
Latest News

August 21, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Psalm 10:17
  • Must-See Video
  • Memo to Broadcast Networks
  • Our Elite "Leadership" Class Doesn't Have A Clue
  • Powerful Message
  • Thought-Provoking Article
  • America The Beautiful
  • You Can't Defend Joe Biden Over Afghanistan and Lecture Us About Women's Rights


Mike Huckabee


LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Psalm 10:17

Must-See Video

By Mike Huckabee

A black dad in Colorado stood up at a school board meeting and eviscerated “Critical Race Theory.” After listing all the people in his family background who were slaves in the past, he declared, “I'm not oppressed and I'm not a victim." He told them that racism in America would “by and large be dead” if certain people and institutions like public education weren’t “keeping it on life support.”

Following his speech, the board voted 3-2 to ban CRT. Speaking up works, so keep doing it!

Memo to Broadcast Networks

By Mike Huckabee

Not all viewers of late night “comedy” shows want to see an endless stream of unfunny DNC talking points and snide insults aimed at Republicans. To prove it, congratulations to Greg Gutfeld, whose late-night Fox News show “Gutfeld!” just achieved a landmark by surpassing all his broadcast competitors (Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon) in the ratings.

Not surprising, considering Greg has the freedom to be funny and pointed, while the others have been reduced to trying to convince us that a handful of idiots moving Nancy Pelosi’s podium are the equivalent of the Taliban. That’s as close to an actual joke as any of them have come since 2016.

Our Elite "Leadership" Class Doesn't Have A Clue

By Mike Huckabee

The swift collapse of Afghanistan was only the latest and most devastating example of our arrogant elite “leadership” class proving that it really doesn’t have a clue. I’ve been writing for years about how the idea of an American meritocracy determined by skills and intelligence has been watered down by political dynasties, Ivy League legacy students, and people who mistake diplomas, titles and “credentials” for actual accomplishments. To quote the Wizard of Oz, they have no more brains than a scarecrow, but they have a diploma. These people have tragically proven that they have no ability to run anything other than their mouths, and the only thing they’re truly superior at is feeling superior to people they’re not really superior to.

Their combination of arrogance and incompetence has become so obvious, and is yielding such disastrous consequences all around us, that it may have reached critical mass. It’s possible that the public’s confidence in the self-proclaimed superiority of its elitist leaders has been so shattered that it can never be repaired, and we may be entering a new era in which people will abandon these failures and start looking for leadership from other places. The election of non-politician and businessman Donald Trump was only the first step in that direction. The media and political elites who attacked him relentlessly and who think they’ve defeated him and cowed his supporters are as clueless on this as they are on everything else. They can’t see the rejection of them that’s coming any more than they saw the Taliban coming.

This feeling that the rule of an elite leadership class is coming to a crashing halt is inspiring a number of thought-provoking articles. Michael Walsh has an excellent piece about the end of the “federal geopolitical Leviathan state” that’s unfortunately a paid premium article at the Epoch Times, but here’s a salient quote:

“It’s fitting that the end should come with Biden, a lifelong, legislatively undistinguished congressman first elected from Delaware in 1973, and who served as President Barack Obama’s vice president from 2009 to 2017. Over the past seven months as president, however, he has ruined the economy, expanded the welfare state, encouraged anarchy, criminalized dissent, destroyed the First Amendment, elevated a superannuated apparatchik such as Dr. Anthony Fauci to a position of unconstitutional authority, and crippled patriotic Americans’ faith in their country and its ideals.”

Walsh also offers a number of solutions, including returning to first principles, cutting the Pentagon in half, abolishing the CIA, and expunging “social justice” from the military to focus on one goal: winning wars.

There’s also this fascinating blog post that’s getting a lot of attention:

It looks back at previous eras when people completely lost faith in their leadership systems (for instance, when they decided that God didn’t intend for a king to rule over them), and what came after that. Times of change and upheaval are always dangerous, and we have to be very careful about what we replace the old leaders with. As bad as the arrogant but incompetent Bidens and Kerrys may be, we don’t want to replace them with something even worse, if that’s possible.

