
Latest News

January 8, 2021

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

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Comments 101-125 of 195

  • Vicki Plante

    01/08/2021 02:00 PM

    I believe the violence was not Trump supporters but paid antifa who intentionally started the violence to give the left more ammunition against us. Even the Republican leaders have turned their backs on us and are embracing the Democrats and very quickly we’ve been betrayed again. The left wants civil war. Get rid of us they won’t have anyone stopping them.

  • Kathleen Brandi

    01/08/2021 01:59 PM

    What is so upsetting to me is that no one is calling out the violence for what it was. ANTIFA. Most likely egged on by the democrat party to get exactly the results they got. Republicans in leadership have turned their back on Trump to protect themselves instead of calling out the democrat party for their role in promoting violence. I’m sick of all of it. Trump did not encourage violence. He is the only person in leadership that actually cares about the American people.

  • Jenny Henry

    01/08/2021 01:58 PM

    All of the unrest belongs in the Governors and sate officials laps making up rules as they go without the people’s consent. I mean how many times can the machines go off in Georgia and counting continues! It was Illegal and no one does a thing. Joe didn’t come close to winning this election and we all know it was rigged, just like when Obama got his second term when no one voted for him. I am angry. I want people punished for their wrongs.

  • Janet Fletcher

    01/08/2021 01:51 PM

    Please fight for the fraud in this election and expose it! If you don't fight for fraud now, there will never be a Republican in office again. It is never too late to expose lies and corruption. AG, Vice President, Supreme Court, all Democrats and most swamp Republicans hate Trump because they lost power and wealth during his four year.

  • Patricia Lawson

    01/08/2021 01:50 PM

    Amen to all above!! I know this is all in God's hand, he knows it before it started!! We are living in the last days, and it would be long before he takes out his children and adopted children. I pray that more people will begin to think about their future and where will they go when He comes. May Americans and other countries will open their eyes, hearts and soul to let YOU into their heart, speak your Word, to accept you as they Only True God, In Jesus Name I pray!! Time is short!!

  • Becky Hargrovewhy is it

    01/08/2021 01:48 PM

    Why is it that the left can burn our cities and tear down our Monuments and Governers tell the police to stand down and not call in the national Guards then when the right does something similar they are curcified?

  • Patricia Craft

    01/08/2021 01:47 PM

    Hi Governor Huckabee, I was just thinking this morning I need some spiritual guidance. I have read a spectrum of FB responses by well meaning Christians hoping to give insight into how to react and "feel" about the election debacle we just experienced. From what I read in scripture elected officials are there for a Godly reason and we are to submit to their authority, however it also says we are to serve God, not man. With all the potential ungodly mandates and laws coming down the pike, how are we supposed to react and respond? Thank you.. Trish

  • Sherman Smith

    01/08/2021 01:43 PM

    The rioters were not Trump supporters! Videos prove it! This was a set up! No question about it! Those who are responsible will suffer the vengeance of God!

  • Jimmy R Lea

    01/08/2021 01:43 PM

    Just watched your interview on Fox, instead of condemning Trump you chose to tout his record. As if the previous 4 years will compensate for Wednesday’s irresponsible words and inciting insurrection. I guess you believe Peter would have asked us to remember Judas fondly, one moment of his life whitewashed by his previous work as a chosen disciple. Careful, Mike, I hear a feint voice crying “Give us Barabas!”

  • Roberta Marye

    01/08/2021 01:41 PM

    A couple things: first, I will reserve judgement on Wednesday’ chaos until I learn who were the ones breaking glass and wielding bats, etc. I find it hard to believe they were one of us. Secondly, reading in Acts 23-24 this morning, I was reminded of recent events. While the Sanhedrin was questioning him, Paul pointed out that he was on trial because of his hope in the resurrection of the dead. The members, some Pharisees and some Saducees, began to argue and a great uproar broke out. Sound familiar? Republicans and democrats? He was then transferred to a civil hearing, but some of the temple council showed up and told the civil authorities that Paul stirred up riots among Jews all over the world and called him a ringleader. Sound familiar? Blame the messenger for the crowd’s reaction to the news? My point being, there’s nothing new under the sun! Human nature is not improving. For now, I’m going to focus less on politics and more on my relationship with my Creator and Savior, neither of which will disappoint me!!!
    Thank you for your news letter. It is one of the few I trust.
    Blessings for 2021.

