren’t paying to earn an English degree. You might not understand these pronouns, but I’m sure Ze, E, Fae, Ve and Ze will.

Remember Andrew McCabe

By Mike Huckabee

Longtime readers of this newsletter will no doubt remember the name “Andrew McCabe” and have the same reaction to it that Dracula has to garlic. McCabe was the former #2 man to James Comey at the FBI (Comey's Renfield, to keep up our Dracula metaphor), who was up to his eyeballs in the schemes to exonerate Hillary and frame Trump and his people.

McCabe was fired by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions after FBI inspector general Michael Horowitz found he had lied repeatedly to investigators about his leaks to the media (or to use the official whitewash term, he “lacked candor.” If you or I had lacked candor in speaking to FBI investigators, we’d go to prison.) As a result, he also lost some benefits and got a smaller pension than he otherwise would have. Boo-hoo.

Some might think he should have been grateful not to be dragged directly to jail, but those folks don’t understand the massive sense of entitlement hard-wired into the swamp critters of DC. McCabe not only continued posing as a legitimate commentator on liberal news channels, he also sued to get all those things he was so justly denied when he was fired.

As Byron York at the Washington Examiner reports, the Biden Administration has just settled the suit by agreeing to all his demands. McCabe will not only get $200,000 of our money in back pay for the marvelous job he did at the FBI, but we also get to pay his lawyers’ $539,000 bill. And his official record will be expunged of anything about his firing (for CAUSE.) (Note that this is the same Administration that wants to dishonorably discharge military members and strip them of all benefits just for refusing a COVID vaccine shot.)

We may not be able to prevent this Administration from showering money on someone who should have been given nothing at federal expense but an orange jumpsuit and expunging his record, but as York notes, we can make sure that what he did is not expunged from the public memory. So click the link to read all the details before the Deep State stuffs it down the memory hole.


Several hospitals in Ohio, facing massive staff shortages due to employees refusing to accept vaccine mandates, are now recognizing the efficacy of natural immunity in staffers who’ve had COVID and recovered from it.

If these hospitals recognize the growing number of studies showing the effectiveness and possible superiority of natural immunity, then why do the health bureaucrats at the CDC still refuse to consider the evidence, even as Biden’s draconian vaccine mandates threaten to crash the economy? If tens of millions of Americans have natural immunity, which could save billions of dollars and allow vaccines to be shared with other countries while easing mandates and lockdowns, wouldn’t it be nice to KNOW that?

And if you’re going to lecture us all to “follow the science,” then you should also follow the science yourself, even when the evidence leads in directions that disrupt the accepted narrative. That’s the very essence of science.

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media also has some questions about our public health experts’ bizarre definition of “following the science.”

Weekend starter

By Mike Huckabee

To help you start the weekend, check out this really fun video. Last weekend, my musical guests on “Huckabee” on TBN were the soul/pop group Raydio, founded by Ray Parker Jr. They helped us create this very special digital exclusive version of the theme from “Ghostbusters” with Tre Corley and the Music City Connection. If you ever dreamed of seeing Keith Bilbrey busting a move (or a ghost) with a proton ray gun to one of the greatest pop tunes ever recorded, then this will make your day.

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Comments 31-35 of 35

  • b Ernst

    10/22/2021 06:50 PM

    For a minute there I thought Raydio was singing about "Joe Busters".

  • Helen Nees

    10/22/2021 06:31 PM

    There already is a car shortage here in Cali. Drive by any dealership here in South Orange County and there is no inventory to be seen. My husband leased a Ford F-150 for 3 years-gave it back after the lease was up but had the option of purchasing it for $23,000. That used truck is now going for $33,000. Don't know how these car dealerships are going to stay in business. They're the next ones to call it quits-just waiting for it to happen.

  • Floyd A Unger

    10/22/2021 06:25 PM

    Thank you. And…..Sheesh…!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    10/22/2021 05:29 PM

    One other thing : send these "students" to Afghanistan in exchange for real Americans trapped there and our allies. Sounds good to me.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    10/22/2021 05:26 PM

    Do you think Alec Baldwin will get any humanity from this. I doubt it. I say rub his fat face in it -- as for his "tears" he IS an actor right?