
Latest News

November 5, 2022

If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.

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Comments 41-50 of 1963

  • Judy Johnson

    11/10/2022 09:04 AM

    No, I would not. While I appreciate the things he accomplished when he was President, his ego and childish name-calling undermines so much of the values he says he stands for. I believe he loves America, but lately it seems it has become more about himself than about America. He also strikes me as a very vindictive person who would be tempted to spend more of his time and efforts in a 2nd term in "getting back at" people he views to have attacked him during the 2020 election/J6 and since than into helping strengthen America. Again, I appreciate what he did as President; I just wish he could fight FOR America without fighting WITH so many Americans! There is a difference between standing firm for what you believe/not caving to political and social pressure and just being egotistical/not being able to abide a perceived or real personal attack without lashing out in retaliation.
    I would much, much rather see Governor DeSantis run. I appreciate his firm resolve to do what is right for the Floridian people, while not getting involved in personal attacks. I would love to see a DeSantis/Tim Scott or DeSantis/Nikki Haley ticket!

  • Susan Hopkins

    11/10/2022 08:54 AM

    I would vote for him but I know many Republicans who are looking at Ron DeSantis. Personally I don't think that Ron will run against him in a primary; however, he just might run with him as VP in the Presidential 2024 election, Trump won't know until he asks. It seems like a no brainer to me. Together they would be a formidable pair. Trump would get his 4 more years and DeSantis would get 8 more after Trump. It seems so obvious - why can't this happen? Work it out for the sake of the American People. Please.
    Susan Hopkins

  • Jeffrey Aughinbaugh

    11/10/2022 05:30 AM

    Yes if he's if he is the candidate I will vote for him but I like to see somebody else run in his place just because we get our focus on the country and not on a person

  • Marilyn Emerson

    11/10/2022 02:36 AM

    Yes, Mike, I would vote for President Trump in a heartbeat!! I am NOT so gullible as to believe there is a perfect President; good leadership is based in doing what is right & just under the dictates of our Constitution, upholding our laws, & bringing back to its citizens all the rights & privileges of freedom that our nation has enjoyed. President Trump already proved to us that he was the best man for the job & was robbed of his second term very literally. Biden has been the antithesis of that in every way possible & is on course to destroy our nation completely. Globally he’s a laughingstock & even his own party can barely tolerate him. MAGA IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO SUCCESSFULLY!! Thank you for asking!

  • Patricia Suriano

    11/09/2022 09:47 PM

    I would no longer vote for Trump again. I do not want another 4 years of constant lies. Lies by the media, by the Democrats, by Trump himself. I always felt a businessman or a state governor would make the best president. I still do. But I cannot tolerate a president who lies, belittles people, name calling. He has dishonored the office of presidency and tarnished his term. We need someone with class, knowledge of how our government works, understands our Constitution and respects it, and knows how to unite this beautiful country by respecting the citizens and listens with tolerance to those with different views. Be a good role model for our future generations.

  • Janet Foster

    11/09/2022 08:50 PM

    I don’t think Trump should run. Too many people loathe him and if he won; they would just continue the attacks on him and his family distracting from what needs to get accomplished with fixing this country. I support his policies; but too much drama with him (more than usual). Based upon what just happened in Florida, I think Ron DeSantis should run and Trump better not smear him in order to try to win the primary. For once, Republicans need to stick together and get on the same page. Don’t waste $$$ - get behind the BEST candidate and that is DeSantis!!!

  • Diane Schmaus

    11/09/2022 04:22 PM

    YES!! Drain the swamp and bring integrity back to our country.

  • Thomas May

    11/09/2022 04:11 PM

    he is a businessman not a politician, and unlike the majority in politics, he doesn't need politics to get rich. I believe he is genuinely the most qualified to fix what the democrats have destroyed.
    And he scares the crap out of them.
    He was the best thing that happened to the U.S. and I will vote again if he runs!

  • Rhonda Plitt

    11/09/2022 03:54 PM

    I would not vote for him in the primary because I prefer that he not run again. However, if he received the nomination, I would vote for him in the general election because I agree with the majority of his policies. I could not vote for a Democrat at this point in time.

  • Elaine Gibbs

    11/09/2022 02:22 PM

    I would vote for President Trump in a hot second!! He is strong, smart, ambitious and knows how to get things done. He knows how to speak and how to listen, which is very important when dealing with the powers that be. I pray often that he will take up the slack soon!!