  • LouiseCA

    01/08/2021 01:37 PM

    I'm just saddened for America. Thanks to a bunch of trouble-makers, we are now more divided than ever, there is more hatred toward President Trump being spewed along with twisting of his words and outright lies, and Conservatism is badly damaged. Biden has already gotten out there and sneakily called those that rioted, "terrorists", in such a way that it sounded like he was referring to the entire crowd. That's the way I took his words. I hope I am wrong. We are really in for it for the next four years. But it won't be just four years. I fear we will not recover from what the democrats will do to us as a nation, to Conservatives, to Christians, to our freedoms. They talk of "unity" and then insult us in every way possible, in the same sentence. And to watch so many republicans just rolling over and kowtowing to the Leftists, while Pelosi and the rest are threatening another impeachment and implementing the 25th Amendment. I no longer consider myself a republican. I donated to the republican party more the last two years than I have in all my life, but I will never give them another dime. I will change my registration to Independent. Not that I think it will do any good to ever vote again. Unless they had something to hide, WHY would no one allow just an investigation to find the actual truth? What were they afraid of? John 3:20

  • Patricia de la Tejera/0

    01/08/2021 01:33 PM

    Foreign influence in our elections!!! Read the messages from heaven. For the past week. We must not be too arrogant to open our minds and hearts to TRUTH.

  • Robert Strickland

    01/08/2021 01:32 PM

    I also condemn the riot in D C in the strongest of terms. I also know it was not representative of most conservatives. And I would like to remind those seeking to utterly destroy the president with impeachment and other means that there are 74 million of us out there. We won’t forget. If there is any decency left they will let it alone for the next few days. But I’m afraid I’m dreaming. Political points are all that matter. I would again caution them. Don’t get the 74 million riled up.

  • Susan Onan-Swartz

    01/08/2021 01:29 PM

    I do not support violence in the capital and while I believe at least some Trump supporters were involved, it certainly seems conveniently planned to disrupt the senate consideration of action that would bring the validity of the election up for possible investigation.
    This easily fits into a plan to set up Trump as the fall guy. I do not deny that he made it easy for them to set him up with the rhetoric but their agenda has been clear for years and they are set upon his complete and total destruction. He has less than 2 weeks left and they want to focus on removing him? What a waste of time and money. How about the elected officials start being held accountable to showing up and doing the job they are PAID to do?

  • Joan Vander Hart

    01/08/2021 01:28 PM

    Black Lives Matter, Antifa and any other Left wing group can dress up in red Maga hats and make it look like they are demonstrating for President Trump when in essence they want to destroy him with the riots and destruction. Can't those who attempted to destroy the Capital be identified?

  • Sue Hartman

    01/08/2021 01:27 PM

    Sir- I went on line to ask people to take a step back from emotionalism, stay calm and not to post vile horrible comments against Trump supporters in post after post as people are too emotional right now to not react negatively. I said Trump supporters do not condone the thugs who did this and it was unthinkable.. I was attacked as condoning the violence - eg the woman who died was a Trump supporter and so on. i was called a liar because I was told millions of Trump supporters condoned this. Leading up to this, I had just heard about a lot of sworn evidence that there was election fraud and felt that should have been investigated. If we can send huge bucks to study gender in Pakistan why can't we spend the money to investigate election fraud here. I keep praying and trusting but I am so confused. I just do not think it was a one sided reaction. Emotions and frustrations from a terrible year boiled over. Now you cannot even encourage calm without being attacked. As a conservative I feel I have been bullied since Trump took office. I do not even know how to respond anymore but am sick of it and trying to pray and to be part of the solution. But I am scared now and do not know what to do.

