
Latest News

August 27, 2021

Note: Col. Ken Allard, USA (Ret.) is a former Cold War intelligence officer, West Point faculty member and Dean of the National War College. He also served for ten years as an on-air military analyst for NBC News.

My heart aches for the 12 Marines and one Navy corpsman killed yesterday in Kabul. Even more for their 13 families awaiting that life-changing visit from serving officers in dress uniforms; bringing the official notification that their loved one gave his life carrying out a noble but badly flawed mission. But there is something especially tragic about Marines engaged in a mercy mission, pitilessly targeted by suicide bombers committing war crimes under the guise of religious obligation.

General Jim Mattis is most closely identified with the slogan, “No better friend, no worse enemy” to describe the marine’s warrior ethos. An alite force of naval infantry, marines deploy on the toughest missions: to seize an island, to assault a beach-head - or to rectify an impossible situation created by a singularly inept president. Sadly, that was the situation in which these hapless marines found themselves: guarding the over-crowded cul-de-sac where the truly desperate scrambled madly for escape. Making these uncertainties infinitely worse was that baseline security was supposedly provided by the Taliban, our sworn enemies since 9-11.

How had it come to this? From the commander-in-chief on down through the entire chain-of-command, effective performance depends on many factors but this above all: Has this admiral or general, commander or colonel set the conditions that will ensure the deployed forces have their greatest chance of success? That unforgiving calculus begins at the service academies, continues through the staff colleges and identifies the elites who attend the war colleges and ultimately fill command billets. Regardless of service, these flag officers have learned to construct forces best geared to prevail in their missions, balancing its components on air, land and sea. An equally important question: What forces will flow to the theater of operations and in which order? And when Murphy’s Law always kicks in, what will you do about it?

Unfortunately, we live in an age of rampant military illiteracy where less than half of one percent of all Americans ever serve in uniform. Military history is an unknown subject in most colleges and may permanently disqualify you from applying for journalism school. Joe Biden embodies that legacy of ignorance, made even worse by his 50 years of service as a legislator. Compromising values is a routine legislative strategy where the most fundamental differences are routinely split down the middle. With that training, Biden always sounds like a pandering poseur when he threatens to use military force. Like yesterday, when according to The Federalist, he swore, “Those who carried out this attack and anyone who wishes America harm know this, we will not forgive…We will not forget. We will hunt you down to make you pay. I will defend our interests and our people with every measure at my command.” Think our enemies believed him, that their sandals trembled at the fearsome prospect of having annoyed the ferocious Joe Biden? Nope, I don’t either.

The munchkins surrounding him went out of their way to assure Americans that now is not the time for recriminations, that our entire focus must be on de-constructing the artful trap which Biden willfully engineered. While Kabul suffers agonies, Washington endlessly dissembles. To hear Biden tell it, they deliberately bypassed the Bagram air base - one of the biggest in the region - because Kabul’s sole airstrip was closer and more convenient. Seriously, fellas? That they reversed the natural order of operations, removing the bulk of American combat power while leaving the teeming multitudes for last? In what war college do they teach that concept? Even worse: The Daily Wire reported on Wednesday that the US is leaving behind for Taliban use some 70,000 vehicles, 600,000 vehicles and 208 aircraft. The article by Joseph Curl quoted one authority, “We built them a pretty amazing war chest and now all of it is in the hands of the Taliban.” Bottom Line: Biden set the conditions for failure, not success.

His presidential ineptitude may have its greatest effect when our enemies test our open southern border, now stripped of all its defenses. When they do, remember that the 2020 electoral defeat of Donald Trump will cast an even larger shadow in American history than the looming towers of 9-11.

** The original version of this column has been updated by the author.


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Comments 31-40 of 166

  • Horace & Nancy Webster

    08/29/2021 11:43 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Please tell Col. Ken Allard (ret), many thanks for this article. So well said. Many military retirees is this family, both Navy and Army.

