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January 15, 2021

Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip DILBERT, has a subscriber-only service he calls “Coffee with Scott Adams,” featuring podcasts and posts from, you guessed it, Scott Adams. We recommend it as a way to challenge one’s confirmation bias and automatically boost IQ by several points, just by engaging every day. It’s on, which hosts independent "creators" (Greg Gutfeld is another) who prefer to be able to say what they want without getting black marks from the social justice warriors running Big Tech. That’s getting to be a challenge these days, in case you haven’t heard.

In Thursday’s podcast, Adams expresses a surprising lack of interest in what Congress has been doing with impeachment and the 25th Amendment to remove a President who is about to exit stage right anyway. He says: “If they want to do useless things in Congress, to me that just looks like another Tuesday. They’ve been doing useless things all year; why would this be the time they stopped doing useless things?”

He sees the people on the left as wanting to go beyond just enjoying the win. They want to “rub it in” and destroy Trump’s reputation, his family, his business, “everything about him.” And the only way that’s any fun for them, he says, “is if his supporters care.”

"I care about Trump as a person,” Adams says, “‘cause I like him,” noting that the real Trump, after you interact with him and get to know him a little, isn’t like his reputation at all. The left, he says, is also trying to grind the Trump SUPPORTERS down. It might really get to them to know that some of us don’t care more.

"If you care about this,” he says, “you’re caring about all the wrong stuff.”

Well………..let's think about that. It depends on what is meant by not caring. To not care in the sense of giving up and letting them continue to get away with what they’re doing --- that’s exactly what the left wants. To not care in the sense of staying strong –- getting stronger, even –- and pushing back against their agenda --- that’s what the left does NOT want.


Regarding impeachment, Adams asks a very good question; namely, why aren’t the Republicans impeaching Kamala Harris for the same thing Trump has been impeached for? The article of impeachment against Trump says that he “willfully made statements that encouraged and foreseeably resulted in imminent lawless action at the Capitol.” If you change “at the Capitol,” he says, to “in Portland” or “in cities across the United States,” the statements holds true for Harris as well.

"That is so completely, obviously true,” Adams says, “that how do you not put that into an impeachment?” On Day One.

He feels as if Republican politicians are letting their supporters down. Indeed. I would add that ten of them actively went over to the dark side. (And, yes, we’ve listed them.) "Can’t one Republican at least call the Democrats out on consistency?" he wonders. “Is that too much to ask for the standard to be similar for all sides; I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

Ah, but to point out those inconsistencies –- that’s the brand new made-up sin of “whataboutism.” I’ll tell you something about whataboutism: It’s GREAT. Leftist hypocrisy is so rampant that we need to see a lot more whataboutism right now!

In fact, one Republican did have the guts to employ whataboutism to make the point about holding everyone to the same standard, but he used it on someone besides Kamala Harris. One of the best illustrations of the double standard we’ve seen in a day or two (there are so many) happened on Wednesday, when Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert stood at the podium on the House floor and said, “Here’s a quote: ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more –- why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be.’ Or, 'Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.’ We were called ‘enemies of the state.’

"Those are all quotes from our Speaker,” Gohmert continued. “Now, on our side, we didn’t take those quotes to be impeachable because we didn’t think she surely meant that. But by the Democrats taking this action [impeaching Trump], you’re telling me, ‘No, when WE [Republicans] say those, we actually MEAN to incite violence.’ That’s what this action is saying.”

The first quote Gohmert offered was said by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in June 2018 in regard to President Trump’s “child separation” policy at the border. The second was also uttered by her, in August 2020 when the GOP expressed opposition to universal mail-in voting. (We've since seen what happened with that. I digress.)

A number of Democrats who weren’t listening to Gohmert very closely apparently missed his point --- inadvertently proving it --- as Twitter went crazy with demands that he be sanctioned, arrested, and/or kicked out of Congress for inciting violence. This led one Twitter user to offer this hilarious deadpan tweet: “Gohmert said something that has those on the left demanding he be arrested or kicked out of Congress, but it turns out he was just quoting Nancy Pelosi.”

It won’t surprise you that even “journalists” mistakenly attributed the quotes not to Pelosi but to Gohmert. “Holy s---,” CNN analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. “Is [Gohmert] encouraging MORE ‘uprisings’??!? Did I hear that right??????????”

"You did,” replied LAW & CRIME columnist Elura Nanos. “His testimony should be used to immediately expel him.”

