
Latest News

January 8, 2021

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

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Comments 76-100 of 195

  • Joan Scripture

    01/08/2021 03:07 PM

    I would dearly love to see a law to outlaw for all time mail-in voting for any election if this country. Mail-in voting is outlawed in some European countries because of the possibility of fraud, and that possibility is increased in this country by the sheer number of voters. If you can tell us how to pursue encouraging our representatives to pass such a law, it would be appreciated. Thank you for your sane, calm, honest presentation of the daily events.

  • Daryl Russo

    01/08/2021 03:04 PM

    So once again we are being told to sit down and shut up. Did we not watch the videos of police letting the protesters into the capital, wonder who sanctioned that? For years we have watched corruption in the domicestic party and they get a pass. Even the latest Pelosi comment that she had to wait for a new president to pass out that horrendous stimulus bill. $600.00 with millions going to foreign countries and museums etc etc. The dems are killing our economy with their mandatory shut downs crippling small business big big business with their Chinese made inventory is prospering. Yeah... another knife in the back for Americans. So happy China is prospering from the virus they gave us. Trump was the only politician that was bold enough to call these people out. I’m disgusted and angry that once again the dems pulled it off.

  • Ben Holdridge

    01/08/2021 02:55 PM

    That’s all well and good as political satire, but I don’t want to be like the leftists who spent the past four years letting their anger over Trump being President lead them to show disrespect to the office and root for America to fail under his watch.
    Ben Holdridge is not going to respect a thief, acknowledge a thief, or pay any attention to a thief or ANY DEMONCRAP for that matter. And we are NOT going to "get along".

  • Brenda Raasch

    01/08/2021 02:54 PM

    Dear Governor, I am so deeply saddened and confused. I feel that this could have been avoided had scotus addressed the election issues. I was watching online on Wednesday. Ted Cruz had given an excellent speech. He addressed the issues of voter fraud and how those allegations should be investigated. He gave 3 options and I have to agree with him 2 were not very good, but the third option was excellent! Why, why, seems they just don't care about those of us who feel that the election was STOLEN! I don't know how to go on with this grievous loss of confidence in our government and the justice system. They are now calling to remove the President from office and still will not take the time to investigate the claims of fraud. Its heartbreaking that we who pay taxes and keep this country going have no voice. I love Jesus and have been praying for months and years for our leaders. I know God is in control and that I will be with Him for eternity. We still have to live here and my grandchildren and children do to until he calls us home. I am so distraught....I don't know if I will ever vote again. Can't we make them investigate this mess so we can move forward?? Please respond. My husband and I watch your program and value your assessment as a government official, a Baptist pastor, and a brother in Christ. Thank you for reading. Brenda

  • Eva Rushton

    01/08/2021 02:53 PM

    Dear Governor,
    The pictures depicting the vans pulling up outside the Capitol with Antifa piling out and the security letting them in and escorting them up the steps prove that this was a set up to make Trump look bad and turn people against him. The truth will come out hopefully. Our country has been robbed.

  • Susan mersereau

    01/08/2021 02:48 PM

    I am disappointed in the Republicans and the Democrats who couldn't get past that it wasn't about the election between Trump or Biden. It was about the fraud that has happened in these states. It needs to be cleaned up and there needs to be a special counsel look into this. And by the way Trump needs to appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden and that Mess or it will get swept under the rug

  • Thomas Berry

    01/08/2021 02:47 PM

    With much thanks for your work in keeping what few strands of truth remain alive, I too am deeply grieved at what happened at the Capitol. Not only at the riot itself, but at the stench of it.

    To quote the President-elect (I type with tightly clenched teeth!), C'mon, man! Did the rally organizers really expect their event to come off without a hitch given the volatility of the times and the exceptional skill the left has shown at manipulating and playing us to our own doom?

    How could they have not expected trouble since the event was wide open to anyone, including Antifa radicals whom I suspect were involved to some extent in inciting and carrying out the violence?

    Oh, it was them, all right - Trump supporters don't behave like that! well, that's not true anymore. Some most definitely did, and now we are all branded that way - by the people who boast of inclusiveness and rejection of stereotypes, not to mention the embracing and supporting of the rioters who burned so much of our cities. As it was for the mayors of Portland and Chicago, so it is with them - demonstrations and riot are criminal only when they themselves are affected, and it is just fine when only the peasants suffer harm.

    I know it's not politically correct to say so, but I smell a very flatulent rat in all this. Why was Capitol security so minimal when it was widely known that tens of thousands of thoroughly honked-off citizens were going to gather outside? Was there a connection between that and the outbreak of violence, especially if Antifa was involved in provoking and encouraging it?

