
Latest News

October 24, 2022

Some Republicans are concerned that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi keeps saying that the Democrats are “in great shape” to keep their Congressional majorities. She told one interviewer that they’re going to win and you can “take it to the bank.”

Of course, after a couple of years with them in charge, nobody has anything to take to the bank anymore. But there are worries that Pelosi was telegraphing that “the fix is in.” Maybe with early voting falling on Halloween, they’ve arranged for all the dead people to rise from the graveyards and vote Democrat. While I wouldn’t discount that possibility, it’s worth noting that Republicans have passed more voter integrity laws and there are many more volunteers ready to watch polling places this year. After 2020, they know what to look out for, what to record, and to refuse to leave when they have the right to witness what’s being done.

Also, Pelosi has a history of predicting Democrat victories before every election, even ones where they’ve been wiped out. Let’s hope she’s just whistling past the graveyard, in hopes that dead people will take it as a sign to rise up and vote.

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    10/24/2022 12:44 PM

    Mike, I love you, but you seem more interested in getting out the vote than insuring a fair election. We got out the vote in 2020; Trump got more (honest) votes than any candidate in history. We didn't lose in 2020 because of lack of turnout; we lost because of cheating, and what the Democrats once did, the Democrats will do. There SHOULD be a red wave this November. But then, there was one in November 2020, and look what happened. We are in God's hands, and these are (probably) the last of the last days, so what happens will forward God's plans regardless. But let's not be gullible about how our elections are won in the USA of late.