  • F. Gregory Walsh

    01/08/2021 01:27 PM

    Dear Governor,
    You are "right on" regarding your reaction to the Capitol violence and (reluctant) acceptance of the Electoral College vote and Congressional ratification thereof.
    Rather than act like the mindless mobs of the Left, let's seriously spend the next four years doing what we can to strengthen our beloved nation and its Constitutional laws and principles, to assure that 2024 isn't a repeat of 2020...
    With much love,

  • Nick Parvesse

    01/08/2021 01:27 PM

    Your absolutely wrong on your assessment and opinions of our "situation".
    Your spoken like a true politician. What damage has been done? What damage that hasnt already been ongoing since 2020? We know it was antifa first of all they infiltrated the protest and broke into the building. Trump was and is absolutely right in what he did and said!
    These scumbags stole an election and you dont understand the magnatude of that.
    These same scumbags infiltrated our justice depts. They tried to oust a duly elected sitting president.
    They continued for years!!
    And yes we the people are fed up and tired of the double standards, the lying, the cheating scumbag politicians!! The only problem with the protest was they didnt all overtake the capital and take it back. I'm no protester but let me tell you when it comes time to take up arms I'll be one of the first ones in line to go!!
    Who are you to tell us we need to continue to stand down and take what the liberals dish out? This is OUR country, "We the American People" it doesnt belong to just you politicians
    remember that.

  • Bobbe Wilson

    01/08/2021 01:26 PM

    I have donated money, but it wasnt enough. Now, I will stand up and donate my time as well, having contacted my local state Republucan office. 2022 and 2024 must be a move forward. But I admit that it's hard for honesty and integrity to fight those who would lie, cheat, steal censor and buy their way to control. Clearly, the Democrat party does not stand for our constitution. People need to step up, and I will do what I can in my area.

  • Myrna Johansen

    01/08/2021 01:26 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Last night I felt that my country died, the evil, power grabbing, money grabbing elitist's have now taken the 2 things that I thought by law that I always had, the rule of law and the right to a free and fair election. Unfortunately I live in Crook County Illinois where the demorats have leases with Dominion. So the puppy dog chases his tail, the voting machines ensue that the demorats continue to stay in power!

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    01/08/2021 01:25 PM

    I am angry at all that has been done to Trump from the beginning. I don’t believe Biden is up to the job. I am 87 and will be ok, but my children won’t. I got a video or several bus loads of evils who came to rally and caused all the trouble. I have prayed and prayed. Jesus knows how Trump feels. God bless America and us.

  • Scott Folstad

    01/08/2021 01:25 PM

    Governor, I’ve read through many of these comments along with your reply. I highly value your input on the situation and continue to enjoy your daily emails.

    One thing I’d like to note is people are falling in line with the MSM’s narrative that it was Trump supporters doing this damage to the capital. Evidence is proving out this was led by Antifa, not Trump supporters. Yes, some Trump supporters fell in line behind Antifa out of mob mentality, but they did not lead on this. I’m concerned that we quickly fall in line with what the MSM is saying and agree with them. I do not agree whatsoever. Was it right to do? Heck no. But I am confident we will find out that this was all preplanned by the Left.

    God bless you, Gov, and please keep fighting for the truth.

  • Jackie Robertson

    01/08/2021 01:22 PM

    I do believe that we will be saying “President Harris” after a short time that Biden serves. I think this has been a master plan mapped out by zealous, leftists, socialist people. It reminds me of Apostle Paul & his zealous hatred of Christians before his meeting with Jesus. Remember, God can do anything & Kamala Harris could be changed. I did a Bible study not too long ago, “It Could Happen Tomorrow “ by Gary Frazier. Bible predictions are unfolding before us. Thank you for your daily verse, newsletter & your entertaining show on TBN in Dallas, TX.

  • Darlene Houston

    01/08/2021 01:20 PM

    I’m sure you know by now that anti Facebook was responsible for the violence approved and orchestrated by the left. Sadly the fake news won’t let any of this be known but everything that is done in the dark will be exposed. We the people will continue to be represented by President Trump! God said it, I believe it!

  • Harold Carter

    01/08/2021 01:18 PM

    We are mad Governor. I can’t see putting all the blame on Trump. If they would have just showed us they didn’t cheat we would have moved on. But they haven’t. Don’t see where we can move on here. I PRAY GOD STEPS IN AND SHOWS US ANOTHER WAY.