The author makes a great case for why our current “managerial class” has squandered its legitimacy and completely lost the people’s trust. Here’s a brief sample quote:

“It is not just that the elite class is incompetent – even kings could be incompetent without undermining belief in monarchy as a system – it is that they are so grossly, spectacularly incompetent that they walk around among us as living rebuttals of meritocracy itself. It is that their application of managerial logic to whatever field they get their grubby mitts on – from homelessness in California to industrial policy to running a war – makes that thing ten times more expensive and a hundred times more dysfunctional…”

True that. It’s a long, deep read, but worth it when you have the time. Until then, I’ll just summarize it in one brilliant sentence from the late, great Southern comedian, Brother Dave Gardner:

“Some people are just ‘educated’ beyond their intelligence.”

Powerful Message

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

? C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology

Thought-Provoking Article

By Mike Huckabee

Christopher Bedford of the Federalist and Young Americans for Freedom has a thought-provoking article that’s worth reading during your spare time this weekend. It examines a saying that’s become a mantra, something most people would never think to question (or would be afraid to): “Diversity is our strength.”

Bedford makes it clear that he’s not criticizing diversity itself. He acknowledges the great contributions people of all different backgrounds bring, and how the different skills, experiences and viewpoints we all bring to the table can complement each other. But is the simple fact that America is multicultural and has all different kinds of people really what makes us strong?

He argues that America’s real strength is not simply that we’re different or that we tolerate differences, but all the things we have that unify so many diverse people in common interests. For example, our National Anthem, a common language, our border, our history, the Constitution, a faith in God, to name just a few.

Now, look at that list again. Aside from unifying all Americans, what else do those things have in common? In recent years, every one of them has been under heavy assault by the left. I might toss in a few more, like our faith in the honesty of the election process and our beliefs in free speech, a colorblind society, and a capitalist system that offers equal opportunity for everyone (but not guaranteed equality of outcomes, or “equity” as it’s now known.)

Bedford argues that the left is trying to tear these things down because they know it’s not our differences but the things we have in common that really make us stronger, and they want to make America weaker. If you question that, look back at the string of disastrous decisions made by President Biden that in just seven months have left America weaker on nearly every front, from an open border run by drug cartels to begging OPEC for oil to the resurgence of the Taliban to the aggression of China to the loss of respect for America by our allies. As another commentator recently pointed out, it’s hard to imagine anyone making so many decisions that harmed America so badly and so swiftly unless it was intended.

Read the whole article. And pray that after this, many diverse Americans of all backgrounds and viewpoints will unify in the name of protecting our common interests and vote all these termites out of office.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Cuyahoga Valley National Park, visit its website here.

You Can't Defend Joe Biden Over Afghanistan and Lecture Us About Women's Rights

By Mike Huckabee

I feel I have to apologize for having to report so much terrible news, but if I don’t tell you about it, then we’re no better than the media outlets that cover up every disaster caused by this Administration. Afghanistan is the most heartbreaking, tragic disaster so far, and I refuse to ignore it.

I personally feel furious and sickened at the thought of what is likely to happen to Afghans who helped us and were left locked in a wolves’ den by this President. And I pray and grieve for the women and girls of Afghanistan, who thought they would have bright futures, only to suddenly be brought under the brutal rule of barbarians who will treat them as disposable property.

I don’t want to hear another word about women’s rights from anyone who utters a syllable in defense of Joe Biden or anyone around him, after I have to read stories like these. I warn you, if you click on these links, you will be as horrified as I was to learn what’s already happening to women and girls in Afghanistan, and their terror at what's likely to happen to them. But turning away and refusing to look only helps the people who caused this escape accountability. And that cannot be allowed to happen.