  • Deanna Sinclair-Parker

    08/29/2021 11:27 PM

    I am a VANG OCS graduate 1986, Ranger trained by Carroll Childers, MG (ret.), CDR, 29th LT INF DIV, VANG. Back when he was the tactical advisor for the candidates for OCS. He was Honor graduate at 42 years old from US ARMY School! Anyway, I learned a lot from him. He used to call my a 'spunky lass' ??. I retired a MAJ after 23 years, back in 2005. I started as an enlisted WAC, 1973-1976, USASA.
    Now, after reading your article I am in total agreement with you.
    I couldn't believe the morons in command. What in the heck were they thinking?? Oh, they weren't! For crying out loud, a SGT knows you evacuate civilians and noncombants first!! Then get the nonessential equipment out of country, as well draw down those troops that can go with it. You start doing this week's before the actual full departure time. By the REAL day of FULL withdrawal you be down to the few personnel and equipment that will sustain operations and defense to maintain safety of ALL. MISSION FIRST, SAFETY ALWAYS!!
    My personal thoughts are that if you want to be 'commander in chief', you have to SERVE in our military FIRST so you know how to be a LEADER!! And forget this WOKE crap!!
    If you want respect: EARN IT!! I had to. Through hard work and persistence.
    No one ever handed me anything, I earned everything I have. 3 degrees and my military service. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
    I started as a private, E-1 through E-4, attended OCS, earned my gold bars 2LT, 1LT, CPT, MAJ.
    I paid my way through college.
    I didn't have money like all the rich overpaid bureaucratic brats, who many times end up as 'do nothings'. Over the stay in office bureaucrats who never listen to the people they are supposed to represent, but, vote how THEY want. They are overpaid, where they should make the same wages as the working people, and serve no more than 2 terms and go home! No lifetime terms or benefits. Live like the rest if the citizens. That is what our forefathers wrote into our Constitution, until politicians amended it, without the people's permission!
    Not they want to control our vote, so only they will win forever! That is communism ??

  • Patrick Barrett

    08/29/2021 11:05 PM

    Ken, good article. But I would like to know. It is now apparant that this Commander In Chief is out in the pasture, trying to lead but making deadly mistakes. When do we reach the point when a Military Tribunal, does like Myranmar, and for the security of our country, goes in and arrests the President, and cabinet members, and secures the country from foreign and domestic traitors. We obviously have been deceived by fraudulent voting machines, Poll workers, supervisors and state government officials. This was a mistake waiting to happen. all the Traitors acted at once in an unforseen success of STEALING an election. This is where the Military should interveen until the winner of 2020 can be honestly determined. Why can't this happen, and as quickly as possible?

  • Gregory Weinman

    08/29/2021 10:54 PM

    Col. Allard,
    Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley had to have known pulling CIA and Military staff out before evacuating non military personnel was not wise. Why didn't they resign if they disagreed his orders?
    Greg Weinman

  • John W. Dalton Dalton

    08/29/2021 09:17 PM

    people agree 100%. What do you suggest we do?

  • Sally Jones

    08/29/2021 09:13 PM

    My heart continues to ache from the evil decisions made by Biden. He is clueless and MUST BE REMOVED before he destroys our country.

  • Deb Parcell

    08/29/2021 09:10 PM

    Thank you for telling the truth. Thank you for your service.

  • Timothy Greene, Sgt. USMC 1968-1972 ('69 & '70 Quang Nam Province, Viet Nam)

    08/29/2021 08:22 PM

    Thank you Col. Allard
    Like so many, I am heart sick, angry and with a deep feeling of betrayal and fear for our nation.
    I believe that much of our government, critical institutions and global powers are behind what is happening. I also believe that our 2020 election was stolen and hopefully much of the proof that we hear about will soon be revealed.
    What can we do to fight this?

  • Angelo Privetera

    08/29/2021 08:01 PM

    As a retired career military man, I cannot fathom the stupidity it takes to screw the mission up so badly! The human loss is shameful and worthy of serious reprisal. Biden, Austin, Milley should all resign or be fired/impeached. Thank you for calling them out.

  • A J Richardson

    08/29/2021 08:01 PM

    It is gratifying to read that there are still those who see this ongoing travesty for what it is. An abysmal failure by a man who couldn't lead a man dying of thirst to water and unfortunately his brain is too addled to be able to process what he has done. Thank you for your courage and your honesty and for your service to our country! God bless You!