
Latest News

August 5, 2021

I wish we’d had this new information from the NEW YORK POST in time for yesterday's update on the flood of COVID-infected “noncitizens” –- illegals –- at the Texas border. (That story: the DOJ sued and obtained a temporary injunction against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s order that curbed the federal government’s transportation of migrants from the border into Texas and beyond.) But here it is.

Nearly 7,000 immigrants who tested positive for COVID-19 --- out of the ones who WERE tested --- have passed through McAllen, Texas, including more than 1,500 in just the past seven days.

It wasn’t a big announcement, just one that was folded into a statement from the City of McAllen, population 140,000, announcing the construction of emergency shelters to help them cope with the overwhelming numbers of immigrants. On Monday, the buses Gov. Abbott is trying to stop were running constantly, dropping off passengers at a downtown Catholic charity every 30 minutes throughout the day. McAllen has declared a state of disaster.

According to this story, July marked the highest number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the US-Mexico border in more than 20 years.

On Wednesday afternoon, a crash occurred about 50 miles north of McAllen on a remote Texas highway when a van carrying 25 people (!) --- but designed to carry no more than 15 --- turned over on a curve, killing 11 people and injuring at least a dozen others.

Migrants continue to pour in, as Gov. Abbot has been ordered not to interfere, at least for now. After the temporary halt to his order, a spokesperson for his office said, “The governor’s Executive Order attempts to prevent the Biden administration from spreading COVID-19 into Texas and protect the health and safety of Texans.” The next hearing is scheduled for August 13.

Abbott’s spokesperson also said this: “The Biden administration has knowingly --- and willingly --- released COVID-19 positive migrants into Texas communities, risking the potential exposure and infection of Texas residents.”

And this brings us to what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on Wednesday to President Biden, which is absolutely what needed to be said. Watch and learn; this is EXACTLY the way all Republicans need to fight back against the politics-driven idiocy being inflicted on our country right now by those in power. It makes no sense to talk about lockdowns when you’re allowing COVID-infected “noncitizens” to stream into the country as Biden is.

Biden had admonished Govs. DeSantis and Abbott for not doing “the right thing” to fight COVID. “Look, we need leadership from everyone,” he said. “If some governors aren’t willing to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, they should allow businesses and universities who want to do the right thing to be able to do it.” Rational people are more at risk from busting a gut laughing at lines like this from Biden than they are from the coronavirus. I wonder how many infected people crossed into America at our southern border while Biden was giving his little speech.

DeSantis’ stand-up-and-cheer response to President Biden: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.”

DeSantis also appeared briefly on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE with Laura Ingraham Wednesday to talk about personal decisions regarding COVID, particularly regarding parents on issues that affect their kids, such as mask-wearing in school. He pointed out that last year, school districts in Florida that didn’t institute compulsory mask-wearing had lower rates of infection than those that did.

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Comments 31-36 of 36

  • Stephen Russell

    08/05/2021 11:48 AM

    To spread the virus more nationwide since 1-21 to date X1000

  • Harry Juergens

    08/05/2021 11:17 AM

    This country sure could use a lot more voices like Governors DeSantis and Abbott.

  • John E. Truitt

    08/05/2021 11:10 AM

    Okay, now what? Give them the vaccine? They are still going to be placed in our communities by this Administration. And about that vaccine. It protects no one! The mRNA shot sends a set of instructions into the muscle cell to create a protein, then the instructions are destroyed. Our immune system then creates antibodies to attack/destroy the protein. Nowhere has any part of the virus been introduced into our system. We are protected only from the protein which was created. All other vaccines have something of the virus/disease in them which our bodies then produce antibodies for to protect us from. This is why so many vaccinated people now are coming down with Covid.
    The only solution is to keep the border closed and Biden won`t do that. Better hope that herd immunity does work as those of us who are unvaccinated have been suggesting all along.

  • Melinda Smith

    08/05/2021 10:58 AM

    What Biden is doing to our country at the border is criminal. All Republican governors need to file a lawsuit against his administration listing the intentional allegations: human trafficking, sex trafficking, illegal drugs, illegal weapons, illegal immigrants and the most serious health crisis of our lifetime. This is a war perpetrated on America and all legal citizens.

  • Anne turner

    08/05/2021 10:17 AM

    There is only one thing driving the decisions of the current Democratic leaders: GET RE-ELECTED NO MATTER WHAT!!! Their second most important thing is to take down Trump and any supporters of same. They have become nasty, venal , ungodly people. As one not wholly against abortion in very rare circumstances, I believe anyone who supports late term abortion, except to save the life of the mother, is just plain evil.

    I can hear the little kids in school with required face masks: Hey Susie I really like your mask. Wanna trade. My mask is making my nose itch, rub, rub. Here Jonny, hold my mask, I just sneezed and got it all wet. I need to get out a new one. Children with asthma rushed to hospital. Children lay masks down on trays and tables while eating. Next group comes in and used same trays and tables. No time to sanitize between lunch groups. Forget the masks, teach the children and enforce hand washing, distancing, covering coughs and sneezes with elbow. Give prizes for compliance. Put up a board with everyone’s name and give gold star every time someone washes hands. Bring damp paper towel back to teacher as proof. As to schools without masks doing better: Dems don’t care. They contort “science” to meet their agenda.

  • Robert White

    08/05/2021 10:06 AM

    The guy in the White House has proved since DAY ONE of his regime that he could care less about the CITIZENS of the country that he has sworn to protect and defend!
    Instead, he panders to ILLEGALS!