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Comments 31-40 of 44

  • R.C. Deacon Thomas Lawson, PhD

    08/21/2021 11:25 AM

    Just reread C.S. Lewis', "God in the Dock: Essays on Theology" that you quoted. I agree that it is a "Powerful Message" and find that a bit more theology and a lot less CRT is what our country needs. Keep on with the God centered quotes and my He/She continue to bless your efforts!

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 11:20 AM

    If anyone is watching today’s pentagon and military briefs the wonder to why the evacuation is a disaster the clowns the pentagon and military put forth is proof the this country is in dire straits

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 11:12 AM

    The state department is lying to the population the pentagon is using talking points to cover the disaster of ongoing evacuation today totally unprepared if the fight is due to time restraints completely false the
    United States is more powerful if the will of the commander in chief could clean this disaster in matter of days have anyone heard from the CCP Iran or Russia the state department like the education system’s disregard for history continues its ignorance of terrorists

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    08/21/2021 10:52 AM

    Thank you for sharing the truth. Not new to us who pray and want God’s will for America. Judicial Watch just highlighted Jan 6 and the lies. Congress will not release any documents or videos because they know they are prove what they put out is wrong. People still in jail with no bond or visitors and wrong. Praying God will bind the evil and bless America with real leaders who love and support America. Thanks for all you do.

  • Anne Turner

    08/21/2021 10:49 AM

    I have never heard one word about the plight of the Afghan woman, or the .Saudi women for that matter from the women’s rights folks. We are so big on reparations for slavery but seem to think nothing of women being virtual slaves in many countries. The men in these countries are scared to death of women. They are like animals, driven by carnal desire which they regard as sinful. Women can have enormous power when educated and free. That is frightening to some men. After all, an educated woman might be smarter than he can ever be. When seeing women’s faces, ankles, legs, hair, etc. every day, the novelty seen wears off. Do our men have carnal thoughts? Of course they do, but they have learned self control to live as civilized humans. These Taliban and their ilk are little better than cave dwelling prehuman creatures.

    I had a thought, but it is probably a pipe dream. Could Biden’s heading for home mean a resignation due to health is in the works? I am no fan of VP giggles but she cannot be worse. I hope. It is a shame that our first woman President is basically unqualified and incompetent.

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 10:32 AM

    Biden creation of the disaster in Afghanistan intensified by the day Biden and Harris both seek to distance themselves from this man made killing zone Biden is a disaster an evil asset to the devil itself

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 10:24 AM

    How long will it take to have the weapons Biden left behind in Afghanistan show up in the hands of the terrorists Biden has let in thru the southern border Biden policies will continue to harm Americans long after Biden takes his dirt bath

  • dave

    08/21/2021 10:17 AM

    amen, sadly, to all these commentaries. so the Taliban knows how to fight, kill, hide. do they know how to put groceries on the shelves? provide electricity? running water? pick up the trash? run a bank? they're busy executing all the people who know how to run that city because up until sunday they worked for "the enemy". what will they do when they get through with their killing spree? sharia law is great for that..."kill thine enemies and any woman who refuses to be your slave". but what does it say about groceries? water? electricity? guess we'll see. :-( at least they can boost their economy - or fill the pockets of a few - with a huge yard sale of billions in US military equipment. wonder if we can outbid the other terrorists to keep some of it out of their hands?

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 10:10 AM

    Does the planet have a country that can save America from the Biden Administration ? NO, the population of America is the only saving group that can defend against Biden and its war on American value and constitution this is war against America from Washington DC the president and its congress

  • Jerry

    08/21/2021 10:00 AM

    Biden and it’s staff show the disrespect and outright hatred of America on a daily agenda this group wakes every day with a new effort to destroy the country; only one conclusion which side Biden and its staff is on; the side that is anti American I reach out to any anyone that can prove with facts that national energy independents is anti American; voter ID is anti American; being a legal us citizen is anti American these are just a few views the Biden staff believes and wants to destroy is this what the oath of president of the United States states? Not a chance