    This whole thing smells of a colossal setup. Let all these Trump supporters gather, get a bunch of Antifans into their midst to stir up trouble, have nowhere near enough police on hand to keep them out of the building, and then smear and discredit the President and his supporters for the tragic results - while making sure that his calls for peace and dispersal are hidden from history.

    And now the Pelosisaurus (credit my son in law for that) wants to either have him removed from office or impeached again, with twelve measly days left in his term. Just how in hell does she think that will make anything better when his 70,000,000 supporters are already both profoundly angry and deeply embarrassed?

    This ends well for absolutely no one. Prayers for us all and out country. God help us all. Thankms again.

  • Tim Zahn

    01/08/2021 02:28 PM

    In reading today's American Thinker, there are 2 editorials from 2 eye witnesses accounts at President Trump's rally in Washington describing seeing ANTIFA dressed men. Could this be all planned to blame Trump and his supporters for the violence and rioting inside our nation's capitol ? This stigma will carry over into the 2024 election should Donald Trump decide to run again for the office of President. I'm sure all the bias media will play over and over again the breach of our capitol on Jan 6th, 2021 during the 2024 elections. As an "Old Guy", I'm just an observer, passing thru to a much better and peaceful place.

  • Diane Battaglia

    01/08/2021 02:26 PM

    I always vote. That is why I feel disappointed the election wasn’t rerun in the states that cheated. That would have been faster and “maybe” honest.
    I use to work the polls in the 60’s. Remember paper ballots, identification to show it was you voting and matching signatures? Took longer, but we didn’t have a this dishonesty. Keep the faith!

  • Mac Moody

    01/08/2021 02:24 PM

    Yes, the violence was terrible. My question to you and to the rest of the Nation, Are we certain that it was Trump supporters that did the violence or was it antifa dressed as supporters so that all of this mess is now Trump's fault?? I believe that antifa and the dimms had all of this designed to have this as the Trump legacy rather than the many good things he did for this Nation. While I am at it I do believe that all of Trumps' great things done will soon be reversed by the dimms.

  • jerold markin

    01/08/2021 02:24 PM


  • Beverly McFarland

    01/08/2021 02:23 PM

    I’m disappointed in you. If you watch a decent news channel you will CLEARLY see the evidence that the rioters were bussed in Antifa. Even the photos were staged. If you here the full unedited so each by OUR PRESIDENT you will hear he encouraged people to remain peaceful and go home. Tell me how does a secure Whit House get broken into so easily? Do more research!!! President Trump has done a lot for America and I believe he will do a lot more.

  • Kara cavaness

    01/08/2021 02:23 PM

    The protesters that caused the violence on Wed were the antifa that the dems sent and they were dressed up as trump supporters. They did the violence. The Trump supporters were older or families. Why isnt anyone truthful any more?

  • Emma C Williams

    01/08/2021 02:18 PM

    Let’s remember that it was the Democrats who first disrespected the presidency by refusing to attend the inauguration, by constantly badgering a great president of the people from day one by calling on constituents to do harm to patriotic Republicans. Once again the Democrats have been allowed to condone violence, burning of police stations, and businesses by bailing these people (I use that term loosely) out and putting them on our streets to do it again. I’m a Texan living in OK so God has blessed me to be outside all this madness. I wish Texas would secede. I’d be in my car on my way home to support them in any way I can.

  • Norman Scott

    01/08/2021 02:18 PM

    What we all love about President Trump is that he is a fighter and his willingness to stand for the people of this great country. For him to stand up to the rampant voter fraud in the swing states is commendable. Too bad the Supreme Court didn’t do their job in examining evidence of voter fraud. President Trump presented his case to 250,000 patriots, January 6th. It was powerfully delivered and certainly not encouraging violence. Just because a small fraction of the group took this to far with violence in the capital does not negate the fact their was massive voter fraud that needs to be cleaned up! The Democratic Party lied about the Russian collusion hoax, Ukraine impeachment, kavanah confirmation, and the mob violence of Antifa and BLM. They are spinning this capital violence trying to destroy President Trump and the people that support him! Let us stand and not give up!

  • Candice Anne LaCroix

    01/08/2021 02:17 PM

    One point that everyone on here missed is the FACT that the violent protestors were Antifa and planted at the Capitol, via a bus, to destroy the Patriots peaceful rally and destroy President Trump!

