
Latest News

January 5, 2023

After six votes Wednesday, holdouts were still refusing to back Rep. Kevin McCarthy, and the House voted to adjourn and reconvene later today. Reports are that negotiations continued last night with some possible progress. The New York Times, citing confidential sources, claims that McCarthy “privately agreed to more demands from the right-wing rebels that he had previously refused to countenance, including allowing a single lawmaker to force a snap vote at any time to oust him from the speakership.”

McCarthy has offered an astounding number of concessions, listed here by Victoria Taft at PJ Media.

The Club For Growth has also reportedly cut a deal with a super PAC associated with McCarthy that could result in them endorsing him as Speaker.

Fox News has comments from Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, the latest alternative proposed for McCarthy.

As noted in the article, until there’s a Speaker, the new House can’t even be sworn in, so this is preventing necessary action from being taken on many fronts. 

McCarthy’s detractors still have no alternative candidate who is more conservative and can attract enough votes to win. They keep pointing to the last time conservatives forced McCarthy to withdraw in 2015, but back then, a dark horse “unity” candidate stepped forward and won. Considering that was Paul Ryan, whom they now vilify as a squishy, Trump-hating RINO, it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement for this strategy.

This is a continuing (and continuing!) story, so keep checking the regularly updated Fox News feed for the latest developments.

One thing to note:  While the 10% wants to rule over the 90% (who has ever allowed that or thought it was the way elections work?), it’s revealing that some of the holdouts have said in interviews that what they are “demanding” of Kevin McCarthy is that they get choice committee assignments and a promise they won’t be punished for their attempted coup.  That’s not only delusional, but very telling.  If a person is objecting by sheer principle, one is willing to suffer whatever the consequences for the rebellion.  When a person says, “Hey, this is about ME…protecting MY position, MY role in leadership, and MY being able to take any shot I want at 90% of my colleagues and have no consequence other than being rewarded.”  THAT my friend is NOT acting on “principle.”  It’s a selfish act of a power grab and publicity stunt.  Reward THAT behavior and you’ll keep getting more of it in the future.

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Comments 31-40 of 110

  • Leslie Smith-Lee

    01/05/2023 05:13 PM

    YES! Governor, I totally agree with your comments re: the freedom caucus spat over literally holding McCarthy hostage.. yes, these coercive group are power hungry at the expense of having a Republican majority in the House. We did not vote in the primaries to end up with this mess. The Republican Americans are going to lose heart in the Republican party over this senseless in-fighting at the 11th hour.

    We also need to check into all the innumerable negative YouTube comments about McCarthy on conservative social media platforms. There may be plenty of people posing as Republicans .... Let's see, where did we see social media manipulation in the past...what was it?? I think the name Twitter might remind us how political interference can happen so easily...

  • Mary M Moreland

    01/05/2023 04:55 PM

    That is why I was undecided now I know I do not want him as speaker; I really love our President TRUMP! but sometimes he doesn't think he acts and at times it turns and bits him;
    God is a good God and all will turn around very soon for we will be free in 2023
    Thank You
    Mary Moreland

  • Trevor Dupuy

    01/05/2023 04:45 PM

    The biggest problem with Congress is the "Go Along (with the Swamp beholdened establishment) to Get Along (fake kumbaya to maintain the status quo)." The Representatives opposing McCarthy are voting for restoring the true representative process set up by our Constitution, where the voters have a real voice. Your characterization of some in the opposition as being motivated by self promoting reasons (without citing substantiating sources) is an unfair, if not inaccurate, smear of the entire group and their purposes. I'm surprised and disappointed you would stoop to such tactics. Why not present a fair and accurate overview of the true purpose and reasoning of the group as they have explained it on the House floor and in substantiated interviews? Then let the process play out under honest characterizations and full understanding of the two sides of the issue of representative government.

  • Marti Penland

    01/05/2023 04:41 PM

    The standoff on House Speaker has been frustrating and I have been very puzzled about the reason until last night. Who wants to drain the swamp? Who should have the support of more than 98% of the Republicans? Who would we want to see takeover the Presidency if Biden and Harris are impeached? Donald J Trump as Speaker of the House, McCarthy would be a poor choice as President when the dust settles. I think this is the plan and Patriots would support it!

    Trump as Speaker of the House would have 2 years to start cleaning the swamp before the 2024 election! Six years of Trump! Yes! Naysayers have told me "but we need some one to reach across the aisle." I say that would be wonderful in a perfect situation, BUT when did Pelosi do that over the last 6 years? NEVER! It is going to be nasty wrestling control of our government back. We are in a WAR...invaders of our country streaming across our borders by the thousands everyday! Americans are being killed by disease, fentanyl, terrorist attacks and our Current "President" is being manipulated by a foreign entity, plus Infiltration of our DOJ and FBI by enemies of America. WE NEED TRUMP NOW! Not in 2 years ... we need him NOW!!!

  • Linda Sommerville

    01/05/2023 04:37 PM

    I DON'T agree with you--those hold-outs are speaking for us who are SICK of the same ol' same ol' why even call themselves Republicans when they just vote all the garbage thru--even 4000 pages of spending (again) without even reading it--& do nothing except VERBAL POLITICAL GARBAGE about the border, budget, term limits, etc. ...The RINOs are disgusting & we don't want the same thing over & over...

  • Buck Kidder

    01/05/2023 04:31 PM

    "One thing to note: While the 10% wants to rule over the 90% (who has ever allowed that or thought it was the way elections work?"
    Mike, I don't know when the last time was you thought about 500 people ruling over 390 million. But, that seems to be the way elections work. Sad, ain't it?

  • RD Lawrence

    01/05/2023 04:18 PM

    It seems that Stalin was right. It's not the votes that count; it is the people who buy our elected officials that count.

  • Lisa Nielsen

    01/05/2023 04:18 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,
    My disappointment in the Republican party is almost more than I can describe. The fact that this self-serving group of 20 will risk the future of our country to satisfy their over-blown egos is a disgrace. They don't deserve a seat at any table, except perhaps the children's table because that is what they are acting like!
    Lisa Nielesn

  • Teresa Eastin

    01/05/2023 04:15 PM

    I don't think you have the complete story. People who are demanding accountability from the RINOs and the SWAMP are being threatened to be removed from committees. The "holdouts" as you call them are demanding no more shady backroom deals with the devil! McCarthy has sided with the Democrats and we have had enough of you RINOs!!! This concerns me for how your daughter will lead as governor for the state of Arkansas.

  • Anne Crabbs

    01/05/2023 04:07 PM

    I am so disgusted with the people all wanting something for nothing. We got a slim majority and I have little faith that any good will come of it. We definitely needed to be ready to hit the ground running and be prepared to stop this overspending misdirected money. The Omnibus bill that nobody read but voted for and passed convinced me there is an little hope we will ever reverse this disaster.
    The pure hate and determination to snuff out all the positive changes Donald Trump and his Staff managed to accomplish should make people realize Biden will not ever do anything but divide our country.
    The current Senator Paul , who told lies as he campaigned is a poster child compared to Lying Biden. I scratch my head and think, "We just look like this!" So tired of paying taxes and watching these idiots flush the money away. Now they want to allow the Cubans to crash in on Florida like the Southern border. What has happened to our country?
    I can agree with Sarah about making a difference in Arkansas. It has to make her happy I did incidentally to enjoy her book of very much!