Some reportedly have deleted their tweets and acknowledged their errors. But none, to our knowledge, have called for Pelosi’s expulsion from Congress for inciting violence.

Anyway, Gohmert was making the same point about Speaker Pelosi that Scott Adams made about VP-elect Harris. Whataboutism --- we love it.

As Adams says in his podcast, “If you impeach Trump for this exact behavior, you HAVE to impeach Kamala Harris, or at least attempt to...If it’s not even introduced as an article of doesn’t feel like trying. It looks like they’ve just given up.”

There’s one difference Adams doesn’t mention: Kamala Harris wasn’t Vice President yet when she incited violence. But that brings up another point: Democrats heard her incite violence, more than once, as a candidate, and voted for her, anyway. That shows their hypocrisy even more. If they can vote for a person whom they know incited violence, how can they impeach someone else for doing what they consider to be the same thing?

Maybe Adams doesn’t care much that Democrats in Congress are acting like the useless time- and money-wasters they are and impeaching Trump right before he leaves the White House. But he does seem to care quite a lot about holding people to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. And truly, that’s what will be the most important consideration, long after Trump leaves office.

And now, for your entertainment pleasure, here are more tweets from numb-headed leftists who went crazy thinking Gohmert, not Pelosi, was the one inciting violence.


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Comments 76-82 of 82

  • Nancy McNeely

    01/15/2021 11:57 AM

    I am SO tired of the Socialist Democrats with their political theatre.... it is sickening

    Nancy McNeely

  • Maryanne Jorgensen

    01/15/2021 11:51 AM

    I am devastated about the actions against President Trump. What can I do to help him other than write useless letters to my congressmen?

  • Troy L Carroll

    01/15/2021 11:38 AM

    I agree with Mr Adams and you also concerning what has been done and said by the as they were called years ago Dixiecrats. I guess now us Republicans know how the Native Americans and slaves felt. With talking out of both sides of their mouths.
    I voted for President Trump both times he ran and will do it again, if he runs again.

  • Kyle Ramsey

    01/15/2021 11:30 AM

    I agree regarding hypocrisy of the left.....however, you never win a moral, political or any other argument by stooping lower than they do. We always should take the high ground in every situation.

    Also, "But they're worse!" is a particularly poor tactic of defense. Try it in a courtroom and see where that gets you.

    By-the-way, Portland, etc is not the US Capital Building, so while detestable, illegal and wrong, what Antifa/BLM etc. did, it is not a good comparison. Portland is a city on the west coast. Washington is the seat of our Republic. See the difference? There is gradation in despicable acts like these.

    Regarding the current President: he seems to never have understood that words have consequences. His thoughts seem to flow from his brain to his mouth with no filter as we have all seen over and over. Alot people like that in him. However, while that's fine for Bubba down the street, it can be ridiculously irresponsible and dangerous when you're the President of the leader of the free world - as January 6 2021 so aptly demonstrated.

    Finally, the "he can do no wrong" crowd is killing the Republican party. I can't believe people are still defending him and what happened on 1/6/21. It's scary when you see people who follow their leaders blindly -regardless of what they do. Unfortunately the Trump Cult wing of the Republican party does just that.

  • Han-Hsien Tuan

    01/15/2021 11:24 AM

    Thank you Governor Huckabee for your reasoned statements peppered with good humor. Always enjoy your messages in my inbox.

  • richard Shoemaker

    01/15/2021 11:10 AM

    Your comments about CNN are right on. In addition, I have worked and traveled internationally for years, and the CNN here is the US is even less "left" and anti-US than the international CNN.
    I have a good friend in Brazil, and he was concerned about the Trump presidency being overturned due to the strong language and claims made by CNN during the past 4 years. I kept telling him not to worry, but that was before the election farce, where we were outsmarted by people who stole the election "fair and square". I just worry about the future for our children and grand children who have been brainwashed to think that socialism and communism are good things....
    What do you suggest we can do to fix our country when we cannot even access other people to counteract the "cancel culture" . Just voting, when I live in a red state: Tennessee does not seem to help.

  • James K Mills

    01/15/2021 10:51 AM

    The impeachment is for one reason, primarily, in my view: The left wants to make sure Trump CANNOT ever hold office or run for office ever again. If the Senate finds Trump guilty, then they can forbid him from ever running for any office ever again. They effectively cut off his political career. And they cut off one of the right's most successful representatives. I think that is the left's aim. They FEAR Trump may return in 2024 to finish draining the swamp.