  • Jennifer Scott

    01/08/2021 02:16 PM

    The violence was horrible at the Capitol. I wish people would quit blaming the President.As a teacher, I constantly taught students that they were responsible for their own actions. I also wish our Republican elected leaders had supported Sen. Cruz and the 11 other senators in their endeavor to right a wrong that affects our entire nation. I know God has a plan.

  • Kathryn Striley

    01/08/2021 02:15 PM

    I wonder if anyone besides me has considered the possibility that those who broke into the building and caused so much trouble weren't Trump supporters at all, but left-wingers who were organized, and possibly paid, to break in and make Trump look bad.

    I love your newsletter and your TBN TV show! We need many more CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS peaceably working for and speaking out for conservative values !! I appreciate that you are one!

  • Dennis Heinrichs

    01/08/2021 02:14 PM

    I truly believe that the rioting was staged by the Dems to distract from how terrible the congress handled the electoral process. It is also being used to support their narrative that Trump is evil and needs to be removed immediately. I pray that the election fraud is continued to be investigated and the fraud will be exposed. If this election can be manipulated at this level, our ability to vote for change will be eliminated.

    You mentioned that republican voting was flat in Georgia. My take is there was fraud in the voting process and the republican vote count was repressed since the ground work was set by Mr. Lin Wood as a call to boycott the voting. Played well into the hands of the democrats.

    Continue to bring the truth to us on your show. Thanks for listening.

  • Jeff Bell

    01/08/2021 02:08 PM

    Everyone knows that the Democrats were behind everything on Wednesday. They arranged for Antifa/BLM to be there and cause the trouble. Pelosi's son in law was getting his photo taken with the highest profile planted Antifa crisis actor right before Fake Police Actors ushered them right into unsecured Capitol. Then if everyone was so upset with the serious attach why did they come right back into the chambers with their well rehearsed speeches. Just more election fraud. What really happened to all of the Capitol security? Were they all at lunch? Wonder if the checking accounts should be checked for payouts for standing down. Especially people who have resigned. Then you had the Democrats taking all of the pictures with themselves with the Gas Mask. Really might make a good prison picture. I am really disappointed in all of the Republicans who backed down and believed all the press reports against Trump. They really should have learned in over 5 years that nothing the Democrats have said about Trump has been true. I now stupid Congress people should all be checked out just to see the corruption. But it will not do any good because the corruption starts at the top with Biden. Funny how nothing was ever done to stop anyone who was corrupt but the scared Congress tried to take down a wonderful President who has been for the People and not for himself.

  • Toni metherall

    01/08/2021 02:08 PM

    Watch the “miracle “happen with vaccines. States cannot even get their act together to administer the first but wait—how about the second?? Biden will think he is a hero to his “followers” but the truth will show. The media will whitewash any failures.

  • Mary Robinson

    01/08/2021 02:06 PM

    If there had been no violence the outcome would have been the same. The Establishment would have found a way. We the people have passively let them destroy our cities, and our nation. Please prove to me that I am wrong.

  • Peter BURNHAM

    01/08/2021 02:06 PM

    Gov. Huckabee- if Trump had won reelection, this time, then the conservative movement ( alias Republicans) would have had to fight this stuff 4 years from now. We'd be looking for a new candidate for 2024. We're looking for a new candidate in 2022 and 2024. I'm thinking alot of people are going to be changing from blue to red in the next 2-4 years if Biden and Harris go thru with their agenda of pushing America to socialism, etc. He comes higher taxes and another recession.
    I keep seeing ads on here about would you have voted for Barack Obama on a 3rd term. The answers don't list a hell NO. Where does he get off thinking he deserves a 3rd term. He's just another mad black man that 1 term was enough.

  • Carol Pile

    01/08/2021 02:05 PM

    Most of the comments and replies so far seem to indicate that the rioting, violence, etc. at the Capitol Building was done by conservative protesters, while it has already been shown elsewhere that members of antifa were at least in on it, if not leading the charge. This was not all done by conservatives despite the media reports and the leftists claiming it was all "right-wing protesters". But there will never now be a fair or accurate report on exactly what went on, because the left - AND the deep-state Republicans have finally had their chance to "get" President Trump. As for the 25th amendment, look for it to be invoked soon against Joe Biden so that Kamala Harris can become President. God, help America!

  • Alvin Nellis

    01/08/2021 02:03 PM

    If the election laws of the states aren't corrected by the states and rules of laws not followed the elections won't carry the integrity needed to stop the fraud. We witness this in 2020 election and mail in ballots was the chaos with vote counts. The problem with voting machines was clear. Fix the problem or votes won't matter 136 million registered voters 75m for Trump 81m for Biden this the problem.