
Latest News

November 14, 2022

My daughter Sarah won in a landslide to become the first ever woman to be Governor of Arkansas and mark the first time ever when a father/daughter both served a state as governor.  I’m so very proud of her, and believe that she will satisfy her supporters and surprise those who didn’t vote for her.  I thought I was a pretty effective Governor.  But I hope she is even better!

But, when I’m wrong, I try to admit it.  I WAS wrong about my view that there would be a huge red tsunami in the 2022 elections.  It was evident to me that since 70% of the American people thought we are on the wrong track, since most American families have been devastated by the highest inflation rate in 42 years, gasoline costs almost double from when Joe Biden took office, and with the cost of groceries skyrocketing, voters would say “Enough of this!” I also thought that the dramatic increase in violent crimes, illegal border crossings at over 5 million since Biden took office, and the deep decline of the value of people pension funds due to the downward spiral of the stock market, voters would figure it’s time for new and hopefully better ideas.  And with the Democrats pushing for wacko science that results in mutilation and chemical castration of children in the name of transgender “care” and pushing abortion of an unborn baby up until the very moment of birth, I truly believed that even long-time Democrats who aren’t crazy would decide that their party had embraced too many policies that were detrimental to their lives and families and would vote accordingly.

Clearly, I was wrong.  While Republicans will likely barely control the House, what was expected as a red wave became more of a pink trickle at best. 

I’ve realized that most Americans get their news from social media and the mainstream media.   They are like a monolithic wall protecting Democrats and the most radical cultural views of our nation.  Many voters don’t watch or listen to conservative voices, and they are overwhelmed with the fake news that Republicans are a “threat to democracy.”  These are voters who are not aware or don’t care that the bureaucrats of the establishment of government—especially those at the top in the FBI and the Department of Justice are weaponizing their power to intimidate and aggressively and forcefully arrest 87 year old concentration camp survivors who are pro-life but do nothing to punish those who firebomb and vandalize Crisis Pregnancy Centers which provide real medical services and baby supplies to women and their children. 

The problem with the less than stellar results of the midterm elections is not that the Democrats opposed our policies.  That’s what we can expect them to do.  But Republicans were facing a triple threat of the monolithic media, the bully bureaucracy of our own government, and the reliable partnership they had with the national Democrat party.  They preached that parents speaking out about the abuse of their children were domestic terrorists, and that parents who raised their children to believe in 2 genders of male or female were racist, fascist, homophone, transphobe or bigots.  And for some reason, they convinced voters that people who riot and burn their Democrat run cities are mostly peaceful protestors and we should de-fund the police because they are evil and that there is no real crime threat. 

But this is not a time to give up.  It’s a time to fire up.  No room for a retreat—it’s time for renewal.  I would never suggest that we stop voting—I would urge that don’t stop caring and fighting against the evil policies that are destroying America and the hopes we have for our kids and grandkids.  Give up?  No way!  Gear up!  Speak up!  Sign up, and get up and join the fight for the soul of America. 

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Comments 31-40 of 57

  • John Doe Republican

    11/20/2022 06:27 PM

    Get Real Why midterms were pink
    Supreme Court Roe v Wade brought out 30% more voters for women's rights
    #2 People are tired of Trump and "why me?" & his bully attitude
    republicans need to move on Positively go DeSantas

  • John Rochotte

    11/20/2022 06:25 PM

    I totally agree, Mike. "The Media" crooked lawyers and Big Money are in control. We desperately need Spending Caps and Term Limits. When I was young, before computers and electronic "electioneering", voting was in person Only with paper ballots. No absentees and turnout was higher. Democrats have been a thorn in the side of our Republic since before The Civil War! My biggest disappointment is that "The Turtle" McConnell still heads the Senate. ( : ^ ( . "Quitters never win. Winners never quit"! You are doing a great service to the nation. My best regards. I pray for you & Sarah. She will do well for Arkansas.

  • Rose M Hunter

    11/20/2022 06:25 PM

    I’m part of a group of women Intercessors who pray for three hours every Monday morning for the lost and for our nation, and have done so for 24 years! Only God can bring awakened reverential repentance into the selfish people seeking their own way, and we passionately pray Holy Spirit pours into them everything that will turn them around to honest servant hearted leadership!

  • Fio Weaver

    11/20/2022 06:10 PM

    I rejoice with you, Governor and expect great things fro Sarah. You raised her well! Unfortunately, the current illicit administration, together with globalists and the corrupt media, wants to destroy the country we so dearly love. We've been asleep at the wheel. I hope we can wake up before it's too late. Thank you for keeping a sense of humor!

  • Martha Goodwin

    11/20/2022 06:01 PM

    Congratulations to Sarah! Agree 1000% with your assessment if this election. We must get truth out there somehow. God help us!

  • Brenda Weakland

    11/20/2022 05:56 PM

    Mike - So thrilled to read about Sarah's win as the Gov. of Arkansas! I'm so happy for both you and Sarah!

  • Elizabeth Evans

    11/20/2022 05:44 PM

    My personal opinion is that we have three types of people in our country, complacent and politically uneducated, indoctrinated and old! I cringe every time I hear an older person say they are glad they are old and won’t be around long meanwhile they continue to support a party not a person that will do what they say they will do! The complacency of the American people is overwhelming. We have had our senses dulled to idiotic proportions. We are addicted to our cellphones, heck my grand kids can’t go to the bathroom without them. The indoctrinated have had so much chaos put into their lives it is overwhelming. Actually, Satan (the purveyor of chaos) has done a mighty fine job! So all this leads me to the most vibrant book in the universe yet the most underutilized and that is the Bible.

  • David Smith

    11/20/2022 05:42 PM

    I am hearing frequently that the "Red Tsunami" fizzled, but didn't a great number of democrat held offices across the country change from blue to red?
    Maybe Republicans did not gain control of the US Congress but are not even more state governments awakened to the disaster of democrat policies?
    How about local governments, how deep did the change go? City? County?

    IMO American citizens have begun inoculations against socialist tyranny. We should recognize the achievements rather than lament an instant turnover.

    That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. ---Thomas Paine

  • Susan Garrity

    11/20/2022 05:20 PM

    I had hoped but didn't expect a red wave. The Democrats are bought and paid for and so many don't have a clue. The Democrats all stick together right or wrong and Republicans are free thinkers. I can't believe there is no way to stop the crisis we are in. Looking at Biden, the Leader if the Free World us actually frightening.

  • Sam Sontheimer

    11/20/2022 05:17 PM

    The reason for the red wave that did not happen is because the democrats lied and cheated AGAIN. I cannot believe that we let them do it again, we should have been ready. Just like biden, he did not even come close to Trump in votes.